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Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:47 pm
by Don Vecta
Welcome to the fray, Neophos. :)

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:56 pm
by AtTheGates
hey everyone,
ATG here from germany.
did 2 combovids so far, one which has few combos but a lot of ninjas and music everybody hates:
the other has no ninjas but a lot of combos:

i've been playing mostly jojo's bizarre adventure lately as well as some fate: unlimited codes, recording mainly BnBs and showoff combos, no full vids.

at this point in time it would be pointless to make a jojo combovid, but Subarashii & me are planning to release a german collaboration match/combo vid, japanese style - just clips from matchvids with music. Footage will be GGPO casuals and ranking battles.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:17 am
by CPS2
Thanks for the invite Maj!

Not sure what to say, I am a fan of combo vids and I recognise a lot of names here. Would like to get into making them myself, I've posted a few on youtube but tend to delete them after a few weeks.

Also I've met Dark Chaotix a couple of times, not sure if he has any idea who I am but I've been to several OHNs, and I play 3S with Axia occasionally.

edit: oh Remxi is here too, heya!

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:38 pm
by Doopliss
I didn't see that this thread existed, so here we do:

I'm usually known as Doopliss or doopliss swe online, but on YT, I'm known as DaDoppen. I like to spend hours and hours in training mode just brainstorming with different characters in SF4, and sometimes I find some interesting stuff. Atm I'm working on a little combo video with some Seth combos that I've found. So I'll only be playing around with combos in SF4 and the upcoming SSF4.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:39 pm
by Dark_Chaotix
CPS2 wrote:Thanks for the invite Maj!

Not sure what to say, I am a fan of combo vids and I recognise a lot of names here. Would like to get into making them myself, I've posted a few on youtube but tend to delete them after a few weeks.

Also I've met Dark Chaotix a couple of times, not sure if he has any idea who I am but I've been to several OHNs, and I play 3S with Axia occasionally.

edit: oh Remxi is here too, heya!
Oh, who are you again?? I met too many ppl to remember :P

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:04 am
by CPS2
Dark_Chaotix wrote:Oh, who are you again?? I met too many ppl to remember :P
lol I know what you mean. My old username was ultracrazy.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:15 pm
by Dark_Chaotix
CPS2 wrote:
Dark_Chaotix wrote:Oh, who are you again?? I met too many ppl to remember :P
lol I know what you mean. My old username was ultracrazy.
Ah yup yup, know i remember.

Well if you are on this board then maj must love you :P

Seriously tho, you will find good stuff for your sf4 needs....

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:44 pm
by SlimX

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:22 am
by Dark_Chaotix

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:16 pm
by Smileymike101
Hi guys.I'm really happy to be part of this forum.I've been brought to the fighting scene by SF4, after it i also tried other fighters like MVC2,sf2 (i own sfhdr2 but i can barely do hadouken there :lol: ),sf3 but i'm no good at them like AT ALL.I'll try to use macros to see if i can do something in those games.Until then i'll be sticking to SF4.
How did you guys started making combo videos?Did you just randomly record some combos and noticed it was really fun?

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:25 pm
by Doopliss
I have no idea, when I played HDR I didn't care at all, but after a while in SF4, I became obsessed. Maybe it was when I was forcing myself to finish all the hard trials, I dunno. It might have something to do with when I started to main Seth. I actually discovered c.HP xx LP SRK -> j.d.MKx3 -> j.d.HK by myself, and later I found out that it's his main midscreen no-meter punish combo.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:04 pm
by error1
It was when I figured out I should record this snk vs capcom infinite combo I found with Kyosuke a long time ago.
That eventually led to my fallout 3 speed run
that led to my Strider 2 tas
And Maj must have been really desperate for new members because he invited me after I did this Street figher alpha tas

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:26 am
by Keiko
Hi to everybody there, it's an honour for me to be here whit all this guys who really has been a source of inspiration and knowledge for me through all this years :D .
My name is Keiko, and i'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I has been in the community for a long time, but specially, oriented into the Latin SF/Capcom people.
I'm currently working on the Street Fighter Alpha 2 Custom Combo Videos by characters, the Alpha series where my main object of work in this years, and i hope to be usefull for some of you who are still interested on those games.
I'm trying to cover all the SFA2 "combo aspects" step by step, in a gradual process of learning, it's a hard goal, but im doing my best on it, i know that SFA2 it's not a "popular" game between players nowadays, but i love this game and i feel the need of doing it, more than anything, for myself and for my friends or the people who are actually interested on it.
Beside the SF Games, i love Vampire Savior, Justice Gakuen, Samurai Spirits and some obscure PSX/Snes/Arcade fighting games like Advanced Variable Geo 2.
Well, that's all i think, i'm very glad to be here, it's a pleasure to meet you all guys.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:49 am
by CPS2
Ah your SFA2 blog is cool Keiko. Had some fun messing around with a few of the glitches you showed.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:23 pm
by Keiko
CPS2 wrote:Ah your SFA2 blog is cool Keiko. Had some fun messing around with a few of the glitches you showed.
Hahaha, thank you, i'm glad to know that the articles where usefull for you CPS2.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:24 am
by Raine
Oh cool, it's great that you've joined up to this forum. Welcome, and enjoy your stay. :D

I've watched all of your SFA2 vids and am very impressed with your comprehensive approach to combo making. I've learnt so many things about the game from you. Personally I am interested in making some SFA2 combos so I'm sure your knowledge will be useful at some point.

I too am a fan of Advanced V.G. 2, and you will find there are many fans of the Vampire series on the forums. 8)

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:51 pm
by Keiko
Remxi wrote:Oh cool, it's great that you've joined up to this forum. Welcome, and enjoy your stay. :D

I've watched all of your SFA2 vids and am very impressed with your comprehensive approach to combo making. I've learnt so many things about the game from you. Personally I am interested in making some SFA2 combos so I'm sure your knowledge will be useful at some point.

I too am a fan of Advanced V.G. 2, and you will find there are many fans of the Vampire series on the forums. 8)
Thanks!, i'm working on some articles that could be very usefull if you're interesested in the sfa2 combo engine, in these days will be finished i think and i will post them here.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:40 pm
by error1
I'm a fan of the sfz2 blog as well. I became versed in most of the glitches in the game, when researching for my tas and also found a few of my own. The one think that's remained a mystery to me is how do you make attacks hit backwards after a jump in.
I know how to do the glitch where you character is facing the wrong way but I'm talking about doing a cross up and then the attack after you land is facing the wrong way, I've seen it used a few times in combo videos

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:23 am
by Keiko
error1 wrote:I'm a fan of the sfz2 blog as well. I became versed in most of the glitches in the game, when researching for my tas and also found a few of my own. The one think that's remained a mystery to me is how do you make attacks hit backwards after a jump in.
I know how to do the glitch where you character is facing the wrong way but I'm talking about doing a cross up and then the attack after you land is facing the wrong way, I've seen it used a few times in combo videos
Hi error1, i've tried so many times to get that backward combos in SFA2 whit no positive results at all, i also tried them whit the "face wrong direction glitch" and nothings seems to happen... the only "clue" i know about this, is that for example, against Rolento he must perform his S.Forward kick at the same time you crossup him in the corner... i just can make it works like 3 or 4 times in the console version (PSX/Saturn) but never in the Arcade version, it seems to be very frame specific.
I'm Still exploring it and how they might work, but nothing concrete at all at this time.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:47 pm
by Rufus
FWIW I'm primarily interested in engine analysis things. This is probably one of my more interesting ongoing projects for you guys:

Currently working on a programmable controller project.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:20 pm
by Raging Hawk
Hey Guys, I'm Raging Hawk from Germany! I'm a passionate Gamer and Fighting Game Player and Lover. I didn't constributed that much so far, when it comes to combos or videos. I released an 5 and half minute SNK Combo Video last year that features alot of different SNK Titles. Vecta helped me, in production of this video. I appear in NB3 as one of many main maker, and in other smaller or bigger Videos as an guest! I'm an Multi-Game Combo Maker. I combo in every Game, that I've played and loved in my youth as a kid.

So that means, Combos in SFEX+@, EX2Plus, Bloody Roar 2, MSHvsSF,XvsSF,the Street Fighter series, the alpha series, Fatal Fury Special, Samurai Shodown series, Real Bout series, and in many more Capcom, SNK, and other game series. My main Music Genre, that I'll use in a video, are mostly Breakbeat/Liquid and Atmospheric Drum & Bass tunes. Yeah, and that's it. I hope, we will have good time together!!! :D

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:04 pm
by Raine
Mmm I have enjoyed your combos when I have come across them. Nice to see you work lots of different games.

Welcome to SH!

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 12:45 am
by Dark_Chaotix
Nice to have another SNK combomaker here. Good to see you RH

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:08 pm
by DevilAzite
Hello everyone. Name's Devil, bit of a fighting game player. Actually I play a lot of games other than fighting. Mainly played fighters in my childhood days.


To be honest I'm not even sure how I got invited here. That only makes this introduction all the more weird. Makes me feel like someone's been stalking me. Plus that and it took me 3 days to find a proper thread to introduce myself. Cause I'd hate to post something to a place I've been invited to and it ends up with *banhammer.

Anyway. Good to be here and hope to get to know some of you guys better. (so we can collab it up on sum combo vids yo)

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:30 pm
by error1
I recommended you be invited after seeing your attempt at a necro 3rd strike tas at tasvideos, I thought it showed some potential, and people here can give you useful critiques if you do another submission.
Don't worry about posting stuff in the wrong place, this is a small forum and I don't think maj has ever banned anyone, maj will just move it if he needs to.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:45 pm
by DevilAzite
Ah I see. Well, since I'm here this may be the best place to post my ideas on something I'm thinking about doing. But I'll make another thread for it.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:15 am
by SlimX
You could make a separate thread to contain the girth of that signature graphic, too.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:52 am
by Maj
Hahaha it is kind of cramping this multiplayer notepad vibe we've got going, isn't it?

I mean i never wanted anyone to feel like they couldn't have a sig banner, but i have to admit i'm pretty happy that almost everybody chose not to. Still, if everyone decided to adopt one tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me at all.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:55 am
by Xenozip.
I just use adblock to get rid of it.

You can have it if you want, and I don't have to see it.

Re: Introduce Yourself Thread...

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:11 am
by DevilAzite
Lol I actually didn't want it that size but I guess I mis-clicked somewhere. Should be fixed.