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Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:22 pm
by Maj
The only characters i've seen doing backwards attacks against standing opponents are Chun Li and T.Hawk, but their jump properties seem to be really well suited for setting up backwards attacks in general. What did you have in mind?

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:14 am
by Neophos
Well, after seeing that you could combo after the non-burning kick in Fei Long's firekick, I thought it would be so rad to do a non-burning kick -> dizzy combo, then a super-meaty firekick on wakeup, once again hitting with the non-burning kick, into death. Two of them in the same "combo" would look really sweet. Sadly, it's impossible to combo after a normal hit of the kick, due to the amount of pushback it generates, so I was just wondering if it would be possible to somehow get a backwards attack on a character just standing up from the ground.

You can, however, do non-burning hit-> dizzy combo into extremely low life left, then finish it with the non-burning hit, but, well, I believe that two combos from it would look cooler.

In those clips, however, both of them are against Chun Li. Maybe her hitbox is wacky enough during standing hit reel to allow for something like this. Worth testing.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:32 pm
by Maj
33) Charge partitioning is possible in NG and 2I, right? I tested it for a few minutes and i'm fairly certain i was able to do it with NG Alex's stomp, but it's kinda odd that nobody ever talked about it until several years into 3S' lifespan.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:29 am
by Maj
34) What is that blue MvC2 stage with all the gears/pistons turning in the background supposed to be? The inside of the clock tower? The inside of the ship? It looks like you can see the moon shining through the background and maybe a little bit of water too.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:17 pm
by oKutabareo
The answer is super late, but yeah, charge partitioning works perfectly fine and smooth in Second Impact especially for Urien.

Re: Essential Game/Combo System Resources

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:32 am
by onReload
Maj wrote:Couple more random bits ...

Street Fighter Timeline
description: Accurate, compact, dated, illustrated, Ctrl+F searchable timeline of nearly all SF series titles
Thorough...Any idea what "Street Fighter 2 Movie" is? It too was ported to PSX and SAT in Japan, according to this guide, but later in the year; maybe another SFTM version? (next to arcade and home)

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:03 am
by Maj
Apparently it's one of those lame "interactive adventure" games where you "play" as a monitor cyborg collecting info about all the characters in the Street Fighter Animated Movie. I had the same question a while ago and someone on another forum kicked down some info:
EvilNeil wrote:I have this, it's sad and pointless but still kind of interesting. The cyborg is actually Ken - you can see his j.forward and qcf+K in the trailer.

At the end of the game you, playing as said stat-boosted (or not) monitor cyborg fight a single best-of-three match against Ryu, if you win you get an alternate ending to the film - featuring Bison's unveiling of the cyborg to an audience, if you lose you get the standard animated movie ending.

Once you beat the game, BATTLE MODE becomes unlocked, where you can use the cyborg to fight a hologram (?) of ST Ryu at any time.

There is a VS mode, but it's only Cyborg vs Cyborg, no other characters available.

My review :shy2:
Basically all you get is a single ST match of (reskinned) Ken vs CPU Ryu, with the option of an ST Ken vs Ken versus mode mirror match. I'd track it down and record some Cyborg combos if the whole thing didn't sound so ridiculously lame. I hate it when Capcom gets lazy.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:26 am
by error1
I knew about that game but didn't realize it had any combat at all. I found an iso I'll try it out.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:47 am
by fullmetalross
Re: Xbox and PS3 marvel

Magnetro recently posted a video showing that you could chain magneto into itself and then had a little combo with it. It looked like it could be an infinite if you had the right timing.

IE Launch, [lk,lk,lk,lk,lk,lk,lk,mk, (magneto hits ground) cr.hp, rejump] my marvel execution is pretty shitty right now, but is this a true infinite? or do characters get to high after awhile? The funniest part is you could always just end with the 5 fierce combo anyway or go for the cross under setup and start over! heh. Anyway Magnetro or anyone if you could answer that for me itd be cool.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:58 pm
by Magnetro
Uh yeah it's an infinite but I was playing on pad. Also, they're going to patch this out, do whatever you can while it's in the right now.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:02 am
by Xenozip.
Who else can reliably hit after a lv.1 super in CvS2 other than Chun and Kyo?

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:26 am
by Maj
Anyone who has an attack which possesses juggle potential can do it. A lot of supers juggle so like Ryu can do lvl1 FB super into lvl1 HK super. If you're asking about juggling without using extra meter, Akuma can do Hurricane Kicks after lvl1 FB super and Kim can do divekicks after lvl1 upkick.

There's also a couple of characters whose supers create free juggle states, namely Terry's Buster Wolf and Kyosuke's pillar super once you jump-cancel it. Iori can do whatever he wants after his projectile super connects. Do Rolento's lvl1 knives count?

There's tons more if you get into combo video setups like trading hits and meaty setups, but yeah there aren't too many practical ones.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:37 am
by Xenozip.
Hmm, thanks.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:39 pm
by Xenozip.
I'm not sure if my question got overlooked in Buk's SRK thread or not but:
Xenozip. wrote:Well regarding Hibiki's dodge I was wondering how the invulnerability thread works. As in, the dodge is inv but if you cancel it into her dash or backhop then it's instantly not inv, but if you RC into it and then frontstep instantly does the RC carry over to the run or no?

Like I'm wondering if a new inv thread overrides the old one, or if the dodge cancel triggers some non-inv switch that breaks both inv threads, or what. The dodge is only inv for a short time too so does the RC extend the inv duration or no?
I actually am curious. But too lazy/stupid to figure it out myself.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:16 pm
by Maj
Um, i'm not particularly qualified to answer the question because i discover new special moves every time i pick Hibiki, but i'll try to test it tonight or tomorrow.

Generally speaking when you RC into super, the invincibility from the super overrides the invincibility from the roll, so it doesn't give you anything extra. On the other hand, when you RC into invincible specials like DP, the roll invincibility stays and i think you get anti-throw invincibility too.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:48 am
by Maj
Sorry this took so long; staying up to date with the blog has been keeping me all sorts of busy. Anyway it looks like Hibiki can run through and backhop through fireballs if you RC the command dodge. Without RC she can't run through them at all, so apparently her followups don't cancel out the invincibility from the roll.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:26 am
by Xenozip.
Cool, thanks.

It's probably worthless to do that for her run but it seems like it'd be worthwhile for her backhop. Presumably this would let you get out of a lot of mixup situations. Among other things (invulnerable anti-air backhop j.HP?). Presumably the roll inv lasts longer than the dodge's natural inv too since the dodge inv is so short.

I'd quote this on SRK but I doubt anyone cares except buk who probably knows everything about everything already.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:20 am
by Xenozip.
Can you still tech a throw in SF4 if you are currently whiffing an attack when you get grabbed?

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:38 am
by Xenozip.
Is there a freeware or shareware screen(video)-capturing software for the PC that won't watermark your video?

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:02 am
by error1
yah but the main problem with most of them is frame rate. .kkapture is an exception and can be ideal. Should work in any emulator but will cause slowdown if your trying to record it live, It's what tasvideos uses

I can tell you fraps is the only thing sda recommends

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:15 am
by Xenozip.
Thanks a bunch.

Yeah, Fraps and Hypercam are the only ones I use and/or would recommend as well. This isn't for me though, I'm just trying to get some one to try recording.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:32 am
by Dark_Chaotix
Camtasia is quite good too.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:43 am
by Xenozip.
Is it free and doesn't watermark?

I like the camtasia codec a lot, works really well with hyerpcam. I did have issues with the camtasia gui though so now I just use their screencapture codec with hypercam whenever fraps inexplicably fails.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:46 am
by onReload
I've been kicking myself to get Fraps recently, but all I heard about it was bad things...but then again that might have been from people who were working on bigger projects and wanted the highest quality.

I've also got my friend's weird USB capture card for the evening/tomorrow so I'll probably record this funny trade that happened in 3rd Strike awhile ago. It's a modification on this combo.

edit: So because this is a strictly bootleg setup, my friend hooked me up with software that is meant for burning DVDs, and I now have a VOB file. Hooray. Looking into something that will convert it...

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:46 pm
by Dark_Chaotix
The Version I have doesnt water mark....

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:10 pm
by Doopliss
Looks like you need to use progressive scan.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:55 pm
by onReload
Doopliss wrote:
Looks like you need to use progressive scan.
I don't know if that's even an option, I said, it's a setup that isn't really meant to do this, but I'll take a look next time, thanks.

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:26 pm
by Xenozip.

Ok, so I kind of know how stored supers work, but how did Nuki do that? He tossed a kikkoken, then walked and crouched, then did a crouching roundhouse, then supered. He had to have taken himself off towards to do the c.RH right?

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:38 am
by jchensor
Xenozip. wrote:

Ok, so I kind of know how stored supers work, but how did Nuki do that? He tossed a kikkoken, then walked and crouched, then did a crouching roundhouse, then supered. He had to have taken himself off towards to do the c.RH right?
For Chun Li, you can let go of any of the three Forward directions for a split second and not actually lose the charge. So if you're really good, you can walk forward and continue poking with Low Forward and still keep the Super stored! I've seen Buktooth do it. Quickly tap Down/Back and hit Forward and IMMEDIATELY go back to towards. It's also how some Chuns do walking up and then quickly tapping up and then whiffing Roundhouse to bait a counter, land and Super.

It's cheap. ^_^

- James

Re: Random Lazy Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:00 am
by Xenozip.
Good shit. That does sound really cheap, haha, but I'm guessing you also have to be stupidly fast to do it so props to being on the level to exploit it.
