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Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:47 pm
by Ultima
So, uh, are SF4 Remix modders now out of a job? LOL. :p

Re: Crossup flag

That's pretty lame that there's such a thing as a crossup flag. But If Ryu's 9lk and 9MK have it, does that mean he can't crossup with 7lk or 7MK, i.e. if he jumps backwards and someone walks under him, it won't crossup?

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:54 am
by Doopliss
I think jump forward and jump back variations are the same move unless there's an actual difference they needed to implement.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:57 am
by anotak
Ultima wrote:So, uh, are SF4 Remix modders now out of a job? LOL. :p

Re: Crossup flag

That's pretty lame that there's such a thing as a crossup flag. But If Ryu's 9lk and 9MK have it, does that mean he can't crossup with 7lk or 7MK, i.e. if he jumps backwards and someone walks under him, it won't crossup?
omega isn't really like remix, omega is just SF4 with Wacky Special Moves. remix has its own varied neutral/pressure game thats pretty different in feel to sf4. omega still has relatively slow walkspeeds, proximity block, uncancellable dashes, focus attacks, ultras, crossup unblockables, etc

generally in sf4, the 9 moves are the same as their 7 version outside of a few exceptions

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:15 pm
by Ultima
omega isn't really like remix, omega is just SF4 with Wacky Special Moves. remix has its own varied neutral/pressure game thats pretty different in feel to sf4. omega still has relatively slow walkspeeds, proximity block, uncancellable dashes, focus attacks, ultras, crossup unblockables, etc
Oh, I know that Omega isn't Remix. I was being facetious.

You have to admit, though, at a glance, Omega just looks like Capcom went all PC-mod/MUGEN (well, even more so considering how they shoehorned in the SfxT characters and made another character out of recycled moves).

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:44 pm
by anotak
oh, sorry.

i've just had a lot of people say its the same thing with seriousness, which is sort of frustrating to me.
remix is something we spent lots and lots of time and effort trying to make fun and relatively balanced. we obviously didn't catch everything because we're just 2 people, so sometimes broken stuff slips through. but it was very important to us that remix have its own unique feel and gameplay and really not be like sf4 (otherwise why not just play sf4?). capcom gets QLOC to do a quick side mode that's essentially sf4 with some badly animated ex moves that ruin pacing by being based on super moves and taking forever. it sort of bothered me that people compare it to remix. it is logical though, but i can't help and have a reaction like "no, don't call my baby ugly!" :lol: at least not that ugly, i understand that remix is not for many people and it is just a fan mod (that is probably broken).

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:44 pm
by Last_Window
During U1's cinematic, Ryu's eyes move in a strange manner when using SFIV Edition Select.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:50 pm
by Maj
Wow, none of you guys are involved with Omega Mode? When i saw the trailer, my first thought was that Capcom had hired PC modders to make it. Are there even any new animations in Omega Mode or is everything existing assets?

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:25 pm
by Doopliss
So far I've seen nothing new animation-wise. I hope they bring back scrapped animations like Dan's command grab as well though.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:40 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:So far I've seen nothing new animation-wise. I hope they bring back scrapped animations like Dan's command grab as well though.
If that doesn't end up in it i'll eat my hat.

Seems too half assed to me, would be nice for rediculous new ultras or visually tweaked ones.

The idea that they even suggested it would be a new game is ludicrous... Maybe it is just an attempt at them to get some customer feedback.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:55 pm
by anotak
yeah there's no new animations

if they were smart they would use it as a testbed for new experimental ideas they're considering for future stuff

they won't

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 6:44 pm
by error1
Omega seems kind of in the same vein as what I was doing. Just throwing in new moves. A lot of them are kind of lame, but I liked the blanka teleport and the chun dive kick, those were cool. Hopefully they copy some stuff from the modders.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:44 pm
by pepopulo
I found this on youtube
I thought you could kara focus only into taunts,does this mean that her supers and ultras have taunt flags?

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:26 pm
by Doopliss
Elena and Hugo are just messed up like that, their supers and ultras out-prioritizes their FAs.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:38 pm
by pepopulo
oh, does it happen to other cast members? (apart from Dan's super taunt)

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:57 pm
by Doopliss
Unless it works with Rolento, Decapre or Poison, no.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:40 am
by onReload
Must be a throwback to parrying

(ok not really)

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:50 am
by error1
Doopliss wrote:Unless it works with Rolento, Decapre or Poison, no.
Elena and Hugo have the cancel list in the wrong order, those three characters have it in the normal order. Elena and Hugo''s port were obviously not done by an expert.
Looks like you should be able to kara throw or taunt into ultra for what that's worth

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:30 pm
by error1
old sagat has some crazy fireball loops vs c hawk, am I the first one to notice this or did I miss it somewhere? working on a combo
if he could somehow do it with his it would be an infinite

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:11 pm
by soulsynapse
Is there a functional input program? Seems like showoff isn't being upkept and frametrapped seems to be in limbo.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:25 pm
by Doopliss
Personally I use show-off anyway. It's kinda unstable, but it's really easy to use. If it doesn't work with the current version of USFIV, pring the issue up here and the creator will probably fix it.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:42 pm
by soulsynapse
Cheers Doopliss, and yeah, just current version. I left a note.


Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:12 pm
by anotak

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:22 pm
by soulsynapse
I have no where else to post this so I guess I'll just drop it here

I was tired of waiting in lobby so I setup packet capture and alarm to tell me when someone joins lobby so I can do other stuff while I wait

Conversation.ProcessName == "Steam.exe" AND ProtocolName == "UDP" AND Description.Contains("Length = 255") OR Description.Contains("Length = 33")OR Description.Contains("Length = 254") OR Description.Contains("Length = 253") OR Description.Contains("Length = 256")

^ filter in Microsoft Network Monitor.

Basically any packet that goes through the steam process, is UDP and has a length of 33 will be someone trying to connect to your lobby, if there isn't someone already in it.

For lengths 253-256, udp, through steam, will be someone joining your lobby.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:52 am
by onReload
So it's just something to send you an alert when someone joins your tabbed-out USF4? That's kinda nice.

Also, for all you engine nuts out there:

Apparently, Yun's Taunt #10 while wearing his DLC Summer outfit is a standing short...but for some reason it's cancelable into close strong from his target combo. wtf

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:39 am
by Doopliss
I'd say it's probably the s.LK from his target combo, but it seems to have close and far variations with different damage.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:55 pm
by error1
it's his TC5_5LK scirpt. Yun has alt taunts 7 and 9 for costume 2, due to his lack of a baseball hat. Whoever made this costume didn't understand how the index switch for yun worked.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:45 pm
by soulsynapse
Can anyone get proxy OS working with sf4 showoff?

Just tried between myself and a friend for half an hour and couldn't get one that works.

some stuff to get you started (what should be cammy cr mp proxy os)


this'll wiff cr mp and then nothing comes out. change .5 to .6 and it'll come out, proxy or not

any ideas?

Also if you guys didn't see it, you can cancel focus into red focus

courtesy of fuudo. the taunt input isn't needed, just has to be 1st (?) frame of focus, it's not too difficult to do manually, just hard to get meaty hits on your focus for actual matches.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:12 pm
by Doopliss
I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to proximity OS, but are you sure you're actually triggering the block animation properly? That you're close enough and timing the move correctly?

Oh, I saw it.

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:50 pm
by soulsynapse
I tested it vs ryu mashing jab and ryu fireball (separately). I wasn't able to walk backwards due to proxy block during the mash jab but I tested vs fireball anyway just in case.

More info on how proximity blocks works: ... -mechanics

Re: USF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:38 am
by Doopliss
I see the issue now. Release commands (like -hk) does not waste a frame, so you're releasing HK and DB at the same time, meaning you're cancelling the transitional frames by standing. Change .5 to .6 and add something like .5 after (-hk) and it works. If issues like this arise in the future, I suggest taking a look at frame data and the frame log after playing a script in show-off to see if something doesn't add up.