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Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:11 pm
by Doopliss
Sounds good to me. 700 is better than "50 away from KO" imo. As long as Maskless Vega requires you to do a 770 dmg combo.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:23 pm
by Maj
Oh, that's not what i meant. I meant the same 50 away from KO but with new combos only.

But if you don't like the "50 away from KO" thing then maybe we can raise the number instead. So Zangief's j.U+HP, s.MP xx EX greenhand (Seth dizzy), ultra combo is 706 damage against Seth. The same combo is 715 against Akuma and 728 against Zangief.

Can i get away with simply raising the limit to 750 and forgetting about the "50 away from KO" rule? We'd have to rule out Vega as a dummy but otherwise would it work?

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:31 pm
by error1
wouldn't it have to be the 701 club now?

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:41 pm
by Doopliss
Maj wrote:Oh, that's not what i meant. I meant the same 50 away from KO but with new combos only.

But if you don't like the "50 away from KO" thing then maybe we can raise the number instead. So Zangief's j.U+HP, s.MP xx EX greenhand (Seth dizzy), ultra combo is 706 damage against Seth. The same combo is 715 against Akuma and 728 against Zangief.

Can i get away with simply raising the limit to 750 and forgetting about the "50 away from KO" rule? We'd have to rule out Vega as a dummy but otherwise would it work?
I guess that works. But I don't think there's a lot of characters that can even reach 750. But I don't know how much easier it is to get 750 on Rufus than it is on Seth.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:09 pm
by Maj
error1 wrote:wouldn't it have to be the 701 club now?
Haha i guess, but let's not get into that. Seth's still listed as having 750 hit points, even if it takes 751 to kill him. Anyway i think 701 might have been the closest anyone ever got to 700.

Doopliss wrote:I guess that works. But I don't think there's a lot of characters that can even reach 750. But I don't know how much easier it is to get 750 on Rufus than it is on Seth.
Well, that's the whole question then. How many? If we can think of 10 characters who can do it, plus a couple of surprises, that's enough for me. If not then it should stay at 700 according to the old rules. (Unless we can come up with a simpler set of rules.)

SF4 Combo Challenge 06: 700 Class Solutions

There's Gouken and Balrog obviously, plus the characters with infinites: Fei, Dudley, Chun. Although Chun can do it without an infinite because a couple people almost killed Vega with her. Who else?

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:25 pm
by Doopliss
Chun can kill Seth no prob, so yeah, hse's definitely in. Sagat may be able to do something, now that he has the angry scar. C.Viper is also a possibility. El Fuerte as well. other than that, I have no idea.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:36 am
by error1
abel still has that infinite right? It's not so easy to get 750 damage out of it
E. honda can do 848 it with the ultra interrupt but that might not be in ssf4
akuma could in sf4, not sure about ssf4 tho without his loop but he probably can
I bet characters like t. hawk can do it if you start with a dirty dizzy meter
how about juri, makoto, or ibuki? those seem like the should be able to do it
can gief combo into super after any hit vs crouching guy?

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:55 am
by Maj
Okay, so far "old rules + new combos only" is winning.

Vega's EX wall dive grab only has a juggle potential of one, right? I can't seem to connect it off two-hit flipkick.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:57 am
by Smileymike101
Because the 2 hit flip kick puts them in Juggle 2, so you would need a move with JP of 2 or more, and vega doesn't have that kind of stuff :))

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:30 am
by Maj

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:01 am
by Doopliss
Smileymike101 wrote:Because the 2 hit flip kick puts them in Juggle 2, so you would need a move with JP of 2 or more, and vega doesn't have that kind of stuff :))
Well... except for flying barcelona special.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:53 am
by Maj
Anyway, this is kinda interesting. The neutral non-grab version of EX FBA does 50dmg/50stun on the first hit and 90dmg/100stun on the second hit with his arms spread out. But if you hold a direction and miss the grab, then it hits once and does 50dmg/50stun with his arms spread out.

I tested this against Abel's command grab which is invincible to throws, and Vega never hit twice while holding a direction. So i think attempting (and missing) an Izuna Drop makes Vega do an alternate version of that dive attack which only hits once and inflicts 50dmg/50stun.

His super works similarly too. The grab attempt actually has a huge active window. You can see him start the dive attack but if you get anywhere near the opponent, he'll grab them. If you miss by a mile then he'll do a single-hit version of the dive attack worth only 100 damage. By comparison, the neutral version is 4 hits for 60+60+60+100 damage.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:55 pm
by Pokey86
Hmm, punishing you further for attempting & missing a throw? that's a bit gay.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:10 pm
by desk
Probably my fav so far. I think you undersold the claw combos dude, they were much better than I was expecting, especially having tried to do stuff with him before. Some of the juggles were silly and the fireball interrupt vs rose was sick. Had to watch the vid twice to realise the seth combo was 100%, really impressive. The cross up stuff vs akuma was mega stylish as well.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:55 pm
by Pokey86
Yeah loved nearly every combo there...

- Great shot with Vega hitting the Claw dive after combo... i thought you'd just end on the Scarlet terror.

- Your trade combos are superb & your projectile set ups are also damn good.

- Loved the first Sakura combo, it seems like a complete random mix... how the hell did you come up with that :P

- Nice cross up combos... woudl they be applicable in a real game or do they require something specific. (Does the first tatsu cross up.)

- Sakura earns herself a 100% combos as well iimagine that one would work in SSF as well..


Regaridng an older question just above. I think Sagat can do 100%



NJ HP (Counterhit)
(Maybe cose MP, can't remember)

EDIT - just checked it & it only does 742 against Seth, with the Cl.MP it only does 728


I'm sure it'd kill Seth, though i've never been able to pull it off on him (Did it to Cammy though) is there a way to do one of those "face the other way" combos with Sagat in the corner, you know where they whiff a Tiger knee or something. If you can do that after his Super... then i'm sure NJ HP Crouch HP Super Ultra would probably break the 750

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:12 pm
by SlimX
Hahah why the hell am I in the thanks for that video?

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:40 am
by Maj
desk wrote:Probably my fav so far. I think you undersold the claw combos dude, they were much better than I was expecting, especially having tried to do stuff with him before. Some of the juggles were silly and the fireball interrupt vs rose was sick. Had to watch the vid twice to realise the seth combo was 100%, really impressive. The cross up stuff vs akuma was mega stylish as well.
Nice of you to say, but two of the combos boiled down to "Focus Attack, super/ultra" and the coolest one overall was probably that ghetto three-hit juggle against Chun. The Sakura crossup stuff i found by accident. I'd agree on it being stylish if the rest of the combo wasn't twenty seconds of spinfest. Maybe i should've gone for style instead of extending the combo as long as possible. Keep the two crossups, add one more style element, and get rid of as much filler as possible. But i'm not a huge Sakura fan so i'll just leave that for someone else.

Pokey86 wrote:- Great shot with Vega hitting the Claw dive after combo... i thought you'd just end on the Scarlet terror.
Yeah i just wanted to find another way to combo flipkick into super without using the DF+HK, flipkick, super sequence that seemed to show up a lot. I think Vega can juggle flipkick into super against a lot of characters, but it depends on ending up close enough to the corner for the super to get there quickly. That's what limits the number of jabs you can do before the flipkick. With three jabs it only worked on Balrog, Rufus, Dhalsim, and Gouken. Seemed hardest on Gouken so i went with him, since Balrog and Rufus are already known to be the best juggle dummies. Worked against a lot of characters with two jabs.

I'm probably doing a terrible job of explaining this but it's a little messy with all the moving pieces: landing close to the corner after flipkick, opponent having a large knockdown hitbox, staying close enough to land flipkick on the first active frame to avoid shortening the gap between flipkick hits (which would allow less rising time before the second hit connects), and then certain characters are simply "lighter" so they get launched slightly higher.
- Loved the first Sakura combo, it seems like a complete random mix... how the hell did you come up with that :P
Honestly i don't even remember. Tried a bunch of stuff to get a bunch of other stuff to work, none of it did, and those were the leftover pieces.
- Nice cross up combos... woudl they be applicable in a real game or do they require something specific. (Does the first tatsu cross up.)
Not sure if it's a crossup in terms of block direction, but it works against a number of crouching characters - Shotos and Dan, plus a few others if i remember correctly. But i couldn't find a suitable dummy character for j.HP, crossup LK Hurricane Kick. It just never worked for whatever reason. Would've been nice to do something like crossup j.HP and then cross back with LK Hurricane Kick.

SlimX wrote:Hahah why the hell am I in the thanks for that video?
Haha i dunno, it was your turn? You were the last person to post in this thread whom i hadn't special thanks'd. Actually a lot of names aren't matched up directly with the video they contributed to, but like i said before, it's all one big project to me.

lets talk about blanka

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:45 pm
by error1
seeing as you somehow need to figure out a blanka combo I'll see if I can help

1. three frame roundhouse and four frame ultra
2. free dash cancel off any special cancelable normal
3. good stun on many normal moves
4. um... lets see, uh... lv. 2 focus off a counter hit ball and best use of gen's ultra trade combo

1. no moves with juggle potential except for super, possibly ultra, but only after it starts coming down and that takes forever.
2. crap frame advantage on normals and only two special cancelable normals with any range
3. useless special moves
4. no chainable moves

not much potential for combos, I would try and find some kind of ultra juggle vs sim and a double trade blanka ball vs rose

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:02 am
by Maj
Yeah that's one of the two ideas i had for Blanka. First one was have Gen jump over him, do Blanka ball in the opposite direction, and trade with Gen's PPP super so they get pulled toward each other, then mash some buttons, then end with ... i don't know, maybe upball. And secondly, yeah, have Rose FB interrupt Blanka ball the same way as i had Dudley rose interrupt Blanka ball in an SSF4 vid.


How come i never realized how funny it was that Dudley's rose is the new Rose?


Anyway i also wanted to do something involving ultra juggle plus super juggle, but i tried that for a minute a few months ago and nothing worked out. I think Blanka's still got a decent damage combo in there somewhere but it'll probably be ghetto. Also it would be nice to do something using that steerable EX uselessball but i'm skeptical. I don't want to just trade lvl3 Focus Attack into that thing if he can't do anything aftewards.

You know what really, really, really sucks? He can do j.blah, s.LP xx electricity xx FADC, ultra but the ultra doesn't connect. Tried with all three of his ultras in SSF4 way early on and no luck. Somebody has got to have that combo in this damn game! I hate it when we find a new charge trick that can't be applied to a combo.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:26 am
by error1
Maj wrote: How come i never realized how funny it was that Dudley's rose is the new Rose?
I don't know
I tried to point it out before when I posted the double rose combo because you where talking about how hard it would be to not put a rose setup at the start of every combo so I said
getting tired of those rose combos yet

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:01 am
by Maj
Sweet, i finally broke 20 hits with Vega. I've already recorded it so it'll go in the DVD. Kinda had that light bulb go off two days after i finished his TACV episode.

counterhit lvl1 Focus Attack vs Rose far s.LK, crossup j.HP, s.HP (one hit) xx HP roll (LP Soul Spark interrupt), c.MP xx LP roll xx FADC, c.LP, c.MP xx LP roll xx FADC, c.LP, c.MP xx LP roll (KO), vertical j.HK

The trick to getting position is using Vega's backdash instead of his backward jump, because his backward jump is terrible for covering distance while his backdash is above average. The crossup j.HP is important too because his vertical j.HP can't reach after that counterhit lvl1 Focus Attack trade and his forward jump can't make it over LP Soul Spark coming from behind.

Vega can only do one move after that HP roll trade because he ends up noticeably farther than he does after FADC. I kinda wanted to do c.LP, c.LK instead of one of those c.LP, c.MP links for the sake of variety, but c.MP causes more impact freeze which is necessary for charge time after FADC.

Btw i happened to find that Vega can do PPP/KKK backflips after KO. It's strange because that means he can execute stuff like c.MP xx backflip after KO.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:03 am
by Doopliss
I thought about a combo challenge.

Hit with a 10% scaled Super, not including low health scaling.
Hard mode: Do not use any FAs.

I know Sakura and Seth can do it without FA, probably Dudley as well with his loop. Every character can land 2 FAs with a trade, which only requires five moves before the Super.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:36 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:I thought about a combo challenge.

Hit with a 10% scaled Super, not including low health scaling.
Hard mode: Do not use any FAs.

I know Sakura and Seth can do it without FA, probably Dudley as well with his loop. Every character can land 2 FAs with a trade, which only requires five moves before the Super.

^^You could make that "Do a 30% super" & make 10/20% the hard mode. that would generate a better chance of feedback that isn't an abused loop.^^

Challenges, there's plenty of them.

Flame Wars

"Perform X fireballs in one combo"

Keepy Uppy

"Starting with a knockdown perform a combo of X moves or more"


"Perform a combo which involves a counterhit speicific link."

Dirty Spammer

"Perform a combo which uses all variations of the same special move (LP/MP/HP/EX)"

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:44 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:
Doopliss wrote:I thought about a combo challenge.

Hit with a 10% scaled Super, not including low health scaling.
Hard mode: Do not use any FAs.

I know Sakura and Seth can do it without FA, probably Dudley as well with his loop. Every character can land 2 FAs with a trade, which only requires five moves before the Super.

^^You could make that "Do a 30% super" & make 10/20% the hard mode. that would generate a better chance of feedback that isn't an abused loop.^^
Then it would be too easy imo.
Pokey86 wrote: Keepy Uppy

"Starting with a knockdown perform a combo of X moves or more"

Dirty Spammer

"Perform a combo which uses all variations of the same special move (LP/MP/HP/EX)"
These could be interesting, the other two are too easy or have been done already.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:19 pm
by Pokey86
perhaps make it 30% without FA, i'm sure that would bump up the diff.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:39 pm
by Doopliss
yeah, and then hard mode is 10% without, sounds good to me. And then we won't have to annoy people by forcing them to do lvl. 3 FA trades. God I hate those.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:40 pm
by Maj
: (

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:42 pm
by Doopliss
? D:

Sorry for kinda plotting this without asking you Maj :P We're just helping you to come up with some ideas.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:02 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:yeah, and then hard mode is 10% without, sounds good to me. And then we won't have to annoy people by forcing them to do lvl. 3 FA trades. God I hate those.

Re: SF4 Biweekly TACV Series

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:21 pm
by Maj
Doopliss wrote:Sorry for kinda plotting this without asking you Maj :P We're just helping you to come up with some ideas.
Haha no worries, i appreciate it.

Pokey86 wrote:
Doopliss wrote:then we won't have to annoy people by forcing them to do lvl. 3 FA trades. God I hate those.
I don't see why you guys gotta pick on me though.

: (