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Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:53 pm
by Xenozip.
Wow you've never even heard of it?

I'm pretty sure it was a popular title for the gamecube, along with Pikman. Not sure if it was a launch title or not, but it might have been.

Some of those levels are stupidily freaking hard. But the music and the default GC controller just make a lot of them obnoxious to even beat once. Good thing those minigames were fun. I spent a damn aweful lot of time in the monkey billiards minigame.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:45 pm
by fullmetalross
Really nice tutorial on how to play a spy in Team Fortress 2. I think this really illustrates alot of important points of how to play a good spy, from basics to things some people probably wouldn't even think of. Very good overall.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:11 am
by Maj
Have you guys seen this thing? There are a couple of random clips at the beginning where you can't tell what's going on, but don't worry, they show up again later.

Street Fighter Zero 2 Combo Music Video by KoFUnion

It's got a few super dope setups. Check out the Ryu combo at 0:52! They do it again with Dhalsim at 2:06 but the last super in that sequence is blockable. Maybe it just doesn't work at that range, and they couldn't think of anything else to do there. Personally, i woulda made Bison block though - just to make my intentions clear.

Putting Bison's teleport alpha counter into a combo at 1:25 was tight too. At 1:43, they interrupt Minimum Gen by having one of Rose's friends hit him with c.LK after he lands. Very clever.

One of the Charlie combos is pretty cool too. The other two are ok, but way below the average quality of the other content. It always makes me a little sad to see that happen. It's like they want to include every character, but they just don't know what to do with the Sonic Boom brothers. Not everyone understands charge characters i guess. At least they tried. Usually people leave out Guile/Charlie entirely.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:28 pm
by Maj
So i'm looking to see what's out there in terms of KoF95 Omega Rugal combos, and i happened to see this.

kof95 combo by ???

No title, no credits, no editing, nothing. Check out the Iori combo at 4:19 starting with the Italy stage intro animation. If that's not terrible game testing, i don't know what is. Chin's name doesn't even appear cuz he gets hit before the GUI is done loading.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:35 pm
by Maj
Check this out if you haven't already. It's a trailer for a Capcom combo video coming out in December, and it has everything! Haha, i was about to say "not just the emulated ones" but then i realized that damn near everything is emulated already. Though they did have a CFE combo in there which must have been captured from a console.

The Chariot Card by Robot

Superbly edited and the best part is that it's not in 800x600 resolution or anything crazy like that. Another best part is that it has CvS2 combos. Finally, the best part is that they might actually have some dope A3 Dramatic Battle combos.

Ok, there are a lot of best parts. I don't even know who's making this but it looks very promising. I hope it doesn't suck.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:01 am
by Xenozip.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:45 pm
by desk
mario64 completed with 0 stars!

I'm not sure why but I've been pretty interested with the history of TAS of this game. In the proper game you need 70 stars to complete it. Glitches were discovered that allowed it to be completed with only 16. More recently it was done with insane glitches and only 1 star and now apparently you don't need any...

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:49 pm
by fullmetalross
wowwww that was crazy.. I love the way that movement glitch looked. haha hella dope.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:06 am
by Maj
Kinda random but Yellow Cyclone posted this video of CvS2 top tier bullying Chang/Raiden/Gief. Maybe he got tired of people complaining when they lost to him? Either that or he sold out.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:28 am
by Xenozip.
High quality Senoko no Ronde looks quite a bit different than the poor quality that's seen on YouTube.

So does high quality Acceleration of Suguri, for that matter.

It isn't just a minor difference though, it's quite a huge jump in quality. Here's an example of u2be Senko and u2be Suguri.

But apparently there is a way to cheat the u2be system and get ridiculously high quality video, like this IaMP clip on u2be that has very little compression. The "cheat" involves hacking .flv files to trick u2be. This causes problems because u2be thinks the video is 10 minutes when it's really like 6 seconds, which totally borks the seeking feature, but it's still pretty interesting they found a loophole/exploit.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:13 pm
by fullmetalross
Maj wrote:Kinda random but Yellow Cyclone posted this video of CvS2 top tier bullying Chang/Raiden/Gief. Maybe he got tired of people complaining when they lost to him? Either that or he sold out.

DESORAAAAAAAAA... guy is hella funny. I would like to believe that he posted these so silly people playing top tier characters will stop falling for the same bullshit. Like that raiden thing.... people believe you can't punish the headbutt for whatever reason... It's kinda safe but not perfect or anything.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:29 pm
by Maj
No clue why these are all hidden away on some obscure foreign website getting 14 views, but they are pretty dope:

CvS2 Tutorial - K-Kyo part 1 | part 2 by buktooth
CvS2 Tutorial - K-Rock part 1 | part 2 by buktooth
CvS2 Tutorial - K-Ken part 1 | part 2 by buktooth

All done in training mode, spliced together from several takes. Extremely informative. He's teaching all of this stuff to some unnamed dude who helps control the opponent in certain situations and whose voice can be heard throughout the clips.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:43 pm
by Xenozip.
Those are possibly the greatest thing I have seen in a long time.

Damn, that format is actually awesome. I want to see other videos like these. Where is Hibiki. Hell I want to make a video like this.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:14 am
by Maj
Prior to Evo2k7, jchensor put together individual musical intros for each game to be featured at the tournament. They are awesome. He eventually uploaded them to his youtube account and i ran across them today so now you guys have to watch them.

Evolution 2007: Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Super Smash Bros. Melee Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Virtua Fighter 5 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Choi Vs. Wong Event Intro by jchensor

Dope, huh?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:45 am
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:Evolution 2007: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Finals Intro by jchensor


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:51 pm
by ZenFire
Maj wrote:Prior to Evo2k7, jchensor put together individual musical intros for each game to be featured at the tournament. They are awesome. He eventually uploaded them to his youtube account and i ran across them today so now you guys have to watch them.

Evolution 2007: Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Super Smash Bros. Melee Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Virtua Fighter 5 Finals Intro by jchensor
Evolution 2007: Choi Vs. Wong Event Intro by jchensor

Dope, huh?
Those were all great. I concur with the comment on the ST intro that I wish they were longer. I love the crowd footage and the music just gives me goosbumps cus of how much I want to attend Evo.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:20 am
by Maj
Does anyone know anything about Akura Blade or its sequel Asura Buster? I got one of the guys on the TASVideos forums interested in making combo videos and he came up with this:

Asura Buster mini combo video by plusminus

Not sure how good it is, but there are some fancy midscreen backwards attack juggles about halfway through. He says he's "still interested in making longer videos for both games, eventually" so feel free to look forward to seeing that, eventually. Anyway i might not know anything about the game but it looks cool to me.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:17 am
by fullmetalross
I know a bit about those games.. Asura buster is emulated decent, though the sound is super bad.... The games themselves are pretty easy and the juggles and such aren't that hard considering that there is a launcher button.. (I think it's like b+c) and you can combo into it pretty much indefinetly if you can get the spacing right for the air one. Most of the combos aren't too tough just sort of space specific. I grew tired of it after asura blade when with the lightning guy I had a semi-infinite going midscreen that wasn't that tough. Too me its just sort of a dull combo engine.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:48 am
by Maj
This isn't new (and i think i may have even seen it before), but i ran across it recently and there are some unusual things in it.

S.J Movie Evo 2007 - Stirke Direction (All the Game) by johnnylain and others

First off, it opens with the SRK logo, which is strange considering it was never mentioned or linked on SRK. Second, the backgrounds are all glitched out every time they show footage from the SF2 series, with the corners looking like extensions of midscreen layers. The weirdest thing is that inbetween "Stage 2" and "Stage 3" there's an intermission segment called "Insert Stage" which is a clear copy/paste of this thing:

Makoto can kara Supers. by Mike Z

Did you know about this, Mike? Haha, guess you have some fans in ... uh, whatever country those dudes are broadcasting from.

Oh, also, there's a dope Power Gem powered Anita super at 10:01 which serves as a perfect example of the cruelty of flashing screen syndrome.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:40 am
by desk
Are you fucking kidding me?! they've stolen my music... like music that I wrote and recorded!!!!! That whole intro is exactly the same as the vid of dreams intro sections, with my music no less! I feel properly violated. Atually i'm taking credit for the whole thing, lol. VOD intro then 3 seperate sections including 1 dedicated to makoto (which they've fucking stolen!!).
:evil: :evil: :evil:
I'm desperately waiting for the whole thing to stream so I can see if I get credited at the end. You can even see mike z's name on the makoto section for gods sake.

EDIT: no way, not in the credits. At least It says 'insert by: mike z'. I'm going on a posting rampage right now. People need to pay! lol

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:25 pm
by Maj
Wow, i didn't notice that cuz i had the volume way down while someone was watching TV here, so all i could hear was some faint Streets of Rage 2 music. Now i recognize the whole intro and everything. They stole your entire soundtrack! Who does that?! That's absurd.

And that 3S menu mock-up in the intro with the "Hentai" option and the corresponding "Nah not today" sound byte was ripped from this thing:

3rd Strike Basics: What You Should Know by Thongboy Bebop

It's at 2:09 till about 2:20. Yeah, these people are criminals. You guys should submit a formal appeal to the United Nations Security Council, imploring them to intervene with a diplomatic solution before we declare war on that website.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:02 pm
by Goryus
Is any of the content in that video actually original? I swear I know that urien vs. hugo clip from somewhere.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:37 am
by Xenozip.
Hoho, I don't know how many of y'all have a nico account, but:

This tribute video "Umehara Daigo Ga Taosenai" recently appeared on the nico ranking and it has some pretty exciting footage (old footage, it's a tribute).

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:27 pm
by ShinjiGohan
This isn't a fighting game video... but if the technology is adopted and adapted.. it could mean a whole new level of 3D for videogames.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:30 pm
by Xenozip.
So, speaking of stolen footage, I'm looking at this Karin Exhibition - Street Fighter Zero 3 / Alpha 3 video and a lot of the v-ism combo footage was taken directly from my SFA3 V-Karin V-ism Combos and my SFA3 Tricks and Combo Glitches videos. The rest of the footage is of A-ism Karin doing random throws, supers, and other random moves for god knows what reason (none of it makes sense to me) against what looks like the cpu-ai.

Funny thing is that some of my footage has never appeared off of Youtube. I posted it there and no where else. So this person basically went to my youtube page and ripped the video footage, and while there didn't bother trying to contact me (I check my page frequently) either on u2be or SRK, and then decided to credit only himself in the video.

Personally I'm not offended or upset though, I think it's funny actually. So now I can finally say that it's happened to me and I really don't give a crap. I would probably say the same if my other game footage was stolen and passed off as some one else's work, too.

A great many people have no idea the things that I've discovered or developed, and the things that are widely known are assumed to have been found by some one other than me. I can count on one hand the number of people who know what I've done. So I've gotten well use to my history not meaning anything. My goal is and has always been for education. I don't care who takes credit for what, so long as the information is passed around and awareness increases.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:52 am
by Maj
Haha, i like how he xcopied kysg on the intro storyboard. Your name is credited at the very end of the video though. In very small letters. Very small blurry letters. For two seconds. You think he'll make more of these? It does say "volume one" at the beginning.

I've seen more than one video in the past containing footage ripped directly off my old vids. It's never annoyed me either. I've always taken it with a grain of salt and found it rather amusing. Truth is, you never really know when something like that will annoy the hell out of you. Usually it has more to do with the motive behind making the video than the video itself. It's a lot easier to shrug it off when it's done by a complete stranger who happens to be a harmless rookie. But when the responsible party is some unrepentant veteran with a long history of disrespect, it can get much more difficult to turn the other cheek.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:13 pm
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:Haha, i like how he xcopied kysg on the intro storyboard. Your name is credited at the very end of the video though. In very small letters. Very small blurry letters. For two seconds. You think he'll make more of these? It does say "volume one" at the beginning.
Ah, so it is.

Damn, now I feel like I need to find another video where my content was stolen and I didn't any credit, just so I can say I don't care. :B

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:49 pm
by Maj
That's ok. You said you didn't care when you believed you hadn't been credited. Whether or not you had been credited in reality is largely irrelevant. All i'm saying is that sooner or later someone is going to do it in a way that is gonna bother you.

If this guy ever gets around to making the sequel to this video, do you think he'll make your name more noticeable or less detectable? I'ma go with less, since he basically got away with it on his first attempt. Nobody left a comment calling him out or anything.

Edit: Spelling.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:29 pm
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:All i'm saying is that sooner or later someone is going to do it in a way that is gonna bother you.
Color me optimistic, but i doubt it! :p

As far as sequels go, I hope he makes a video that has actual a-ism content in it rather than random nonsensical crap. But if he's just going to do the same thing again with another character then he may as well not bother. And as for credit, don't know don't care. :B

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:50 pm
by Mike Z
It may not bother you when people steal your stuff, but I guarantee it will the first time someone at a tournament says to you, "Hey, I saw your Vid X. I respected you a lot before, but you stole all that stuff from Deric Bogus. What's up with that?" (Which is completely different from someone saying, "Hey, you made all those vids. How come you suck so much at the game?" Heh.)

In other news, the vid that rips off desk and everyone also took the basic vid layout (stage 1 etc) and all the Streets of Rage remixes from TBBB's Twelve tutorial "Thong of Rage" (which is an amazing video). Same order and everything. [edit] Actually, it's blatantly the ripped soundtrack from that vid, you can hear the little "ding, ding" when "GO!" appears in Thong of Rage, which is out of place in this vid.
However, they were smarter than most -they watermarked all their clips. ;^)

To add to the party - I get ripped off a lot, but the best one was the guy who took one of my MvC2 vids in which I had my name a few times, and replaced all of them with his name in red text on a green background, no matter the font or the color of the text+background he was replacing.

I choose to take it as a compliment - somone thought your stuff was so good, they couldn't do any better, so they had to pass it off as theirs.
Mike Z