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Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:04 pm
by desk
I don't care if you're all taking the high ground, I'm petty and it bothers me if i get ripped off, lol.

I think the main thing was the music, it wasn't just ripped from my vid , it was actually mine. Created from nothing, by me. Only to appear uncredited on a rip off video. Though, taking a step back, It's not 100 miles away from people using actual copyrighted music on vids(which I'm sure most of us have done). So I can't complain too much. It's the dishonestly aswell, not being transparent and listing inspirations/sources or whatever. Anyway, maybe we should move all this to a new 'have you been ripped off' thread or something, lol. It's getting hella off topic in here.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:56 pm
by Xenozip.
Mike Z wrote:It may not bother you when people steal your stuff, but I guarantee it will the first time someone at a tournament says to you, "Hey, I saw your Vid X. I respected you a lot before, but you stole all that stuff from Deric Bogus. What's up with that?" (Which is completely different from someone saying, "Hey, you made all those vids. How come you suck so much at the game?" Heh.)
Nah, I can guarantee I'd be laughing. I just have that kind of personality, I guess. Actually a lot of my friends are like that too, and even some gamers in the local community, not just me. When some one says something like that we just look at them like they're crazy and laugh.

Personally I think it's a healthy attitude though. No point getting into an argument over that sort of thing, since we're all there to have a good time. I really can't blame some one for being ignorant over something like that. Just a simple misunderstanding, no need to go out of my way to correct them, while potentially making them feel embarrassed for not being properly informed/psychic.

Credit just doesn't mean anything to me anyway, neither does negative credit. My friends are the only people who I'd really expect to know the the correct details (unless something was said jokingly/sarcastically). And if you're not my friend then why would I expect you to know it (imo, it's too high of an expectation)?

As for the latter question, that one I know how I react to because it's happened to me, but I think it depends on the context. When some one implies that your skill should be higher because you spent a lot of time on a video, that's fine. But when some one implies the content of the video is invalid, null, and void because you're not a "top player" that irks me quite a bit. Make fun and jokes if you want, but don't tell me I'm wrong (because I'm not), haha!

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:40 pm
by Xenozip.
[KOF 98-XI] Battlepage Ultra Edition (PART 1/2)

Crazy Koreans.

Part 2

Longest credits ever?

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:14 pm
by fullmetalross
I gotta say that video was ridiculous. From the random combos to the song (wow definetly bad music choice), to the horribley long credits. Certain stuff was really cool, and I'm glad they reminded me of how trashy KOF2003 was. My favorite part were the crazy kof 98 setups with multiple projectiles and such.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:53 pm
by fullmetalross
This has nothing to do with combos but it is an awesome video. ... 64&index=1

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:21 am
by Xenozip.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:53 am
by fullmetalross

that is really really nice.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:24 am
by Maj
I dig that Mario Paint video of Guile's theme. Ryu's theme is done well too. The random cat meows are indeed quite random.

Is that AnimationTestClip official or fan-made? Looks cool either way, though i hope there's some fighting eventually.

An update on The Chariot Card video:
Robot wrote:Sorry buddies, some problems with my old hard disk.
But i'm working in the project, maybe this month I will release.

See ya.
Still looking forward to this.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:09 am
by Mike Z
A very well-edited Millia video, made by someone who's really never made a video before. And it's a GG video that doesn't use the anime GG intro!

Stands out to me, in a bunch of ways.
Mike Z

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:08 am
by Goryus
No idea who made this, but I thought the clips were very creative:

Order Sol

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:31 am
by Xenozip.
Akatsuki Blitzkampf; AA, arcade location test 2 footage

set 1 : ... count=1323

set 2 : ... count=1326

The interesting thing about this footage is that the game seems to have gotten quite a large graphics overhaul, which suggests it's actually getting funded by some one, which suggests it's more likely to get a wide-scale arcade release .

Points of interest:
- Backgrounds now have parallaxing layers
- New backgrounds for some cast members
- Character sprites have been upgraded with shading (most notably Marilyn Sue)
- Additional voice samples added for some characters (most notably Adler)
- New character select screen layout
- The old character portraits that were removed have made a comeback and are now used in the character select screen
- New transitions between rounds
- Blocking sprite spark effects have been altered
- Some character animations have been altered (most notably Fritz's command dash)
- Blood has been censored

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:12 am
by Xenozip.
This is actually extremely interesting regarding video games.

You don't need to be able to read Japanese to understand it (but it is in Japanese). They romanize acronyms that should be very familiar to everyone, and they have little voice/sound clips for the labels too.

The basic gist of it is sales figures by year, and they also give visual pie charts and whatnot. Interesting stuff, IMO.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:47 pm
by Magnetro
I had no idea where to put this so...

Does anyone know who did the editing for this video? | Shogo of told me it wasn't RX but some other dude. does anyone know who?

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:07 pm
by fullmetalross
umm I think it's RX with the rest of the Tosaka group.. I'm pretty sure it used to be hosted on his site.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:23 am
by Xenozip.
So, because SWR is still a "Demo", meaning a work in progress, many of the fans for the game have stopped playing and the hype has died down. Speculation as to why hype has died down varies depending on who you ask, but I personally think it's safe to say that the largest contributing factor is that it's still an incomplete game with only four playable characters (three of which actually play rather similarly).

But because the hype is a dry well, there isn't any high level competition going on in this game at the moment, so it's very hard to collect interesting gameplay footage. However, due to a conversation that occurred on IRC, I went looking for exactly that.

Personally, I think what I found was really kind of interesting, but I couldn't find it posted as videos for 'other people' to see, so I decided to upload the footage to my youtube page. In particular, TamaZO.

- TamaZO(Alice) vs Shiki(Aya) C4
- Pura(Marisa) vs TamaZO(Alice) C6
- Syo(Aya) vs TamaZO(Alice) C7
- Finals Block; TamaZO(Alice) vs Kai(Marisa) D2
- Finals Block; TamaZO(Alice) vs Dorzi(Aya) D3
- Playlist (contains rest of tournament footage)

So, a few quick FYI's: This took place roughly one month after the demo was released. TamaZO also goes by a few other names (like TamaPO, TamaGO, etc) and is generally considered one of the best (if not the absolute best) IaMP player in Japan. The character he uses, Alice, was widely considered the weakest of the four playable characters in the demo. The player Kai is also an IaMP tournament regular who generally uses Suika with he plays IaMP (Suika isn't selectable in SWR).

Anyway, it shouldn't be very difficult to tell what's going on just from looking, even without knowing the games. There are a few features that aren't obvious though, such as "border escape", which is a guard-cancel vertical high jump that costs one of those blue orb stocks. Projectiles can be dashed or high-jumped through, but melee can not, so doing the border escape leaves you completely vulnerable to a melee move as soon as you leave blockstun. Your guard is crushed (you're vulnerable to be hit) if you lose all your orbs or an orb is popped with a charged melee move that is blocked incorrectly. Alice's dolls are considered melee (sorta, heh), but the bullets they fire are not melee.

But yeah, watching these players play was rather exciting, despite the presumed shortcomings of the game.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:55 am
by Maj
I didn't watch all of them but they were pretty exciting matches. Hopefully delays won't cause any lasting harm to the cohesiveness of the SWR community.

Yesterday burningfist randomly brought up CvS1, asking me if i had any match footage. Nobody liked that game so very few high-level matches were ever recorded. B5 was the only SRK tournament where it was featured, and the DVD only had the grand finals since the game takes so damn long to play out. Since i remembered FMR expressing interest in CvS1 at one point, i figured i would mention this here.

Jason Nelson vs Chikyuu Sodom - CvS1 Finals at B5
(featuring Nelson's EX Balrog and Chikyuu's legendary Raiden stomp kicks)

Ohnuki vs Daigo - CvS1 match at some event in Japan
(blt was rumored to have some mythical tape of CvS1 matches featuring Daigo, but he's impossible to find now)

Arturo vs Eddie - CvS1 at Texas Showdown
Allen vs Arturo - CvS1 at Texas Showdown
Peter Ong vs Arturo - CvS1 at Texas Shodown
(kinda fun to watch cuz Arturo uses R3 Yamazaki so he always has to work harder than his opponents;
i fucking hated CvS1 Dhalsim back in the day, but it's cool to see him win now since he sucks so bad in CvS2)

There's a ton of vids at from that tournament at Texas Showdown, but i can't recommend wasting that much time watching CvS1.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:18 am
by Maj
The GBA version of GGX is all sorts of bootleg, but some of the inexplicable projectile glitches are cool-looking.

GGX Advance Edition Combo Video by Senbei Senbei
GGX Advance Edition Combo Video Sequel by Senbei Senbei

The last clip in the first vid is especially awesome. Does Venom's win animation do that in the real version?

Also, quite possibly the first halfway interesting MUGEN combo ever made:

M.U.G.E.N. CvS2-Style Chun-Li Combo Clip by Warusaki3

Though MUGEN is still light years from legit.

edit: Link fixed. Thanks Xenozip.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:29 am
by Xenozip.
Hmm, they both link to the same video.

But since we're on the topic of Mugen.

Card Sagas Wars 3rd Trailer

IT's like a 2D SSBM (lol, not really).

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:22 pm
by Xenozip.
ArmandoXIII has brought to use a Patchouli Knowledge combo video;

- IAMP - AmandoXIII's Patchouli ComboVideo HQ

Patchouli is generally ranked one of the lower tier characters in the game, but her combo potential is rather high due to all the delay hit projectiles she has, so the idea was to make her look powerful. Of course, combo potential doesn't always directly translate to character strength. Isn't it sad, patchu?

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:54 am
by Maj
Stumbled across this while looking for something completely unrelated. There are two combo videos avilable at studio UNTITLED, one for Ninja Masters and one for Spectral vs Generation. Click on the "movie" link then download the two .ZIP files containing WMV9 encoded vids. Only if you're interested. Which i doubt you are. Cuz i'm not. Though i watched them anyway. But i didn't know what they were beforehand.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:08 pm
by Xenozip.
Zar was pretty hype for this match

- [LB2 match] 5 on 5 Simulated War Game (1/6)

I think if some one asked me what LB2 was like and knew nothing about the game, I would link them this video to show how crazy things can get. We see a lot of tech like linking and hitconfirming and tech traps and instant overheads, etc, all in one video. I wouldn't say it's a good representation of the game as a whole, but it is a good representation of some aggressive high level play.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:30 pm
by Xenozip.
- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core - Sol Ultimate Tactics

I'm not normally a fan of extreme satire, but this still managed to crack me up a bit. Especially because the message it sends is something I strongly agree with.

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:19 am
by ShinjiGohan
some ST combo video by stchina or something like that. I have no idea if its new or good combos but I'll share it here anyway for the local ST masters review lol. ... re=related

Re: Yo check this out yo

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:51 pm
by Goryus
ShinjiGohan wrote:some ST combo video by stchina or something like that. I have no idea if its new or good combos but I'll share it here anyway for the local ST masters review lol. ... re=related
It was pretty good, although I'm not a fan of the fight clips. A lot of the combos are blow-for-blow identical with stuff Tosaka/TZW/etc. have already released, but they may have developed them independently.

And there was some stuff that was straight up new, at least to me. That claw grab at 3:30 was crazy! I didn't know it could be done so low.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:11 am
by Maj
It was added on September 2006, but i think it's older than that. Assuming it was done by hand, it's definitely crazy on the execution side. Beyond that, it's really not very impressive.

99% of that stuff was ripped off of old TZW vids. Everybody is guilty of that to some extent, but with Tosaka it's only about 20-30% max. Also Tosaka got a lot better from vol 1 to vol 3.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:35 am
by Xenozip.
April Fool's is April Fools.

= 東方嘘偽樂 -Enjoy April Fool's Day-

But that's seriously quite elaborate for just a prank. I'm impressed. Not that I would ever play it. But still, as a novice amateur artist that's dabbled in many different mediums, I must say that even just what is seen in the video could not have been simple or trivial to put together.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:47 pm
by Maj
Not that i play Virtua Fighter, but i had no idea VF2 had so much broken nonsense.

Virtua Fighter 2 - Super combos #1 (Akira) by ???

What's up with the jab mashing in the later clips?

There's a whole series of these vids on that guy's account, but this one is probably the most interesting one:

Virtua Fighter 2 - Super combos #2 (Akira) by ???

3D games tend to have boring and reptitive combo setups, but some of these are kind of surprising.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:02 am
by fullmetalross
Maj wrote:Not that i play Virtua Fighter, but i had no idea VF2 had so much broken nonsense.

Virtua Fighter 2 - Super combos #1 (Akira) by ???

What's up with the jab mashing in the later clips?

There's a whole series of these vids on that guy's account, but this one is probably the most interesting one:

Virtua Fighter 2 - Super combos #2 (Akira) by ???

3D games tend to have boring and reptitive combo setups, but some of these are kind of surprising.
The combo maker is actually named Akira... He's a korean VF2 god, probably the best player in the world, but I don't think there was ever an actual match between japan and korea to really prove it.

That jab mashing, is actually a really hard advanced just frame where you do akira's(the character not the player) P,k but cancel the K startup with G, and then repeat. It's really hard but akira was known to be able to do it with no problem all the time.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:20 am
by Xenozip.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:44 am
by Magnetro
so I think this is like the first time i click on this thread and I wanted to post something interesting, hope it hasn't been posted before