SFEX3 combo video

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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Mike Z wrote:Nice job! I tried that for 30 min and gave it up as impossible. :^) There has to be another move that can do that (knock the guy down from midair)...
I haven't had much success in getting other types of airthrows to land, but those should work (Guile, Pullum, Ken).
Well, his followup looks like he's in the trying-to-grab pose the entire time through it. If it works the same way the last part of the vs-games-FAB and other things that exhibit similar behavior do...if the opponent were to jump in front of Vega (and maybe even behind him) so that their heights are nearly equal, they'd get grabbed. Is Vega invincible? (I bet not.)
Since there's no dash, if you can't jump quickly enough, maybe do a Critical Parade with the other team so the other char comes in on the other side of Vega?
This makes me wonder, will it grab DPs and things? If so, will it grab people out of invincible supers or things like teleports...if there are any that can be done in the air/go upward...and if so, can you get crazy bugs to happen like in other games?
I tried to get gief to jump after the skullo dream super, while Vega is flying up but Vega was just too high. Perhaps certain specials that allow the character to jump high up may work.
Kairi's Teleport
Sagats Tiger Blow
Daruns Super Indra Bridge
Pullums double jump
Vegas Wall climb
Bisons Head stomp
Wishful thinking, but I'm hoping for some sort of kill-the-guy-while-he's-doing-something-invincible meaning the other char tags in but the first one recovers, and you can do 2-char combos forever...or something.
Mike Z
I really can't think of anything like that (I barely have an idea of what you're asking for though lol).

Desk, it isn't old to me, but my experience in that is limited. Though it was in your last clip, so we can get an idea on how it'd look.

James, I'd have to try that out, possibly get my brother to do the moves after the critical parade. But he hates EX so I'm not sure how much luck I'll get.

MikeZ again, from how I remember it works in tagging, the follow up should hit the character launched. So the tagged in guy should be able to reverse, or try something. Though once Vega starts his air throw, he'll be invincible until the move ends.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Ok did some quick tests. Nothing really worth recording for though.

Vega ends up grabbing virtually anything. Though Sagats hp.tiger blow hits.

He ended up grabbing
Blanks Vertical Ball
Chun Li Up kick super
Giefs Aerial Slam
Daruns Indra Bridge super
Bisons Head stomp

I could do a more exhausted list, but generally speaking, the throw isn't invincible but will grab virtually any attempt at punishment within the air.
Mike Z
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Post by Mike Z »

- Does it grab anything airborne, no matter height? If you jump right before Vega reaches the floor again, will he grab you right when you leave the ground? He should, in which case you can test it against any airborne move. I don't think it has to be on the way up.

Well, in other games, the basic idea is that since the throw is triggered by height, not by actually hitting the person, it will grab moves that can't be hit.
In MvC2, doing this to say, Psylocke during a teleport causes bugs because she doesn't handle being taken out of the teleport correctly. If you kill her like this, she stays around. Same with MvC1 and Venom's throw.
So try grabbing invincible moves, or moves that create a projectile or effect that attaches to you (Fierce DP? Area's air set-the-thing) or other things with odd properties. Try killing the other person with the grab out of these moves, and see if you can end up with a situation where they end up dead-but-walking-around with the other character coming out. Like Critical Parade but forever. Or other bugs worth noting.

This is how games are broken. (^.^)
Mike Z
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

He will grab the airborn move if are you underneath him or infront of him. He also ended up grabbing a pretty deep Jizan from Garuda (his DP move, I think its called that), but I'm not sure if he was still invincible when he was grabbed.

Well I can try again with a deep Shinryuken or shoryureppa with Ken at least.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Ok, it grabs the shinryuken before the super flash if you're right underneath vega
Mike Z
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Post by Mike Z »

I never realized how hard it would be to explain what to try to find bugs. :^) How about...

- Do the setup with Shadow as the main character, either by having him do the CritParade, or by tagging out Vega then doing the flipkick/catch as Shadow comes in.
- ShadowDream ends, Vega is in the air, other char gets up.
- Other char jumps, Shadow also jumps.
- Other char airthrows Shadow, Vega comes down, other char gets grabbed out of the middle of their airthrow by Vega. Presto, possible bugs.

Mike Z
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Post by ShinjiGohan »


ok found some videos on youtube.


lol why is it every EX player thinks that they're the best? Except for me cause I know I'm the best lol j/k.
Mike Z
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Post by Mike Z »

Woooow. Those videos all deserve this as a response.

Mike Z
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

solgen put up some videos for EX.

First up is his fight against Shin Bison in EX3.


and part of a survival mode for Bison in EX1
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

Thanks Maj for giving me points for making this thread lol.

I was trying to do an AA combo with pullum but it looks like you're limited to only 1 double air jump per air sequence.

What I had wanted to do was
Ten'el kick, p.momentary, a.hp, air jump, a.hp, kind wind or something like that, but the 2nd air jump wouldn't come out. I also tried it as a momentary from an air drill but the drill wouldn't hit from the s.hp so I just stuck with
ten'el kick, p.momentary, s.hp, kind wind. Only 37points of damage IIRC. Not particularly worth it for all of that execution trouble of timing a momentary on a jumping opponent.

now for more youtube combos lol


another way to do a 60 hit combo with ace for his mission

max damage with ace
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhRxJZWy ... re=related

some skullo traps by jester
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4ga1VS4 ... re=related

random combos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx2ABMgu ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OWNmq4- ... re=related

match video... man they need a tripod or something lol

better match video lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jtw4A2w ... re=related
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Post by Maj »

Was that last match video from a tournament? Where at? I'm glad Ryu won but i would have been happier if Guile landed at least one combo, haha.

Those Skullo trap clips were dope. I'd like to see an SFEX3 Shenanigans video someday, with the same general concept as ST Shenanigans by NKI.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

It appears as though it was in the phillippines of march of this year.

I actually recall an SRK poster asking for tips before it, and Jester and Sensei didn't know about it when they were they're so they missed it :(. But he said that level of comp wasn't that good, but hey EX is Ex.

Yeah, jester is pretty good at them but he says that they're flawed cause after a few times Gen was able to get out of it. But yeah, I guess thats the definition of a shenanigan lol.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by fullmetalross »

is there play considered High Level?

I ask because it seems like there was just alot of random unconfirmed stuff going on.. I mean the game looks like you have to take some risk, but I saw hella random super and dp and then just relying on character switch to hopefully get out of it. I guess the only thing is when the random dps missed it seems like the other person always missed any good follow up combos...
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by desk »

those matches were great, well found. Just wish i knew someone else who played the game. Recently, I find it completely impossible to put time into a game when there's no competition.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

fullmetalross wrote:is there play considered High Level?

I ask because it seems like there was just alot of random unconfirmed stuff going on.. I mean the game looks like you have to take some risk, but I saw hella random super and dp and then just relying on character switch to hopefully get out of it. I guess the only thing is when the random dps missed it seems like the other person always missed any good follow up combos...
They consider themselves the best. And they do have great execution and knowledge of the game. But they do have some bad tendenses. One of which is tagging out as soon as they can, whether they needed to or not and they're always attacking. But that is them playing casually, so who knows how it'd be in a tournament setting.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

SFEXP arcade combo video

For high level US matches in EX3 Jester put up on of the matches from JvG3.

original ARIKA combos for EX2 arcade
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Nice find dude. That ARIKA video is great. What's the deal with the Vega combo at 1:27? I didn't know you could go juggle to ground combo using Excels.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

Maj wrote:Nice find dude. That ARIKA video is great. What's the deal with the Vega combo at 1:27? I didn't know you could go juggle to ground combo using Excels.
Thats something that I didn't know either. But I never played much of the EX2 or EX2+ despite having the arcade boards lol. My guess is that unlike EX2+, a juggle can be set to ground on certain hit animation types.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

Some EX3 matches from Gammabowl

http://www.streetfighterex.info/SFEX3/V ... maBowl.mpg

Yeah all of the matches are there, even the last one which TarkanX probably would have won if he wasn't called for A2 and had to leave immediately.
Also matches against josh
http://www.streetfighterex.info/SFEX3/V ... maBowl.mpg

youtubed versions of the ones a bove
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

ShinjiGohan wrote:SFEXP arcade combo video

For high level US matches in EX3 Jester put up on of the matches from JvG3.

original ARIKA combos for EX2 arcade
Ive never seen high level games of EX 3 and im impressed. Why did this game do so bad?? It looks alot more stylish and indepth then the previous versions. Like to see a Bison Scissor kick into psycho crusher is freaky.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

It did bad because it was overshadowed by 2 other fighting game launch titles at the time (Tekken Tag, and DoA2 Hardcore IIRC). On top of that, it has the mythos of being an "EX" game and thus must suck.

Also didn't help that it did not have an arcade release.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

I see. Makes sense.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

While I would love to update this post (and the combo and SFEX threads are SRK), this guy updates too damn much lol.


some of it is redone maniacs, or mirrors of hongkong combos, but they all take skill. BTW all the combos from what I've seen are EX2+.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Talking about the 2HitCombo vid in the other thread reminded me ... Have you ever tried to connect Sharon's Meteor Combo after Guile's air throw? We actually did that for the video but it was one of 25 combos shown at once so you couldn't really see it. You can download the individual clip here:

Ode To The 2-Hit Combo - Extras

I guess normally when you catch someone with that super, they're leaning way back like they got hit in the head. But with this setup, the opponent leans forward like they got punched in the stomach. There's one frame where you can see Doctrine Dark's eyes right before the sniper bullet hits him. Yeah, more than a little creepy ...
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

I honestly haven't tried that cause I'm not a big sharon player.

however I did see the clip from the video, I was pausing and frame parsing each time I thought I saw an EX clip in there lol.

though I wonder what the damage scaling for that was... guess time to check out that clip ^.^
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

ok heres a small clip from the tutorial, the quality is shit but hopefully it gives you guys an idea of what I'm going for.

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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Wait, you're gonna display every move in the game like that? That doesn't sound too exciting.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

as I said, its a tutorial video, not a movelist video. so I'm going with the basics, then building up from there, blocking, 2 in 1s, momentaries. Everything a player needs to understand to be good at EX3. And at the end I'll toss in some high end combos to show what you can do when you apply everything that they've learned from the tutorial.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Haha cool, just making sure. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Will you focus on certain characters or mix everyone in equal share?
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