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Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:22 pm
by Xenozip.
All backdashes have startup invulnerability. It's 1-8 for most of the cast. Ironically Cammy's is 1-6 and Fuerte's is 1-7.

But yeah there's actually a number of supers that you can absorb the first hit and backdash->block the rest, and there's quite a few ultras that if you are charging an FA when they wakeup ultra you can backdash on reaction to the flash and block. Well, Fuerte has 19F backdash and Cammy, Claw, and Rose have 22F (But Rose's moves her pretty far backwards too).

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:34 am
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:All backdashes have startup invulnerability. It's 1-8 for most of the cast. Ironically Cammy's is 1-6 and Fuerte's is 1-7.

But yeah there's actually a number of supers that you can absorb the first hit and backdash->block the rest, and there's quite a few ultras that if you are charging an FA when they wakeup ultra you can backdash on reaction to the flash and block. Well, Fuerte has 19F backdash and Cammy, Claw, and Rose have 22F (But Rose's moves her pretty far backwards too).
What do you mean about 1-8 for the startup invulnerability? I don't understand that notation.

Also, I suppose it's not possible to fa -> backdash xN for each hit of the super, right? Probably too fast, I suppose. Maybe Dhalsim's Ultra...

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:37 am
by Raine
I assume he means that the first 8 frames of the backdash animation you are considered to be in an invincible state. Then you count as airborne for the majority of the frames until the backdash finishes (you will count as grounded for a small time at end).

BTW, I tested Cammy vs Ryu LP super and you do have enough time to FA again after each hit of the fireball, but Ryu will have to follow you along the screen so you don't get stuck in a corner. You could even use something like EX Spiral Arrow or SBF to avoid hits after you have FA backdash. I think this would make a cool addition to the Super Fireball Battle project. Let me know if you want to record it, otherwise I will.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:49 am
by Doopliss
I thought only some backdashes counted as airborne? I'm Sure Seths does, though. It's fun baiting an ultra from Chun with FA, only, to backdash and get hit with like 3 hits.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:00 am
by error1
thats very cool and should be done but I think it would be cooler with Rose or Chun li. I have an idea I'll go ahead and try.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:04 am
by onReload
error1 wrote:thats very cool and should be done but I think it would be cooler with Rose or Chun li. I have an idea I'll go ahead and try.
Yeah, go for it. Same for Remxi, I don't mind, and I don't record anything anyway :| Gonna have to get bootleg FRAPS at some point, who needs real quality

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:51 pm
by Xenozip.
Yeah. Not to sound like a broken record, but SF4 is the first Capcom fighter to feature a game with backdash invulnerability frames (none of their others do).

Also, we all know C.Viper can special cancel her superjump startup, enabling her to do things like Seismo Hammer SJ->SJC->Thunder Knuckle. But what I found interesting was that the CPU AI knew how to do it too, lol. It's not easy but you can chain Seismo Hammers repeatedly without feint cancelling. I don't think I've ever seen the 3S CPU AI do it but I was highly amused when AI-Viper did it.

Also I went ahead and calculated the frame (dis)advantage for FA1/2->forward dash and FA1/2->Backdash for all characters. Because I don't like doing simple math in my head when looking at charts I made a pre-calculated chart. If anyone has an interest in that then I'll post it somewhere.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:57 am
by error1
I was playing around with gem fighter and I noticed that if you do a around the world dizzy and then do a super as the opponent is flying off the screen it can cause some graphical glitches. Is this known?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:29 am
by Dammit

Ha, pretty weird. Looks like a shmup now.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:17 am
by error1

doing some supers as late as possible will cause some of the sprites from the super to show up but the super won't start till after

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:24 pm
by felineki
So, Norimaro seems to be a treasure trove of unused content. First of all, his creation was chronicled on his creator's TV show (which is an interesting watch even if you aren't a fan of Norimaro, as it gives a glimpse into the workings of Capcom HQ at the time, features Akiman and several voice actors, etc.). One abandoned move that was made (in)famous by this TV broadcast is his kancho attack. (Big GIF link). Supposedly this REALLY ticked Marvel off. The sprites no longer exist in the final ROM (I've looked), it was presumably replaced with the headbutt grab. Additionally, many sprites in his transformation rush super were different in this broadcast.

However, the final ROM contains further unused material. First of all is a perplexing animation which involves Norimaro fantasizing about one of several Capcom characters (Chun Li, Sakura, Cammy, Morrigan, Felicia, Anita, or... Zangief), which causes an explosive nosebleed (that happens to have a hitbox capable of hitting the opponent). His "SHORYUKEN!" voice clip is also triggered on the moment of eruption. This animation is stored next to those for his supers, so this might have been a scrapped super attack.

He also has an alternate unused winpose. Normally, he walks over to defeated opponent's body and snaps a photo. However, stored next to the photo snapping animation there is an unused animation where he appears to look at something with an expression of lewd glee, then gets down on the ground for a closer look. The only explanation I can think of is that this was intended for when he fights Sakura, and that rather than taking his photo over her defeated body, he would go to look up her skirt.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:44 pm
by error1
wow that's pretty cool. I can see why marvel forced them to get rid of the perverted stuff. Chun-li upskirt super for the win

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:11 pm
by onReload
Really fascinating stuff, thanks for the post. I still lurv Norimaro, but I can see why they would want to take this stuff out, it's really not that type of series...

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:17 am
by Dark_Chaotix

at 4min30. Thought someone here might make some good use to his setup?? Then again, it prob nothing

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:43 am
by Maj
Oh i moved that here, because this thread is for our own discoveries. It's a thin line / subtle difference, but i'd like to keep it that way if nobody minds.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:29 am
by error1
beam supers follow the characters position

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:26 am
by Dammit
That might be the result of the script failing to remove projectile boxes. Or are you trying to show something else?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:30 am
by error1
script seems to work correctly for this one
look how much higher the beam is as is dissipates in the second image, it moves up as akuma rises, both hitbox and sprite
and I don't know if this is known, but it only seems to work with an air spd, because it's an air throw that can hit ground

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:33 am
by Tigre III
Dark_Chaotix wrote:

at 4min30. Thought someone here might make some good use to his setup?? Then again, it prob nothing

Wow, interesting...
It seems like the block stun still remains after the DP. If that can be done with regularity, maybe you can connect an extra hit in a combo with U2... This rebember me some combos in KOF with the enemy running to the wrong side, lol. Im going to test it. Im curious about what happen if Ryu do an Ultra just when he wakes up... maybe a good set up for a Zero Damage vid?? :)

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:34 pm
by Tigre III
mmmm ok, tested.

This is curious... If Rose does the U2, for example, on the left side, the enemy will always block with the right "animation" of the block, although Rose ( or the enemy!) changes the side after the Ultra. Of course the same thing on the other side.

This means that, for example, Rose does U2 (far); Akuma, after the U2 does DP+PPP, and then, when Rose starts a combo against Akuma, the normals or the specials will be blocked (or hit) showing the "right animation" but the hits of the U2 will connect showing the "wrong animation". Curious glitch...

But this does not create cross. You must block it like in the right side. just like when you use the MK crossup of Rose with the U2 to start a combo... But It can be used to take some advantage of the "wrong animation" hitbox without starting the combo with the air MK...

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:57 pm
by felineki
Some unused projectile(?) for Pyron:

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:43 am
by error1

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:23 pm
by felineki
Someone on a 2ch thread mentioned Donovan having an icicle drop special in the location test version of Vampire Hunter. I examined the graphic ROM and it looks like the graphics still exist for it:
Looks like something along the lines of Dhylec becoming encased in an ice blade and falling, possibly working somethign along the lines of Anakaris' coffin drop. The code might still exist for it unused, I'm planning to do some checking and see if I can trigger it.

Also going from what I've read, Donovan was supposedly a much stronger character in the VH location tests. His Change Immortal would hit repeatedly on block causing massive amounts of chip damage. Lei-Lei and Victor were also supposedly much stronger in the location test. These three characters' eventual low-tier status might be a case of overactive nerfing in response to the location tests.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:54 am
by Dammit
* Do A3 Rolento's taunt.
* Do his f+MK kattobi VC.
* Weird shit happens. It's different from each side.

Code: Select all

W10,S.W100,R5..14.! # normal speed, from left
From left: Image
From right: Image

Felineki: any luck getting those dummied moves out?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:23 am
by onReload

There's two clips here, let me explain what's going on and why it's weird...

First, Elena's neutral stance is stupid. When her head is forward, Makoto can hit her with any variation of the Fukiage, kind of like how some dizzied characters lean into it. (and possibly some other non-dizzy ones, but let's just roll with Elena-is-stupid). I remembered that you can supercancel this move, so I tried it a few times on her in the corner, and got all hits and damage. Midscreen is a little different. The first clip simply shows how none of this is really important as the first hit of Seichuusen Godan-Zuki (the super) can 'cause K.O. Then I quickload back to a state where she has a bit more health.

...I wanted to see if only the first and last hits of the super could cause K.O., even though the middle 3 punches do cause minor damage. Anyway, the Fukiage puts Elena airborne, so the super has her rise with each hit - but as her airborne-reeling hitbox is also stupid, she falls out before the last hit. The second clip has the combined Fukiage + 1st hit of the super take her to 0 vital, showing that none of the 3 hits in the middle of the super can cause K.O., even though they do damage; the game really wants that epic final hit - we knew that, but I guess they never thought you'd nail the first 4 hits without the last connecting...but they forgot one thing: how stupid Elena's hitboxes can be.

You end up with some awful-looking thing that requires way too much explanation, but this is what I've done. This is probably the easiest set-up to show off this oddity - and just in case anyone was wondering, the stun has nothing to do with anything. It just happened as I whittled Elena's health down, and then I decided to show off Makoto's F+MK.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:10 am
by error1
wonder why the side of the screen would matter, or that the taunt would change things, that's pretty weird
lol, what kind of codec did you use? Thank god mplayer can play anything. If you hit with that super as an antiair does it do the same thing? It looks like the game has an ground hit box in the air, just Elena stupidness I guess

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:36 am
by CPS2
Not sure if this is known or not, my friend just found this..

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:51 pm
by Doopliss
Uhm, how do I watch that thing?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:05 pm
by felineki
Dammit wrote:Felineki: any luck getting those dummied moves out?
Not yet. I looked for animation data for the Blizzard Sword, but was unable to find any. I put together this mockup manually to show what it probably should have looked like:
I also had it pointed out to me that the graphic ended up being used in the pre-fight intro against CPU Dee in the PS2 Darkstalkers Collection.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:57 am
by CPS2
CPS2 wrote:Not sure if this is known or not, my friend just found this..