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Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:17 am
by error1
I subscribed a few days ago. Really tho 78 subscribers with what amounts to 2 videos isn't bad. That's 39 subscribers per video. I've been going at it for a year and have 89 videos and only 370 subscribers, that's like 4 subscribers per video. Or if you go by upload views he has a subscriber for every 261 upload views, that's ridiculously good. I'm at 1140 and you're at 442. If he put all his old videos on there it might be a different story.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:17 am
by Dark_Chaotix
Are subs / views really that important?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:33 am
by error1
how else do you suggest we measure our e-peen

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:10 pm
by Dark_Chaotix
Well, i guess i wasnt really asking how to measure but why.....Do you guys like get extra excited knowing that more people are subbing

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:31 pm
by Xenozip.
I sure don't. I've removed subscribers before actually, the only feature about new youtube I sorta like, lol.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:23 am
by Maj
In my case it's misleading. Sometimes i even get a few subscribers when a video gets delayed so for me those ratios aren't strictly per video. I think subs per channel views is more stable, but then again who cares? It is what it is, and it's still absurd that kysg only has 78 subscribers. What more does that guy have to prove?

To answer the other question, subscribers are important. Not for bragging rights, but just for making your life easier down the line. Obviously i don't care about it enough to say "Subscribe!" at the end of all my videos, but it would be nearsighted not to care at all.

The way i see it: views >>> subscribers >>>> comments > ratings.

I don't really care about comment count because there's usually only 2-5 interesting ones per video anyway, so seeing a high number doesn't affect me. Ratings are even more pointless. However, all of those factors lead to higher search ranking which leads to more views, so i care in that sense somewhat.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:48 am
by Dark_Chaotix
Maj wrote:It is what it is, and it's still absurd that kysg only has 78 subscribers. What more does that guy have to prove?
I dont think the guy needs to prove anything. All of us know how good they are so they dont need my sub approval to validate that. They made some of the best 3s and tekken cmv's i remember and they only way I knew about thier youtube page was when someone posted the 3s yang vid. Ive seen mediocre Mugen channels have more subs / comments / ratings etc more the most ppl here, but should that be worrying?? Well i dont think so.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:10 am
by Maj
Looks like the bottom bar of the u2b embedded player is 25 pixels in height. That's why their default 4:3 player is 640x505 (from 640x480).

Good to know if you need to make a custom size player. For instance if your video is 384x224, then your player size should be 384x249. Or if you want to stretch it, something like 552x347 (from 552x322).

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:45 am
by Maj
Why the fuck does this have an advertisement on it?

It's standard gameplay!

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:27 am
by Maj
When did embedded playlists start listing the name of the channel hosting the playlist rather than the channel hosting the video?

That's kinda lame. Well, at least clicking on the name doesn't seem to lead to the channel itself.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:19 pm
by error1
Congratulations! Your account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minutes. Click the Upload button below to select a video.
Just noticed I got this.
Seems like most people in good standing with a bunch of videos are getting this
now I can upload those hour long combo videos I've been making

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:57 pm
by Maj
Awessssome! Now i don't even care about getting a partnership anymore.

I should probably reupload 2HitCombo and finally have an excuse to get those ghetto chopped up versions of Evo Guile off the youtubes.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:59 pm
by Doopliss
Got it as well, but meh, I have never had a need for posting such a long video.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:48 am
by Magnetro
Yeah, too bad it breaks all the links all over the internet...


Cuz if I replace the joodvd/anything, doesn't that mean all the links across the internet will be broken if i also remove the link that wasn't past 15min etc?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:04 am
by Maj
Just make the old ones unlisted instead of deleting them, and put a bigass annotation on top of them like you did with the trailer.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:20 pm
by Magnetro
Yeah, but no one reads those =P. BTW, what's the proper etiquette on smilies and period placement? :S

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:18 pm
by Maj
The proper etiquette is you try different things to make it look good until you give up.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:21 am
by Maj
Sometimes when i try to watch u2b vids on a mobile phone, it gives me this error message:
Video Unavailable wrote:The author of this video does not allow playback on iPhone.
I assumed it was because some people manually disable their vids in order to force viewers to watch on a computer, since the iphone u2b app doesn't display ads. But today i wanted to check something in the 2HitCombo video on my own channel, and the same error message came up.

I know i didn't touch that option (and i'm not even sure where to find it), so the only explanation is that it's automatically disabled for certain copyrighted content. That's pretty much the only video on my channel that's gotten a copyright warning. It's kinda funny that the app doesn't show the view count for that video either, nor do those videos come up in search results.

Also if you go to someone's u2b channel through the iPhone's Safari browser, you can see all their playlists - even the ones that are supposed to be hidden. Apple doesn't care about u2b privacy!

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:11 am
by Rufus
Maj wrote: Also if you go to someone's u2b channel through the iPhone's Safari browser, you can see all their playlists - even the ones that are supposed to be hidden. Apple doesn't care about u2b privacy!
You mean youtube doesn't really do privacy. If it's supposed to be private, then Youtube shouldn't be showing it to Safari to begin with.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:09 am
by Maj
Yeah it's not the browser's fault, but rather u2b's ghetto mobile user page: ... =playlists

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:07 pm
by Maj
New homepage layout blows. So i guess Likes/Favorites are more important now? And Friends are equally as important as Subs? Of course that means everything is less important in general - my homepage looks like a total disorganized mess right now, so i don't even want to look at it.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:26 pm
by Doopliss
YOu can change it so that you just see what your subs are uploading.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:47 pm
by Maj
The advantage to the old layout was that it gave a little sample of what my friends were doing, while still putting my subs in the spotlight. I have 84 subs and 500 friends. With the new layout, the content posted by subs gets lost in friend activity. Now i can't just Ctrl+R and get all the info at a glance - unless i click on things, which as we all know is the enemy of efficiency.

All i'm saying is, why make it mandatory?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:19 am
by Doopliss
because youtube like to force changes down our throats that we don't even want. haven't they been doing that for, like, years now?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:23 am
by error1
it's weird how every single change makes u2b harder to use, I mean how can you do that on accident, you would think you would randomly get a good change sometimes
What I hate is how you have to scroll the entire page to get a look at your subscriptions.
it used to be I had everything I cared about at the top of the page

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:31 am
by Maj
At least some of the bad design is intentional. Like before when they had the Inbox/Comments/Responses area at bottom of the right sidebar, that was obviously intended to force you to scroll down through their suggestions and advertisements every time.

This whole gimmick is probably meant to increase interaction. People will notice that their friends are forced to see all their actions, so those actions mean more, so they'll spend more time on the site engaging in those actions. Everyone's trying to mimic facespace these days.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:43 am
by Maj
Damn it, does this mean everyone's going to be liking/favoriting videos with disgusting screencaps to annoy us?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:34 am
by Rufus
There was a time when commercial spam didn't exist. Welcome to the world of for-profit web sites.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:46 am
by onReload
@Maj: well, it does now!

Yeah, while I hate how commercial everything has become, it was inevitably going to happen. Everyone wants to be the-site-with-a-soon-to-be-Oscar-winning-movie, and they know how to do it, to our inconvenience.

I argue that it's still rogue enough in nature, and we're kinda forgetting that before broadband internet, we'd never have access to the ridiculous amount of stuff on sites like YouTube. Yes, most of it is awful, and the access to a huge amount of options can often result in the rule of mediocrity, but I've found the site to be a gushing fountain of entertainment.

On that note, yeah, fuck this stupid new layout.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:17 pm
by Don Vecta
What ticks me off is first their polite suggestion:

"We have this awesome layout that you might like. Try it on, if you don't like it you can revert to use the classic layout. Hope you like our new layout because it's made for YOUR convenience and YOUR excitement in navigating youtube. :)"

So, obviously after seeing their fucking lame social network style shit that I found quite annoying, cluttered and full with shit I don't really need or care, i decided to keep using the classic layout. But today i go online and I guess this...

"We offered an experimental homepage last month. Millions switched over and have found it a better way to find what to watch on YouTube every day. Which means we are making up this up so you guys have no fucking choice AND SWALLOW OUR FUCKING LAYOUT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! IN THE END YOU'LL END UP COMING BACK BECAUSE ALL THE OTHER VIDEO SHARING SITES ARE SHIT AND YOU CAN'T LEAVE US CUZ YOUR VISUAL LIFE DEPENDS COMPLETELY ON US! SO FUCK YOU, SHUT UP AND TAKE THIS LAYOUT!"


oh yeah, also the idiots of facebook did that: first just an optional new style but now it's "FUCK YOU AND SWITCH TO THIS NEW LAYOUT COMPULSORY! KISS OUR ASSES, YOU FUCKING CYBERJUNKIE! YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT US!!"

Really, what's with the attitude of these fucking webs? Is this a way to prove how might they have become in addicting people online?