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Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:18 am
by Maj
This shit is awesome. Page loads and the video freezes while the audio keeps going. I move the mouse over the video and it fast-forwards to the current spot then plays at normal speed. Move the mouse pointer off the frame and it freezes again.

Keep up the good work u2b!

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:57 am
by Xenozip.
Are you watching videos on the user page or on the video page?

The user page has always had really shitty seeking and loading and etc but then again it's slightly more convenient when the users doesn't have a playlist or whatnot.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:12 am
by Maj
I'm watching from the video page. The channel page viewer is a whole different story, but i've noticed that it tends to cause more problems when it has to upscale/downscale weird resolution videos. Or maybe i'm totally wrong about this, but i know i have seen videos play smoothly through that contraption before, while others run like a slideshow.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:51 am
by Xenozip.
I blinked at my "insight" page and saw some of the video hits were from "featured video". I had no idea I had any video featured ever so I was curious which it was. Of course youtube doesn't tell you. I had to go through a ton of my videos manually just to find which one.

Anyway long story short, I was wondering why it got featured since there's zero difference between it and anything else I've uploaded since forever. Except.. annotations explaining the video. That's literally the only difference I could think of, because there's really nothing special about the video in any other way shape or form.

Anyway it only got 88 views from feature-hits since sometime in December so apparently it's not that big of a deal to be featured.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:13 am
by Maj
Depends on what search keyword brings up your featured video. If it's a common one then you get a lot of hits. If it's obscure then you don't get much. Either way it's cool to have. I don't think any of mine have been featured yet, but it's good to know that they don't only feature partner vids, though i bet those still make up the majority of their choices.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:52 am
by Xenozip.
Well at least it's easy to check if anything of yours has been featured, the trouble is finding out which one. Because really, you have to check each one individually to find out.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:05 am
by Maj
So i noticed on the new video page, if you watch two or more video by the same person, a little message will pop up above the "Subscribe" button that says "If you like username's videos, subscribe!" It's pretty lame how effective that shit is, but at least we won't have to say it ourselves.

edit: Sometimes. Stupid glitchy website.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:55 pm
by Rufus
Xenozip. wrote:Anyway long story short, I was wondering why it got featured since there's zero difference between it and anything else I've uploaded since forever. Except.. annotations explaining the video. That's literally the only difference I could think of, because there's really nothing special about the video in any other way shape or form.
Annotation is a big deal for people who don't play the games or do combo videos. When I see MvC2 combo videos without it, I tend to think "ooh look, more rainbow vomit" because I don't play the game in any capacity.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:14 pm
by Maj
More importantly, it's searchable text.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:41 am
by Smileymike101
Why is the new youtube so retarded? Now it only show the last response for the video, and it does that half way down the page, not close to the video anymore.This will ruin the challenge responses, because not all people bother to click "see all" and not all people scroll down half a page.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:05 am
by Maj
Eh, i'm doing challenges less and less often anyway. In any case i'll be posting one tomorrow, so we can see how it works out. It's a little tougher than old SF4 challenges so that might lead to less responses for different reasons, but it shouldn't be a huge drop.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:23 am
by Smileymike101
Dang, can't do it tomorrow...I have a lot of homework because the holiday is ending.What's it about?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:16 am
by Maj
No worries, it's another multi-character challenge so it should take a while before all the possibilities are exhausted.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:46 pm
by Maj
If you leave a comment on the video page, then click the "Like" button, it won't count. You have to refresh the page. Because u2b's awesome like that.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:12 am
by Maj
Is there a way to organize the order in which subscriptions appear? Somehow this craigett dude shows up first every time, which means he's also always on my channel page with his "Free Subs" and "Sub4Sub" avs. Seriously cramping my style with that shit. But i can't be 100% sure that he's not a real fighting game player so i don't want to manually remove him unless there's no other way.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:46 am
by Buttermaker
Just disable the subscribers module. Your profile will still show how many subscribers you got, but spammers won't get any exposure.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:27 pm
by Xenozip.
You can also boot subscribers now. Forcibly unsubscribe them.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:19 am
by Raine
Ahh thanks for the heads up. I know I have some people subscribed to my channel that obviously aren't there to watch the videos (they have 2k+ subs and friends, it just looks like a dummy account). I don't know if it's an advertising bot or what.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:41 pm
by Doopliss
With the help of magnetro, I now have videos with the x264 codec. But now I have an .avi file that I can't upload to YT. What to do?

EDIT: Now it works apparently, erlier it didn't work, but I did the same thing. weird...

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:06 am
by Xenozip. ... outube.png

This is amusing because all of those aught to be zero's. There's nothing actually new in my inbox anywhere.

So I'm guessing you have to trash/ignore stuff now, you can't just leave it there without it throwing numbers at you anymore.

[Edit] LOL ok false alarm it's just u2be being stupid/random or something. I added some one to my friends list and everything went back to zero.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:22 am
by Doopliss
yes, I noticed that I had 163 comments and I almost fell of my chair. but I only had 1 new comment, and after that, it was 0 again.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:55 am
by Smileymike101
I wonder, guys like DarkSydePhil have like what? Ten thousand messages in the inbox?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:49 am
by Doopliss
Well, YT doesn't list mor than 1 message per video at a time, so it shouldn't be TOO bad.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:38 pm
by Smileymike101
Youtube has now officially fucked up, as whenever I get a comment it tells me i have 99 comments.This is worse than Vega's Piece of

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:13 pm
by Pokey86
Smileymike101 wrote:Youtube has now officially fucked up, as whenever I get a comment it tells me i have 99 comments.This is worse than Vega's Piece of
You mean his overhead?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:17 pm
by Xenozip.
It's being quite random. Every change of status seems to inform you of the number of crap in your inbox regardless if it's read or not, or it toggles to only informing you of unread items.

I wish I could bulk-edit videos, I'd disable rating and comments on all videos and link SRK in the description stating "for discussion, go here:". I don't care to hype SRK so much as it's infinitely a better place than the dregs of youtube.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:14 pm
by PimpWilly
So, after reading through all of this youtube discussion, I decided to try something. Instead of marking my latest video as Gaming, I marked it as entertainment. Lo and behold, 7k views later, I get invited to enable it for revenue sharing.

Of course, the guidelines say:

"Here are some specific examples of things that would make a video ineligible:

Your video contains content that you didn't create or get permission from its creator to use, such as:
video images
photographs or artwork
live event
video game footage
any other copyrighted content
Your video shows people from whom you did not get permission
Your video has content that would be inappropriate for children"

Now, of course that doesn't give me high hopes for trying, especially since they warn if it DOESNT fit those guidelines, they may remove the video completely. I figure Im gonna try it, just as an experiment. is the video in question, by the way.

Other random youtube findings:
My Deejay video got on the front page of EventHubs first, then I realized some errors and uploaded a second video. The updated one got on the front page of SRK 3 days later. Also worth noting there was just around 200 subscribers when the first video went up.

The results:
First video, around 13k views
Second Video, around 11k views

Does that mean Event hubs has more draw then SRK? Not sure. My pre-release Makoto video has 29k views and was featured on both sites, the numbers do seem to make sense.

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:35 pm
by PimpWilly
Just as an update. my email address had already been denied for adsense partnership for (they said it wasn't complete and was broken, which seemed odd, but also that it didn't have enough content) so it wouldn't even let me follow through on enabling the ad revenue sharing process.

However, I got an interesting message through youtube about my videos. Basically, apparently does have the rights to show these videos, as they have youtube partnership and are basically the only people who can make money off video games videos through youtube. Their offer is basically this:

Bookend your video with their intro and outro, and then they submit it to youtube, and share the profits made from the views with you.

You benefit from their viewership, which is huge, but when I look at other videos on Machinma Respawn channel (which is for gameplay videos, where it would end up) its only like 1k views or so, with the top videos getting like 25k views. It pulls the focus away from your own channel, and all for a few bucks every 10k views or so? And then you have to ruin the flow of your video with the machinma intro/outros, as well as include the stupid logo over the top of everything.

Heres the message they sent:
Machinima and you. Do you know Gootecks?
Reply to this email using my email:

I am with THE LARGEST online network for VIDEO GAME content in the WORLD! Im in charge of finding talented online content producers such as yourself. And Im writing to see if youd be interested in joining Machinima.coms Directors Program.

There are a lot of reasons to sign up with
•You Earn Money for video views
•We can distribute your work to our massive audience of millions
•You Retain ownership of you work

Signing up is simple and you can terminate the contract at any time.

If this sounds opportunity sounds like something you would like to pursue, or if you have any further questions email me at:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Luke M Stepleton
Recruitment Manager
The funniest thing is the title of the message says "Do you know Gootecks?"

Anyway, I guess this leads to a bigger question, and that is what sort of licensing agreement would you need to get directly from Capcom, and is it something they'd feasably give to people making videos to promote their game at either a low rate, or ideally for free? Has anybody ever tried to get in contact with Capcom over something like that?

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:46 pm
by Maj
The problem isn't Capcom; it's u2b that's impossible to talk to. They don't give a fuck and you'll never get a real human resonding to any questions unless you're complaining about copyright infringement or reporting a bug (and even then it's 50/50). Maybe there's some subscriber threshold that needs to be crossed before they bother caring, but it might be in the tens of thousands because there are lots of people in the 1k-2k range who get no love.

Regarding SRK vs eventhubs - yeah, eventhubs is ridiculously famous for no reason. Best not to think about it. It's kinda hard to gauge those numbers though because there's a lot of crossover between the two. I mean eventhubs is mostly leeching off SRK's userbase so it stands to reason that if you have something posted on the SRK front page then most of the people coming through eventhubs would've found it through SRK eventually (or through someone who found it through SRK).

Re: Everything YouTube

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:18 pm
by Xenozip.
Yeah it's definitely true that u2be cares more about it's special users. Their decisions to change things around and make things different is less influenced by google and more influenced by their top subscribers. I was told that users like ShaneDawson can just make a suggestion and u2be will go and implement it in the next overhaul.