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Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:11 am
by onReload

Maybe Chun's cr.MK is good for meaties? Maybe it's just a weird thingy? thank god for this thread....

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:55 am
by onReload

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:41 am
by Maj
People sure love to make Chun look trashy in those hacky PC outfits. But yeah, Chun Li's c.MK can be useful as a fireball meaty setup in SF4. I guess if it connects, the hit pause will keep her in that low pose long enough to pass under certain fireballs. Neat trick.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:59 am
by onReload
yeah i asked him what was up with that damn outfit...but I've certainly seen worse.

no love for Urien parrying Chun's stomp while she's in a different country?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:32 am
by CPS2
onReload wrote:no love for Urien parrying Chun's stomp while she's in a different country?
It's pretty cool =]

Might be an idea for a video, switch on hitbox display and parry some stuff from the edges making it look as weird as possible...

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:32 am
by ilitirit
onReload wrote:Maybe Chun's cr.MK is good for meaties? Maybe it's just a weird thingy? thank god for this thread....
Shotos can also do this:

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:43 pm
by Ryukenden
Pick LP color Twelve as P1, pick his SA3 and do it against Hugo. If you reset game after being transformed, background color of intro will be changed from black to this:
Image Image

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 7:25 pm
by onReload
ha! he even x-copies the cps3 loader

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:26 pm
by Ryukenden
If you get hit by Sean's basketball you can die in parry bonus stage if you use "Drain All Energy Now" cheat. Nothing happens after Sean is out of balls and you have to restart game.
You can even juggle yourself few times with Sean's balls if you get hit at the right time on a big wave of balls.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:36 am
by Ryukenden
I discovered this glitch last year so I'm gonna explain it elaborately now:

In SFIII New Generation, with Ibuki, if you hold Forward while doing her air HP>F+MK target combo on airborne opponent, one of 2 glitches will happen:

First glitch - Instead of air F+MK, standing or crouching move move will come out. After your standing or crouching attack animation is over, she will be able to walk in mid air. While walking in mid air, you cannot use normal attacks. You can:
- Use SA1 (no jump required) and she will get down on ground normally.
- Use UOH and she will teleport to the ground level if she was high enough in the air.
- Use Kunai (no jump required) and then another glitch happens: she will float to right or left side of screen (depending whether you pressed left or right before you did Kunai), and then she throws Kunai, rotates few times, waits for around 5 seconds, and repeats those steps until she is hit. If she wins with this Kunai glitch, opponent will be down, but round will never end. The only way to use Kunai to get on ground normally is to not walk left or right, and then you input QCF+P very quickly (you mustn't hold forward for more than 2 frames).
- You can Jump (and land normally), but to get glitched Jump, you must input Jump+Attack quickly and it will make Ibuki land straight to the ground, unless you pressed left or right before that (that would make her float to left or right side of screen). If she was air standing close to ground, she will jump attack down quickly, like when she speeds up while descending from jump. If she was higher in the air, she will jump attack straight down, but normal speed.
More about what happens when she floats: it happens when you press left or right before you tried Jump+Attack trick. If you use air LP, her arm will be stretched until it hits or gets parried, and then she will be back in air standing position after about 5 seconds. She can also get back into air standing position if she does air target combo (even if 2nd move doesn't hit) which works only if you press forward or backward while attacking (to get jump forward/backward version of air move because air target combo cannot be done from neutral jump attack version). If her air attack was parried while she was floating forward, she will be float to the opposite direction quickly. If it was parried while she was floating backward, she will continue to float backward, but in very slow speed. If both attacks in her air target combo are parried by opponent, then she slows down even more (and stops because target combo was used). If you get your move parried by opponent again after she recovers into air standing position, then she slows down even more. Eventually, after about 8 parries (9 parries if you used LP>F+HP or HP>F+MK target combo), where you don't press left or right when you air stand again, she slows down to the point where she stops floating backwards and floats in one place.

- Parry: Parrying forward makes her float backward. Parrying down after pressing left makes her float backward slowly. Parrying down after pressing right makes her float forward. Parrying down without pressing left or right before that will make her bounce parry as she would normally do, but once she lands on ground she will be stuck in standing stance for few seconds (depending what move you parried), and then she turns around. This happens unless she did air move while landing on ground (in that case her controls won't be locked).
If you attack while floating you won't be able to parry anymore (just like you wouldn't be able after normal jump). If you do air LP, her arm will be stretched until her move hits or gets parried, and after that she will be back to air walking position after about 5 seconds. She can also get back into air standing position by doing any air target combo while floating (it doesn't even need to hit), which may be difficult because she air attacks with neutral jump moves, unless move is done in first 3 frame, then she does jump forward version.
The move that comes out instead of air F+MK depends on what move you did before you tried that air target combo glitch. Example - You do close HP, and (whether it hits or not) your move that replaces air F+MK will be Ibuki's c.HK. Against CPU, instead of F+MK I got falling down/getting hit animation, so that's possible too.
If you look at her shadow while air walking you will notice that it's smaller, like she's in the air.

- You can air throw, and then she will go back to the ground normally.

- When she tries to block, she will have blocking animation, but she will get hit anyway. Ibuki does take more damage if she was crouching in the air, but she recieves normal damage if she was crouch blocking.

Second glitch - If you don't do any move before trying HP>F+MK glitch OR you do specific move which doesn't affect air F+MK behavior (remember that doing specific moves replaces air F+MK with another one) and then you try air target combo glitch, the game will freeze (BGM still plays though). You can load game from various matchups and then you can try various glitchy stuff. One thing is common in any match after this glitch is performed - your opponent cannot be hit. When you perform moves while game is glitched, you will get various sounds for various moves. These sounds are different for all characters.

After this freeze, you can start match by resetting game, and you can only play certain matchups (example - anyone can fight Sean, but not Yun), but you will go right through opponent like he wasn't even there (hitboxes cannot be seen), which is opposite to loading a match, where you can't jump over some characters because hitboxes are glitched too.
Throwing Kunai crashes emulator when it hits the ground, but you can throw it off the screen to prevent that. Doing SA1 crashes emulator when screen flashes.

After game freezes, when trying to start un-startable matchup (Ibuki vs Yun for example), game will freeze on character fight introduction intro, and when you load match after this 2nd game freeze (because you can't start match after reset anymore), your character will be frozen when you try to perform a move. You can walk, but you actually look like you slide while standing. Jumping and dashing freezes your character too. You can only jump by pressing Jump+Attack quickly, and then you will jump while displaying first sprite frame of move you used. Also, sprites are very glitched; Ibuki crouches but her ponytail stays in standing position. Background characters are also frozen.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:16 pm
by onReload
Wow, this is pretty intense stuff! I'm guessing you've tried it on other versions of 2i and 3s...I guess they fixed this 'cause it seems a bit...obvious AND gamebreaking. You should really do a video about it.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:42 pm
by Ryukenden
It was very easy to discover this. I simply tried close HK, super jump cancel, HP>F+MK combo. It took a lot effort to explore what can happen after this glitch though. Good thing I put this info online before I forget it.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:22 am
by error1
neat, I'd love to see a video of it

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:41 pm
by Ryukenden
Maybe I'll make video of Ibuki's glitch, if I'm not lazy.

I don't like using cheats for combos, but that's the only way to pick child Jotaro against Vanilla Ice and do 100% combo. I needed Vanilla Ice because his stand is tall, so Jotaro's jump attack can hit him as long as his jump lasts. I tried other child characters and they suck for combos. (at least in Arcade version, but this is Dreamast) ... 0combo.mkv

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:20 am
by Ryukenden
If you put full version of SF4 commercial song into BGM for a stage in SF4, it synches perfectly when match starts (if character introduction intro is not skipped).

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:29 am
by Ryukenden
I got 2 glitches for JoJo. I would have posted this earlier but re-rendering that Jotaro clip takes a lot of disk space which I didn't have.

Hol Horse's Hangman super glitch ... glitch.mkv

When you get hit by this super, screen freezes and Hangman stabs you. In this glitch, Hol Horse's controllable bullet kills Dio before Hangman has a chance to do it himself. So, he still comes out on screen and performs his animation. If you continue match, screen will still be dark and there will be no BGM until your Hangman super hits successfully. It took me several tries to record Hangman stabbing his own arm (victory animation is random) because sprite layer priority is set that way.

Second glitch involves several weird stuff. I'll go by priority: Jotaro is invisible, Dio's knives go through Jotaro, Jotaro is left out of screen, last 2 jabs weren't registered. This video shows you all. ... glitch.mkv

When you do QCB+A>QCB+C>F,D,DF+C and you hold C, your opponent will go flying but you won't follow him until you release button (or you charge it to max). So, after Dio stood up and did Za Warudo, Jotaro released C and dashed automatically. He was frozen in that motion. While he's dashing automatically, he can't be hit (unless when frozen in time). That's why Dio's knife supers missed him after Za Warudo ended. But, because Dio was off screen, Jotaro becomes invisible. Jotaro's stand is not invisible, which makes it look better. If Jotaro does ABC, he will be visible every 2nd frame. I did TAS combo while invisible to show you how it would look like. If you notice Dio's legs at the end, you will see hit sparks from 5 low jabs. Last 2 low jabs weren't registered by combo counter, it is 68 hits with or without them.

To regain visibility, Jotaro can:
Win or lose a round,
Hit with a QCB+AB super while in Stand mode,
Use Za Warudo and hit with any move while time is frozen (gains visibility after time runs again),
Hit with QCB+A>QCB+C combo.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:44 am
by error1
lol, really nice find, that invisibility glitch lock awesome.
Shadow dio has a super that does a similar flying screen thing, right? Or does it have to be that move, beacuse you can delay re entry.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:00 am
by Ryukenden
Shadow Dio's F,D,DF+AB launches opponent off screen the same way, but he can't cancel it into a move that will keep him in place while opponent launched. He can cancel it into follow up super move by pressing F,D,DF+AB just when your super hits opponent, and if you hold AB, you crossover opponent and have a chance to do damage with it. If this is done close to corner, Shadow Dio will go off screen and return, but that is not a glitch.

By the way, Jotaro's off the screen Star Finger hold glitch is old. I saw that in real match.

EDIT: Found out that Shadow Dio can become invisible too.

I'm pretty sure that's Dreamcast version. There are few more good JJBA glitch compilations on youtube. Most of the time, it's not shown how glitch got started, which sucks :(

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:48 am
by onReload
Two weird findings from AE2012:

-Vega's AA Cosmic Heel -> U2 (Trial #24) can somehow drop a hit from the ultra animation. I don't know exactly why, but the second hit of the ultra (the flip kick) whiffed for me just now, but the dummy still went up in the air for the fourth hit. Not sure how to replicate, around, it's weird.

-Ibuki walking backwards into the corner can avoid the suction from Seth's HP Super, which I had thought was totally fullscreen. So her hitbox shrinks big time.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:59 am
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:-Ibuki walking backwards into the corner can avoid the suction from Seth's HP Super, which I had thought was totally fullscreen. So her hitbox shrinks big time.
Usually you can avoid it by standing perfectly still as far away as possible.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:41 pm
by onReload
As Ibuki, or anybody? Maybe my characters are usually too fat

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:38 am
by noodalls
A question about games in general, (putting it here as it fits better than making a new topic).

How do games read inputs?

My feeling is that at the start of each frame, the game checks to see what's pressed, compares this to the last frame, anything the same is "held" and anything different is "pressed/released". The alternative to this would be that the game keeps a lists of all the changes over the last frame, then adds these to the next frame.

The reason I ask is there have been a few questions about just frame inputs recently, as to whether it's possible to input multiple times per frame/frame windows less than a frame. Sounds like crap to me, but it's difficult to disprove that this could be happening.

The usual way I've done it is to do something like A for 1/2 a frame, B for 1/2 a frame, and show that one or the other (but never both) occur.

Maj, you're on the inside now, any information as to how this happens at the software level?

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:48 pm
by error1
If the game only checks once per frame then it would be possible to press a button for less then a frame and not have the game register it.
Just do an input for 10ms, and see if the game does the attack 100% of the time.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:17 pm
by Doopliss
onReload wrote:As Ibuki, or anybody? Maybe my characters are usually too fat
Should be anyone, but I gues larger characters might be unable to.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:34 am
by Maj
noodalls wrote:How do games read inputs?
I doubt any one person could answer that question, because it's equal parts hardware and software. Even if you go back to a thoroughly explored classic game like Street Fighter Alpha 3, that was released on CPS2 arcade hardware then ported to Saturn, PSX, Dreamcast, PS2, and eventually PS3 via PSN. I wouldn't be surprised if every one of those versions had different input sampling rates. Then you get into framerate drops or skipped frames and everything goes to hell.

Personally i've always believed that Capcom games sample inputs once per frame. That means it's impossible to press and release a button on the same frame. It would either count as a pressed button or a released button, but not both. And you can never get a button release input unless that button was pressed on the previous frame. For example if Chun Li's HK Lightning Legs requires five HK inputs, then you need a minimum of nine frames to perform it: five frames for pressing HK and four frames inbetween for releasing HK.

I'd be curious to see error1's suggestion tested though. My guess would be that it's physically possible to press and release a button on the same frame, and end up with no input whatsoever. I think the reason it never happens in real gameplay is that people typically press buttons for 2-3 frames every time.

Unfortunately i don't know enough details about how PS3 controllers process inputs. I'll try asking a couple of our programmers this week to see if i can get any more information for you.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:22 am
by error1
yeah capcom games sample inputs only once per frame.
The only emulator I know setup to do more the that is JPC-RR ( dos emulator ). It doesn't really run in frames per say, but it can register an almost unlimited number of button presses in any time frame ( till the input buffer is full ), so there is no real hardware reason for only looking for inputs once per frame ( on a keyboard at least ).

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:10 pm
by noodalls
noodalls wrote: The usual way I've done it is to do something like A for 1/2 a frame, B for 1/2 a frame, and show that one or the other (but never both) occur.
error1 wrote:If the game only checks once per frame then it would be possible to press a button for less then a frame and not have the game register it.
Just do an input for 10ms, and see if the game does the attack 100% of the time.
That example basically fulfils your suggestion, in that if it were buffering inputs, A+B or A,B should come up each time, but rather either A or B appears.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:12 pm
by Rufus
Of the fighting games I've tested, SF2:HDR and SF4 read input once per frame and I'm not sure about UMvC3 where I wasn't able to get a good sync.

At least for SF2:HDR, Sirlin has confirmed that sampling happens once per frame, and that where the game samples within the frame varies from frame to frame. So it is possible to hold the button down for exactly one frame, and not have the input show up. I would be unsurprised if this is true for other games.

Rather than error1's example of hitting a button for 10 ms, if you hit:
A for 5 ms, then B for 5 ms, and then C for 5 ms
in a cycle, then if the frame time is more than 15 ms the input will cycle ABCABC...but if it's less than 15ms, it will cycle ACBACB....
This can be used to get precise frame times - provided the game has a steady frame rate.

On current generation consoles, the controllers are on a USB connection, which is sampled at a variable rate, no faster than 1000 times per second. Due to some testing I would guess that the MadCatz TE sticks are usually sampled at 125 per second, while HRAPs and PS360s are typically sampled at 1000 times per second. I would guess that, most of the time, the data is read, and then ignored by the system.

The console is certainly capable of processing the input a thousand times per second, but there's little reason to do so for a fighting game.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:28 am
by Neophos
As said above, it's both software and hardware dependent.

Polling is that you in some way store what inputs are sent to the program and check them once or several times per game loop. For example, at the beginning of when the game goes through a characters actions for the frame, it could go through the keyboard/the controller and ask it "what keys are pressed and not pressed", and then update the character based on that.

In computer architecture, on the other hand, many systems are built around the concept of interrupts. Whenever anything happens (really, quite anything), everything on the computer is interrupted and paused, the action is dealt with and then it resumes whatever it was doing before it was interrupted. This happens thousands of thousands of times each second on any modern system. You could have an interrupt-based input in a game, in which case the game could read inputs as fast as the computer is capable of receiving them. With a fast enough system, this could let you have more "precise" inputs, as the game would always receive whatever input you pressed most recently, instead of what you pressed at the beginning of the frame, but these time spans are so short they don't matter to humans.

Both depend on how the game is coded as well as the structure of the hardware. Old consoles like the NES and SNES are very different from something like the PS3 or a PC.

Re: Random Obscure Findings

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:48 pm
by Ryukenden
When Akuma throws air fireball in Car Bonus Stage, it can produce car hit sound when it hits the ground, but only if you see it hit the ground (when it doesn't go off screen).

Some time mistakes:
When you choose opponent to fight against in Arcade mode, you can see time next to their icon. For Necro, it is 5:15 PM. On his stage, you can see clock in distance and it shows time around 12:23 PM.

For Twelve it says 12:50 PM. However, it is still night on his stage, and you can also see that time on background clock is around 12:25 PM.

Btw, it's a lot easier to see background clock on Necro's stage than on Twelve's. Placement of clock tower is different.