Random Funny Quotes

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Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Every IRC channel has a quote library/generator and sometimes they're good. Worth a shot i think. Ask permission before you post anything incriminating or embarrassing. I'll start with something ghetto that stayed with me for some reason.

Back in SHGL days people would go out back inbetween tournament matches to talk about whatever, especially after close matches. I had an interesting conversation with Apoc once, during a local tournament or something. I'm paraphrasing a little since i don't remember the exact words.
Random SHGL conversation, sometime around 2002 wrote:Apoc: You gotta rush 'em down so they don't get a chance to do their trick. If you give 'em any breathing room you'll get killed by some dumb gimmick.
Maj: That's why i lose so damn much! I want to see their trick.
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Post by Maj »

Buktooth and i were having a conversation about kysg's CFJ video. Somehow started talking about emulator videos.
Emulators and Rivalries wrote:Buktooth: so like
Buktooth: i havent been to combovideos.com in months
Buktooth: and im like wtf somebody made a cvs2 video?
Buktooth: that made literally made me angry watching it
Maj: oh yeah
Maj: that video is dumb
Buktooth: not the fact that it was an ex groove video
Buktooth: but because the damage on every combo couldve been like doubled
Buktooth: if he had seen any other cvs2 combo video in the last 4 years
Maj: it's some random rookie
Maj: he's probably been wanting to make that exact combo video since the second week cvs2 came out
Maj: but capture cards are illegal in his country or something
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: they encourage free speech
Maj: so he finally got a new graphics card and his computer could FINALLY run the dreamcast emulator
Maj: so he was like ... finally, it's time to make my vision a reality!
Buktooth: haha
Maj: or at least that's what i tell myself to feel better about that trainwreck
Buktooth: so he can do hot combos like chain into chun f+forward, cancel into lightning legs cancel into level 2
Buktooth: cancelled into lighting legs cancelled into level 1
Maj: hahaha
Maj: my theory is that the emulator crowd is distinct from the maintream console/arcade crowd and that they have to evolve on their own from scratch
Buktooth: i actually felt like going home and making a good ex groove video
Buktooth: but WHO AM I KIDDING HAR
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: haha
Maj: like when cps2 emu first came out people were making v-ryu combo videos where he's just doing fireballs in the corner
Maj: and after the 10th one they accidentally do red fireball but by then the combo counter is at like 20 so that goes in the video!
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: they only have the ability to upload
Buktooth: not download
Maj: hahaha that's a pretty funny way of putting it
Buktooth: i remember some guy used to uplaod ex3 videos without editing
Buktooth: just a big string of messed up combos
Maj: i'm temped to paste this whole conversation on a forum somewhere
Maj: at least the emu part
Maj: i could post it on the sonichurricane forum for your eternal chun li rival to read
Buktooth: haha do i have an eternal chun li rival?
Maj: of course
Maj: you would be undisputed best chun li in america if it wasn't for nki
Maj: after s-kill sold out to balrog, the title should have been yours
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: maybe nki can beat better players
Buktooth: but i always beat nki!
Buktooth: oh
Buktooth: (but ive never lost to dsp)
Maj: see, i told you that you hated him
Buktooth: but nki is still my nigga >:o
Buktooth: oops
Buktooth: wrong smiley
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: i didnt want the krunk one
Buktooth: :-*
Maj: haha
Maj: nki even went to japan to train
Maj: which is like cheating
Maj: in the sense that he cheated
Buktooth: i dont think i can possibly make sf2 a bigger mockery than it already is
Buktooth: and i certainly tried
Maj: maybe it'll be good this year, with sirlin's game bringing back the true ST
Maj: instead of dsp winning with ps1 only deejay tactics or whatever
Buktooth: i still call bullshit on that
Buktooth: people really love to imagine differences
Buktooth: like old versions of ST characters having more THROW PRIORITY
Buktooth: and eo sagats low fierce having less priority
Buktooth: and eo bison ccs doing less damage
Buktooth: and people still complaining about ps2 3s
Maj: normally i'd agree with you, but in cases where my favorite ST player watson loses, i believe whatever he says
Maj: i have his rookie card
Maj: gonna get it signed someday
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: i mean, im obviously not qualified to say whether it's arcade perfect or not, but i didnt see anything out of the ordinary
Maj: yeah
Maj: well
Maj: at the very least
Maj: sirlin's version will make it harder to use copouts
Maj: so hopefully people will actually step up
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: people are already complaining about it
Maj: i know
Maj: i saw that thread
Maj: about ecc or whatever
Buktooth: and i watched the videos, saw nothing out of the ordinary
Buktooth: well, one time he tried whiff uppercut rush into grab and got a fierce
Buktooth: but i just attribute that to dumb ol ST
Buktooth: haha and that irate post totally made it seem like that was the deciding factor on why he lost
Buktooth: when he got totally dominated 4-1
Maj: hahaha nice
Maj: seriously though
Maj: i'm posting part of this conversation on the forum
Maj: objections?
Buktooth: none
Maj: sweet
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Post by Maj »

Porting over a few quotes originally posted in the Combo Videos Thread on SRK.
Old IM conversation about the OG'ness of SFA3 wrote:omni: have you been following apoc vs jchensor?
omni: the watson ps1 st thread in teh evo forum
Maj: wtf
Maj: no not at all
omni: last couple of pages
omni: it's not heated or anything
omni: james is too nice for anything like that to happen
omni: but they are both typing volumes of text
omni: so i figured I would stir the pot
omni: and say that there is nothing OG about A3
Maj: what about guard meter and alpha counters?
Maj: that's hella og
omni: soo not
omni: og is pressing 3 different buttons
omni: and all the anims look the same
omni: thats some og shit right there
Maj: dude
Maj: apoc plays a hidden boss character that totally fulfills that requirement
Maj: what more do you want?
Maj: i bet he bought the balrog code from watson for $5 too
Maj: that's at least three counts of og in the first degree
omni: hahaha
Maj: i'll try and make some jokes about this thread like
Maj: i dunno, maybe tuesday?
Maj: i think that's a fair estimate of the amount of time it would take to read it
omni: haha
omni: you haven't read this thread at all?
Maj: no dude, what would i be doing in the evo forum?
omni: reading drama!
Old IRC quote starring Viscant wrote:<Viscant> anime leads to manga
<Viscant> manga leads to cosplay
<Viscant> cosplay leads to suffering
<Viscant> this is the path of the dark side...
Population displacement in Los Angeles wrote:omni: did you even know this happened?
omni: http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/03/25/immigr ... index.html
Maj: crazy
Maj: i need to hang out with more hippies
Maj: i'm out of the loop
omni: i love how 500k people can show up to LA
omni: and i don't even notice it
omni: this town is fucking too big
IM conversation world premiere (!!!) of random SF2RE video clip wrote:Maj: wanna see how bored i am?
Maj: http://lowfierce.com/zrandom/sf2re4fbjuggle01.wmv
omni: thats cheap that you have the claw when you flash kick
Maj: hahaha it's a graphic glitch
Maj: same as sagat fb
Maj: if you change characters at all in the round, some things get all glitchy-looking
Maj: i could probably get 100% combo
Maj: all at once
omni: shoulda thrown more sonic booms
Maj: actually i have a clutch combo in mind
Maj: i was thinking this would dizzy
Maj: then i'd do my top tier combo but not nearly enough life left
Maj: i'm thinking
Maj: LP Sonic Boom times 3
Maj: walk up
Maj: corner j.LP, c.HK + 1st Sonic Boom connects simultaneous, 2nd Sonic Boom connects, 2nd c.HK hit + 3rd Sonic Boom connects simultaneous, c.LP, c.LP (jump-cancel) j.HP xx air Flash Kick
omni: hehe
omni: you should just make a video of that text
Maj: and sprite rips?
omni: haha
omni: yeah
omni: you should make combo vids with sprite rips
omni: hella easier
omni: animated gif sprite rip combo vids
Maj: i know the engine well enough that they would be accurate
omni: who even cares
Maj: i should just come over to your house
Maj: so we can use your digital camera to make vids of us playing with sf action figures
omni: rotfl
Maj: post them on sonichurricane dot com
omni: you hella gotta say sonic boom
omni: and some gief win quotes in russian
IRC log proving that #capcom <3 imaginary Australians wrote:<V-Maj> is ekin around?
<Hydra632> hes been idle for a bit
<skisonic> yeah not here since earlier
<V-Maj> wanted to share my MSH skills with him :(
<skisonic> or even last night
<V-Maj> australia needs to adopt US time
<skisonic> US needs to adopt ekin
Random IM conversation about recent combo videos wrote:Maj: just want you to know that you are responsible for the last three times i've watched this necro video
Thongboy Bebop: haha
Thongboy Bebop: It's too good!
Maj: it gets better the more you watch
Maj: this video has replay value!
Thongboy Bebop: seriously
Maj: everything is a crossup in kysg videos!
Thongboy Bebop: he just opens a box and makes up a snack
Maj: hahaha
Maj: sometimes he just keeps spinning and spinning
Maj: somehow turns what i hate most about playing against necro into something that's fun to watch!
Thongboy Bebop: How could anyone hate Necro? There's like 4 good players!
Maj: i think i should be able to win at 3s without actually knowing how to play 3s
Thongboy Bebop: haha
Thongboy Bebop: See also: Me playing Marvel
Maj: sorry, i'm taking the watson approach on this one
Thongboy Bebop: I always try to skip directly to Strider/Doom teams
Thongboy Bebop: You know, 'cause I'm so familiar with Marvel and whatnot
Maj: dude whatever don't talk to me about marvel i could beat you down with thanos/hayato/roll my name is in a magnetro tactics video i'm professionale grade quality!~
Thongboy Bebop: hahaha
Thongboy Bebop: I'm about to watch that ish right now
Thongboy Bebop: WHAT THE FUCK
Thongboy Bebop: Marvel is broken
Maj: marvel breaks when i tells it to break!~
Thongboy Bebop: har
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Post by NKI »

<3 you Buk!
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Post by Magnetro »


that was stupid, Maj, MAD stupid..

Also, remember the time when I thought you would get angry at me if I picked Guile and M. Bison (dictator) on the same team?
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Post by Maj »

Thought this was funny ...
Random IM conversation wrote:Magnetro: damnit my DC broke. :^(
Magnetro: it just resets itself over and over, it's like it watched my magneto video
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Post by Maj »

Last night a few of us were playing ST (on an arcade cabinet) and some random funny comments were made. Just wanna write them down to get them out of my head. I'm running out of disk space in there at the moment.
Said in response to someone getting SPD'd by ST Gief wrote:omni: 10 years later, it's still far.
Talking about how long ago ST was released wrote:omni: Soon we're going to be dating girls younger than ST.
jchensor: They're almost legal now, huh? Hyper Girls are probably legal by now.
omni: Hahahaha hyper girls. That's what they need to be called from now on.
jchensor: Haha, yeah, we have World Warrior Girls, Champion Edition Girls, Hyper Girls. Soon we'll have Super Girls ...
Declared in response to something weird happening in arcade ST wrote:omni: That shit would never happen in the arcade!
Hey James, did i get the Hyper Girls quote right?
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Post by jchensor »

Haha. Actually, I said Classic Girls, Champion Girls, Hyper Girls, and Super Girls. I called ST girls Turbo girls, but that could be confused with Hyper Girls. Hahaha...

And the last comment from omni should be given the proper setup: whenever we played the Dreamcast or PS2 versions of ST, that's what we said allll the freakin time. "Shit would have never happened on the arcade version!" So when something weird happened on arcade ST that night and Derek said that, was hella funny.

- James
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Post by Maj »

A while ago i went looking for official Japanese CvS2 guidebooks as a gift for a couple of people and recently someone on SRK started selling them, so omni and i had a brief conversation about that.
On the Gradual Corruption of New Blood wrote:omni: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=135970
omni: $70 for a cvs2 book?!
Maj: cost me that much
Maj: who did you give those to btw?
omni: one to Gene
omni: rest (1 more?) is sitting on my bookshelf
Maj: one or two, don't remember
Maj: it's ok
Maj: someday you will find the next cvs2 prodigy
Maj: and mentor them into the dark side
Maj: it starts with a cvs2 book
omni: lol ok
Maj: next thing you know, you are burning them a copy of dc super turbo
Maj: next thing you know, you are in some vietnamese dude's basement telling him that he could totally beat cole and that he should put up the $600
omni: HAHA
Hung out with jchensor for a while yesterday and he showed me the basics of After Effects.
AE Testimonials and Hesitations wrote:jchensor: I'll quote you for Niles next time I talk to him about it.
jchensor: Maj speaketh: "Maj: spent all morning trying to put together one simple thing, then tried it in AE and it took like 30 seconds"
Maj: hahaha
jchensor: So you didn't have much problem starting up After Effects and getting a Composition up and running, huh?
Maj: had to go to work but it seemed much easier
Maj: with a lot less mucking around in photoshop
jchensor: Cool.
Maj: so i haven't actually rendered anythign out yet
Maj: i hope it doesn't give me any stupid problems
jchensor: Me, too. 'Cause then it would be my fault. lol
Maj: well i'm not looking forward to this whole mess one bit
Maj: but hopefully it will be painless
Maj: once the ball gets rolling
Maj: i'd much rather be making more combos
Maj: and then go to evo with a bunch of clips
Maj: and just load em all up in WMP
Maj: haha
jchensor: lol
jchensor: That would be tight.
jchensor: Here's my Combo Cornucopia!
Maj: haha
jchensor: It's like a basket full of Combo Goodies.
Maj: omg
Maj: and i could have a playlist playing in Winamp in the background
Maj: every once in a while i could hit pause
Maj: and load up some guile pictures
Maj: then go back to playing clips
jchensor: Totally. A manual Combo Video. Hahahaha.
jchensor: That would be way too good.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

I wonder which EX3 combo maker buk refered to lol. EK had some ghetto ass editting, then again my editting isn't much better lol
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Post by Magnetro »

Hahaha this reminded me of this place
http://www.noob.us/humor/if-business-me ... -comments/
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Yet another promising idea amounts to nothing wrote:Maj: negative on dhalsim
Maj: he has trouble moving backwards
Maj: fastest thing is like jump back teleport
Maj: there's not enough time to do c.HK xx full lvl2 upflame xx yoga flame
Maj: before opponent's fireball catches up
omni: our combos are much cooler in aim logs
omni: than in real life
Maj: http://combovid.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=49
omni: ha
Maj: shoulda called it the alcohol-covered pavement thread
omni: definitely
Fuck that, i'm not renovating thread titles in the rain. That's right, it is raining in Southern California; round-the-clock news coverage and everything.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Setting up combos for TZW wrote:Buktooth: did i ever tell you that tzw actually participates in ST tourneys in japan
Buktooth: and does well?
Buktooth: at that one random xmania i was part of
Buktooth: he got 3rd i think
Maj: i've seen a couple of his vids on youtube
Maj: playing deejay and guile
Buktooth: his actual guile play is pretty orthodox stuff
Buktooth: nary a fun combo to be seen
Maj: yeah, there aren't too many opportunities in the real world
Maj: cuz everbody a hater
Buktooth: haha
Buktooth: i'd look for ways to get hit by the meatiest sonic booms ever
Maj: if i ever get to play tzw, i'm picking bison, throwing him into a corner, and holding up/back
Maj: or picking dhalsim and trying to predict his next sonic boom so i can teleport behind him and push fierce
Cuz seriously, it takes some kinda heartless bastard to try to beat down TZW.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

links to vids available to see this guys play? I dont know him this player....
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Some of my favorite signature quotes on SRK ...
jchensor wrote:Girl: "Wow... that was a nice combo."
Fukui: "That WAS impressive! But was that a Chain?"
Hattori: "I do believe it was... a Link."
Ohta: "Fukui-san!"
Fukui: "Go, Ohta!"
Ohta: "I just talked to the Iron Combo Chef. He said it IS indeed a Link and NOT a Chain. He said if it WAS a Chain, you couldn't Buffer it, so it HAS to be a Link or it won't work!"
Fukui: "Ah, you were right, Hattori-san!"
jchensor wrote:Girl: Wow! What was all that?
Fukui: Hmm, I'm not sure. Let's check with Ohta.
Ohta: Fukui-san! The Iron Combo Chef said he started with an instantair dash, added a jump install, sprinkled 1 red and 2 blue cancels into the mix, and used a whole lotta gatling combos.
Hattori: That's quite a stew!
jchensor wrote:Girl: Wait... you can buffer there?
Ohta: Fuikui-san!
Fukui: Go, Ohta!
Ohta: He says he used a Renda Kara-Cancel -- known in some parts as a "Chain Cancel" -- to get that Razor-Kick!
Hattori: Makes sense.
Saotome Kaneda wrote:"I saw a 3d SF arcade machines(probably EX) at a local hotel the other day. I was too afraid to touch it though :( Some chick looked like she had a gun"
NKI wrote:"Incidentally, my other loss in A2 was to NKI. He knows almost nothing about A2 either, but he fakes it very well." --Sirlin
UltraDavid wrote:Orka says, "We probably wouldn't be killing time on a fighting game forum if we were law students." And I'm not. This is wasting time, not killing it. A lawyer knows the difference.
Ultima wrote:Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
Many of these have since been changed or updated. There's a ton i'm forgetting but i'm done with looking through SRK sigs cuz there are too many disturbing ones.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

DevilJin01, on the way back from NEC7 wrote:DJ: all kinds of people come together to celebrate the chicken.
There's got to be at least a million quotes by DJ that are priceless little gems. But this one is by far my favorite. I guess maybe because I was there when he said it, and exhausted from gaming and driving, I don't know.

But to give a little backstory, the subject of fried chicken had been a topic of interest at several points over the weekend. On this particular point, DJ began his usual tangent and also explained about an incident that had occurred recent to that day. The point of interest in that tangent was that he had mentioned that you'd expect to see quite a lot of black people in a particular fast food restaurant, which prompted one of the white passengers to ask how a white person would be received in that environment.

Mr. DevilJin01 gave an incredibly inspiring and heart warming preach about how the power of chicken is enough to bring people together in a friendly and peaceful way, and that it's a beautiful and good thing when people come together to celebrate the chicken.

I laughed so fucking hard I was crying.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

My brothers have been playing FIFA 08 since it was released. Something about online play makes them think the game has infinite replay value or something. With FIFA 09 on the horizon, it doesn't look like they have any intention of giving up this crazy soccer infatuation.

So my brother was playing against some mediocre Manchester United user who happened to score a lucky goal and win the game. Afterwards, the dude sent him this message:
CountyElvis2007 wrote:u will never beat utd plus ur shit so will never beat anyone
Gets funnier every time we read it. I almost want to write it down as a formal logical argument, print it out, and frame it.

Another time, the match ended in a draw after extra time, so it went into penalty shootout. My brother was up 3-1 when the guy quits literally 30 seconds from the end of the match. Who the fuck does that?!
Xbox Live message conversation between my brother and nappyrash101 wrote:VZA n HZA: weak
nappyrash101: lol rematch
VZA n HZA: im down
nappyrash101: just guna put fifa bk in
nappyrash101: im here
nappyrash101: dont be gay hurry up im waitin
nappyrash101: rematch
VZA n HZA: how do you send invite?
nappyrash101: i dont know but im tryin
VZA n HZA: try getting in player lobby
nappyrash101: ok
(... two games later ...)
nappyrash101: this is doin my headin play u 2moz
I can't even begin to guess what that last message means, but my brother and i both cracked up when he said "i dont know but im tryin" after telling us to hurry up. Yep, i love online gamer culture. By which of course i mean hate.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by desk »

hahaha. Couldn't stop laughing at...
u will never beat utd plus ur shit so will never beat anyone
'doing my head in' must be a UK only thing, lol.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Recently started posting my screenshots on various forums, all of which were enthusiastic about it except for some random hater on Penny-Arcade, who happened to be a moderator:
Alternatives to Traditional Bullets wrote:Maj: penny arcade mod closed the thread
Maj: no explanation
Maj: everyone else seems down though
omni: your image thread?
omni: you know you can post more than 2 images at once
Maj: yeah
Maj: it's ok
Maj: fuck them if they can't deal with multiple posting
Maj: any moderator who would close a thread on that basis
Maj: needs to be shot in the head
Maj: not with a real bullet but maybe some kind of smiley face rubber pellet
omni: i wish i could invent bullets
omni: that killed people for like 15-20 minutes
omni: then they got up and were fine
Also had kind of a funny conversation with Viscant recently:
Celebrity Status Ethics wrote:<V-Maj> sup
<Viscant> yo
<V-Maj> go drop some knowledge on these fools' heads: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.ph ... count=1328
<Viscant> i'm PRETTY sure that's not unblockable every time
<Viscant> but marvel engine is random like that
<Viscant> it's why like in xsf you could push block gambit super sometimes and still block
<Viscant> and sometimes not get hit
<Viscant> and then the other times get hit by 10+ cards
<Viscant> and nobody ever had a reason for that other than "lol marvel"
<Viscant> it might be one of those things like magneto sweep
<Viscant> where the engine says it all should be blockable
<Viscant> but sometimes the game just politely declines to block for you
<Viscant> but i know for sure i've had that blocked on me because that used to be one of my pet tricks
<V-Maj> you want me to copy/paste all that?
<V-Maj> cuz i'll do it
<Viscant> nah, i'll post something once i finish up here
<V-Maj> see, with any other person, i would ask what you're doing
<V-Maj> but with you i think i'm better off not knowing
<Viscant> haha
<Viscant> yeah i'm eating and building a tv stand to sit on my other bookcase
<Viscant> because i can only watch tv on my tv and computer
<Viscant> but when i get a new computer, i'll put the old monitor onto the tv stand i'm building
<Viscant> and that way i'll have sports in stereo
<V-Maj> hahaha
<V-Maj> sounds very ambitious
<V-Maj> well, thanks for your time sir
<V-Maj> just trying to help these guys out
<V-Maj> cuz people have been saying that it's not unblockable on his youtube page
<V-Maj> told him to try it on a program pad
<V-Maj> and he said
<V-Maj> "having a programmable pad is nearly impossible for me. Speaking to Justin and Viscant is also very difficult."
<V-Maj> thought i'd use my celebrity status to call upon your much celebritier celebrity status
<Viscant> haha
<Viscant> with great celebrity comes great responsibility
<V-Maj> hahaha
<V-Maj> ok, peace out sir
No need to thank me; just doing my part.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Magnetro »

My arrogance penetrates through wrote: lovepig78 (7:51:07 PM): can i make a request
lovepig78 (7:51:11 PM): for your fingers
Magnetro2k (7:52:34 PM): What?
lovepig78 (7:54:37 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gXH54EF5J4
lovepig78 (7:54:38 PM): this
lovepig78 (7:57:22 PM): i just remember you doin it when i first met you at shoos
lovepig78 (7:57:26 PM): i was like
lovepig78 (7:57:29 PM): o_0
Magnetro2k (8:00:20 PM): I'll try it when I get home. However, due to my unforeseen arrogance, I'll require some monetary compensation.
lovepig78 (8:01:12 PM): LOOOOL
lovepig78 (8:01:21 PM): sigged
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Seems like every day i find something new about SRK to make me believe they hate content producers. But for once, a ray of hope ...
Change You Can Believe In wrote:Maj: sup
Maj: i have a complaint about srk
Maj: dealing with how much srk sucks
Maj: aka hates me
MrWizard: sounds like you need to talk to our complaint department
MrWizard: aka james chen
Maj: james chen has never seen a moderator panel before
Maj: ok so i started posting some screenshots on srk
Maj: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=166266
Maj: i wanted to post the thread in FGD
Maj: but goddamn fgd doesn't allow images in threads
Maj: so then i decided to make a preview thread as a premium bonus
Maj: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=166692
Maj: but goddamn prem forum doesn't allow images in threads either!
Maj: what the hell man
Maj: first we're not allowed to post combo video threads in fgd and now this
Maj: AND NOW THIS!??!?
Maj: AND NOW THIS??!?!??!
Maj: ahem
Maj: i demand reparations
MrWizard: wow
MrWizard: didnt know premium didnt allow images
MrWizard: must have been a oversight
MrWizard: lol
Maj: so does that mean you're gonna change it?
MrWizard: yeah ill fix the premium one right now
Maj: sweet, it works
Maj: thanks dude
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Some rookie named rexyaresexy made a Favorite Combo Of all time!!!! thread on SRK. Saotome Kaneda closed it once the gimmick had run its course, but here are some highlights:
tsukihimeblood wrote:
DominoLogic wrote:crouching jab, crouching jab

its so awesome because its the best move comboed into itself, which makes it twice as awesome
Your logic is flawless!
chopperbyrne wrote:I like Necros back fierce, down-back fierce.

Up you go, now fuck off over there!
UltraDavid wrote:With Q, back+roundhouse xx taunt! Might not look like it's a combo, but the taunt deals reverse damage and still makes the opponent's life bar smaller relative to Q's life bar. Eat it, traditional definitions!

Also, neutral grabs. They're combos, but why?
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

"Oh you're going to try and chicken block, I'm the fucking Kernel Sanders, bitch" - Bellreisa
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Music Selection and Offbeat Interests wrote:Magnetro: the worst part of my combovideomakinglife
Magnetro: is the lack of new and different music. I don't have anything to use and I get crazy cause of that : (>
Maj: yeah music is a big problem
Magnetro: I use IMEEM to search for and listen to music A LOT.
Magnetro: I never find anything
Magnetro: Makes head hurt
Maj: there are some videos that i'll watch just cuz i like the music
Magnetro: yeah
Maj: but it's usually music i would never listen to in a million years
Maj: like trance/techno/jpop and other assorted garbage
Magnetro: Music you like gives you a better outlook on your own vid
Magnetro: and how its turning out
Maj: i really like the music in that third tosaka video cuz it totally fits the weird kinda astonishment/discovery that video represents
Magnetro: Jadon Brown used the original for his 2nd marvel vid
Magnetro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddk0jhw3ei4
Magnetro: Thats the first MvC2 combovid i saw that inspired me to make vids
Magnetro: I guess I coulda put that in my combovideo-history
Maj: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm3REzOsk5k
Magnetro: OH
Magnetro: Im thinking of another video then.
Maj: this mvc2 track is too repetitive
Maj: and way too long
Magnetro: Yeah well I was inspired by the GOOD parts.
Magnetro: K
Maj: trance songs always have like 3 ideas total
Maj: so if it's 2 mins long, you get those 3 ideas in 2 mins
Magnetro: yeahhhhh i know hahahahha
Maj: if it's 9 mins long, you get one good idea per 3 mintes
Magnetro: yep
Magnetro: even as a little kid I was into inventiveflowlike situations in anything I did.
Magnetro: i used to play basketball and i got bored playing the way it was supposed to
Magnetro: I tried bouncing the ball off things and hitting it into the net or using another ball to hit it in mid air into the net
Maj: haha
Maj: i just like watching things roll off tables
Magnetro: loololol
Magnetro: hahahhaah
Magnetro: hahhaha
Maj: anyway i'ma go get some food
Magnetro: that made me laugh a lot out loud
Magnetro: put that quote on sonic hurricane
Wasn't expecting him to find that last bit as funny as he did, but it's definitely a little funny.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Maj »

Misinterpreted Blanket Execution Tricks wrote:omni: no one else on the planet says renda kara cancel
omni: you and your made up brady guide terms
Maj: youuuuu underestimate the power of my influence
Maj: soon everyone will start using renda kara cancel
Maj: to explain combos like guile's low strong xx super
omni: ...
Maj: the way everyone uses charge partitioning to explain two sonic booms in a row
omni: which doesn't even require it!
Maj: see what you gotta do is
Maj: you gotta partition your charges
Maj: that way you get more charge
omni: hahaha
omni: apoc: I've been doing that since ce vega at world's finest
Wow, i didn't realize how much i missed Apoc - dude was a comedy goldmine. Except the lovable good kind, not like DSP or those creepy Empire Arcadia creeps. Apoc was like the Punisher, but those guys are totally evil like Venom.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by fullmetalross »

Apoc lives near me! haha. I was talking to him at the last tacoma sf4 tourney.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

<Garwd> You can't hurricane kick in real life. :(
<mauve> but you can try.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

<ikusat> i'm not trying to get laid, i wanna kill the fucking dragon!
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

Xenozip. wrote:<Garwd> You can't hurricane kick in real life. :(
<mauve> but you can try.
<sphy> don't you see hurricane kicks in figure skating?
<Xeno> ...
<sphy> I'm pretty sure you do!
<sphy> with blades too
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Random Funny Quotes

Post by Xenozip. »

<bellreisa> i must be the only person alive who likes both zun and 2pac
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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