Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:13 am
Lots of oldschool love shown in this Evo2k7 production by one of our own members.
Vid of Dreams | partial u2b playlist by desk
- at 0:32, SFA2 Akuma juggles a quick CC air Hurricane Kick xx super air FB after chasing down a ground super FB
- at 1:16, SF2CE Ryu juggles a fierce DP after a c.HK sweep using Dhalsim's prejump animation as a setup
- at 1:54, ST Ryu demonstrates two cool meaty FB setups in quick succession
- at 3:19, ST Akuma gets his air Hurricane Kick to hit only twice with a huge gap inbetween, leaving room for a DP finisher
- at 4:04, SF2HF Ryu uses the float glitch to combo two jump attacks and an air Hurricane Kick, all after a low short
- at 5:33, SNES SSF2 Fei Long combos two flame kicks - one of them with the back of his foot on the way down
- at 11:13, SF2RE Bison uses two Sonic Booms to combo both hits of his Headstomp and follow up with s.HK
- at 11:37, SF2RE Vega juggles two jump attacks off Rog's hold which is followed by Ryu's j.HP xx HP DP (all against Sim of course)
- at 12:08, SF2RE Chun covers nearly half a screen's distance by walking forward during link combo gaps
- at 12:40, SFEX3 Ken/Chun perform four tags and six supers in one combo
- at 13:12, CvS2 A-S.Akuma pushes an insane number of buttons to perform a 100% damage combo containing two full CCs
Great video overall, with way more awesome stylish parts than what's mentioned here. Btw Toxy contributed a great of Rainbow Edition material and i think i contributed like two or three random clips as well. But the vast majority of the content was created by desk and of course all the credit for the exceptional editing belongs to him.
Vid of Dreams | partial u2b playlist by desk
- at 0:32, SFA2 Akuma juggles a quick CC air Hurricane Kick xx super air FB after chasing down a ground super FB
- at 1:16, SF2CE Ryu juggles a fierce DP after a c.HK sweep using Dhalsim's prejump animation as a setup
- at 1:54, ST Ryu demonstrates two cool meaty FB setups in quick succession
- at 3:19, ST Akuma gets his air Hurricane Kick to hit only twice with a huge gap inbetween, leaving room for a DP finisher
- at 4:04, SF2HF Ryu uses the float glitch to combo two jump attacks and an air Hurricane Kick, all after a low short
- at 5:33, SNES SSF2 Fei Long combos two flame kicks - one of them with the back of his foot on the way down
- at 11:13, SF2RE Bison uses two Sonic Booms to combo both hits of his Headstomp and follow up with s.HK
- at 11:37, SF2RE Vega juggles two jump attacks off Rog's hold which is followed by Ryu's j.HP xx HP DP (all against Sim of course)
- at 12:08, SF2RE Chun covers nearly half a screen's distance by walking forward during link combo gaps
- at 12:40, SFEX3 Ken/Chun perform four tags and six supers in one combo
- at 13:12, CvS2 A-S.Akuma pushes an insane number of buttons to perform a 100% damage combo containing two full CCs
Great video overall, with way more awesome stylish parts than what's mentioned here. Btw Toxy contributed a great of Rainbow Edition material and i think i contributed like two or three random clips as well. But the vast majority of the content was created by desk and of course all the credit for the exceptional editing belongs to him.