Old Videos I never released

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Which video was the worst ?

Magneto Video 0.5
No votes
Ruby Heart
No votes
Omega Red
Total votes: 6

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Old Videos I never released

Post by Magnetro »

Last edited by Magnetro on Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 360
Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:12 am

Post by fullmetalross »

The above links don't work... cept for the dhalsim one, I tried adding back slashes and stuff and no go.
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Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:11 pm

Post by Goryus »

The full link includes the dash and the stuff that follows it. Copy and paste the whole thing into your browser bar and it works.


www.denjin-video.com/magnetro/Magnetro - Zangief.wmv

Edit: My vote goes to the Zangief video. ^_^;
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you reject all the other possible gods, you'll understand why I reject yours.
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Post by Magnetro »

Oh yeah, you have to copy everything up to the file type extension. Forgot to mention that.
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Post by Maj »

Actually i really like the Omega Red video. Good music choice too. I don't think the Magneto video counts cuz it's basically a beta/trailer. Either way it's short and it's fast so it don't have anything against it.

That Zangief video is just about the most ghetto thing possible.

Random anime clips? Check.
Bootleg trance music? Check.
Blurry low-res video? Check.
Confusing transitions? Check.
More random anime clips? Check.
Soundtrack stutter during heavy transitions? Check.
Lack of in-game sound effects? Check.

But i just can't vote against that video. Any Zangief video is a good video. That's a law and i am a law-abiding citizen. Also it was really cool how you made Gief's jumping knee look like a scary air dash at 1:06. Kinda scary. Almost scary. Scary enough!

I want to vote for the Ruby Heart video cuz you just stole another 216mb from my HDD, but it's quite a bit more professional and better organized than the Spiral video so i guess i gotta hate on Spiral today.
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Post by fullmetalross »

Yeahh the zangief one is the worst... the video quality I could barely tell what was going on!

Personally though I loved the ruby heart video made me want to play her! she's awesome.
Vega Omega
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Post by Vega Omega »

OMG!!! I can't belive you put them out. No matter what you say I still think they're pretty neat, especially the Omega Red one

I never saw that dhalsim one before either, I like what you did with the effects in it.
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Post by jchensor »

To be honest, I actually really have a low interest in videos that show repeated mixups. Because in almost every 2-D fighting game, there are five mixups: Low Left, Low Right, High Left, High Right, and throw. And when they are all stitched together in such a fast pace, eventually, the viewer stops paying attention and can no longer keep up.

I think mixup videos need a bit more structure. Show a bunch of setups in a row SANS mixup, and pause the video when the mixup starts. Also state why these setups are particularly useful or practical. So now, you have a set of setups A, B, C, and D. Then show the mixups and mention which setups they apply to. Mixup E works after A and C, mixup F works after A, B, and C, and mixup G works on all four setups. Etc. Etc. Otherwise, eventually, it just ends up all blurring together for me.

I know these are old videos, so I'm not really critiquing you or your videos. I've seen it in dozens of Japanese Guilty Gear videos as well, and I get the same reaction. Eventually, I have no clue why or when to use any of the setups and mixups they show. Sometimes, I canbarely see where the mixup actually happens.

Bleah, I guess this is just my rant on how I think mixup videos should be done in the future. They fall under the tutorial genre of Combo Videos, so I think they need to be more educational and take their time to properly illustrate why some mixups work well.

So that one tiny little text about the reverse psychology you put in the Spiral video, for example, was cool. Iwish there was more of stuff like that in these kinds of videos. ^_^

- James
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Post by Magnetro »

Okay I think enough time has passed, I'll leave them up till the end up Sunday and then I'll take them
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