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Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:47 am
by Goryus
That was amazing! Great job.

You had better win the whole thing for that, or there is no justice in this world. It's creative, amazingly original, very professional looking, and just generally kick-ass.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:16 am
by Maj
Thank you sirs. I'm overjoyed that the predominant response hasn't been everyone demanding their 14 minutes back.
desk wrote:And the sagat combo that began with the tiger uppercut was equally great, was there a reason that you kara'd into it?
Sagat does c.LK at the last possible instant before he'd turn around, then kara-cancels into HP Tiger Uppercut like 4 frames later. It buys Balrog more time to land and get his setup going. Wouldn't work in recent games though. Canceling backwards normal moves into special moves doesn't preserve orientation in CvS series.

To answer your other question, i might post it in a few places here and there but i'll probably never post it in SRK FGD or on Sonic Hurricane. I do think the fighting game community would enjoy watching the ~5 minutes of actual fighting game content. Spread throughout a 14 minute video though? Not likely. The signal to noise ratio doesn't seem high enough to justify making them watch it.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:02 am
by fullmetalross
Maj wrote:. Wouldn't work in recent games though. Canceling backwards normal moves into special moves doesn't preserve orientation in CvS series.
I found that out and it made me sad..

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:26 pm
by desk
I hear what you're saying but I reckon if it was such an issue you could just edit together the matches/combos without the dialog. There's some cool editing possiblities with the footage you have. It would be cool transitioning from sagat getting beat up to him doing an awesome CE combo or hibiki in cvs2 then some kind of switch to a her in last blade.

It'd be a shame if it didn't get a proper release because even as just 5 mins of fun choreographed matches, loads of peeps on SRK would really dig it.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:25 pm
by Maj
Haha, i appreciate the support but everyone who would want to see it will find it sooner or later. There's no danger of it becoming outdated because there's nothing particularly groundbreaking in the video anyway, apart from that CE Sagat backwards kara-cancel trick and maybe the 2-hit combo at the very end. If nothing else, SRK will eventually find this forum and discover the video through this thread. I'm in no hurry to spread the news.

Besides, i still haven't started on the writeup for my Guile video. There will probably be more people mad at me for lagging on that than people happy to see this video.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:18 pm
by Maj
In lieu of a formal transcript, here's a quick runthrough of the noteworthy gameplay found within this video:

First off, check out A Closer Look At Haohmaru (u2b) by ZenFire if you haven't already. It'll give you a comprehensive overview of the character's capabilities.

This video contains absolutely no roll canceling. It simply wasn't needed for 95% of what i wanted to showcase, so i found alternative ways around the remaining 5%.

1:57) Kara-canceling s.MK or s.HK moves Haohmaru forward quite a bit. These two kara-cancels are used frequently/interchageably throughout the video, though usually they could have been omitted by setting up the proper spacing beforehand.

2:00) The lvl1 DP super juggles for six hits instead of the usual five. If you take a look at 2:15 and 6:48, you'll see both variants of the five-hit juggle. Depending on how low you let the opponent drop, either the third swing whiffs which allows the ender to hit twice, or the third swing hits once which makes the ender hit once. However, if you start the lvl1 super a few steps away from the corner, you can make the second swing whiff entirely which will give you two hits out of the third swing in addition to two hits out of the ender.

2:21) Some of Haohmaru's attacks make him shorter than he already is, obviously s.LP but s.HP as well. His DP beats Sagat's HP Tiger Uppercut only because of superior positioning.

2:23) The tip of Haohmaru's s.MK elevates above Sagat's low FB. It takes precise spacing, but the pushback gives Haohmaru just enough time to recover without getting hit by Sagat's LK projectile. Once he's safe, Haohmaru jumps into the FB to airblock it so that Sagat can throw another one before time runs out.

3:30) Mai's superfreeze allows Haohmaru to show off his parry stance. Kicking her out of that super like that is a one-frame maneuver though. Storywise, Shosuro Maru is simply outclassed against Matsu Nimuro when it comes to one on one combat. That's why i depict Nimuro using essentially one button to win the match.

5:03) Standard Shin Akuma j.MP xx air FB infinite doesn't work against Haohmaru cuz he's too short. Maybe i could find a consistent loop if i could adjust the starting distance, but i wanted to begin the combo from the default starting positions. Anyway i managed to get him dizzy and that's all that matters. At that point i could have done a corner infinite, but i opted to get fancy with the side switch teleport.

5:10) Oddly enough, canceling a light attack into lvl3 skydive super only combos half the time. CvS2 has a one-frame margin of error when it comes to super move startup and/or superfreeze frame advance. A small handful of combos fall right on that line, which means you gotta get lucky for them to work.

6:46) Neither the FB nor the flying overhead thing have any juggle potential. They're both instant knockdowns, so the only way to get them to combo together is to have them connect simultaneously. The FB reaction takes priority and the opponent is launched into the air instead of being slammed straight down, but Haohmaru has to get through more recovery on the slash than he would have had to if it had whiffed.

7:02) Lots of one-frame stuff in this combo. The timing on those low shorts has to be perfect or else the lvl3 super will drop hits. Using c.LP instead of the last c.LK would make the whole thing a lot more lenient since it's 1 frame faster, but it does 100 more points of damage which would make Rolento die too soon. No choice but to stick with three low shorts.

7:57) At first Korihime doesn't take Nimuro seriously, and Nimuro runs headfirst into a few attacks to further fool her into thinking he's a scrub. Then Korihime gets sloppy and gets rushed the fuck down. Btw i totally love that counterhit s.HK xx overhead slice combo. ZenFire is my hero for finding that. It's one half of the inspiration/motivation for this video - the other half being the final two-hit combo at the very end following the credits.

8:06) Both c.LK into c.MK and c.MK into c.LP are one-frame links. Trading hits with the super is fairly lenient due to the convenient invincibility of the lvl1 super. It's like it was designed to be a reversal combo starter, with invincibility lasting up until just before the first active frame and causing extended hit stun when it connects. However, there's a one-frame window to making Hibiki's sword appear fully drawn. One frame too late and Haohmaru hits her clean.

9:55) This simple combo of max range c.HK slide into lvl1 DP super is obscenely difficult. Not only does the spacing have to be perfect and the timing accurate to one frame, but you still have to get lucky with the startup time on the super. Same bullshit as i explained above regarding Shin Akuma's s.LK xx lvl3 deathchop. Once again, Haohmaru's distance from the corner allows him to collect six juggle hits out of the lvl1 super.

10:02) Rugal isn't that fat so this five-hit combo only works against him when he crouches. The c.LK into s.MK is a one-frame link.

10:05) Check out how close Rugal's S-Groove meter is to running out. It was pretty frustrating to see both of Haohmaru's one-frame combos connect only to have Rugal run out of meter here. Btw, the meter would have run out long ago if i hadn't bypassed the prefight intro animations.

10:09) Haohmaru takes a giant step forward during his FB animation, so he passes right through Rugal's dodge near the end of its invincibility period. Rugal's LP wall slam has faster startup than the MP or HP versions, and they all travel at the same speed after connecting. Rugal's s.LP trades hits with Haohmaru's HP DP, which creates a temporary juggle setup allowing the LP FB to combo. The CC itself is completely airtight, draining every last drop of meter to set up the six-hit lvl1 super at the end. There's no way to make it more lenient without sacrificing some elements of style. For example, it would have been easier if i let Rugal drop a little lower before activating the CC, but i didn't want to give up the opportunity to do another reversal.

10:21) Haohmaru's fierce slash trades against Rugal's reversal LP wall slam which rewards Haohmaru with the counterhit bonus and causes him very little hit stun. The reason Rugal gets dizzy off the second fierce slash is because he still hasn't had a chance to recover from the two hits preceding the CC. If it wasn't for the R4 vs R4 damage reduction exception, Rugal would have died by the first or second fierce slash.

11:23) For whatever reason, SS1 Haohmaru's DP loses its ability to knock the opponent down whenever you combo into it.

11:29) Running over Hanzo's body tricks him into facing left when he gets up. Hanzo can't be crossed up from the front during his dizzy animation due to the way he leans forward. Even though Haohmaru's s.HP kills Hanzo, SS1 still gives you a one-frame window to cancel into a special move. Doesn't hit anything, just looks cool.

11:47) Sagat whiffs c.LK at the last possible instant before he'd be forced to turn around. Kara-canceling it into HP Tiger Uppercut keeps him facing in the same direction. This trick gives Balrog roughly four extra frames to set up the trade. If you're wondering why he was still standing after getting hit by that first Tiger Uppercut, it's because the MP and HP versions simply don't knock down in the World and US versions of Champion Edition.

12:00-13:40) We've already discussed the rest of these combos earlier in the thread.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:31 pm
by Maj
13:52) This combo is my way of expressing my gratitude to anyone who sat through the whole video.

Haohmaru's Counter Attack is based on the MP version of his DP. However, the MP DP causes ground-based hit stun on the first hit and knocks down on the second, without ever juggling. On the other hand, his Counter Attack knocks down on the first hit and the second hit connects because it has juggle potential. Haohmaru's HP DP juggles via a completely different mechanism and the second hit never connects unless the first hit sets it up.

Every moving piece of this two-hit combo requires absolute precision. Rolento must be hit as soon as possible after letting go of the knives. Haohmaru just barely makes it past his lvl3 super's invincibility period before Rolento's last knife hits the floor. Then Rolento has to time his lvl1 grenade super perfectly so that Haohmaru blocks the explosion as soon as he recovers from hit stun, and he has to perform the Counter Attack on the very next frame. And the combo still doesn't work. It's one measly frame away from working.

See, there's only three ways to make this combo work, and none of them are legitimate. The first way is to set Rolento's meter to Infinite so that he can activate CC before doing his lvl1 knife super. That way it'll cause less hit stun so that he can start the lvl1 grenade super earlier, Haohmaru can block earlier, and he can Counter Attack earlier. It seemed kinda cheap to me though, so i was about to give up on the combo until i found the second method.

You'll notice in the clip that i set Haohmaru's guard to All Guard. What you actually see in the clip is supposed to be a two-hit combo for Rolento. He does the lvl1 grenade super one frame earlier than normal, so Haohmaru isn't supposed to be able to block it. However, it turns out that All Guard is a one-frame combo breaker: it lets you block one frame earlier than you're supposed to be able to. And like i said earlier, one frame is all i needed.

Of course, the third method is simply setting Haohmaru's guard to Counter Attack because that also lets him block one frame earlier than normal and automatically triggers the Counter Attack on the very next frame. I actually tried this after finding the All Guard method, but of course i stuck with All Guard for the video.

Now that i've explained that last combo, i can go back and explain the whole Testament/Akuma fiasco. Obviously i needed to make the transition from Matsu Nimuro to ronin Nimuro, but why did i go through the trouble of having him lose and editing in a continue countdown? Well, the original plan was to incorporate that final two-hit combo into the Rolento match.

After having Nimuro lose, i was going to present the option to select a power-up at the continue screen, kinda like in older KoF games. Haohmaru was going to have All Guard for the duration of the following match against Rolento. Unfortunately it turns out that All Guard isn't available in the Extra Options menu. I was totally heartbroken when i discovered that the combo doesn't work with Auto Guard. By that point, i'd done too much work on various parts of the video to change the whole structure, so the continue screen transition stayed.

I can even tell you exactly how the combo was set to appear. See where Rolento throws that last knife, command jumps backwards and does the lvl1 knife super? He was gonna do one pogo bounce off the command jump to give Haohmaru time to break stock. Then Haohmaru was gonna run directly at Rolento, barely making it there in time to step on Rolento's foot as he launched those lvl1 super knives. When i was forced to give up on this idea, i converted the super knife setup to do that 21-hit combo instead.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:52 am
by Maj
Does anyone have a Director account on u2b? I'd appreciate it if someone would upload this video for me.

In the initial contest announcement, they said to post entries to youtube and send them a link. Well, i've emailed them asking if i could host it myself instead, but so far haven't received any response. They do have a frequent habit of lagging. The deadline is on November 30th so i'd rather play it safe.

I don't really care what you write for a description, as long as it contains the phrase "L5R Video Contest" somewhere. Including a link to and a couple of fighting game websites wouldn't be such a bad idea either. Many thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:21 am
by Xenozip.
If it doesn't matter where it goes, you might consider encoding with DivX and uploading to

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:09 pm
by desk
You might just have to set one up. I was slightly annoyed that when I made my account, either there was no such thing or I didn't know you could make a directors account. Plus I don't think there's anyway of changing a regular account over :(

also, when people write u2b it greatly confuses me. At first I assumed it was a hosting site that I'd never heard of. In the UK we say you-chewb so that '2' really puts me off, lol.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:45 pm
by laugh
desk wrote:You might just have to set one up. I was slightly annoyed that when I made my account, either there was no such thing or I didn't know you could make a directors account. Plus I don't think there's anyway of changing a regular account over :(

also, when people write u2b it greatly confuses me. At first I assumed it was a hosting site that I'd never heard of. In the UK we say you-chewb so that '2' really puts me off, lol.
I didn't know there was such a thing either, and I still don't know what it exactly does. I really wanted to help out, but I know my account wasn't director for sure. Also, it's nice to know there are some words which even the British don't pronounce the "T" as T. That was interesting.

BTW, I watched your finished video, Maj. That was all sorts of awesome. I can just see how much effort and detail you've put into the video and it shows in every second of the video. I don't know a single thing about the original material, but I still enjoyed some of the humors and wow factors. It also made me realize what a noob I still am at making videos.

Also, to be mentioned in your credit, I almost felt ashamed since I didn't really feel like I contributed anything, and I haven't put out videos in a long time sometimes even after saying I would. Almost...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:19 pm
by Mike Z
Same here, that vid was so good I'm embarrassed to be thanked even though I had nothing to do with it. [edit: damn, I can't spell embarrassed]
I actually have a few L5R fans here at work (yeah, we're ALL nerds in games), so publicly distributable, right?

Mike Z

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:59 pm
by Maj
Xenozip. wrote:If it doesn't matter where it goes, you might consider encoding with DivX and uploading to
It has to be youtube, specifically. Yesterday they said that they're willing to evaluate a higher-quality versions of videos hosted elsewhere, but only if it's also available on youtube. I asked burningfist from to upload it for me, but he hasn't gotten back to me so far.

laugh wrote:I didn't know there was such a thing either, and I still don't know what it exactly does.
As far as i know, they stopped issuing Director accounts over a year ago. The main difference is that they don't have to worry about the usual 10 minute time limit for uploads. As long as it's under 100MB or 105MB or whatever the limitation is, the video can be as long as they want. My video is ~90MB but it's over 14 minutes long.
laugh wrote:Also, to be mentioned in your credit, I almost felt ashamed since I didn't really feel like I contributed anything, and I haven't put out videos in a long time sometimes even after saying I would. Almost...
I'm glad that you liked the video but you really shouldn't feel that way. It's better if you don't worry too much about self-imposed deadlines or how long it's been since your last video. Plain simple fact, combo videos take a giant chunk of time to produce, every single time, without exception. It's not easy finding that much time, and in fact it's usually completely unpredictable. For me, anything that takes longer than one weekend to make, i can only commit myself to it if a ton of other plans fall through simultaneously. Even then it takes some sacrifice.

The last thing i want is for people to feel pressured to do anything, or to only post here when they're in the middle of making a video. This forum is meant for us to share ideas and opinions, not to share videos. We were already doing that just fine, back when it was all about releasing them on SRK FGD.

As far as the editing goes, i learned most of that stuff on the fly. In fact if you notice any specific effects that you'd like to use, point them out in the After Effects thread and i'll gladly explain how they were done.

Mike Z wrote:I actually have a few L5R fans here at work (yeah, we're ALL nerds in games), so publicly distributable, right?
Yeah, definitely. That's awesome. Let me know what they think.

And seriously dude, i knew damn near nothing about Testament before i tried to make that combo, so i appreciate any input.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:10 pm
by Xenozip.
Unfortunately, the only people I know that can upload videos over 10 minutes are currently at NEC..

I have a Director status on my u2be, but I don't think that's what does it. I believe you need to have a Developer status. I don't, so I can't upload 10 minute+ vids.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:02 pm
by Maj
No worries, burningfist uploaded it: Capcom vs. SNK 2 Nimuro's Wrath by Majestros

Quality isn't so bad either, especially for being shrunk down to under 30MB.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:27 am
by Maj
In trying to explain to the L5R crowd how my video was made, i posted a few source clips on their forums. One of them is the match between Haohmaru and Hibiki, but the other two were never posted here:

CvS2 Haohmaru Battle 04 Intro (GUI display off) | CvS2 Hibiki Cutscene Setup (GUI display off)

In CvS2, nearly all options are recorded into each replay save. If you play a match with the display on, save the replay onto VMU, turn off the display, and replay the match, the display won't go away. I didn't bother redoing every match with the display off, so the characters simply stand in place after the intros.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:13 am
by Maj
They finally announced the contest results and my video didn't win. Ah well, guess they were looking for something different. It's ok though, i'm still glad i got it finished and i learned a lot of editing tricks along the way. The only mildly irritating thing is that they never bothered to explain their reasoning, which would have been very interesting to all of us participants.

I'm going to delete all the preview files in about two days, so save 'em if you want 'em.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:36 pm
by Maj
Ok, preview clips are all gone now. Also i've added both Haohmaru custom palette keys to the webpage - though i'm sure nobody cares, and rightly so. In any case, we're at the end of the line for this thread. Thanks again for all the feedback.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:51 pm
by Maj
One last thing i keep forgetting to mention: VBR saved my life! We're talking about a fourteen minute video (running at 59.94fps!) with a total filesize of 91.2 megs. That's an average of 878Kbps, split between 750Kbps video and 128Kbps audio. At that bitrate the gameplay should look blurry as all hell. Imagine a 29.97fps video encoded at a constant rate of 375Kbps, cuz that's practically what we're dealing with here.

The thing is, there's a ton of still images and frozen dialogue scattered throughout the video. Two-pass variable bitrate encoding recognizes that five minutes of static visuals and encodes them at a very low bitrate. This provides a huge boost to the effective bitrate of active segments, making them look better than 1000Kbps CBR (over 120MB filesize) would look.

If you ever find yourself trying to make people download still images at 60fps (or any framerate really), VBR is the way to go.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:25 am
by Maj
It's been a year since this project was completed so i thought it'd be interesting to take another look from a fresh perspective. Considering the tight deadline, my weaksauce editing skills, and the influence of lingering Evo burnout, i'm still very happy with the overall quality of the final product. However, a number of things could have been handled better.

1) Forty-five seconds of CvS2 intro is way too long. It's still CvS2 so i don't see anything wrong with Ryu and Kyo being featured, but i definitely should have used some ghetto editing to cut it down to twenty seconds or less. Those pointless numbers don't need to appear at all. I could have removed every countdown (countup?) instance except for when the numbers are written over Ryu/Kyo's faces, which i could have simply ignored cuz they wouldn't have bothered anyone. It would have been much much better.

2) I totally dropped the ball on how the music track kicks in at the very beginning of the video. So sloppy.

3) All three block text segments need to scroll by at least 20% faster.

4) On-screen duration of conversation text was determined by a simple formula, based on how many letters were used in the message. There was a minimum duration for the short lines but there was no maximum for the long ones. There should have been a maximum.

5) Almost every time Haohmaru knocks down the opponent in the corner, he stands next to them until they get up again. It kills the flow of the match whenever he's idling in neutral for more than a second. He needs to do something; anything. It's only fine in the match against Mai cuz showing off with the parries makes it look intentional.
- At 2:03, Haohmaru should have done fake FB before the c.MK meaty.
- At 6:47, Rolento should have Taunted or whiffed F+MK or something.
- At 9:59, Haohmaru should have gone into defensive crouch for Rugal's wakeup throw to make more sense.

6) Should have asked someone on SRK to palette swap the SFA2 Raging Demon sprite to match CvS2 Shin Akuma's colors. That would have made the whole transition far less jarring.

7) Hibiki's wakeup animation should have been slowed down a lot. Each interval is only a few frames of game time, but the first portion should have taken at least half a second cuz she's supposed to be getting up slowly. Second part should have been pretty slow too.

8) During the credits sequence, the action should have started a bit sooner after each of the expanding circle transitions.

9) Kinda wish my Dreamcast wasn't messed up at the time, cuz some of those graphical background artifacts/glitches are too distracting - especially during the Rolento and Hibiki battles.

Live 'n learn, right?

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:14 am
by Maj
youtube wrote:This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled.
More about copyright
Sadness. Rat bastard sadness.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:19 am
by Xenozip.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:35 pm
by desk
happened to one of my vids about a week ago. Phil collins doesn't like me using his music.

Hope this isn't the shape of things to come. None of my vids will work with a different soundtrack, I'll just take them down.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:37 pm
by Maj
Finally got around to chopping up a condensed combos-only version of this video so that i could show it to the fighting game community without being (as) embarrassed.

CvS2 Nimuro's Wrath (Abridged)

The only clip missing is the bonus CvS2 Counter Attack combo following the credits segment in the original release, but i decided to leave that as an exclusive thank-you to those brave/poor souls who manange to make it through the entire thing.

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:51 am
by Raine
Wow this video is awesome, thanks for making this Maj! Scripted battles like this have a lot more freedom than just a regular combo and thus require more planning and creativity to create something special. You have definitely achieved this here (sorry I don't know anything about Lot5R so I can't comment on that aspect). I like the Mai, Shin Akuma and Hibiki battles the most, but every fight had something interesting in it e.g. A-Groove custom setup and s.FPx3 against Rugal, Hurricane -> Somersault Slash -> Super against Rolento etc. I don't see how they relate to the rest of the video, but the misc combos at the end were sweet. The KoF '95 Omega Rugal combo is good, and I REALLY like the CE Sagat combo.

I have one question about the Haohmaru vs Rolento fight though, the very last part where Haoh jumps over Rolento's tripwire super. Is that final hit from the DP chip damage, or does that attack break guard or something? This is the only part in the movie that I found to be awkward so maybe there is something I'm missing about it?

Re: Unconventional CvS2 Haohmaru Video (work-in-progress)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:40 am
by Maj
Glad you like it sir. In the full version, the Haohmaru vs Rugal match is followed by a text-scrolling ending and then there's a long credits sequence where it goes "Starring Haohmaru as Matsu Nimuro" as the SS1 Haohmaru combo is playing, then "Mai Shiranui as Shosuro Maru" while the FFS Mai combo is playing, and so on. Basically it's an excuse to include a few more combos since i was trying to balance entertaining both communities, even though it didn't work out too well in the end.

The final hit of the Haohmaru vs Rolento match is indeed chip damage death, because i was trying to make it look more dramatic. Otherwise he'd just get knocked down and it wouldn't look that special. Every fight ends in a way that fits with the movie's story. The Haohmaru vs Sagat match ends by time over because it's a misunderstanding, the Mai match ends in death cuz she's crazy/evil, the Shin Akuma match is a massacre because it represents the Story Team kicking Nimuro out of the Lion Clan which is why he's wearing grey ronin colors afterwards, the Rolento match ends in death cuz it's a matter of honor, the Hibiki match ends in Haohmaru putting her to sleep cuz she didn't understand what she was getting into, and the Rugal match ends in death because he's the major villain.

Maybe if i was better at editing, these concepts would have translated better into the finished product. But honestly i'm way more interested in making cool combos than telling stories, so this was just a one-time experiment to see what would happen if i tried to include a narrative.

Choreographed matches on the other hand, there's serious potential in that. Takes helluva work though!