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Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:18 am
by Maj
I don't think so, though Akuma's comes close. Fuerte's looks a lot better now that i can see where the damage happens. The finisher's still kinda weak-looking though. I'm guessing it's a hit ultra which he could probably link off his +9 far s.HP ... but who knows, it might still be a grab.

Viper's looks pretty cool and i bet it'll look even cooler on a real stage without a ceiling. Full screen ground pound into ultra midscreen?

Cammy's is dope, even though we'll never see it in a combo video. Unless it grabs fireballs. In which case, shenanigans!

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:24 am
by Doopliss
Iirc, they said that it doesn't activate from projectiles.

Viper really should be able to do that, which means it has to be kinda weak.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:25 am
by Xenozip.
I'm trying to think of all the catch-counter supers I know of.. There's Todo, Kasumi, Remy..

Well, even just judging from Todo and Kasumi I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing it much in match videos either, not just combo videos. I mean, unless they do something really creative with it that's never been done before.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:36 am
by Maj
Like what? No more left arm punches after she breaks it?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:48 am
by Doopliss
Maj wrote:Like what? No more left arm punches after she breaks it?
Lol, congrats on the 1337th post in this section.

Cammys CQC doesn't seem to be affected by super armor, so it can probably catch shit like TK, Hondas headbutt, Blankas ultra and ball moves etc.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:59 am
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:Like what? No more left arm punches after she breaks it?
I was thinking more like an alternate use for it should it fail to catch anything. Like a power up, or exchange ultra stock for super stock, or just have her slowly rebuild Ultra if it whiffs, or reset her dizzy gauge. Or make it unthrowable and have zero recovery. Or give it a longer inv duration than the move's total duration so that it's at least a get-out-of-jail card.

But uhh, this is Capcom , so I imagine none of the above.

Really, I'm expecting it to be total garbage.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:51 am
by Maj
Aw, power up would be awesome and so would super meter recharge.

At least she dances, right?

You know what though - i wouldn't be surprised if this was cancelable, at least to the extent that Akuma's ultra Demon is. It'd be even less useful for Cammy but it'd be something different.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:45 am
by Xenozip.
Ok so Juri's Feng Shui Engine Ultra is some kind of powerup. I'm inclined to believe the Makoto rumors to be true, then. Chun Kikkosho Ultra was confirmed, at least.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:48 am
by CPS2
Fubarduck was saying "how cool would it be if Makoto could block during SA3" on neogaf. He seems to be hinting pretty strongly that he's played it. Also mentioned something about the 2-hit heavy DP for Ryu, only the 2nd hit knocks down.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:54 am
by Xenozip.
Sonic Hurricane ultra confirmed for Guile.

Ultra Oicho Nage confirmed for Honda.

Boxer's new Ultra confirmed as a command grab.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:56 am
by CPS2
Honda does have oicho throw ultra! I think all the other stuff may be true...

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:59 am
by Xenozip.
Oh, bastards on the stream. They picked everyone at least twice.

Rose? Not even once. To be fair, they didn't pick Ken either, hahaha. XBox live scrubs got trolled a little.

Well whatever, all rumors confirmed true (except for the rumors about the 3S characters, still remains to be revealed).

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:17 am
by Doopliss
This is what I got.

Honda ultra 1 safe(r) on block.

Looks like Akumas Shakunetsu hadoken was faster.

Rufus Ultra 2 doesn't juggle for shit. It's like a massive galactic tornado with him spinning and throwing punches all over the place.

Vega and El fuerte seems to have Command grabs that grabs from a low slide, I don't know if they're unblockable or if they can be blocked low.

Guy Ultra 2 is bushin muso renge, command is HCBx2+PPP. Command Grab.

Psycho Punisher is a teleport command grab. Looks like you can decide the range yourself too.

Feis 1-inch punch is a counter ultra.

Gens new kick ultra is called Teiga. His Punch ultra 2 was a long japanese word that I didn't have the time to write down. He picks his two old ultras or his two new ultras.

DeeJays Ultra 2, climax beat, is an ultra version of MGU (Which appearently is charge d, u+P again), and it does 44 hits. Only seems to connect fully on a ground hit though.

Only the three first hits of jaguar revolver juggles.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:19 am
by Xenozip.
Dan had a Haoh Gadouken. Really huge gadouken Ultra.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:34 am
by CPS2
n3ss @ gaf confirmed the Rose thing, but he say's it's more like Oro's SA3. I guess it's a similar thing that just uses blue soul orbs.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:54 am
by Xenozip.
I'm picturing it being those orbs she produces during her various winposes and intros. In which case, she did kind of get her friends super back, except I can't imagine that looking cool. Especially not after all these freaking Looney Tunes Ultras we've been seeing so far.

Still, it'll be "interesting" to have Genei Jin and Friends back in SF once again. :V

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:40 am
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:Dan had a Haoh Gadouken. Really huge gadouken Ultra.
Just like in SVC Chaos, lol...I do like the nods to AoF

So some of the new Ultras look really cool, and that new Nakky blog has a better looking Mega Zangief (his plastic chesthair is no longer two polygons from Star Fox for the SNES), but I'm still iffy on him and his stupid, STUPID ultra (if the rumors are true, its input/functionality seals the stupid deal).

Ryu's Metsu Shoryuken is animated weirdly, he has time to change position so much in between hits, they kind of float in Popeye mode, then shoot up in a very long's just awkward. Also, no sliding elbow means it's basically Shin Shoryuken instead of A3's Metsu.

Siberian Blizzard is moronic. They really love this high flyin' shit, but it takes way too long, evidently is an air to air ultra grab (no thank you) and is just goofy.

El Fuerte's starts out cool but then ends with him doing a pin move while in the air? That's odd. It also breaks the usual SF4 "bring 'em up, slam 'em down" ultra formula. I mean I guess they eventually come down. plus, an ultra that hits low and doesn't require a telegraphed jump? so why would I use Giga Buster? Will have to find out...

Dhalsim's is stupid looking and has more camera fuckery (seth's was enough), and I wonder how it works - is it an air to ground command grab? what the shit? no A2 grab here I guess.

Akuma's is funny, but stupid. I was hoping they'd make something up for the move he announces at the end of 3rd strike, the way they made KKZ into a move after he invents it during his ending for 2nd Impact...'cause I guess another fireball would just be overkill.

Ken's is boring. Dan's I like, Viper's I like,

Cammy's I'm not crazy about (reminds me of some 3DMK fatalities that were out of ideas), but the fact that it's a counter will make it fun - maybe not match viable, but fun (i.e. Blue Nocturne). Fei's is cool, but it also has fist of the north star before the awesome 1 inch punch, so its kinda rehashed - and it's a counter? ehh.

Cody's second Ultra was cool until they did the zoom out and show Ryu getting his head stuck in the side of the camera. goofy. there's also an annoying delay between hitting him far away, then the K.O. registering.

Guy's second ultra is more ninja jackoff material. Not super interesting to me right now.

Honda's is plain and simple which is cool, and I'd probably use that Ultra as I'm a fan of grapple supers and specials. I was waiting for him to slam you into saturn then sit on you with a space suit on, and then call it "Interstellar Fuckbang" or whatever. Good relief to just see a fairly traditional move.

Vega's is cool. It's like a spin on Red Impact, and it will be interesting to see if it's a contact ultra or alternatively juggleable, or a grab or what.

Chun's and Guile's are nice series additions, if Chun's Kikoushou is a d,f,d,f ultra then I don't care about Hosenka anymore. Sonic Hurricane is pretty cool (new logo for Maj happening there) though I'm not sure about it's usability (then again I'm not sure about a lot of these' usability) .

Bison's Ultra is cool, however it's done. Shang Tsung type of shit.

Overall I'm interested in the rest to come, and I appreciate them putting in new features, but I feel they have to think about

1) Why would I want to use a different Ultra? Make it worth it.
2) Put some effort into the motion design. Character movements are unrefined, all-over-the-place, and just strange...characters twist and fly from moves too quickly without any weight and look faker than usual.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:49 am
by Xenozip.
Seth has been switched from suck to blow

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:04 am
by Maj
Wait wait, what?! Sonic Hurricane doesn't juggle? Or is it only six hits total now?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:09 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:Wait wait, what?! Sonic Hurricane doesn't juggle? Or is it only six hits total now?
Is this Alpha 3 style?

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:16 am
by Xenozip.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:26 am
by Doopliss
Except that lv.2 FA still crumples. I've seen people pulling it of in like 3405763405603 different videos without counter hit.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:33 am
by error1
five hits gadoken is still better then his other one. Looks like roses new one only hits twice.
The sun is way too big in the Africa eclipse stage, and they missed the 360 sunset that comes with it, wonder if anyone will calc the time of the eclipse with how far it is in the sky to figure out the year it takes place in and the area it's located in

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:53 am
by Doopliss
I want to see it whiff so that we can see how far it travels D:

Btw, I hope this works for rose:

Bnb xx HP reflect xx FADC -> Soul satellite (bouncing on the two projectiles)-> Soul throw/EX soul spark/(soul peide -> EX soul spark).

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:14 pm
by Maj
It's kinda weird that nobody bleeds when they get hit by Cody's knife.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:37 pm
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:It's kinda weird that nobody bleeds when they get hit by Cody's knife.
A depressingly large number of Capcom games have censorship on by default which needs to be flipped in the dips (usually it's called regulation). Amazingly, even Vampire Savior has white blood sprays, yet you can still cut people in half and decapitate them, etc. And comically Jedah's moveset deals entirely with blood and is left red even with censorship on.


Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:44 pm
by error1
I have a feeling every ssf4 combo with start with Soul Spark->fadc->Soul satellite

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:03 am
by onReload
You are incorrect, combos will now consist entirely of Feng Shui Engine + FADC.

I have way too many questions about that Ultra, like, I've heard that getting hit knocks you out of it (good), but does full meter mean more time or more damage? How are attacks changes aside from speed (meaning startup, active frames, hitstop, recovery)? Does hitstun change? How about damage scaling? Is there a pattern to the cancels like the marvel or vampire series chains? Does it do any dizzy? [guessing no] Can you super? [guessing no]

and of course, many players will work on how to get the maximum amount of damage out of it; it will be a lot, and nobody will use her other ultra. [just a guess]

Looks like Siberian Blizzard doesn't have to instantly connect; in the official movie on the japanese site, abel takes a bit longer to jump into it than fuerte did in the trailer, so zangief is kinda floatin there spinning for a second. that's cool with me.

and yeah nobody bleeds from vega's claw anymore...evidently someone requested that in an FAQ for Nakky and she said they wouldn't want heat from parents

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:52 am
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:You are incorrect, combos will now consist entirely of Feng Shui Engine + FADC.

I have way too many questions about that Ultra, like, I've heard that getting hit knocks you out of it (good), but does full meter mean more time or more damage? How are attacks changes aside from speed (meaning startup, active frames, hitstop, recovery)? Does hitstun change? How about damage scaling? Is there a pattern to the cancels like the marvel or vampire series chains? Does it do any dizzy? [guessing no] Can you super? [guessing no]

and of course, many players will work on how to get the maximum amount of damage out of it; it will be a lot, and nobody will use her other ultra. [just a guess]

Looks like Siberian Blizzard doesn't have to instantly connect; in the official movie on the japanese site, abel takes a bit longer to jump into it than fuerte did in the trailer, so zangief is kinda floatin there spinning for a second. that's cool with me.

and yeah nobody bleeds from vega's claw anymore...evidently someone requested that in an FAQ for Nakky and she said they wouldn't want heat from parents
Getting hit during ultra 1 doesn't knock you out of it.and the Ultra meter you have is transformed into time, so the more ultra meter you have, the more time you get. If you get hit during the ultra, it's not added to the time, but to a new ultra meter behind it.

The thing is, the damage you can get from one combo from it looks real crappy (i mean, he wasted his entire super bar, and got about 350 dmg?), but it will be one of those ultras you can activate every match. And it looks like it will be hard to block a feng shui engine attack barrage.

Re: Does anyone care about SF4? (FG News thread)

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:06 am
by onReload
Doopliss wrote: Getting hit during ultra 1 doesn't knock you out of it.and the Ultra meter you have is transformed into time, so the more ultra meter you have, the more time you get. If you get hit during the ultra, it's not added to the time, but to a new ultra meter behind it.

The thing is, the damage you can get from one combo from it looks real crappy (i mean, he wasted his entire super bar, and got about 350 dmg?), but it will be one of those ultras you can activate every match. And it looks like it will be hard to block a feng shui engine attack barrage.
wow that's...interesting i suppose. i don't like the idea of not being able to knock her out of it. somewhat related: rumor has it (friend says he knows a beta tester, so there we go down the rumor "his friend of a friend" line) that makoto will have her red hot super art (don't know if it will be ultra or super) and will be able to block.