SFEX3 combo video

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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Dude how come i don't see more of pink leopard print Sharon in combovids? That outfit is hilariously trashy.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

Well to be honest, there is just a lack of sharon combo/match videos in general.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

You know, it's pretty amazing how much nuance SF4 borrowed from the SFEX series. Let's see ...

- backing out of choices at the character select screen
- trading "First Attack" messages
- universal guard break system (performed using the same MP+MK command even)
--- super canceling into guard break move
- the third dimension
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

richard on SRK made a post about all the stuff from EX (SF2:TM as well) which other games have stolen. but yeah, moves, supercancels, momentary timing cancels, guard breaks from specials, focus on links instead of cancels for normals. But lets all hate on EX lol.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

preview of a SFEX arc combo video
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Nice. I like the Ryu j.MP combo and the Guile s.HK combo.

So i came up with kind of a cool SFEX3 setup which didn't work. Ryu does HK Hurricane Kick and Darun's c.HK slides under the second spin, then Darun reaches into the third spin with c.HP which doesn't hit Ryu. Problem is, Ryu has such insanely long recovery that he can't follow up with anything except a super cancel, which he could already do without this setup. Such a waste.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

man this EX execution thing is driving me mad.

I'm trying to redo the ARIKA combos that they released for EX2 but with higher quality and working with the macros within zinc I might be able to learn how to execute some of these things.

But I'm stuck at the very first combo lol.
basically its supposed to be
GB, j,hp, s,lp, shoryuken, SC into shinku hadouken, shinku hadouken, shinku tatsumaki
but I can't get that first shinku hadouken to come out.

now using the exact same execution commands I do the following
shoryuken, shinku hadouken

and that works, but copying in the exact same execution into the combo and it won't come out.

arg. I'm gonna try and negative edge the two buttons used for the guardbreak and see if that does anything...
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Mind listing the macros you're using? I've never used zinc before but maybe a fresh pair of eyes can help.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

sure but well zinc is the emu but doesn't natively support macros. the extra program for a graphical user interface/front end do though. and when I closed down the gui it erased my macro. so I'll have to redo it and then post it up.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Ah ok. Well, judging by your description alone, i'd guess the problem is that you aren't allowing enough time before the first super FB command. Maybe the way you have it in the DP xx super FB sequence, the super FB command is completed right as the DP connects. So if you put a normal move in front of that, then the DP takes longer to come out because Ryu is stuck in s.LP hit impact freeze for a few frames. When that happens, your super FB command happens before the DP connects and the super cancel never registers.

So yeah, try waiting longer before you do the super FB command. (This is all pure guesswork though.)
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

well I'm recoding it and you might be onto something.

when just doing the dp xx shinku it works, but when I stuck that jab in their thats when it doesn't want to work.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

looks like it works now.

is the transcript.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

lol now to find a good screen capture program... or try and make it work in framemame.... eitherway it won't be fun :(
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

well transcripting the rest of the combos so I don't have to bring up the youtube video every time I want to check something and finally figured out how garuda was the only one doing that small hop into excel.

I forget the name of it in A3 but its like doing A3 zangief ground head butt into custom, except its the opposite. you execute garudas 3 kick command normal (forward + roundhouse), and immediately hit excel which cancels out the 3 kick move and instead gives garuda a small hop into his excel which he can then perform 2 normals before landing.

edit its kattobi cancel. now who came up with it first? EX2 or A3? as they both came out the same year lol
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Haha it's funny how the same basic "advanced tricks" show up in almost every Street Fighter game, regardless of who actually programmed it. That kattobi cancel gimmick exists in SFA2 as well, but i wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that it was discovered in A3 first. (It's crazy how many new MSH combos were created as a direct result of some MvC2 discovery.)
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

well I was checking around youtube and someone that was using that hava pvr for live streaming from justin.tv had mentioned about a program called webcammax. basically a virtual webcam that you can set to several sources, such webcams, movies, screen, pictures. and can save them to avi so I tried it out. the quality isn't that bad. but it won't capture anything higher than 320 by 240 at 30 fps lol.

still gotta try that 2nd gfx out to the intensity pro and see if that does anything, or the framemame.

but I did finish transcripting the rest of the combos. Looking at it now I can see how people were saying that EX had a lot of the same normals, ala MK 1-3 but not on that level. but also most of these combos tend to follow a similar button sequence. like nearly all jumping excels were the same, once they landed most of them changed a little but several characters still had the same button sequence. Like Cracker Jack and Sharon IIRC.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

That's interesting. So either EX2 Excels have a distinct optimal button strength pathway or those Arika guys got lazy and repeated the same customs for everyone. Maybe a little of both. A lot of characters have the same ground links throughout the SFEX series, but i think that has more to do with jabs/shorts being useless than anything else. For some reason if you try to chain them, you never end up with anything worthwhile and a lot of times the third one whiffs. What's the point of mashing light attacks if you can only get two to connect?

But all EX combos lead into juggles and that's when everyone's uniqueness starts to show.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

yeah, well some characters can cancel into a super from rapid fire jabs (ken, ryu, shadowgeist to name a few), but yeah otherwise they're not that strong in EX.

also finally tried that 2nd gfx out on my card to my capturecard... as I feared windows within windows until my computer crashed lol.

But I have a laptop so maybe I can use my vga out on the laptop to a vga to component cable and plug the component part into my capturecard. should work, just have to find that cable now lol.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

well hees the u2b vid that I made
still in processing but its in HD. original uncompressed was like 3GB lol.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Nice! My favorite part is easily upflame xx Yoga Fire but that normal drill bit is pretty awesome too.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

thatwas one of the breaking points in the combo actually. where sometimes the momentary yoga fire didn't come out. Similarly the other two breaking points were at the 1st and 3rd tags where the air shinku tatsu would either miss or not come out. but most of the time it does.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

got around to finding my cables and tried to capture screen footage from my laptop on my pc using the intensity pro but it didn't work. emailed support and they said that they didn't design the capture card to work like that :-

sigh. guess I'm out of luck for recapturing this video.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Xenozip. »

Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

wow, that has never happened to me.

worst glitches I've ever got was the shinku hadouken going through my opponent if I poked them with a c.lk first and then tried to combo it.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

I've been getting some video responses for my SFEX survival videos by someone playing SFEX on an emulator.

good player, though I wished he didn't use infinite supers in EX2 and EX2+. At least the EX+ videos are legit.
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by Maj »

Sweet. Looks really good dude. Is that captured from emulator?
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Re: SFEX3 combo video

Post by ShinjiGohan »

yeah, I was dropping frames like crazy before but for some reason its capturing fine from zinc.
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