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Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:46 pm
by Pokey86
Haven't had time to test but below are some stuff i learned from a few sessions with a mate & 5 mins in training.
Doopliss wrote:Oni's LK tatsu and LK slash causes float on AA hit, they both go straight into U2, even mid-screen. Slash works better from the air-part of an FA, while Tatsu only works as a real AA.

didn't get a chnace to fiddle with this

He can also link c.LP from EX Gohadoken, and loop that 4 times in the corner.

yeah did it once so i imagine it is pretty sexy hitting all of them :P

He can juggle with MP airdash xx EX tatsu, I'm trying it out a little to see if I can do it from an FA into U2.

i couldn't cancel the dash in to U2, you might have better luck, i managed to get one hit of the EX tatsu after the air dash. They've still kept the gay ascending JP for the air EX's, lazy capcom. Also the Air tatsu's "locking" them in is bollocks to.

He can juggle with U2 after HK tatsu in the corner, at least on Balrog.
I'll do thorough tests soon, still have to test for Counterhit exceptionas etc. when i say things like JP0-1-2 i mean 1st hit-second hit-third hit etc, going to bed soon to tired to write it properly :P


Neutral Jump HP now slams down & is JP 1


Air Tatsu is JP0-1

EX Air Tatsu is either JP1-2-3... or JP3-3-3... Her EX Tatsu keeps on spinning but i never got more than 3 hits.


Legs -> Super now works in corner, however final hit doesn't seem to come out. Waste of Meter really. i was hoping they made the suction JPX





1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD

Ultra 2 - AUTO is, i believe, the first hit of the Ultra & is JP0 - Auto - Auto


LP SRK = JP0 - JP1

MP SRK = JP1 - JP2, guessing HP SRK is the same, i think EX is different.

Close MK is float

EX Palm is Float

Final hit of Target combo is SKD i think

Dive Kick is JP1

Far HP has JP 1

Ultra 2 (Tame) has a high JP, possible JPX, doesn't seem to miss, causes full ultra on stage 2 of crumple but can't replicate on airborne... I'm guessing this is because Yang auto-launches when he reaches a certain distance, probably not possible.

Ultra 1 has no JP, hits air though.


Close MK is Float

Close HK is SKD i think

Dive kick is JP1

Ultra 1 has JP on its AUTO hit. I think it's JP1

his normal SRK's are JP0 - JP1, not sure about EX but guessing it causes float then SKD or something.

Rush punch is at least JP 1

EX Rush punch is JP0 - JP1 causes spin on airborne. I also think EX rush has a JP+ in there somewhere


Forward + HK is JP 1

First hit of Oni's Target combo (Back + MP) is JP1

Second part of HK causes slamdown on airborne

Neutral jump MP causes slamdown

EX Palm causes elevated launch on Counterhit. (Still SKD though)

MK/HK Palm cause uncomboable state on knockdown VS standing opponent.

EX Hadou is JP1-2, not sure about charged normal.

Air Tatsu is JP0-1

HK Tatsu goes up to JP 2 i think, vaguely remember this so might be wrong.

U2 is JPX, Air EX Tatsu -> U2 (tame) hits for all hits. However U2 won't hit after MP/HP Palm, so it's not JPX as i defined it.

Pretty sure his SRK's are. Something along these lines anyway.

JP0 - Auto - SKD

JP0 - Auto - Auto

JP0 - Auto - Auto

FADC after any SRK leaves the opponent in JP2 (bassically SKD + 1 more hit)

EX Palm is JP1 at least


That's everything recall

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:55 am
by Mienaikage
Weird stuff for E.Ryu.

Only MK Ryusokyaku seems to have JP1, L and H are at 0. EX is 2 (or more, unconfirmed)

His midair dive kick also has juggle potential (Why? O.o)

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:06 am
by Doopliss
Mienaikage wrote:Weird stuff for E.Ryu.

Only MK Ryusokyaku seems to have JP1, L and H are at 0. EX is 2 (or more, unconfirmed)

His midair dive kick also has juggle potential (Why? O.o)

E. Ryu

I already tested the stomp, it is as you say. Can't EX stomp after 3-hit air EX tatsu.

E.Ryu's s.HK causes SKD on first AA hit.

His EX tatsus seems to work like normal Ryu's.

f.MK, JP1.

Either Yun's normal up kicks removes juggle potential, or none of Yun's moves have JP2 or more, including genei-jin (which I strongly doubt).

All palms causes float.


far s.MP has JP iirc.

last hit of s.MP, HP, b.HP has JP 1 (do it during seiei enbu). Unless it causes float, but I don't think it did.

EX Slashes seem to be JP 1,2,3,4,5.


js.MP jas JP1 iirc.

EX slam can hit twice after CH EX Slash, but I've not been able to land it after a 2-hit juggle.

His EX tatsus seems to work like normal Ryu's.

Does MP SRK go into animation even on AA hit? Didn't know.

Airdashes has at least JP1 (I've tried all three).

All U1's seem to have JP1-8.

Projectile Kick seems to have JP1 on both the kick and the projectile.
Pokey86 wrote:U2 (tame)
What do you mean by this?

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:14 am
by Pokey86
What do you mean by this?
Tame would be the shit version of the ultra, not the full ultra, its weaker/tamer version hits full though.
His midair dive kick also has juggle potential (Why? O.o)Mienaikage
Jump + MP -> Dive Kick

Maybe Ryu lands fast enough for a cross-under.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:51 pm
by Doopliss
For some reason, I thought I was supposed to pronounce "Tame" like a japanese word XD

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:46 pm
by Mienaikage
Someone on SRK pointed out that Evil Ryu's counter hit airborne MK Tatsu has different knockback to all the other Tatsu. Allows you to follow up anywhere on the screen.

And I just noticed it's the exact opposite if you anti air the opponent instead O.o

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:45 pm
by Pokey86
I've gone thorough on E.Ryu & Oni, anyone is free to take a glance below & correct anything they feel is wrong, i'll recheck any queries. There still might be one or two things i've yet to check. anything with XXXX is something i haven't checked.

Also i do use correct names in these normally, with a more common name next to it, but i can't remember them at present so i'll add them later.

Evil Ryu

Close Roundhouse: HK

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP0 - Stun - Reset

Tenmakujinkyaku: Dive Kick

JP1 - Stun - Reset

Diagonal Jump Strong: Jump + MP

1st: JP0+ - Stun - Float
2nd: JP1 - Stun - SKD

Hop Kick: Forward + MK

JP2 - Stun - Reset

Hadouken: Normal

JP0 - Stun - SKD

Hadouken: EX

1st: JP1 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP2 - Stun - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: LK

JP0 - Float - Float

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: MK

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP0 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP0 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: HK

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: EX

1st: JP5 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP5 - Stun - SKD
3rd: JP5 - Stun - SKD
4th: JP5 - Stun- SKD
5th: JP5 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: LK Air

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD (CH=Float)
2nd: JP0 - SKD - SKD*

* Cannot hit an opponent in float state

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: MK Air

1st: JP0 - SKD (CH=SKD*) - SKD
2nd: JP0 - SKD (CH=SKD*) - SKD

* Knockdown is considerably close, can follow up mid screen.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: MK Air

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP0 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: EX Air

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP3 - SKD- SKD
5th: JP4 - SKD - SKD

Shoryuken: LP


Shoryuken: MP HP

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Shoryuken: EX

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD

Shakanetsu Hadouken: LP


Shakanetsu Hadouken: MP

1st: JP1 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP2 - SKD - SKD

Shakanetsu Hadouken: HP & EX

1st: JP1 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP2+ - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP3 - SKD - SKD

Axe Kick: LK

JP0 - Stun - HKD

Axe Kick: MK

JP1 - Stun - HKD

Axe Kick: HK

JP0 - HKD+ - HKD+

Axe Kick: EX

JP2 - HKD+ - HKD+

Ultra - Metsu Hadouken:

1st: JP1 - Stun* - SKD*
2nd: JP2 - Stun - SKD
3rd: JP3 - Stun - SKD
4th: JP4- Stun - SKD
5th: JP5 - Stun - SKD
6th: JP6 - Stun - SKD
7th: JP7 - Stun - SKD
8th: JP8 - SKD - SKD

* Auto if fully charged & close

i managed to hit a fully charged Ultra on a float state enemy, but i'd like to know if anyone can do it while an enemy is in an SKD state, i cuoldn't pull it off, i'd like to know if the animation has JP.

Ultra 2 needs more testing, but it is definately ascending JP.



Roundhouse: HK

1st: JP0 - Stun - Reset
2nd: JP0 - Stun - HKD

Back + MP: Stomach Blow

JP1 - Stun - Reset

Forward + Roundhouse: F + HK

JP1 - Stun - SKD

Forward + Fierce*: F + HP

JP0 - Stun - Reset

*Destroys Single Projectiles

Neutral Jump Strong: Jump + MP

JP1 - Stun - HKD

Gohadouken: Normal

JP0 - Stun - SKD

Gohadouken: Normal Charged

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - Stun - SKD

Gohadouken: EX

1st: JP1 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP2 - Stun - SKD

Gorai Hadouken: LP (Electric Fireball)


Gorai Hadouken: MP

1st: JP1 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP2 - SKD - SKD

Gorai Hadouken: HP & EX

1st: JP1 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP2+ - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP3 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: LK

JP0 - SKD - Float

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: MK

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: HK

1st: JP0 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP2 - SKD - SKD

*Still gotta check these tatsu's

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: EX

1st: JP5 - Stun - SKD
2nd: JP5 - Stun - SKD
3rd: JP5 - Stun - SKD
4th: JP5 - Stun- SKD
5th: JP5 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku: Normal Air

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: EX Air

1st: JP0 - SKD - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP3 - SKD- SKD
5th: JP4 - SKD - SKD

Goshoryuken: LP & HP

1st: JP0 - Auto - SKD
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Goshoryuken: MP

1st: JP0 - Auto - Auto
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Goshoryuken: EX

1st: JP0 - Auto - Auto
2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP2 - SKD - SKD

Rakan Dantojin: LK (Rush Slash)

JP0 - Stun - Float

Rakan Dantojin*: MK & HK


*Removes all Juggle Potential

Rakan Dantojin: EX


High Elevation.

Sekisei Jiraiken: LP/HP

JP1 - HKD+ - HKD+

Sekisei Jiraiken: MP

JP2 - HKD+ - HKD+

Sekisei Jiraiken: EX

1st: JP1 - HKD+ - HKD+
2nd: JP2 - HKD+ - HKD+

Zanku Hadosho: all (Air Dash)

JP1 - Stun - SKD

Meido Gohadou: Ultra 1 (all variations)

1st*: JP0 - Auto - Auto
2nd: JP1 - Stun - SKD
3rd: JP2 - Stun - SKD
4th: JP3 - Stun - SKD
5th: JP4 - Stun - SKD
6th: JP5 - Stun - SKD
7th: JP6 - Stun - SKD
8th: JP7 - Stun - SKD
9th: JP8 - SKD - SKD

*First hit is a close range hit, Ground PPP Activation only.

I managed to hit the Air Ultra on an SKD'd opponent but couldn't get it on someone in JP2, anyone manage to do it let me know.

Tenchi Sokaigen: Ultra 2

1st*: JP0 - Auto - Auto
2nd: JP5 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP6 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP7 - SKD - SKD
5th: JP8 - SKD - SKD
6th: JP9 - SKD - SKD
7th: JP10 - SKD - SKD
8th: JP11 - SKD - SKD


I think that's everything. & it's cool that Oni's LK slash causes float, it means his best Non-Meter option after a Focus attack is "LK slash -> MP SRK" Easy as pie to do to.

There are bound to be some little niggles i have to work through in the above, i'll have a second pass over tomorrow if i get a chance.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:41 am
by Mienaikage
Evil Ryu

Tenmakujinkyaku: Dive Kick

JP1 - Stun - Reset (You put SKD :P)

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: LK

JP0 - Float - Float

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: MK

2nd: JP0 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP0 - SKD - SKD

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: HK

2nd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
3rd: JP1 - SKD - SKD
4th: JP1 - SKD - SKD

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:29 pm
by Raine

Made a short Oni combo vid. Thanks for all the research. There's a distance you can stand where you can just keep linking EX qcf+P over and over against crouching Honda, much like similar combos with other characters. There's an easy combo there with a link sequence into qcf+PP x 4, Ultra.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:53 pm
by Doopliss
I've recorded that one for my CV, c.MP x4 into 4 EX Hadous into Half U2... I really have to speed this up, or all my stuff will be old >.<

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:07 pm
by Pokey86
Goukens Neutral jump HP is now JP1, his angled jump HK is also JP1

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 pm
by Snoooootch
I made a short SHORT combo video I had been working on. I decided to go ahead and finish it instead of looking for more stuff.

I needed to finish it so I could focus on other stuff. Doop, I'm stoked to see what you come up with! :)

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:37 pm
by Doopliss
I'm currently on hold, waiting for Desk's Oni CV. I'm glad he didn't use anything I've used yet, although he did use some Yang loops and stuff I was gonna use.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:41 pm
by Pokey86
Doopliss wrote:I'm currently on hold, waiting for Desk's Oni CV. I'm glad he didn't use anything I've used yet, although he did use some Yang loops and stuff I was gonna use.

Yeah DEsk is one of a kind, the level of devotion is superb... Is there a trick to his post combo after E.Ryu's overhead. I'd love to hear that it's "normally" +3/4 frames.

Worth noting, Oni's U2 starts at JP5 & ascends. you only get 6 hit after 2 Full EX Tatsu's in the corner. (Thanks Dahlsim)

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:09 am
by Raine
Snoooootch wrote:I made a short SHORT combo video I had been working on. I decided to go ahead and finish it instead of looking for more stuff.
Great vid. I really like the second combo.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:05 am
by Maj
Is there anything that clearly, visually distinguishes the SSF4AE GUI (lifebars/meters/timer/etc.) from SSF4?

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:10 am
by Pokey86
Maj wrote:Is there anything that clearly, visually distinguishes the SSF4AE GUI (lifebars/meters/timer/etc.) from SSF4?

Rank Display & Title Display

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:12 am
by Doopliss
Are those available in local vs?

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:23 am
by Smileymike101
When a match starts, even offline, there is a dog-tag which says Arcade Edition just under the "fight!" message.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:30 am
by Maj
Wow, that sucks. I'm honestly disappointed in Capcom for making such a rookie mistake. So if we have an SSF4 clip and an SSF4AE clip in a fast-paced combovid like our style exhibition, there's no way to tell them apart without trying to identify character changes?

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:25 am
by CPS2
I really wish all these games would constantly show the version you're playing, like how blazblue does it. The worst are discreet updates with no change-lists or anything.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:53 pm
by onReload
Maj wrote:So if we have an SSF4 clip and an SSF4AE clip in a fast-paced combovid like our style exhibition, there's no way to tell them apart without trying to identify character changes?
Yeah; the only thing you could do is what jchensor did for the Ode to the 2-Hit with CvS2EO, and throw the logo up there so people aren't confused...but it's not even that huge of a difference where people would say "whoa, special to super canceling? that's cheating!' So, yeah. I guess they felt their HUD was fine in Super (I would have made the Ultra Gauge more obviously full, tbh)

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:14 pm
by Maj
Whoever told you that jchensor added those EO logos is a liar, a thief, and quite possibly a scoundrel. That's the in-game indicator for picking EO-ism.

Watch the Benimaru combo - you can see his leg clearly passing over the EO logo, not under.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:02 pm
by onReload

I mean the logo that jchensor put in during the editing, in the center...I know about the stupid EO sign, 'cause you had to explain it to someone for your SF? Guile Exhibition Trailer where not only did the game have the sign up there, but you did it repeatedly until you got Guile's "Easy Operation!" winquote.

So ha!

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:58 pm
by Maj
Haha gotcha. Yeah i don't think that's a realistic solution, plus it's too late for all the AE videos that are on u2b already. Guess we're just gonna have to put up with this mess and hope people label their combovids/transcripts correctly.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:36 pm
by Doopliss
Well, if possible, you could use E.Ryu or one of the other new characters as a dummy to show it's AE.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:54 am
by Maj
Has anyone checked whether they removed Rose's or Sagat's counterhit s.LK trades in AE?

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:15 pm
by Rufus
Maj wrote:Haha gotcha. Yeah i don't think that's a realistic solution, plus it's too late for all the AE videos that are on u2b already. Guess we're just gonna have to put up with this mess and hope people label their combovids/transcripts correctly.
Not that it would help any in the larger context, but for combo videos, overlaying the dog tag could work.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:15 pm
by Doopliss
Maj wrote:Has anyone checked whether they removed Rose's or Sagat's counterhit s.LK trades in AE?
I tried some stuff with CH s.HP with DeeJay on Rose before, still seems to be working.

Re: SSF4:AE Combo Engine Investigation

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:33 pm
by Maj
Would you mind testing it with Sagat for me? I'm waiting for the disc version of AE so i'm not gonna have it until the 28th at the earliest.

Rufus wrote:Not that it would help any in the larger context, but for combo videos, overlaying the dog tag could work.
Well, there's a lot of artificial ways to differentiate AE from SSF4. You could make sure Yun/Yang/EvilRyu/Oni are on the screen at all times, which is certainly limiting but it's an option. Hopefully they'll release some AE-exclusive costumes to make it easier. Or you could just add a logo like you said.

But the more tricky problem is, how do you differentiate SSF4 from AE? There are no SSF4 characters or stages that aren't in AE, and there are no SSF4 costume colors that won't be in AE. Every existing SSF4 combovid looks like it could've been AE.

It's just an annoying situation all-around.