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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:15 pm
by Magnetro
Welcome My Foreign Friends!

(for preppy's page lol)

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:31 pm
by NKI
Maj - ozy said he doesn't know the contact info for the whole of Sai-Rec, but he does know one guy who used to be a part of it. ozy was hesitent to give out the dude's contact info to someone he doesn't know, but he said kick down your question, and he'll pass it along.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:38 pm
by middlekick
Hi NKI. Is there a chance of you translating this passage, please? I believe it's some kind of comment on the impressions of Alpha 3 outside of Japan.
I might be able provide details which give context if required:





Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:43 am
by NKI
Without seeing the original text in its entirety, it's pretty hard to accurately translate, because they don't use subjects in their sentences.

Keeping that in mind...
middlekick wrote:メッセンジャーで外国の方と話すことがありますが、まだ海外でもZERO3に興味を持ってる人は
"I've chatted with people from outside of Japan, and it seems like there are still people who play Alpha 3. For example, people who are serious about it still check Japanese Alpha 3 vid sites, just in case."
"I think it's the other way around. Even though Alpha 3 is going strong in England and there are sites with a lot of info, I can't be bothered to try to read sites that are all in English, so I my hat's off to them." (I'm assuming by "them" he means Japanese people who read English Alpha 3 sites, but I could be wrong here.)
"Oh yeah, on YouTube, you can find vids pretty easily. And it's easy to understand." (I guess he means easy to understand who the players are? I dunno.) "After uploading some friends' vids and vids from Japanese sites, it's amazing what a reaction you get." (I think he's talking about all the replies?)
"I've gotta admit, there was some guy (outside of Japan) who made a really, really nice vid. I'd like to talk to him sometime..."

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:55 am
by Thongboy Bebop
NKI wrote:
"I've gotta admit, there was some guy (outside of Japan) who made a really, really nice vid. I'd like to talk to him sometime..."
My money's on Xeno.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:37 am
by middlekick
Wow. Thank you very much, NKI.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:56 am
by Xenozip.
Thongboy Bebop wrote:My money's on Xeno.

Bastard, you know I can't take a compliment. :oops:

Put money on J.Chen, Middlekick, or V-Ryu instead. :B

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:03 am
by jchensor
Hahaha. I haven't made an Alpha 3 video since... since I first started making Combo Videos in, like, 1999 or 2000 or something ridiculous like that. ^_^ I can't even watch them anymore without cringing.

- James

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:41 pm
by Maj
Hey NKI, would you mind translating kysg's comments on Goryus' Makoto video? I'm hella curious what he thought of it.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:36 pm
by Xenozip.
Does anyone know some Japanese words for common FG techniques?

Only one I know of is oki/okizeme for meaties or rushdown. However, I don't even know exactly what it refers to because a lot of people use it in various contexts. I also don't know the correct kana for it.

I'm looking for words that describe situations like:
defender performing a reversal to counter/evade meaties
rushdown/meaties (okizeme?)
anticipation based punish/beat
reaction based punish
mixups (50/50 traps)
inescapable/unavoidable damage
link combo (true link)
frame advantage/disadvantage
throw breaks (grapple defense)
tick throws


I don't need to know every word on my list. Really, anything will help. A few of us have been trying to communicate with Japanese players and also with the author of a Japanese doujin game lately, and it's proven rather difficult as things often get lost in translation or we simply can't find a translation.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:42 pm
by ZenFire
The answer to all of those is "Makoto hayai!"

The original and most common usage of the word okizeme I've seen is forcing the opponent to guess after a knockdown. First saw it used in Tekken, but I think it came from the VF scene.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:31 pm
by Xenozip.
Oh, I just remembered "Ukemi" was for technical recovery or air recovery. Dunno the kana for that one either though.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:23 am
by middlekick
The ones I'm familar with. I have feeling that the reading of the Kanji is not accurate. Please forgive me if this is the case:

cross-up: mekkuri/めくり
anti-air: taikuu/対空
link combo: manakoosu/目押し
feinting: fuento/フェイント
unblockable: gadohunoo/ガ-ド不能

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:05 pm
by Xenozip.
Ah, thank you very much.

I should have known the feint one from Garou:MotW. I'll have to look through some KoF and Soul Calibur forums to see if I can find any more.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:38 pm
by Thongboy Bebop

What the hell is going on here?

N - I'm familiar with Death Note, I just don't get the joke.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 8:22 am
by Maj
Would you mind taking a look at this ppad auction and letting me know if it's new or if there's anything wrong with it? Also, there's a post on the second page of this thread about contacting akiman. Please take a look at that when you have the time. Muy muchos thanks amigo.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:43 am
by laugh
I'm not NKI but I know this item, but that exact same ppad was originally posted at 3000yen and when nobody bought it for awhile, he upped the price to 5000yen and it didn't sell for awhile. Now, it looks like it's back at 9000yen. I don't get the logic behind it, but maybe he's trying to imply that the more you hesitate the more expensive it's going to get.

As for the condition of the pad, it's new but the box is a little washed out and aged.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 6:21 pm
by Maj
Dude you rock. Thanks for the info! I would feel hella ripped off if i bought that for $100 and then found out that the original price of $30 had been inflated by CRAZY! Maybe i'll try to contact the seller directly and offer him like 5000yen.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:09 am
by NKI
Wow, sorry I accidentally stopped checking this thread. Through my own bad, I stopped receiving the notification e-mails for new replies, so I just thought people weren't replying anymore.
Maj wrote:Hey NKI, would you mind translating kysg's comments on Goryus' Makoto video? I'm hella curious what he thought of it.

"Now I'd like to introduce a 3S vid. It's been quite a while since I've seen a long combo vid for 3S."
"This is a vid that Majestros posted on the forums (he posted a link to the WMV, but here I'm just gonna link to it on YouTube). It's a vid of a lot of different Makoto stuff."
"Previously, Majestros had requested that I do a Makoto vid, and I was kind of unsure whether or not I could even do a vid for Makoto. Now that I've seen this vid, I've pretty much abandoned the idea of making my own Makoto vid, because this one has so many things that are too similar to what I came up with, and there's no point in releasing basically the same vid as this guy. And of course there are probably others who had to abandon vids for the same reason."

"It seems like they (non-Japanese people) really know a lot about 3S, and KYSG even appears in the credits."
"Now for me, I'm taking a break from 3S, and I really don't have any plans for that game. I don't have anything recorded for future use, so of course releasing a vid any time soon is totally out of the question. The computer I use for making vids still isn't fixed, and I'm too broke to buy a new computer. (The other computer I mainly use is a Mac, which is expensive.)"

He then goes on to talk briefly about Macs.
Xenozip. wrote:Only one I know of is oki/okizeme for meaties or rushdown. However, I don't even know exactly what it refers to because a lot of people use it in various contexts. I also don't know the correct kana for it.
起き攻め = おきぜめ = okizeme = literally "wake-up rush down" = continuing to rush down an opponent as they get up
First place I ever heard it was from the Tekken scene, but I dunno where it comes from, and it really could be applied to any fighting game.
I'm looking for words that describe situations
If you can read Japanese, this page may be useful:

I'll kick down what I know about ST, but I can't guarantee that any of these terms are universal for all fighting games.

defender performing a reversal to counter/evade meaties: リバーサル = ribaasaru
rushdown: 攻め = seme
meaties: 重ねる = kasaneru
anticipation based punish/beat: you can say 読んだ = yonda (literally "I read that/I knew that was coming")...I dunno if they have a more generic word for it
reaction based punish: not sure
crossups: めくり = mekuri
mixups (50/50 traps): not sure
unblockable: ガード不能 = gaado funou
inescapable/unavoidable damage: not sure
link combo (true link): not sure
frame advantage/disadvantage: not sure
throw breaks (grapple defense): 投げ受け身 or 投げ受身 = nage ukemi (sometimes abbreviated as 受身 = ukemi)
anti-airs: 対空技 = taikuuwaza
run-away: not sure...待ち = machi = turtle, but that's slightly different
tick throws: not sure

footsies, zoning, spacing, poking: not sure
feinting: フェイント = f(u)einto
baiting: not sure

middlekick wrote:link combo: manakoosu/目押し
Your other translations were accurate, but where did you get this one from? Not saying you're wrong, I've just never heard of that phrase before.
Thongboy Bebop wrote:

What the hell is going on here?

N - I'm familiar with Death Note, I just don't get the joke.
Well, I'm not familiar with Death basically I have no idea at all what's going on...

Skeleton-face says something like, "Wait a it true that if you have a coupon you get a free hot pepper?" Dude replies, "Yes, I've told you that many times now." Skeleton-face replies, "Wow, that's amazing." Dude replies, "Ya damn right."

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:04 am
by Xenozip.
Thanks a bunch Nicholai!

That should help plenty.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:16 am
by NKI
Just read in the Yoga Book Hyper...
投げハメ = nage hame = tick throw

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:33 am
by Goryus
Thanks a bunch, NKI! Really appreciate you taking the time to translate all those comments.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:23 am
by Maj
NKI, have you ever played a game called Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2? Basically your character rolls a die to walk that number of steps down a path (like a board game). At every stop, there's some random Capcom character who gives you a quiz consisting of 1-8 questions. Would you mind translating what Guile is saying?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:50 am
by NKI
Never played it, but I've heard of it.

In those two screen shots, Guile isn't actually saying anything. The first screen says:
"Guile appeared! Attack power: 5"
The second screen says:
"Time Bonus x2. You got a clock! The time bonus has been doubled!"

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 4:30 am
by Maj
Thank you sir. Attack power must refer to the number of questions Guile asks. It took forever to find him, and he ended up appearing at the end of the final level on the longest path. As far as i can tell, all character positions are fixed and the whole rolling dice aspect forces you to skip a lot of them. Using save states and stuff, it's still very difficult to get a different number than what the game wants you to have. As far as i can tell, the only influence you have is on the first roll of any given level. After that the pattern is fixed, based on the result of that first roll.

Anyway some of the character portraits are actually pretty cool so i thought i'd share:
various Capcom World 2 graphics at Scrollboss

Blanka is the best one.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 4:32 am
by NKI
Holy smokes, Blanka is STRAIGHT NUTS.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:56 pm
by Maj

Dude why is the word "LOVE" so close to the word "Majestros"?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:34 pm
by Magnetro


lol he took a screen shot of the frame where you mention kysg

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:27 am
by Goryus
Maj wrote:

Dude why is the word "LOVE" so close to the word "Majestros"?
I'm pretty sure that line says, "It appears Majestros really LOVES guile."

Google Translator + Elbow Grease FTW.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:06 am
by NKI
From kysg's post:
For several years now, there has been a North American tournament called "Evo", and this year Majestros (of Sonic Hurricane) will have a video premiere. The trailer has been released, and the tournament is August 26 - 28th, so I suppose we'll be able to see the full version then?
Majゴメン(笑 YouTube版に関しては各自で検索願います。
To fully appreciate the quality of the vid, you'll need the x254 codec, but I actually ended up just watching the YouTube version. (I'm sorry Maj, LOL.) If you want to watch the YouTube version, please search for it yourself.
It looks like Majestros really loves Guile. The vid isn't an exhibition for just a single game, but rather a vid devoted entirely to Guile, with all kinds of interesting stuff. I felt from watching the trailer that he has a deep understanding and a lot of enthusiasm for Guile.
A while ago, I also had an offer to have a vid premiered at Evo, but I had to keep postponing work on the vid all the way to August, and then there were copyright issues, so I ended up just scrapping it, LOL.
Note from NKI: I'm not sure about this one. I think he says something like, "Hrm...looks like they've passed the responsibility to Maj since I won't be making a vid, LOL."

...but that may not be right. I asked one of my Japanese friends for clarification, and I'm waiting on her reply.