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Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:32 am
by Magnetro

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:53 pm
by laugh
No, Maj, don't close this challenge!!! I love this challenge more than any we've had so far.

I had this happen to me at the arcades the other day. The CPU Iori threw jab fireball as I hit him with Sagat's early I landed into the FB and got hit obviously, and Iori recovered in time and comboed a I thought it was funny.

Is jumping over and getting hit from the back still ok?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:38 pm
by fullmetalross
Laugh does that setup actually get you a meaty hit? Maybe I don't get it, but I tried a similar back hit technique and couldn't get it to produce a true meaty.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:42 pm
by fullmetalross
Magnetro wrote:does this count?
you just roll canceled his rolling foward taunt yes? if so wasn't RCing a move to provide a meaty already used? haha rules lawyering really is were I spend the bulk of my time. :dies from own lameness:

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:48 pm
by Maj
Magnetro wrote:does this count?
Sorry dude, it looks cool but it definitely doesn't count. The concept is identical to jchensor's Dhalsim c.HP clip - having the opponent whiff a move to go under your attack.
laugh wrote:No, Maj, don't close this challenge!!! I love this challenge more than any we've had so far.
Well, challenges never actually close unless they have an explicitly stated end date. So far there hasn't been one like that. If you wanted you could still go back and post a Magneto Shockwave clip in the first challenge thread. As long as it fits the critieria, you'll get points.

The first two challenges had a "one clip per person" limit though, so for example let's say Vega Omega goes back and posts another MvC2 Ryu clip with 50 legit DP's. The most he can get is one extra point because it would replace his old entry, which earned him one out of the possible two points.

So i wasn't saying i'd close this challenge. I was asking whether everyone had given up and wanted to see what i had in mind. After that everyone would still be free to post clips, but obviously mine would narrow the open possibilities even further. But it's cool, i don't mind waiting indefinitely as long as a few people have plans to submit more clips.
Is jumping over and getting hit from the back still ok?
I don't know, i'd have to see it i guess. You'd have to construct something that doesn't cross over into stuff that's already been covered.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:44 pm
by Maj
Fourth period is over with no points this week. This'll stay open indefinitely, in case anyone ever feels like giving it a shot. If there's no activity in the next couple weeks, i might come back to this and capture a handful of clips. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:34 am
by fullmetalross

BAHHHHHHHHH HUMBUG, I doubt this counts after talking to Maj but I figured I should use my u2b account for something. My other hosting space is too full right now.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:54 pm
by Maj
Yeah, i mean, it looks cool, but nothing separates it from a standard knockdown setup. Maybe you can find a unique property to tech rolls, then find a way to base your meaty setup off that. Nothing comes to mind immediately, but there's gotta be something.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:37 am
by Maj
Had some free time over the weekend so i recorded a handful of clips, but i didn't have enough time to put this together until this evening.

CvS2 Unique Meaty Setups

Editing is kind of a rushjob though. In some cases those little word bubbles get in the way of the action, usually during the shorter clips. You might have to watch it twice to avoid getting distracted.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:41 am
by fullmetalross
Some of those were kind of iffy whether they were that different... ahah. JK you have proven yourself to know crazy shite! That geese one was amazing! Also I totally tried to find something with tech reversal but I could never really get it to work. : ( OH well I bow down. Good shit sir.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:18 am
by Maj
Not all of those would have been accepted if they were submitted at this stage. Going through the list, the second clip would have been accepted, third clip would have been accepted, fourth clip would definitely have been accepted, fifth clip would have been accepted, and the seventh clip would definitely have been accepted.

The sixth clip would not have been accepted because it's too similar to FMR's Ryu super FB setup. The eighth clip would not have been accepted because it doesn't meet the conditions. It is a meaty setup in the sense that Yamazaki's invincibility delays impact, but it's a special case where the meatiness doesn't make a difference. The true key to Tech-Throw Reversal combos is eliminating the attacker's recovery. It's the only case where the attacker gets the same frame advantage regardless of how meaty you make the attack.

The first clip is iffy. If the first clip was posted before the fifth, i would probably accept both because the fifth clip is a significant improvement. However, if the fifth clip had already been posted prior to the first, i definitely wouldn't have accepted the first clip.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:32 am
by fullmetalross
haha. Your are the bestest sir. I give you an e-hug, for going through all that, and thinking about it as such. I award you 100 FMR points!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:22 am
by Maj
Hah, sweet! Thank you sir.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:01 am
by Maj
Tight meaty setup at 0:49 in this EvoWest 2k7 CvS2 Ricky vs Gene Wong finals match. 2P Vega jumps over 1P Vega's HP ball, then gets hit while using s.HP to reach into the last part. Pretty easy to put two of those rolling attacks into one combo using this setup, but it'd be better in a game where Vega can combo after the ball.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:32 am
by Maj
Couple things i forgot to mention about my short vid ...

First, the music. When omni first told me about The Jazz June i thought they were alright, not great. But i've noticed that most of what i consider my favorite music is stuff i didn't like much at first. That album gradually turned into one of my favorites and it contains at least five tracks that i love now. However, Fight Like Sinatra isn't one of those tracks. In fact i find the main melody kinda annoying. But it's got this 40-second breakdown starting at the 1:33 mark, which makes me smile every time. Tried using it in the Nimuro video but it didn't work out. When this video turned out to be less than a minute long, i figured i wouldn't get a better opportunity to use it. CvS2 is a bit too noisy to appreciate it, but i hope you guys like the parts that bleed through.

Second, the glitchy-looking artifacts. I don't know what's up with my Dreamcast, but it's been acting up ever since i got it back from Evo2k6. Actually i lent out both of my Dreamcasts to SRK that year. One of them eventually died, and the other has been like this since i plugged it in. The artifacts aren't random either. They're all based on which part of the stage is onscreen, which is based on where the characters are standing. In some cases it's also based on what's going on in the background, like the ship moving through Barentsburg or the main windmill spinning in Kinderdijk. Usually it's only the background 3D elements that are affected, with the exception of the Training Mode stage which makes the characters all glitchy too. It's not the disc either, because almost every game gives me different graphical problems. I tried to work around it as much as possible in the Nimuro video, but i tried to focus on it as much as possible in the Meaty Setups video. My Dreamcast might die soon so i figured i should get some footage of these weird effects while it's still kicking.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:08 pm
by fullmetalross
Maj wrote:
..some stuff.... Barentsburg more stuff ...... Kinderdijk.
haha you know the official names for ice stage and windmill stage so awesome. And you spelled them right, even more awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:35 pm
by Maj
Actually i copy/pasted those from Finest KO. Generally i don't like memorizing stuff unless absolutely necessary.

While practicing with Zangief, i found a couple more meaty setup variants. Instead of having the opponent crouch to make themselves fatter, you can also have them stand up into an attack to make themselves taller. Maki, Iori, and Athena are the shortest characters in the game while crouching, so Gief's s.MP (+5 HA) passes right over their heads. If they stand up mid-way, Gief can link DB+MK (5 ST) afterwards. It's kind of a cool-looking 3-hit combo if you cancel into green hand afterwards. This is a fairly versatile setup and it gives you a little bit more control than whiffing a slide or whiffing one of Dhalsim's low punches.

The second setup involves attacks like Gief's c.MP which whiff completely at point blank range. Having the opponent walk backward into it creates the same advantage as having them walk forward into an attack. Even better, they'll get hit at the near edge of the hitbox as opposed to the far edge, which leaves them closer to you, so a wider selection of your attacks will reach them afterwards. The only obstacle is preventing the opponent from getting stuck in block animation, but all you have to do is put the opponent into Custom Combo mode to fix that.

Re: Challenge 03: Meaty Move Manipulation Marathon

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:30 am
by buktooth
cool video. inventive stuff, and blanka got stole on

and new pretty forums!