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Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:24 pm
by Doopliss
I found a glitch with Rubber Soul in JJBA HD (I guess other versions as well). If you cancel his dash Bs and Cs into his 360 or counter, the moves still come out in their entirety. On wake-up you can cancel Dash c.C into 360 for a really nasty mix-up, since it's really hard to tell if the c.C or grab will connect first. Even if they block the c.C, they might still get grabbed if timed right, pushblock or not. Then again, I don't know anything about weake-up options in JJBA, but I can't see anything but an invincible reversal beating this if done correctly. Rolls can probably be punished since the grab has almost no recovery. Dunno of backdashes are invincible, but they'll probably get hit by the c.C anyways.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:13 am
by error1
you would always be able to jump out of the throw in reaction to the superspark I think, even on wakeup. Jumping would also avoid the c.B or c.C, but not a standing attack. You can also do it after a jump in
Not quite sure what you mean by the counter, are you saying the counter auto hits or that you can attack and defend at the same time?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:42 am
by Doopliss
error1 wrote:you would always be able to jump out of the throw in reaction to the superspark I think, even on wakeup. Jumping would also avoid the c.B or c.C, but not a standing attack. You can also do it after a jump in
Not quite sure what you mean by the counter, are you saying the counter auto hits or that you can attack and defend at the same time?
You can cancel into the counter and having him do the move while his stand is still attacking, but it doesn't trigger or anything.

You can jump out of the super after the flash on standing, but you can't during meaty hits from resets (I'm quite sure you can ground tech to avoid said resets though) and stuff like that, so I'm kinda confused how the details of the game works. You can do the same thing with s.C which also has two hits, it's just slightly harder to do. But are you sure you can jump out of c.C? I'll try to record an example tomorrow in case we aren't talking about the same thing.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:30 am
by error1
after a reset they can just come down with an attack, or double jump or something.
You can't jump out in reaction to the jump in.
If you throw someone into the corner and do a meaty jump in lp into super, if they hold back or up back they always get thrown

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:01 am
by error1
quick u2b search found this

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:31 am
by Doopliss
error1 wrote:quick u2b search found this
Yeah, I've seen that. The glitch I'm talking about has nothing to do with the hit properties of the super btw. However, while we're on that subject, you can combo into the grab from a jump C (maybe A an B too) as well as both Dash As if they're point blank and you delay the cancel slightly.

Also noticed you can combo s.C after normal throw in the corner, for one hit before they can ground tech. Completely useless unless you need to finish them off, but still.

And I'm quite sure they can't do anything during the type of Reset I'm talking about. if you hit them REALLY close to the ground with a jab, they land on their feet afterwards, but they're still being juggled. They can Ground tech at any time where you could hit them that low though. However, I think you can cause an untechable reset if you time it JUST right in the right situation.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:27 pm
by onReload
Some of these meaty setups are great:

so I decided to try the crouching Oni one. Holy hell is it meaty-friendly. Just got j.HK, cl.MK, Ultra 1 to work with Ken

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:02 pm
by Maj
That Rose mid-combo ultra-2 at 1:57 is pretty amazing.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:42 pm
by Doopliss
SSFIV3DE is kind of a crappy port. First of all, it's hella random when you try to jump into the corner if you'll succeed or not. Also Gen's mantis HP super whiffs hits 2-5 frequently when used in the corner, even on juggle. I swear mantis s.MP to Crane c.LK is hella random in the corner too, i took me 20 minutes to land it once. I'll put up a quick video of it I guess.

Actually, the link depends on when in Dan's idle animation you hit him. I've recorded the link now, and when I walk up to Gen for him to hit me, one of these three things happen: it combos, it hits meaty and doesn't combo, or it whiffs completely, all from point blank. If I don't touch the 3DS at all, it's always meaty. If I quickstand, it always combos.

Surely it's not like that in he console version? Also, it makes trials a pain in the ass, especially the one where you do "(m) s.MP, (c) c.LK, (m) HP Super, (m) U1", because not only is the link hella random, you also can't do it in the corner because of the first glitch.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:46 am
by onReload
Weird thing I guess I just found in SSFIVAE2012: With Seth, land a focus attack, then do his EX Tanden Engine when they're in the aerial state...then do anything longer than 1 hit. You'll see that the first hit connects, but anything right after will whiff, while the character just stands there. It almost looks like the character gets a free out from a combo, like HSD kicked in, or Aquaman used his trait.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:50 am
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:Weird thing I guess I just found in SSFIVAE2012: With Seth, land a focus attack, then do his EX Tanden Engine when they're in the aerial state...then do anything longer than 1 hit. You'll see that the first hit connects, but anything right after will whiff, while the character just stands there. It almost looks like the character gets a free out from a combo, like HSD kicked in, or Aquaman used his trait.
It's some kind of glitched out state where they're still on the ground, but JP is calculated, so if you do something like SRK x3, it will work normally. IIRC the same thing happens if you AA with EX Tanden.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:33 pm
by onReload
Yep. It's just weird how it doesn't work that way if you do, say, cr.HP xx EX Tanden Engine

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:48 pm
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:Yep. It's just weird how it doesn't work that way if you do, say, cr.HP xx EX Tanden Engine
The glitch only occurs on neutral airborne state, which also includes late crumple.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:09 am
by onReload
interesting. it really does look cool if you ever wanted to have a *sudden shift in power* type moment in a video. anything else weird like this?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:29 am
by error1
onReload wrote:interesting. it really does look cool if you ever wanted to have a *sudden shift in power* type moment in a video. anything else weird like this?
it's just a grounded juggle state. It can be caused with the old dictator/honda ultra trade bug, or rufas super trade

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:26 am
by onReload
I was under the impression that any move that was focus cancelable is also super cancelable, and vice versa...what's up with Fei's F+HK?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:46 am
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:I was under the impression that any move that was focus cancelable is also super cancelable, and vice versa...what's up with Fei's F+HK?
Yang's slashes are also focus cancellable but not super cancellable iirc.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:16 pm
by onReload
Oh, good...I was wondering why I could never get that to work

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:33 am
by Maj
WhoOoOoOoa, did you guys know that if you dizzy someone in the middle of a juggle in SSF2T, the juggle counter doesn't get reset? How weird is that?!

And somehow "juggle knockdowns" count even if only one hit connects before the dizzy. For example if you dizzy with the third hit of Dee Jay's HK upkicks, then do HK upkicks again, it'll only hit once and not juggle. Same thing happens if you dizzy with the second hit of Dee Jay's HK upkicks, which suggests that the first hit registers as more than a simple knockdown. If you dizzy with the first hit of HK upkicks, then do HK upkicks again, it'll only hit twice and the third hit will whiff. However if you dizzy with Dee Jay's LK upkicks (which has no juggle properties), then HK upkicks will hit three times.

All of this suggests that ST's juggle system based more on certain "juggle" moves being allowed to connect up to 3 times or 5 times, including the knockdown hit. Actually i vaguely remember hearing something along those lines from the people working on HD Remix, but there was no way to test/verify it in classic SSF2T so i didn't care. Well, i guess now it's verified.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:03 pm
by Rufus
Maj wrote:...
All of this suggests that ST's juggle system based more on certain "juggle" moves being allowed to connect up to 3 times or 5 times, including the knockdown hit. Actually i vaguely remember hearing something along those lines from the people working on HD Remix, but there was no way to test/verify it in classic SSF2T so i didn't care. Well, i guess now it's verified.
That dizzy thing is a little strange, but I was under the impression that there was a known list of juggle moves in ST (most of the supers, Dee Jay/Chun up kicks, Ryu jumping mp, most everything Akuma does etc.) and that supers could juggle for five hits, and everything else for 3.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:50 pm
by Maj
They're individually flagged as 3 or 5, although i guess N.Sagat's HP Tiger Uppercut is the only non-super move with 5. Anyway most games after ST have a system of juggle potential where any knockdown move can lead to a juggle, assuming the followup has higher juggle potential than the current juggle count.

Basically instead of saying "this move juggles for 3 hits" we used to think of it as "this move causes knockdown then juggles for 2 extra hits because it has a juggle potential of 2." It makes sense to think of it in the SFA/CvS series. But ST is weird because only juggle moves can start juggles, so i guess they don't even have a juggle potential system?

Instead they just allow those moves to connect 3 or 5 times, but even that's weird because you can get 4 hits out of Ryu's j.MP by making it connect during prejump frames. Obviously the non-knockdown hits of Chun's super don't count against the cap either, so maybe it only starts counting once a knockdown occurs.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:08 pm
by his1nightmare
Veeery strange bug regarding Raging Demon in 3S.
As you can cancel all frames of a throw into it, I tried to think of something cool in that regard. What I found is this:
If you input a throw and the opponent jumps to evade it, you can cancel the throw off its only active frame into Demon and it will... connect, which is impossible as jump-startups are throw-invulnerable.
Throw-invulnerable moves like Q's duck and Akuma's won't get caught. Only tested in 990608.


Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:44 pm
by onReload
Another cross-through in SSF4AE: Sagat vs. Dudley - Dudley turns his back to toss rose, Sagat holds forward and starts focus attack, goes right through the guy

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:26 am
by error1
saw valle fadc a f+hp in wnf
Apparently ryu can special cancel the last 3 frames of his f+hp

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:43 am
by Doopliss
error1 wrote:saw valle fadc a f+hp in wnf
Apparently ryu can special cancel the last 3 frames of his f+hp
Yep. Kinda pointless, but it makes it easy for beginners to combo it into SRK.

I noticed today that Vega can punish stuff like Seth's QCB+K in the corner by doing reversal super back to the wall, then instant Rolling Izuna Drop after the flash, on the way up.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 6:25 am
by his1nightmare

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:34 pm
by onReload
Looks like a combination of Juri's j.MK crossing up + some Ibuki air normal hitbox, but man this looks weird: Juri's j.MK hitbox ridculousness - USF4

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:04 am
by his1nightmare

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:35 pm
by Maj
Hmm, i want to see those but 4shared looks pretty sketchy. Their free download button requires some kind of account login that i'm not at all interested in doing. Sorry sir.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:55 pm
by his1nightmare
Mhh? Alright, will use Youtube too then:

Akuma SA3 mid-super cross-up

Akuma tatsu wake-up cross-up

Usually you should see a perfectly fine stream on 4shared, but whatever.
Surely the SF4 trick is everything but new, but seems character specific.