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Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:33 pm
by Maj
CMK VOLUMEN 1 Street Fighter II CE by Devaud

Once you get past the hilariously ghettofabulous intro, the combos are actually pretty good. Two things stand out:

1) The astoundingly smooth BGM transition at 1:50 from Balrog's theme to Vega's theme.
2) The Chun Li juggle combo against Dhalsim at 2:57 where she goes so far up that she reappears at the bottom of the screen.

Did you guys know she could do that in CE? We need to jack that, and maybe duplicate it in a game with a combo counter like HSF2.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:37 am
by Toxy
i already did that chun li thing in my leftovers video that i made a few years ago

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:14 pm
by Maj
Nice! I've seen your video but i'd forgotten about that combo. (Still gonna jack it though.) Btw if you have any free time between now and next Evo/OHN, kick down a couple of stylish combos for our next vid.

Another cool thing about the video above is that he gets CE Sim dizzy with Honda, then does a juggle off a hold. That's another thing that would look really cool with someone like T.Hawk in HSF2 if that CE Sim juggle glitch is still around. But at the same time, i wouldn't want it to turn into a CE Sim puching bag exhibition.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:36 pm
by Magnetro
TF2 friend by the name of Daedalus did this video for SF4. Interesting take on the game:

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:48 am
by onReload
Magnetro wrote:TF2 friend by the name of Daedalus did this video for SF4. Interesting take on the game:
Haha, didn't know that was a friend of yours...been loving that video since someone linked it to me.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:13 am
by Maj
Nice. Is that the dude i met at Evo? Solid video though. Even though he's trying to focus more on amusement, he manages to get some good points across.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:16 pm
by Magnetro
Nah, he lives in Romania

Things That You Found That You Think Someone Else Would Like

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:48 pm
by Maj
Damn character limit cut off my title. It should have been: Things That You Found That You Think Someone Else Would Like To See Because They Like Seeing That Kind Of Thing

Okay i won't lie, part of the reason i started this forum was to see more CvS2 videos. I was hoping that everyone who made one would start a thread so that i wouldn't have to worry about missing any of 'em. But that clearly hasn't happened. For whatever strange reason (shyness? lazyness?) a lot of people don't bother announcing their videos here. So we'll just use this thread to share stuff that someone else would like to see.

Case in point ... ey Magnetro, check it out: Marvel combos (Kyo-1 combo at 12:40 and Gato combo at 18:29 were dope too.)

It's okay to make requests, but only if you're sharing a video in the same post.

Re: Things That You Found That You Think Someone Else Would

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:03 am
by Magnetro
Wow, did not expect a 2-Character combo.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:12 pm
by Maj
The Law of Norway by Nilo

As far as i can tell, the combos aren't anything new but the editing is pretty dope. Showing a combo in reverse is genius. (I can already tell it's going to get very annoying as everyone starts to do it.)

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:09 pm
by error1
I'm tired of it already, the editing was horrible, I couldn't watch it

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:01 pm
by Maj
It must have been really hard to do though. I don't know if i could have done it much better without program pads. Plus it's more of a character tribute than a combo video, which is still a lame excuse for not trying to make good combos but i think there's room for this kind of thing every once in a while.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:58 pm
by onReload
Yeah I didn't like the editing until he stopped overlapping combos, then it was pretty cool, the transitions, and the music matching.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:10 pm
by Xenozip.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:00 am
by onReload

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:50 am
by Raine
Saw this posted on SRK earlier today, although the vid is kinda old so you guys might have seen it already:

Crazy CVS2 glitch with Athena. Love the random sound effects as she falls down.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:09 pm
by Xenozip.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:12 am
by Dark_Chaotix
She is wearing the best shirt.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:13 am
by Maj
Haha funny videos. Though i kinda feel bad for the dancing guy. It'd be better if it was his own u2b account or at least had his permission. Hopefully he doesn't end up getting fired or divorced over it.

Remxi wrote:

Crazy CVS2 glitch with Athena. Love the random sound effects as she falls down.
It's not really a glitch. He just turned on Infinite Meter in the Extra Options menu then did an A-Groove Custom Combo mashing Athena's air DP. Dan and Kyosuke can get that high mashing air specials too. Anyway when the opponent's lifebar was almost empty, he canceled into Athena's air ball super which has to touch the ground inbetween each wave. Each rep takes that long because she's so high in the air. You can get pretty high without infinite meter too, especially if you start with a wall jump.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:15 am
by Xenozip.
Maj wrote:Haha funny videos. Though i kinda feel bad for the dancing guy. It'd be better if it was his own u2b account or at least had his permission. Hopefully he doesn't end up getting fired or divorced over it.
Well he did record it, and he had to have posted it somewhere public for others to have grabbed it. BUT -- I heard from some one on IRC that the dude posts nudes of himself with his games on the NeoGeo forums. Though I don't know the legitimacy of that claim since I neither visit the NeoGeo forums nor would I ever want to see said pics. So he does it to himself. Inexplicably.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:20 am
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:
Maj wrote:Haha funny videos. Though i kinda feel bad for the dancing guy. It'd be better if it was his own u2b account or at least had his permission. Hopefully he doesn't end up getting fired or divorced over it.
Well he did record it, and he had to have posted it somewhere public for others to have grabbed it. BUT -- I heard from some one on IRC that the dude posts nudes of himself with his games on the NeoGeo forums. Though I don't know the legitimacy of that claim since I neither visit the NeoGeo forums nor would I ever want to see said pics. So he does it to himself. Inexplicably.
I cross-posted it on's Classic Gaming forum, and they said the guy's name is Rot (as people wrote in the comments section), and that he was responding to somebody's stupid trolled-out review of Metal Slug (?), and then decided to lighten up the discussion with that video. Those games are expensive though, let the guy do what he wants with his body.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:20 pm
by Xenozip.

SF4 Chun-Li [c.LP, LK-SBK (2 hit)]xN

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:51 am
by Raine -> Youtube if you don't have a niconico account/don't want to bother with the redirector.

Funny that the last part of the sound effect is getting cut off so she's just saying Spinning Birdo over and over again. So how many true infinites are in SFIV, or is this the first one? AFAIK, Fuerte's RSF can only be looped a certain amount of times before the pushback is too great. What about Akuma's s.rh [2 hit], s.jab loop on Sagat, can that be done indefinitely?

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:03 am
by error1
I also scripted Abel's infinite , The most I could get was 40 hits out of it, but I think that has to do with the with the way autohotkey times things.
and this textbook 55 hit akuma combo
You should hear it with the English voice.
The akuma thing isn't infinite but you can do it 4 or 5 times in a row vs Sagat or Rufus
there use to be a Fei Long inf but that was removed in the update, right now chuns makes the total two

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:19 am
by Xenozip.
Well it's difficult to say if the Chun one is any more of an inf than Fuerte's or if it actually is an infinite. I just don't really know.

It looks so incredibly range dependent. Normally SBK is only +2 so in order for that link to work the second hit has to hit meaty on the way down. So it might be a true infinite, but It's also possible that she gets too close after a while, which is pretty funny. Who knows though, need program pad.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:57 am
by error1
I scripted it, it's a true inf, works fine in the corner too. It also works with standing lp(far) by doing d,neutral,lp,u,lk. Yah it won't work if you start to close to the opponent.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:08 pm
by Xenozip.
Nice. Thanks for verifying.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:36 pm
by Xenozip.
Twelve Dance + Smooth Qriminal

OK this is old but it's my first time seeing it, and I don't think it was linked here yet.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:14 am
by onReload
Xenozip. wrote:Twelve Dance + Smooth Qriminal

OK this is old but it's my first time seeing it, and I don't think it was linked here yet.
I love the 12 bit, I noticed it a few times while playing with him and crouching/walking back. I want to do a fighters dance montage, but it's a lot of work..but it would certainly fit under the fighting comedy video idea.

Re: Interesting Videos brought to You by the Internet

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:13 am
by Xenozip.
onReload wrote:I love the 12 bit, I noticed it a few times while playing with him and crouching/walking back. I want to do a fighters dance montage, but it's a lot of work..but it would certainly fit under the fighting comedy video idea.
It suuuuuuure would. I have thought of the same thing, too.

Spiral dances, Zappa dances, Duck King dances. Oooh the possibilities. So many dances!