SSF4 Week-One Combos

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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Smileymike101 »

So it instantly kills him lol.But i thing you can cancel into it in regular match also, just like maj did with fei long in day 6, shienkyaku,KO xx super.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Doopliss »

Well yes, but then it doesn't do ful ldamage, as it has to juggle :P
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Smileymike101 »

He's dead already, who cares about damage :P
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Pokey86 »

Doopliss wrote:Well yes, but then it doesn't do ful ldamage, as it has to juggle :P

lol... i lol'd for real :P
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

Have you guys tried focus attacking crouching Dee Jay in the corner? Weird extreme pushback.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

Wow, Day Eleven comments are hella disappointing. Headaches everywhere. I can't even remember the last time it was this bad. Just can't win with this one anywhere. Maybe it was my fault for trying to start some discussion with that Gen question?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by error1 »

wow really, people should know what to expect by now
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Pokey86 »

Maj wrote:Wow, Day Eleven comments are hella disappointing. Headaches everywhere. I can't even remember the last time it was this bad. Just can't win with this one anywhere. Maybe it was my fault for trying to start some discussion with that Gen question?
Wait are you saying you knew why it didn't kill him?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

Not as accurately as you guys answered the question, but i had a rough idea. Between the mini-drama on sh and the 92872934th complaint about focus trades on u2b, this is starting to get a little tiring.

edit: Then i try to defend myself and 8298343 people go overboard tearing into the guy who made the complaint. Seriously lose-lose situation.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by onReload »

it's really no big deal, at least on the YT tip. people just don't get it, which is common. who knows, maybe people are saying "check out that video where gen doesn't kill seth" and you know how they say there's "no such thing as bad publicity."

my bad for goofing on there though. perhaps you should, at some point in one of the YT descriptions, explain the point of starting with a focus attack (in general, of course...if you get too specific then you'd be doing a transcript for each video.). i don't also want to jump on the "defend maj train" so i just kinda facepalm when i see that type of comment for the third time.

don't sweat it. get some sleep, count them views.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Rufus »

I'm not sure I'd be happier if I got more stupid comments on the hitbox thing, but getting hardly any isn't that much fun either.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

The whole problem is i can't explain it in a u2b comment. There are at least 5-6 different focus trade setups i use, all aimed at accomplishing different things. These fools are blending them all into one pile, then calling it overplayed. But even if i write the article explaining them, i can't link to it in u2b comments, so i'm back to square one.

That along with "How did you get full ultra meter without taking damage?" are my two least favorite u2b comments at the moment. Because the answer is "Think about it for three minutes and if you can't answer the question yourself, you're dumb."

But of course i can't say that 'cause the internet has trained people to perceive every challenge as an attack.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Xenozip. »

Maj wrote:But of course i can't say that
Cuz you too nice.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by onReload »

Maj wrote: These fools are blending them all into one pile, then calling it overplayed. But even if i write the article explaining them, i can't link to it in u2b comments, so i'm back to square one.
Why not just copy & paste it (which should be small, very general, explaining how each character actually has different focus attacks and crumple states can lead to interesting things) into your little SH articles for each video? I'm guessing the people saying "it's getting old" should at least be smart enough to follow the hyperlink.
Maj wrote: But of course i can't say that 'cause the internet has trained people to perceive every challenge as an attack.
Yeah, it's 'cause lack of tone really doesn't help the situation, and near-anonymous commenting is as though they walked up to you in the arcade with that question. If it were one perfect stranger (IRL), you might be glad to explain it to them, or if it were someone you kinda know, you might be cool with "think about it for a second," but if the first thing you say to a guy is "think," he's gonna see that as condescending/exclusive etc. over the internet. The good grammar/formatting doesn't help that either hahaha, but I appreciate it for the writeups

can't be helped eh
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

onReload wrote:I'm guessing the people saying "it's getting old" should at least be smart enough to follow the hyperlink.
Helllllls no! Are you kidding? Dude, on every page of Evo Ryu comments, there's someone asking if Ryu can do air chains in A3.


Red clouds!

Blue super meter! Flat bar! No levels!

There's even a complete game list in chronological order in the description. These fools don't read and they sure as hell don't click explanation links. Not only that, but you'd be surprised how many questions/comments are essentually a half-assed effort to "participate." Not everyone who asks a question cares about the answer. Not even close.

Furthermore, not everyone who writes a dissenting opinion believes it. That's also a function of the internet; just wanting to feel like (or be perceived as though) they're saying something clever/unexpected/vital. There's a very, very thin line between "nice videos" and "forcing a counter hit on a focus attack over an over as a combo setup is getting old." One of them is saying "i watched this video" and the other is saying "i watched this video and would like to bait acknowledgement of that fact."

There's a fucking ocean between those comments and "i think you could've used a counterhit Jaguar Tooth setup there instead." How often do you see people give me combo suggestions?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Xenozip. »

Yeah, people almost never read the description or sometimes even the credits. Most people are there to watch, not read, which means turning the brain off. Way off.

You have to verbally remind people to check the description or click an annotation that has a link attached to it in the video. And you have to tell them why they should. Verbally.

It's not that everyone is really stupid, it's just there's a lot of people out there that don't bother using their brains at all. This is like what they predicted would happen, as in television is rotting everyone's brains, but then u2be is worse. And you know you'll still get a few asshats that are too lazy to do bother reading a really long article. Thanks to Twitter and the like, people's attention spans are 140 characters or less. Even u2be itself will tell you things like "use annotations to remind people to rate your video and subscribe to your channel!" and "most attention spans are about five minutes, so try to keep videos under five and have important stuff at the beginning!". No joke.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

Yup, u2b makes it very difficult to direct people out of u2b. I understand that part of this is to avoid abuse (because spammers are the street corner crack dealers of the internet) but it's no accident either that u2b destroyed sites like CV. It's the walmart effect on smaller retailers. They make a conscious effort to absorb video-based communities. They make it very clear that they want people like us to say "don't comment on my thread on SRK, go comment on my u2b page instead."

Btw i just checked and the daily numbers on my website haven't gone up since i started releasing these SSF4 vids. I haven't made any extra effort to direct anyone toward my website (and in fact i've been reposting my video notes on SRK, etc.) but that goes to show that you have to make a conscious effort to get anyone to click on description links. It's simply not an automatic part of u2b culture - by design.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Xenozip. »

I'm terrible though, I feel like if people are too lazy/stupid to check the description then those are the people I don't want wandering onto my blog anyway. I get enough stupid ass comments as it is.

Just glancing at the SF4 forums on SRK and the comment threads on EventHubs makes me cringe so hard my soul dies a little. And that goes double for the SWR "generation", oh my lord. Back in the day I probably never would have deleted a comment or put some one on ignore, but ever since I started uploading SWR stuff that seal broke REAL fast. Now I'm quick to shut people down. I need to lower my rage, not increase it. Don't need that in my life.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

I haven't gotten to that point, thankfully. At least not on the website itself. I guess gamefaqs/eventhubs keeps the scrubs occupied? Some of the u2b comments are bad but i never delete them as long as they're fighting game related. It's better to respond to a few comments yourself, push the dumb ones off the front page, then nobody will ever see them again. Though i try to delete obvious spam right away because i don't want any one of my viewers wasting a minute of their life reading that crap.

Either way though, whenever you release a new video, you have to choose. Either you can direct people to your u2b pages in which case you'll get more comments/ratings/subs. That's what i tried to do this time around and it worked out okay but not great. Or you can direct them to your website in which case you build something that's not made of straw and can't get taken away from you at a moment's notice. That's what i usually do, but traffic has stayed about the same since about two or three months ago. More or less maxed out, i guess.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Xenozip. »

I dunno, I was attracted to this scene due to my competitive nature, and it was that nature that got me hooked. I got my newb ass owned the fuck up on day one. That only fueled the fire to want to be part of the scene even more. I took a beating, I raged a little, and I grinded. Some one put a fire under my ass and I wasn't going to stop till I was winning.

That's why I don't like pampering people. I will tell a dumb ass that they are a dumb ass. They better step it the fuck up and prove me wrong, otherwise they really are a dumb ass. And I appreciate it when people call me out, too. I rage and act juvenile, but then I check my head and get it together. That's why I think it's cool that people tear into each other on your youtube comments, because they should, dammit. If the fucker isn't using his head then maybe a little roasting will work like a wakeup call. And if it doesn't, then fuck him.

We really REALLY cater to scrubs way too much these days. Everything on a silver platter already, it's no wonder they don't think, we think for them. I'm guilty of it too, but I've started to stop doing that shit the more I remember my initiation. Newb hazing is the way to go IMO. If they break then it probably was not meant to be, and if they don't break then cool we got a new contender with a competitive nature in the lineup. I mean seriously if they don't have a competitive nature what are they doing playing a two player game?

In fighting games people hit each other.

That's why I thought your challenges was a good idea, putting the competition into exhibition. The Olympics of CVs/TACVs?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by onReload »

I don't know if a competitive nature is necessary but I agree with your general sentiment; for me, it's more about wanting to/needing to/being able to figure things out yourself...I try not to ask questions (though combo-making was an entirely new thing to me about 2 years ago) as I'm 23 and have been on the internet since I was 10...You learn that even before Google and YouTube, with some finesse, you WILL find the answer to your question....and if you're asking for it (actually, even if you're not) people will tell you to fuck off pretty quickly.

When I showed up to "the game room" at my school, I came with some general knowledge of 3rd Strike and that was it. I didn't ask what every new game was, I didn't ask about all the stuff I didn't know, I didn't whine, and I tried to be nice. It worked out well. Jesus, I think the story of my introduction to the internet/computers might even be similar back in 5th grade, talkin' bout Ocarina of Time. So I just usually leave trollbait around and don't answer dumb questions unless the person seems relatively smart AND polite. I like my internet nice and unmoderated and unbabied. If your feelings get hurt too easily, too bad.

...but none of that applies when you're trying to win as many people as you can over to your site/blog/channel etc. This is gonna get moved to "Everything YouTube" pretty soon, innit?
Last edited by onReload on Tue May 11, 2010 1:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

I guess it is somewhat strange to be providing handouts in a competitive atmosphere, but that's the kind of website i run so what can i do different? It's hard to do one without the other. And i like writing about strategy theory so i'd be doing it regardless. Although i don't mind if people get competitive with each other around me, as long as they know to stay respectful too. I don't like enforcing that through modding but i don't need to. I can maintain order well enough just by talking.

As far as scrubs on u2b, my default stance is that i care what people in our extended community think, until proven otherwise. I give them all the benefit of the doubt. Someone has to go out of their way to annoy me for me to start ignoring them. It happens once in a while but i keep that under the radar. Plus i don't really hold grudges or stay mad at people. I just remember not to let them waste any more of my time, but otherwise i get over stuff quick.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by onReload »

Yeah there's nothing wrong with a kind of scouting for potential. It's hard work and not many people are willing to do it. I didn't really pay off in terms of combo maker extraordinaire here, but I'm somewhat valuable (~$40) maybe? hopefully?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Xenozip. »

Yeah, I guess that's the nature of combo artists.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

Sorry to go off topic to get back on topic, but you know what sucks about Vega (and Gen)? The wall they go to is determined by an input after the leave the ground. It's like the first frame after or something.

For Vega that means you can't do charge DB, DF, DB, U+K, immediately hold DB if you want to fly at the opposite wall. If you want to land the first hit of ultra1, you have to lose like 7-8 frames of charge time to holding F before you can return to DB.

Worse still, this means you can't do charge DB, whiff DB+LK, DF, DB, UF, charge DB, KKK. That's another 8-9 frames of charge time lost.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by onReload »

Gonna guess you were gonna do another Vega U1 trade then juggle some more...seemed to work out pretty nicely last time. What's different here?
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Maj »

It doesn't launch very high; noticeably lower than EX wall jump height. It'd be nice to use Sim's j.LP or something, but that recharge denial pretty much makes it impossible to avoid using a superfreeze setup. I didn't really have anything specific in mind. Just wanted to see where it would lead.

Also what's up with Dee Jay's weaksauce normals? He really doesn't have a 200-stun jump attack? I'm vertical-jump-fiercing Abel right in the head and it's only doing 150 stun.
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by error1 »

weaksauce? compare the damage any of his jumping moves do
his forward does 130 damage, that's basically more then anyone else in the game and 30 more then any of Guiles. Seems like a simple damage for stun trade off. Not even a forward jumping Zangief or t. Hawk can get that kind of damage from a jump in

btw frame data is on the srk wiki now
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Smileymike101 »

I think I'll never post info about ssf4 again, because the throughly way i say it is just not cool.

Edit: Just wanted to ask you guys if you didn't notice taht some (tried just Dudley and Ibuki) of the new chars, potentially all, have VERY weak hitstun from jumpins compared to rest of the cast.I mean with ryu, after a jumpin, you can easily combo his 12 frames metsu, but with dudley, after a non deep jumping HP, cr.hp doesn't combo.WTF?If it's deep, you'll be to far for the after the cr.hp, and if it's not super deep, it wouln't come out.Do their jumping hard attacks cause like less hitstun than like other character's jumping MEDIUMS or something?
And lol at Guile now being able to easily do ~ sonic boom(i rthink i did it first try, really easy), and they REALLY changed something about his link.I don't care the framedata for them is the same, i'm getting the link 90% of the time, i actually use it as the main bnb now, canceled into flashkick, whereas in vanilla i don't think i've landed it more than like 20 times in ALL my matches with him.I'll test if they changed this specific link only, by linking flash kick, and respectively cr.jab after cr.jab, while looking for difference.

But i wouln't say this because it's not cool.
Tigre III
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Re: SSF4 Week-One Combos

Post by Tigre III »

Totally off topic. ... re=related

Wow, SSFIV Day 0????? This guy knows how to get views...
And the game is... Strip???? WTF?
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