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Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:21 pm
by Maj
Really? What happens when you try it after the patch?

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:37 pm
by Doopliss
I guess the fireball goes through the opponent.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:49 pm
by desk
yeah, goes straight through. Dictators was out in the retail version as well and all of the new characters seem to go into immediate invincibility during both ultras. Think they went to extra effort to stop combo vids making the game look silly 'cos none of those things were ever going to happen in real matches.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:51 am
by Tigre III
mmmm sorry if that isnt new...
The Adon Super, the normal one (no punch, no kick) ends with a "wall hit"...
If you only hit with that last movement on a jumping character, you can hit again... But I can only connect a DP, the U2 seems to dont work. Maybe some hits of U1?

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:59 am
by Doopliss
If you hit a grounded character, they crumple.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:08 am
by Xenozip.
[7/7-20:05] <henaki>
[7/7-20:05] <henaki> plinking can be done w/ back and also start


[7/7-20:10] <henaki> not directional, back as in the xbox select button


Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:17 am
by Doopliss
If you can do this with an empty mapped button on a stick it will actually be useful, as this will allow you to plink stuff like HP -> LP.

EDIT: Seems like you cannot do that. Maybe if you fiddle around with your stick so that one of the two buttons you don't use is the back button, allowing you to easily plink LP.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:57 pm
by Doopliss
I noticed that if you do DP+PPP teleport Kara U2 with Bison, you get some cool effects added during the freeze :3

I also managed to get a purple line like from far s.HP during the freeze, but I couldn't replicate it. Very weird, since I could'v sworn I didn't press a punch button. Tried to kara it with close and far s.Hp, nothing happened. Maybe I did a psucho crusher kara U2? XD

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:56 pm
by Mienaikage
Doopliss wrote:I noticed that if you do DP+PPP teleport Kara U2 with Bison, you get some cool effects added during the freeze :3
Purple glowy effects are indeed badass

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:03 pm
by Doopliss
Mienaikage wrote:
Doopliss wrote:I noticed that if you do DP+PPP teleport Kara U2 with Bison, you get some cool effects added during the freeze :3
Purple glowy effects are indeed badass
Damn it! XD

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:39 am
by Doopliss

Interesting... It also works with j.HP -> s.HP xx LP Hayate.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:26 pm
by Rufus
Doopliss wrote: EDIT: Seems like you cannot do that. Maybe if you fiddle around with your stick so that one of the two buttons you don't use is the back button, allowing you to easily plink LP.
On SE/TE sticks, Back is just another common ground buttons, so it's two clip leads and 30 seconds to do something like that. I suppose it opens up the possibility of an 'autoplink' cheat, but if people were inclined to cheat at console tourneys, they'd be doing it already.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:40 pm
by Doopliss
I wouldn't call rearranging the buttons cheating.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:38 pm
by Maj
That crossthrough dashpunch looks pretty sweet. I wonder if you can mess with delay timing to make it hit meaty so you can link stuff afterwards without supercanceling. Maybe you'd need the corner though. Is it counterhit-only for sure?

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:06 pm
by Doopliss
Nope, as I said, you can do j.HP -> s.HP xx LP hayate as well. I don't feel like bothering anymore with it though, because if you want to follow-up the combo, you have to cancel into super, and then your options are very limited. I think I'll go with "j.HP -> s.HP xx LP Hayate xx Super -> s.HP xx Hayate cancel -> s.MP (-> some light move if possible) xx MP/LP Hayate.". At least that way you're doing something you can't do without the cross-up effect. Maybe it's time for a new Doopliss crazy crossup video?

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:42 pm
by Tigre III
mmmm somebody knows if exist a good vid showing the Hakan´s Super properties?
We have some stuff recorded about this, and, maybe, if nobody has maked a vid yet, we could make it...

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:55 pm
by Doopliss
I would love to learn a little more about the move. Haven't seen anything about it.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:17 am
by onReload
You can delay it to a certain point, then it automatically comes out - it's a true grab, unblockable, can be crouched I believe, and can catch people out of the air.
Here Mienaikage shows some of the interesting uses (i.e. you cannot crouch it when done this way) for the regular version of the grab (360+K), and I would assume (without the ability to test) that the super has similar properties, though framedata will probably reveal more

From SRK thread ... es-229502/:

1. Flying Oil Spin
- +
- Damage: 400, 450 when oiled
- Stun: 0
- Properties: grab super, grab range of 1.0 with or without oil,can hold down to delay, shares same hit properties (does not hit crouching opponents) as Oil Dive, 1+18 frame startup, 3 active, 17 +(on ground) 51 frame recovery
- First frame invulnerable, cannot be hit except by fireballs on frame 1~17, airborne after frame 12
- when charged to the 16th frame, airborne after frame 11, starts up on frame 17
- can be charged up from frames 1~94, cannot be hit except by fireballs during this duration, airborne after frame 89, starts up on frame 95.
- Above data is for weak version. For medium version, change “cannot be hit except by fireballs” to “cannot be thrown.” For strong version, change “cannot be hit by fireballs” to “invulnerable to fireballs.”
- Notes: Basically a super version of the Oil Dive

^ Since that last line compares it to Oil Dive (the 360+K special move), you may want to visit the thread to test the special's properties against the super's. Hope it helps.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:20 am
by Doopliss
onReload wrote: Here Mienaikage shows some of the interesting uses (i.e. you cannot crouch it when done this way) for the regular version of the grab (360+K), and I would assume (without the ability to test) that the super has similar properties, though framedata will probably reveal more
nope, It does not work. Tried it in a lot of different ways yesterday.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:46 am
by Tigre III
Yeah Doopliss, I think does not work too.
Well, I´m not sure (because my english isn´t good) but i think that SRK explanation isnt totally correct...
When Hakan does the weak version, you cannot hit him with physical attacks, but you can hit him with fireball and im pretty sure that you can also grab him.
the medium version is invulnerable to any kind of grabs, but physical and fireball will hit him.
And the strong version is invulnerable only against fireballs (I dont remember if the medium and the strong work like that, maybe is the opposite, my memory is soo bad :roll: )

That is exacty the same like the SRK post? sorry if its the same...

the U2 of Seth is very interesting, because always hit Hakan, no matter about the version you use...

mmm I cannot find any vid with this, so, as we have the stuff recorded, I think we are going to make some small vid showing some reversal applications of this Super...

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:02 am
by Doopliss
Tigre III wrote:the U2 of Seth is very interesting, because always hit Hakan, no matter about the version you use...
That's because the suction is a grab and the vortex is a fireball.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:45 am
by Maj
Doopliss wrote:Maybe it's time for a new Doopliss crazy crossup video?
I'd watch it. I enjoyed the last one.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:03 am
by Doopliss
Maybe after my current project then.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:22 am
by onReload
anybody ever get 11 hits from chun's HK lightning legs on abel? i just did it by letting the tapping slow down a bit towards the end, the last 3 hits came kinda late

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:08 am
by Smileymike101
Ok, the scaling system is stupid.It can scale the same move TWICE.I'll post a vid of this a bit later.So basically it's like this: you with with an ultra, so it's at 100%, then, if while the ultra is still going, if the dummy is hit by another move, it will get scaled normally, at 80%(because it was an ultra before), but here is the catch, the ultra is SCALED to 70%,which i dont know why, and it's retarded(also, it should be 60% but whatever, maybe i'm wrong, i havent tried it in a while).The point is that you can get the same move scaled twice, because the system doesnt know if a move has been activated before.

Also, did anyone try with hakan AA LVL3 FA, dash, oil slide xx FADC xx U2? I can't do it because of execution problems(cant get the 3 downs during the dash).But as the ultra has a juggle of 1, this MUST work.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:12 am
by Doopliss
You sure about that? Because it works like this with Dhalsims ultra 1:

Ultra connects, 100%.
I do c.LP, 80%.
Ultra hits again, 80%.
I do c.MP, 70%
Ultra hits again, 70%

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:18 am
by Smileymike101
When i tried this with ken it fucked up

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:05 pm
by Doopliss
Uhm, two minor things:

1: I thought that it was common knowledge that EX Hadoken -> U1 shouldn't work mid-screen, but I'm testing it now in vanilla, and it works jsut fina on many characters, you can even combo into it most of the time.
2: Try leaving Cammy idle for a while. She does some poses with her hands, and even scratch her nose after a while. any other characters with similar things (Other than Dan)?

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:12 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:Uhm, two minor things:
2: Try leaving Cammy idle for a while. She does some poses with her hands, and even scratch her nose after a while. any other characters with similar things (Other than Dan)?

Don't all characters have an idle animation? maybe hers is just a bit more elaborate.

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:37 pm
by Doopliss
Most characters have an animation loop of like 1-10 seconds. Cammy's seems to be like a minute long.