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Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 7:51 pm
by error1
first hit of chun's and poison's doesn't increase it. Gives me a combo idea
Interesting, the early hit box of Hwos doesn't increase it
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:55 pm
by Pokey86
So, can we say it's likely tha the first hit of multi hitting normals doesn't increaase JP, presumably to assist in combo juggles. Even cancellable ones?
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:35 pm
by error1
no, it's pretty random what does and doesn't increase jp.
For example chuns increases like normal, all of ables do too.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:06 am
by Doopliss
Btw, a non-pandora variation of the Akuma combo:
j.HK, whatever into LK Tatsu, c.LP xx (cl.HK xx EX Shaku)x3, then whatever, probably s.HP xx HP SRK.
Or maybe you can do something like s.HK xx HP Shaku, HP SRK. And with meter gain gems you might gain enough to tag cancel if that works. Gonna play around with it for my CV.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:23 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:Btw, a non-pandora variation of the Akuma combo:
j.HK, whatever into LK Tatsu, c.LP xx (cl.HK xx EX Shaku)x3, then whatever, probably s.HP xx HP SRK.
Or maybe you can do something like s.HK xx HP Shaku, HP SRK. And with meter gain gems you might gain enough to tag cancel if that works. Gonna play around with it for my CV.
I know you can do, non pandora:
Any combo in to launcher -> Close Fierce -> HP shaku -> Crouch LP-HK -> EX Shaku -> Close MP-HK -> Super
This is theory Figting but you could probably do.
Any combo in to launcher -> Close Fierce -> HP shaku -> Crouch LP-HK ->
EX Shaku -> Close MP-HK ->
EX Shaku -> Close HP -> HP shaku -> Close HP -> HP SRK
With one EX bar to fix any problems or tag out, EX SRK has a very high JP, will probably hit full.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:59 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:Doopliss wrote:Btw, a non-pandora variation of the Akuma combo:
j.HK, whatever into LK Tatsu, c.LP xx (cl.HK xx EX Shaku)x3, then whatever, probably s.HP xx HP SRK.
Or maybe you can do something like s.HK xx HP Shaku, HP SRK. And with meter gain gems you might gain enough to tag cancel if that works. Gonna play around with it for my CV.
I know you can do, non pandora:
Any combo in to launcher -> Close Fierce -> HP shaku -> Crouch LP-HK -> EX Shaku -> Close MP-HK -> Super
This is theory Figting but you could probably do.
Any combo in to launcher -> Close Fierce -> HP shaku -> Crouch LP-HK ->
EX Shaku -> Close MP-HK ->
EX Shaku -> Close HP -> HP shaku -> Close HP -> HP SRK
With one EX bar to fix any problems or tag out, EX SRK has a very high JP, will probably hit full.
I'll use this one in my CV: LK tatsu, c.LP xx (cl.HK xx EX Shaku)x3, cl.HK xx MP shaku, cl.HP xx HP SRK (I don't think HP shaku works in this situation). And forget about that gem idea, it's not even close >.<
It's also worth noteing that Akuma can do "air tatsu, 1-hit close/far s.HK xx launcher". Since chained launcher has JP0, this might be a way for us to determine which normal hits create float without relying on error1 to look at the game data.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:27 pm
by Pokey86
What Gem idea? (I hope you don't use gems in your CV, i hate the damn things)
Regarding combo
You've got better options.Depends on if you think your execution is up to the task... I've lost my recording method otherwise i'd show video.
5 Shaku's - 2 EX bars
Whatever in to launcher -> Close HP -> HP Shaku -> Crouch LP-Cl.HK -> EX shaku -> Close HK -> HP Shaku -> Close MP-Cl.HK -> EX Shaku -> Close HK -> HP Shaku -> Close HP -> SRK
You can easily add another EX Shaku in ther with the extra bar
Regarding Air tatsu thing & jp in general
Akumas JP on normals
Crouch LP = JP1
Crouch MP = JP1
Close MP = JP3
Close HP/HK = JP4
So just to be clear for the future
all Launchers = Float/Throwable airborne state) Most launchers are JP0 (Except for Nina for some reason)
All tag cancels = Resets counter to float
some attacks = Cause float, probably most attacks.
Not long ago i did the above combo starting with
Jump HK -> Close HK -> EX Canon Strike (Jump-Cancel) -> Close HK -> Canon Strike (Jump Cancel) -> Close HP -> Far HP -> Launcher -> Above akuma combo.
Also worth noting
If you don't have TA & you want to see if a combo generates enough meter without re-re-re-refilling do this.
- Make your opponents the character(s) you want to use
- Select infinite on everything then record, record goes up somewhere stupid like 99 seconds so no worry about timing.
- Perform the combo, pause & unpause for every failed attempt
- When combo is done, choose playback but set the meters to normal, you'll then see how much bar the combo generates.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:28 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:What Gem idea? (I hope you don't use gems in your CV, i hate the damn things)
To help build an extra bar. Didn't work. And I sure am going to use gems from time to time. If they help me land a combo I really want to do I will definitely use them. For example, the extend pandora gem. I won't use gems unless they make a combo possible.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:17 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:Pokey86 wrote:What Gem idea? (I hope you don't use gems in your CV, i hate the damn things)
To help build an extra bar. Didn't work. And I sure am going to use gems from time to time. If they help me land a combo I really want to do I will definitely use them. For example, the extend pandora gem. I won't use gems unless they make a combo possible.
Oh, extended Pandora, sounds fine to me at least, Pandora sucks in this game, i know they wanted to nerf it to make sure it didn't break the game (lol assist gems >_<) but it could at least freeze time or something. (Hell, at least during the animation)
i imagine with the Meter gain gems you could easily get another bar, those things boost it to hell.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:19 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:i imagine with the Meter gain gems you could easily get another bar, those things boost it to hell.
But when you get only 1/10 of a bar, then 40 or 80% extra ain't gonna do much. Apparently Akuma doesn't get that much meter.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:26 pm
by error1
Pokey86 wrote:
all Launchers = Float/Throwable airborne state) Most launchers are JP0 (Except for Nina for some reason)
launchers are only jp0 if you chain into them. If you link into them they have between jp0-jp4
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:36 pm
by Doopliss
error1 wrote:Pokey86 wrote:
If you link into them they have between jp0-jp4
So different characters have different launcher JP? Good to know.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:42 pm
by error1
yeah ryu is 0, nin is 4, the most common jp by far is 3
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:20 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:Pokey86 wrote:i imagine with the Meter gain gems you could easily get another bar, those things boost it to hell.
But when you get only 1/10 of a bar, then 40 or 80% extra ain't gonna do much. Apparently Akuma doesn't get that much meter.
nope, i can safely say he gets fuck all.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:32 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:Doopliss wrote:Pokey86 wrote:i imagine with the Meter gain gems you could easily get another bar, those things boost it to hell.
But when you get only 1/10 of a bar, then 40 or 80% extra ain't gonna do much. Apparently Akuma doesn't get that much meter.
nope, i can safely say he gets fuck all.
Sorry, but I don't understand if you're saying I'm right or I'm wrong XD
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:38 pm
by Pokey86
I'm saying Akumas meter gain is like Sims Rushdown...
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:42 pm
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:I'm saying Akumas meter gain is like Sims Rushdown...
Lol, that round was hilarious.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:51 am
by Pokey86
You can combo in to Akumas Tame Misogi (looks like kokoretsu zan or whatever it is) if you launch & tag on a standing opponent & activate on arrival.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:03 pm
by error1
AI akuma has comboed that on me when I switched into a fireball
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:09 pm
by Pokey86
error1 wrote:AI akuma has comboed that on me when I switched into a fireball
I've been looking for a way to do it for a while, i was hoping it'd have some crazy high JP or something, but it was hard enough just hitting it.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:44 am
by Pokey86
More Akuma specific stuff
Akuma can link to Stand Fierce (Or close MP) after a HK Tatsu, anywhere on screen, however it must be againt Turo & Kuro, i tried a few people but no luck.
The Tatsu hits 4 times, not 3 as it ussually does, also if you do the MK-HK chain after you end with far HK, which is a decent tag out move, 5 mins of messing around i came up with
Jump HK -> Pandora
Far HK -> Close HP -> HK Tatsu -> Close HP -> EX SRK
= 599 damage, no idea if that'll kill Turo, that's with no Gems. (Waits for someone to tell me he's got 600 health)
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:45 am
by Doopliss
Pokey86 wrote:More Akuma specific stuff
Akuma can link to Stand Fierce (Or close MP) after a HK Tatsu, anywhere on screen, however it must be againt Turo & Kuro, i tried a few people but no luck.
The Tatsu hits 4 times, not 3 as it ussually does, also if you do the MK-HK chain after you end with far HK, which is a decent tag out move, 5 mins of messing around i came up with
Jump HK -> Pandora
Far HK -> Close HP -> HK Tatsu -> Close HP -> EX SRK
= 599 damage, no idea if that'll kill Turo, that's with no Gems. (Waits for someone to tell me he's got 600 health)
Oh yeah, that reminds me. I noticed that when I tag cancelled HK tatsu as soon as possible in the corner, into zangief, and then did Lariat as soon as possible, the lariat would hit ttwice, and the tatsu would gain an extra hit. Many multi-hitting moves seems to have a similar effect, like Law's HCF+P and Steve's command grab. Racks up some crazy damage if followed up correctly since scaling won't kick in until afterwards.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:36 pm
by Doopliss
Any reason knockback is negated during this?
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:28 am
by error1
Looks to me like all x and y speed is completely ignored.
I don't have the new patch to test it, but when I saw it, my instinct said it has something to do with Rolento.
Might be from team canceling one of orge's moves
Anyway, pointless to speculate.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:55 pm
by Doopliss
Found some minor glitches:
Dhalsims s.LP doesn't knockdown on air counterhit, it still only causes reset. Can be used like normal mid-juggle though.
Paul's EX Phoenix Smasher doesn't get the counterhit bonus from an EX SCDC. You can still get normal counterhits though.
If you negative edge (or input and release buttons before cancel window of a normal) Cole's HCF+PP, Dhalsim's HCB+KK or Lili's QCF+PP, the orange lightningbolt doesn't appear. Might be like that for other characters too, but it's not like that for everyone. For example, Dhalsim HCB+PP and Paul QCF+PP.
Not really a glitch, buf if you use EX SCDC to gran Cole's QCB+PP counterhit properties, it will only apply it to the shortest reaching projectile. And since you usually hit with the further one first, it's actually the 2nd hit you connect that gets the CH bonus.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:59 pm
by error1
no charge moves get counterhit bonuses for charge dashing, not just Phoenix Smasher. Otherwise they would always be counterhit
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:53 pm
by Doopliss
error1 wrote:no charge moves get counterhit bonuses for charge dashing, not just Phoenix Smasher. Otherwise they would always be counterhit
Ah, that makes sense I guess. I just think they could've handled it in another way, because that makes them hard to use against a moving dummy if you need to start with a counterhit... Not that is a likely scenario, but I kinda needed it today.
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:44 am
by Tigre III
I found a vid recorded with my old smartphone of Lili two dominating heels combo (all hits, without counter). I sold the game in May, so i cannot test anymore...
I guess is specific character, Hugo and maybe Zangief? The set up for this basically to find the correct dummy position from the corner. I dont know if its possible to connect more of two dominating heels... Maybe with a frame walk between moves? With my hand hability, i never got more than 2, and it seems that only the push back of the corner allows the combo, but well, i didnt have any TAS to test it...
Well, could be a nice stylish start for a Lili s combo

Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:51 am
by Doopliss
I knew about this, which probably means someone here has talked about it before, because I hadn't actually seen it yet. I don't think you can land more than 2, maybe you should make a dare vs error and see if he can do it? XD
Re: SFxT Combo Engine Investigation
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:00 am
by Tigre III
Well, the fact is that I talked about this a few months ago just in this thread, maybe was me?
But as now i have found a vid of the combo, i have posted the link...