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Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:14 am
by Maj
It's good that Gief's air super stays active for a while because he's gonna have to do it early against some characters. If it was instant, anyone with good air range would own it for free. He'd never be able to get close enough to land it without getting hit out of the air first. Assuming it has some invincibility, it's much more reliable this way. Jumping at Gief has been a terrible idea since the dawn of time so i'm okay with it getting re-enforced.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:19 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:It's good that Gief's air super stays active for a while because he's gonna have to do it early against some characters. If it was instant, anyone with good air range would own it for free. He'd never be able to get close enough to land it without getting hit out of the air first. Assuming it has some invincibility, it's much more reliable this way. Jumping at Gief has been a terrible idea since the dawn of time so i'm okay with it getting re-enforced.
It also seems like Psycho Punisher is similar to Stun Gun Headbutt/that birdie super...but if that's the case, I wonder if it homes in on the opponent or is air controlled like his Devil Reverse, since you can't control distance with buttons (assuming it uses all 3 of punches/kicks). A set distance would be silly.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:31 am
by Maj
Haha i love how far off the example map poor El Fuerte is.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:37 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:Haha i love how far off the example map poor El Fuerte is.
"example map"?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:49 am
by Maj
El Fuerte's SF4 ultra has three distances it can target based on whether you hold back, neutral, or forward during superfreeze. A lot of his run specials work the same way. I'd think he'd be the perfect example of Bison's Stun Gun ultra but Fuerte wouldn't be Fuerte if anyone ever noticed him.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:57 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:El Fuerte's SF4 ultra has three distances it can target based on whether you hold back, neutral, or forward during superfreeze. A lot of his run specials work the same way. I'd think he'd be the perfect example of Bison's Stun Gun ultra but Fuerte wouldn't be Fuerte if anyone ever noticed him.
ahhh I thought that ultra was air controlled, though I never tried wiggling it like zangief's lariat or gouken's (hilarious) ex air tatsumaki. good to know and yup, i did not know that about el fuerte. i don't know a lot about the guy, like how to consistently do his off-the-wall mp and hp moves.

speaking of shit i don't know (feel free to move this to random lazy questions, though it's relevant to a point here i guess); how the hell do you get vega to dig his claw in for multiple hits during regular wall dive and his super? i always throw or swipe.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:53 am
by Maj
No worries, i wouldn't know the first thing about him if that combovid hadn't forced me to look up his moves on GameFAQs.

Multiple hits during Vega's wall dive super is just an aim thing. No clue about the regular version - i didn't know it was possible.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:42 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:No worries, i wouldn't know the first thing about him if that combovid hadn't forced me to look up his moves on GameFAQs.

Multiple hits during Vega's wall dive super is just an aim thing. No clue about the regular version - i didn't know it was possible.
I can't seem to get it during the super either - it's like a diagonal hit graphic, right?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:34 am
by Doopliss
No, you have to hit them straight on the head.

And normal has 1 hit, EX hast 2 hits iirc.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:55 pm
by jchensor
onReload wrote:speaking of shit i don't know (feel free to move this to random lazy questions, though it's relevant to a point here i guess); how the hell do you get vega to dig his claw in for multiple hits during regular wall dive and his super? i always throw or swipe.
I remember trying this a lot, and having trouble as well. Just do it earlier than you think and don't hold the joystick when you press the button. I think that guarantees you can't Throw.

- James

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:57 am
by Doopliss

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:46 am
by onReload

Just for you Maj. Make of it what you will. (I'm loving this Ultra demonstrations aside from the fact that THEY DON'T START FROM FULL HEALTH RARGH.)

Guile likes American Coffee, hated when Ryu gave him Natto in Japan, is good at darts, and practices a blend of martial arts and pro wrestling techniques. Now the scary question: how much of this did you already know?

oh yes, Vega's Splendid Claw and Dhalsim's Yoga Shangri-La are also there.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:49 am
by Maj
Haha none of it. Except maybe the coffee thing; that sounds familiar.

Sonic Hurricane looks alright i guess. Kinda annoyed that it does so few hits but at least it seems to juggle after KO. Hopefully that means it juggles everywhere. Startup looks pretty cool at least.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:12 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:Haha none of it. Except maybe the coffee thing; that sounds familiar.

Sonic Hurricane looks alright i guess. Kinda annoyed that it does so few hits but at least it seems to juggle after KO. Hopefully that means it juggles everywhere. Startup looks pretty cool at least.
Rikaichan (my plug-in for easier japanese interpreting in firefox that i recommend to anybody who likes videogames enough) also noted that writing "american coffee" kind of means it's bland and tasteless. hm.

I'm interested in this Ultra, for sure...yeah i think the 6 hits is the lame A3 version, eh? I feel like Guile hasn't been explored enough in SF4 (cough) and I'd love to see double somersault to sonic hurricane (! maybe it has vacuum!)....or linking ex sonic boom to hurricane...or a juggle from a regular flash kick would be worth the price of admission, even if damage sucks.

anyway we need to find a way to make it your new logo. to be honest though, the reason i'm hyped for guile isn't really for you (no offense of course) but i actually enjoy playing him in sf4...mostly in training mode, but air throwing people back at the lp sonic boom you just threw is so satisfying. i should really try him more in other games (i got the "5 fierces" combo down in sf4...probably not as easy in sf2 eh), but due to my grip style on a dualshock, charging can cramp my hand pretty badly. either way there's something fun about guile.

i still maintain that i wish remy didn't suck so hard. he had easy super inputs...and charge partitioning, and low projectiles, sigh...

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:45 am
by Smileymike101
What does "5 fierces" or "4 fierces" mean?Sorry for not knowing.Are there actually 4 or 5 fierce punches in a combo?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:51 am
by Doopliss
I guess. I didn't see a challenge like that, though. Should be easy with Gouken or Dhalsim.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:13 pm
by onReload
Smileymike101 wrote:What does "5 fierces" or "4 fierces" mean?Sorry for not knowing.Are there actually 4 or 5 fierce punches in a combo?
it's 4 fierces, i screwed up (unless you add a sonic boom at the start, which wasn't easily achievable in sf2)

it's because the fierce button is used four times with guile - jump in HP, cl.HP xx HP Sonic Boom, F+HP. it's not that hard in SF4, but that's why I can do it :D
I guess. I didn't see a challenge like that, though. Should be easy with Gouken or Dhalsim.
it's mainly to refer to the classic guile sf2 combo. i don't know everything about it, but it usually resulted in big damage and/or dizzy.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:46 am
by Xenozip.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:36 am
by Xenozip.
And Makoto and Dudley

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:23 am
by onReload
yup yup yup

all i can read from those scans are

dudley is

Super = Rocket Uppercut (SA1)
Ultra I = Rolling Thunder (SA2)
Ultra II = Corkscrew Cross (SA3...well Corkscrew Blow was SA3)

makoto is

Super = Tanden Renki (SA3)
Ultra I = Seichuusen Godanzuki (SA1)
Ultra II = Abare Tosanami Kudaki (SA2)

edit: ign says ibuki has Hashin Sho as her super, which was only in 2I and NG, and that's pretty awesome. her ultra's are Kasumi Suzaku and Yoroi Doushi. makes me wonder if there's room for her ground kunai super, maybe if you do her air kunai ultra on the ground...? doesn't say that in the scan, from what I can tell anyways.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:34 am
by oKutabareo
Wow, now people have a real purpose to build meter frantically for Makoto. And, if Super pumps up Ultras and that destroys everyone alone, you know there's going to be another revision called SSF4 X Grand Master Turbo Dash Edition with 3 more new characters. I would've preferred some Q, Twelve, or Sean instead of those 3. They should've brought over more low tiers than mid / high tier characters.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:29 am
by Xenozip.
We sorta knew all this stuff way in advance thanks to the "rumors" (which have all been correct). Makoto having Tanden Renki for a super and being able to block during it does not bode well, nor does Chun c.LK c.LK EX Legs->Kikkosho, among other things.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:46 am
by onReload
The thing that will radically change Makoto is the fact that after dizzy, damage scaling is still present. While the user "Mr. Gotch" has said that you can supercancel hayate (wut) into her red-hot super, then link into her ultra (which would compensate for scaling...) I don't know how many people are gonna get both meters full at the same time. The very idea still sounds gross to me. I would have preferred that Tanden was an Ultra - now we're gonna have to watch Juri's revenge gauge for time and Makoto's super gauge? what the butt?

/theory fighter

Well, SF4 and 3 are very different so it'll be interesting to see how they keep the characters' "essences."

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:52 am
by Xenozip.
onReload wrote:Well, SF4 and 3 are very different so it'll be interesting to see how they keep the characters' "essences."
Essences? Surely you jest, or need we again look at what they did to claw/cammy/guile/chun/etc?

Honestly I'd be amazed if the SF3 characters played anything like they did in SF3.

Though, since we're theory fighting it may be the case that Makoto lost her ability to link from Hayate to Godanzuki, but was compensated for by allowing a supercancel which shaves enough frames for the link. Though, in my opinion the only thing Makoto really needed in order to retain her essence is her dash and ability to combo off a karakusa, which I'm told she has and can in ssf4. The only things I've heard about Ibuki is that she retained all of her target chains, and gained some new links, which makes her a lot more buff. I doubt Ibuki's Kasumi Suzaku is going to work like it did in SF3, I mean it's possible but something tells me "no" in the back of my mind, but I bet you'll still be able to jump on reaction to Yoroi Doushi.

And seriously, the catch-counter ultras are going to suck and be worthless for anything outside of scrubby xbox live shit. If they worked on fireballs and grabs, had zero startup, and would automatically "grab" the opponent then maaaaaaaaybe you might see them in certain matchups, but I can't imagine they'd make those things good.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:49 am
by CPS2
I think I heard somewhere that Ibuki's 2I SA3 ultra ends with SA1, so it basically launches up and then rains kunai on them. This might have been total speculation tho.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:18 pm
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:Essences? Surely you jest, or need we again look at what they did to claw/cammy/guile/chun/etc?
Oh there's no doubting that they won't be the same, or that move strategies will totally change - but the "Hyoubal" style of Vega walldiving all the time is still in SF4. It's not as GOOD (the focus is a big part of what kills his FBA vortexes, imho), and he lost all his other important tools, but it still feels like Vega. Guile's AA is TERRIBLE but it's still meant to be a part of his gamestyle. This is why I'm saying it'll be interesting to see, because if Makoto's style is no longer about rushdown/karakusa/dizzy, then I don't know what the hell it will be about.

I also agree on the kunai - it won't feel the same way simply because it's a different engine. I wonder how much it will affect focus gameplay. Also, you might still be able to link into Yoroi Doushi...but part of me hopes they made the lame fizzly non-grab version viable as a combo finisher this time.
CPS2 wrote:I think I heard somewhere that Ibuki's 2I SA3 ultra ends with SA1, so it basically launches up and then rains kunai on them. This might have been total speculation tho.
Her 2I SA3 (Hashin Sho) is her Super now, according to IGN.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:53 pm
by Xenozip.
onReload wrote:It's not as GOOD (the focus is a big part of what kills his FBA vortexes, imho), and he lost all his other important tools, but it still feels like Vega. Guile's AA is TERRIBLE but it's still meant to be a part of his gamestyle. This is why I'm saying it'll be interesting to see, because if Makoto's style is no longer about rushdown/karakusa/dizzy, then I don't know what the hell it will be about.
But that's what I was implying. To me, Claw and Cammy no longer feel like Claw and Cammy. Some people say Rose doesn't feel like Rose, which I sort of agree with except that she retained a lot of her essential normals at least. And the only Fei Long player I know has stated that SF4 Fei Long isn't really Fei, but I wouldn't know because I've never played Fei much.

Though I think you can rest easy knowing that Makoto's gameplay will indeed revolve around rushdown/karakusa/dizzy, since she can combo after karakusa. They probably will tone down her dizzy, and making abare an ultra will also lessen her dizzy potential, but I think players will still aim for dizzy into KO with her anyway.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:13 pm
by Xenozip.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:19 pm
by Smileymike101
Where'd you find that?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:23 pm
by Xenozip.