Request Japanese translations here!

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Post by Xenozip. »

NKI wrote:OK, I'm just gonna stop talking. I'm probably hella not making sense. :oops:
Actually you're making a lot of sense, thanks! That's a lot better than we could do. I think I will try and explain, that might help more with the translations. Or rather, just in case you were curious (imo, you did great).
NKI wrote:It says she's good because she has very tricky movements. There's some move of hers (the "Whirlwind dance"...?) she can do twice in the air, and she can still air dash after that. She's much trickier in this game than in Vampire Hunter.
This is her DP move where she puts a chain into the air diagonally and literally swings on the chain like a playground swing, but with blades around her. She can do it multiple times in the air by quick canceling it with kick, and still act after she does it. IMO it's not a particularly good offensive move, but it can be used to turtle or get out of the corner, much like Mai wallbounce dive stuff. It's been used to end rounds via timeout, simply because she can take herself off the screen with it and continue to hide/turtle in the air for a long time.
NKI wrote:Then it says something about in Vampire Hunter, she had these two moves, one of which had to be blocked low, the other could be blocked standing. They changed it in Vampire Savior so that you can block both of them standing, so it's easier to block. However, you'll end up landing those moves more often in Vampire Savior, because the move is really fast (???) and you can build SS meter faster (???). The next line I really have no idea. Something about you can kill them REALLY fast because she can rush down hella and do more triangle jump combos. (Are they even called triangle jumps in Vampire?)
They must be referring to her qcf item toss move. The only stuff that hits overhead are specific items she tosses with that move, which are only tossed with the medium or high strength buttons. So basically you'll never toss an overhead with the low strength version.

A lot of her moves build meter though so I don't know which they could be referring to. But I assume it's her qcb+P Gong smack which does build pretty fast. And her DP move quick canceled kinda builds fast too if you spam it and quick cancel it.

As far as triangle jumps go, I would actually call them IAD's, not tri-jumps. With the exception of Q-Bee who does actually have a tri-jump (and maybe Anakaris who has a command dive attack). Her IAD is pretty good, but certainly not anywhere near Zabel's level of "good" IAD. Her normal ground dash is really good though.
NKI wrote:Her weak points I barely understand at all. Something about if you get them with the "Thunder Rip" (Tenraiha?), there's really nothing she can follow up with. Then something about how she can't really use her "GC" anymore, because her "echo" move got changed to the "Whirlwind dance"...?
Aww. Well the "TenRaiHa" is her Anvil super (she says tenraiha when she performs it). It's an autocombo performed by inputting LK-HK-MP-MP-up. Basically she drops an anvil at a pre-determined distance which instantly knocks the opponent to the floor (knocks them down), then proceeds to drop many spiked balls on the opponent. The Super does do pretty good damage. But, I guess it's true that it's limited by how you can combo into it and what you can follow it up with. Sadly you can really only use the universal stomp move after it, which does very minor damage. And really in order to combo into it you must be at the right distance, or hit with it OTG (which is hard).

Her other super is her HCF+2K super that sends a wave blades that spike up from the ground across the screen, much like Magneto's shockwave, except slower. The blade super does pathetic damage, and although it's easy to spam it's really just a crap super, so yeah I would consider that one of her main weaknesses. I kinda wish I knew the name of this super or what she says during it, heh. But yeah, personally I think the blade super is one of the weakest supers in the game.

GC is "guard cancel", which cancels blockstun into a pre-determined special move or powered up (3S EX) special move. The difference between a GC and an AlphaCounter is that GC's don't cost meter, and you can choose the strength of the special move. I'd also consider this a big weakness for Lei-Lei. I didn't know in Vampire Hunter her old GC was her Gong hit (echo). But yeah, her GC in Vampire Savior is her DP move (the Whirlwind Dance) which doesn't act like a DP at all. It's ridiculously slow startup so it really doesn't stop anything, and certainly doesn't hit anything/anyone. It also doesn't pass through much either so it's not even a good escape.


On a side note, I believe most of her EX moves (powered specials) suck and aren't worth using. I also feel her two of her three Supers suck horribly and aren't worth using much either. And the one that doesn't suck is hard to combo into and has no follow up. Her Guard Cancel certainly does suck, much more than the rest of the cast. She also doesn't have much in the way of Reversals, which means she gets rushed the fuck down.

I personally feel her only strengths are her normal dash (teleports), air dash (since not everyone has an airdash), and range. I really don't know why they ranked her above Jedah and Lillith, honestly. Mystery...

Thanks again.
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Post by fullmetalross »

well she's good against jedah. In my own experience and watching match vids she can just keep away all day and then go into shennanigans with her teleprot airdash and such and jedah has to fight his way out. (Technically I think you can Triangle jump of sorts with her IAD cause she can stop it or something, I've also seen people use the chain swing for mixup purposes with the quick cancel thing.) Ex Gong is decnetly useful imo, and the tenraiha super or whatever is funny cause depending on when it hits it's an overhead or a low, when it hits the groudn there is a small low hitbox and then when it's right on top it's an overhead, unless maybe thats not true... and thats what they were talking about in the translation but I swear I've been hit low by it... could be my imagination though

I kinda got off topic but I could talk about forever why I think Lei Lei is much better than jedah... anyways... back to translations.
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Post by fullmetalross »

Welll you don't have too if it's too much... I just didn't know where else to ask. If you take a look at these two pages for me that would be great! But remember, don't feel like its urgent or anything or you even have to. Thanks again.

This page is on canceling techniques in Jojos...

This Page is on the Tandem attacks (qcb+stand button) in Jojos...

Jojos is awesome.
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Post by NKI »

Hrm...I looked over it, but I only understand maybe 10% of what they're talking about.

So I'm not too sure it would even be worth your time or mine for me to attempt translating that. Sorry, I just don't know anything about Jojo's...:oops:
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Post by fullmetalross »

heh, it's definetly no problem man. I figured that might be the case. The game has sooo many little nitpicky techniques that it would make sense that they would make special terms for them. Thanks for looking at it though! You are awesome.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Maj »

Could you please translate the following into Japanese by noonish tomorrow?
Everybody wrote:"TZW is number one! All others
are number two or lower."

If you could kinda space out the part in quotations into two lines of roughly equal length, that'd be great.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

When you're signing a letter or whatever, you'd usually put the word "from" after the names, like so:

omni Chen
etc. etc.

But I suppose you could also do it this way if you want...


omni Chen
etc. etc.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Goryus »

Hey NKI, do you happen to know what the Japanese word for a "meaty" attack is?

Thanks as always, man.
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Post by Xenozip. »

^ posted on earlier page:
NKI wrote:起き攻め = おきぜめ = okizeme = literally "wake-up rush down" = continuing to rush down an opponent as they get up
First place I ever heard it was from the Tekken scene, but I dunno where it comes from, and it really could be applied to any fighting game.

rushdown: 攻め = seme
meaties: 重ねる = kasaneru
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Goryus »

Thanks! Guess I didn't look hard enough.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

Is someone able to translate this for me? ... iftop.html

Not in no rush but it would be nice to have for future project.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Goryus »

I found a japanese thread that seems to be commenting on my HD Remix video:

NKI, if you get some time, do you think you could supply a brief summary of the conversation? It doesn't need to be anything literal, just a quick overview. :)
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by desk »

^^that ain't japanese but I bet they're still saying it's awesome! lol.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

Dark_Chaotix wrote:Is someone able to translate this for me? ... iftop.html

Not in no rush but it would be nice to have for future project.
Do you just want that one page translated? Or all the pages it links to as well? 'Cause that's a whoooooole lot of work...
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Maj »

Would you do me a huge, huge favor and ask T-7 a couple of questions on my behalf? His email address is listed on his website but maybe there's something written about an alternate/preferred contact method. There's no hurry with this whatsoever so don't worry about it if you're too busy. Anyway, here are the questions:

1) Was he ever a member of Sai-Rec? If not, was he associated with them in any way? Cuz there are a lot of similarities between his style and Sai-Rec's.

2) Did he invent the Vega wall jump setup?

3) Did he invent the CvS1 SNK-Groove renda kara cancel into meter charge trick?

4) Is he currently working on any combo video projects?

5) Since his CvS1 and CvS2 videos are no longer being sold, has he considered posting them (in segments) on youtube?

It's funny, that first question has been on my mind for years but i never thought about asking it until now.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

Maj wrote:2) Did he invent the Vega wall jump setup?
Which one of his videos was that in? Or could you tell me the exact scenario he used?
3) Did he invent the CvS1 SNK-Groove renda kara cancel into meter charge trick?
What is this exactly / how is it done?
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Maj »

You know, the Vega setup where he attempts a wall dive and pushes the opponent clear across the stage. His CvS1 video was the very first time i'd seen it used, but i just want to make sure the right person gets credited.

As for the other thing, you can see it at 1:27 in his CvS1 preview vid (gotta love the spelling of "ratio"). S-Gief does c.LP -> whiff light attack kara canceled into HP+HK charge, s.MP but it's pretty much impossible to make out on blurtube.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

D'OH! Looks like the e-mail address on T-7's page is no longer valid. :-(

I don't suppose you have any alternate contact info? I didn't see a BBS or anything on his page.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Maj »

Dunno, looks like he hasn't updated his website in quite some time. Hasn't signed into u2b in a year either, but i sent him a message anyway asking for his email address. If there's no contact info on his blog then i'm out of ideas until one of us happens to meet someone who knows him.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

Well I couldn't find any contact info anywhere on that dude's page, so I just posted a comment on a random blog post of his, asking for his new e-mail addy.

If I remember correctly, T-7 was one of the few Japanese people who would actually write a nigga back, so hopefully he'll actually reply.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Xenozip. »

BlazBlue's Bash is making me regret asking about fighting game terminology. The dude's voice samples are worse than Chipp's. I actually really wish I had no idea what he was saying, maybe he wouldn't bug me so much.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Maj »

Help please.

T-7 and adaki reference each other back and forth, so i'm hoping adaki knows how to reach T-7.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Magnetro »

Joo said that he finished his DVD-Trailer/preview along with something along the lines of W-S(yyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiied)ide ppl are not going to get the dvd or something.




Probably important info. If you can translate that I'd appreciate it.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

Hrm, despite how long that is, there's really not much info with substance. He says he's got a preview ready for his DVD, and that the preview basically contains all the combos that are in the DVD. He also says that he won't be selling the DVD, and that this will be his last project for a while.
Magnetro wrote:something along the lines of W-S(yyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiied)ide ppl are not going to get the dvd or something.
No clue what you're talking about here...
Maj wrote:T-7 and adaki reference each other back and forth, so i'm hoping adaki knows how to reach T-7.
I'm attempting to contact T-7 via Mixi. We'll see how this goes...
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

So apparently there's more than one Japanese dude who calls himself T-7. For future reference, this guy is NOT who you'd want to contact in regards to combo vid questions.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Magnetro »

2008年11月30日 DVD Preview リリース


フレームレート:60fps プログレッシブ方式



環境設定>映像> 出力方式→Overlay Mixer
環境設定>映像>効果で インターレース→インターレースを解除しない







Is that too much to ask?
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by NKI »

Actually, none of that stuff is related to the content of the video. He's just talking about boring stuff like the format, the codec, different types of media players, compatibility with Vista, etc. Really there's only one thing of interest in that whole post: He recommends watching the video with headphones on and the volume at full blast.

And holy shit, why do I have to install two different Active X controls AND some random file transfer utility just to watch this preview!? Please use a decent upload service! :x
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by fullmetalross »

Filebank sucks, magnetro is hosting it on zachd though.
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Magnetro »

That's how he hosts all his matches and big files he sends people. Yeah, by now you've seen it on <~ Leaving the link out for anyone that might pass by this thread and wants to watch it.

Thanks though. And yeah, you get to hear all the cool marvel noises. Thanks
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Re: Request Japanese translations here!

Post by Magnetro »

Not all of it. If you see something about release dates or any worthwhile info. I think it's a transcript




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