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Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:54 pm
by Snoooootch
:) Sweet! I'm looking forward to some Yun combos, too!

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:27 am
by Pokey86
So any Ultra animation where the opponent doesn't stand is fair game?

Fair enough.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:09 am
by Smileymike101
Do resets count?I mean, if i reset them high up, does the timer go on until they get on the ground, even though the combo stopped?

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:30 pm
by Doopliss
Smileymike101 wrote:Do resets count?I mean, if i reset them high up, does the timer go on until they get on the ground, even though the combo stopped?
The combo doesn't count as ended until they land according to the game, so I can't see why not.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:40 pm
by Pokey86
Here's my illegitimate entry

Seeing as he touches the floor it probably doesn't count.

Though if i could enter my Shoto Shuffle combo video, that's pretty much all juggle combos ^_^

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:29 pm
by his1nightmare
I reperformed the Yang combo which was seen already a thousand times somewhat more stylishly:

In addition you'll find another Yang combo, showing off some kind of stuff which is pretty much unrelated but probably nice to watch, also I skrewed up the ending and due to lack of spare time I simply recorded the ending as a seperate clip.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:01 pm
by Snoooootch
Well, mr Nightmare, check this out:


And again, Sorry, Mike! :(

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:53 pm
by jamheald
Thanks Snoooootch!

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:48 pm
by Smileymike101
No biggy, i guess i'll never win a challenge while being a part of the forums, becuase that automatically raises my bar 1000 times and i'm expected to break and glitch the game.Oh wait, i already did that in both this challenge, and doopliss' challenge where i had the best fei response, and the only response overall that had a glitch, but it didn't count because he "thought of it".Having technically the longest response, and a couple other creative and rule abusing (Using the KO slowdown and wiffing ultras with charge character just for tiemt o run out) responses i guess isn't enough.
It's just that don't even know what more can i do.I guess 'll just put hadouekn like anybody else so we're at the same level rite?

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:57 pm
by Doopliss
Hey, now you're making me feel kinda bad. Frankly, my challenge was kinda biased towards what had an impact on me personally, which is why I didn't have an award or something. I guess I overlooked yours, because it should at least have gotten an honorable mention (Although, I wouldn't call trading with Fei's U1 a glitch). I do know how you feel though, at two separate occations, I've ended up at 2nd place in competitions where the first price is an arcade stick.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:19 pm
by Smileymike101
It's just that no matter how technical and complex i try to make my resposes, NOOOPE, xx hadouken better.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:29 pm
by Doopliss
Well, now you're just belittling the competition tbh. Just because the result isn't a technical marvel, that doesn't mean that it didn't take hours and hours of optimalization and experimentation to make it work. But I'll get off your back. Hell, when I lost that first competition, I accused the winner of cheating.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:43 pm
by Smileymike101
Well yeah i exagerated that remark, but the point is that i just shouldn't try to do fancy stuff anymore, just something that everyone would think of in 2 minutes(like the Oni response just for sheer juggle longevity purpose), and only let my response counter at that, so i dont care anymore after the results.
Lesson learned.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:46 pm
by jamheald
Ermmm... sorry?

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:53 pm
by Smileymike101
Lol.Dude, i'm not mad at you.You worked your ass off days and days and went through all the cast tryng to find that hidden ponental.I figure it must be painfull trying to search for stuff with hakan lol.If there was anyone else who i would've want to win, it would've been you because you worked alot.
It's just normal for a single vid concentrat on a character(or just a few) to be a bit better than when you spread yourself all over the cast in a short ammount of time, because you get to know that one character better.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:22 pm
by Snoooootch
Doopliss wrote: I've ended up at 2nd place in competitions where the first price is an arcade stick.
Sorry about that. haha.... ahhh...

And Mike, If James (Jamheald) hadn't done so many responses, I would have given it to you, but it was such a tough choice, and being forced to let your Oni combo win was like giving the win to a technicality, cause your combo was so unfairly long! Should have had Oni banned from this contest. Haha.

But yeah, your Fei combo in Doopliss's challenge was my all time favorite. I even linked it within my response. haha, and I also linked your channel in my newest video, but for some reason youtube's annotations appear invisible. I guess Maj wasn't the only one with that problem. I also Linked Doop's combo video during the dudley combo, but you can't even tell cause it's invisible.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:27 pm
by Doopliss
In my challenge result video, none of the embedded links seems to work at all. I don't know wtf they are doing...

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:39 pm
by Pokey86
Competitions like this are always up to personal preference. & when there is a good prize at stake (no offense snootch, but a fightstick is better than a pic) then you can bet people will be hording there freinds or sucking the hosts cock or doing there damndest to make there video/script/write-up/"why i want..." look better without actually improving the source content.

If that makes sense. unless it's clear as day, which i recall Snootch mentioned he's not judging on the basis of length of combo, then even if you spend years on it, some dude could still win purely because Snootch looves the look of how the opponent spins way high at the end of Balrogs Ultra 1.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:44 pm
by jamheald
Anyway, I really enjoyed the challenge Snoooootch. I always find it much easier to go into marvel and come up with stuff rather than sf, but being given a defined goal that's something I haven't really considered before really got my juices flowing.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:10 am
by spookydonkey
poop, i got lifebusy & forgot to finish & submit my entry... i even had a lil dialogue w/error about it recently :(

anyway, it was gonna be this except i was gonna fadc the excriminalupper into u2 dust on a KOfreeze :P

had another one that had boxer in recovery from headbutt landing on a knife throw, ex rocks, juggle into full u2animation. but if i got the spacing to where only the last hit of the dust connected... the wrench would whiff. its probably possible just SUPER specific.

anyway, cool challenge 8)

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:57 pm
by Snoooootch
spookydonkey wrote:had another one that had boxer in recovery from headbutt landing on a knife throw, ex rocks, juggle into full u2animation. but if i got the spacing to where only the last hit of the dust connected... the wrench would whiff. its probably possible just SUPER specific.)
This sounds interesting... :)

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:36 pm
by Pokey86
Snoooootch wrote:
spookydonkey wrote:had another one that had boxer in recovery from headbutt landing on a knife throw, ex rocks, juggle into full u2animation. but if i got the spacing to where only the last hit of the dust connected... the wrench would whiff. its probably possible just SUPER specific.)
This sounds interesting... :)
That couldn't possibly work. Knife throw = JP1 + 2 hits from rocks is JP3... unless you play on him being airborn till the third hit you're as good as fucked.

& that's of course if the dust doesn't hit at all!

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:25 am
by spookydonkey
Pokey86 wrote:
Snoooootch wrote:
spookydonkey wrote:had another one that had boxer in recovery from headbutt landing on a knife throw, ex rocks, juggle into full u2animation. but if i got the spacing to where only the last hit of the dust connected... the wrench would whiff. its probably possible just SUPER specific.)
This sounds interesting... :)
That couldn't possibly work. Knife throw = JP1 + 2 hits from rocks is JP3... unless you play on him being airborn till the third hit you're as good as fucked.

& that's of course if the dust doesn't hit at all!

@ first i wasnt getting you, then i... checked the guide :lol:
(for some reason)i thought the wrench hits were just a canned juggle after the last hit of dirt. thx for setting me straight!
but knifethrow > full u2 juggle totally works 8)

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:30 am
by Pokey86
spookydonkey wrote:
@ first i wasnt getting you, then i... checked the guide :lol:
(for some reason)i thought the wrench hits were just a canned juggle after the last hit of dirt. thx for setting me straight!
but knifethrow > full u2 juggle totally works 8)
Damn right, i'm pretty sure you can do it in the corner with no silly set ups, just a straigh throw in to Ultra... It's a shame you can't cancel anything in to knife throw though, anything that'll combo anyway.

One of my favourite combos with Cody is simply doing focus -> Bak Dash -> LP Rock -> Ultra, it does less damage tthat if you were to just ultra anyway, but i think it looks pretty nice.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:35 pm
by onReload
i was messing around with cody last night, he has some fun juggles (I like juggles over ground stuff mostly)

full screen LP Knife Throw, U2 looks really cool on a jumping Dhalsim, especially if you get none of the dust to hit, then some of the wrench hits

1 hit of EX Criminal Upper, EX Ruffian Kick, U2 Dust looked pretty cool. I don't think you can switch any of those out for Knife/Rocks if you want the Dust to juggle.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:58 am
by Snoooootch
Man, is there REALLY no more combo challenge ideas left? I keep thinking, but the only thing that makes any sense, is "Longest combo," But then again, I dont want another Smileymike "One hit to Ultra full animation" thing going on. How about, landing the same special 5 times? That stretches it from the easy 4 specials combo that any projectile character contains. :)

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:04 am
by Doopliss
If you can make the "use every attack button"-challenge work somehow, so that it's not too easy or too hard, you could use that one.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:56 am
by Pokey86

Perform a combo which dizzies your opponent. (Stun must start at 0)


Perforum a combo where you use the same special back to back. (Must combo before or after, or both)


perform a combo with a mid-combo "meaty" (Must combo before & after the meaty)


I've only recommended these 3 because i can submit my Makoto combo & do all 3 in one combo :P


Evo Moment #1337

Perform a combo in which, you get a better viewer response than that of evo moment #37

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:03 am
by Smileymike101
Stun challenge is silly because everyone is gonna just pick e.ryu/akuma, and STILL half the cast can't do anything about it.

Re: SF4 Series Combo Challenges

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:21 am
by Maj
Have we had a 5-bar challenge yet? What about a super + EX move challenge?