Random Obscure Findings
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Oh, interesting. That kind of stuff is always fun to watch. Too bad you can't follow up with anything when Akuma's SA3 hits like that.
The SF4 corner crossup probably has to do with the opponent's wakeup animation. Characters tend to move forward or backward quite a bit when getting up. It's pretty annoying. Hugo is obviously the extreme case, but a lot of others are bad too.
The SF4 corner crossup probably has to do with the opponent's wakeup animation. Characters tend to move forward or backward quite a bit when getting up. It's pretty annoying. Hugo is obviously the extreme case, but a lot of others are bad too.
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Yep, my words sir.
Though, if it's really the lying character moving back and forth while standing up with no active hitbox, e.g. the hk tatsu trick I uploaded should also work midscreen. I will go and check whether there is more cool stuff to find.
Yep, works also outside the corner.
Though, if it's really the lying character moving back and forth while standing up with no active hitbox, e.g. the hk tatsu trick I uploaded should also work midscreen. I will go and check whether there is more cool stuff to find.
Yep, works also outside the corner.
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Here are some random/obscure things from old text file I had:
- After air tech throw against Chun-Li, Ibuki, and Oro, Makoto is the only character that can follow up with attack before landing on the ground. Makoto's air HK works anywhere while air HP deals more stun but only works if Makoto or opponent is in corner. She can't do air special move. Makoto's opponent can't parry after air tech throw, so Makoto's attack is guaranteed to land.
- In 2I and 3S, if you whiff a move with Gill (except Super and fireball/iceball) and then do air tech throw, the opponent will be hit in air with the move you whiffed even though Gill does his air tech throw animation. So, if I press HP and air tech Chun-Li's throw, she will be hit with Gill's HP. If Gill whiffs a throw (3s only) and then does air tech throw, opponent will be stunned as if hit (no hit spark though) and take no damage from it. Depending on what side of screen you do air tech throw, you will get fire or ice effect to your attacks like you normally do.

Btw, air tech throw animations are same as air parry animations. Some characters descent from air like they did air parry, some have air reset animation. In New Generation, you can't perform air tech throw. Doing Ibuki's and Oro's air throw at same time results in their attacks coming out.
- The game (emulator) crashes when Urien's SA2 reflects from Aegis Reflector and hits him at about same time. The distance between Urien and Aegis Reflector must be very specific for this to work. I think it happens when projectile hits Urien at same time it's supposed to reflect from Aegis Reflector. Game crashes on 7th frame after Urien is hit, which is same frame at which his projectile advances towards him again, so maybe that causes crash.
- Akuma's SA1 has 6 hits, Ryu's SA1 has 5 hits. Why do they both disappear after first hit when they run into Urien's SA2 which has 5 hits? Sean's SA1 counts 1 hit when it lands on someone, but it's actually 2 hit fireball against other projectiles and even SUV in bonus stage.
- If time runs out when Ibuki performs EX Slide grab move, she will stop doing it even if she didn't finish 3 attacks.
- When Necro does standing HK, his kick crosses his arm like it's not there.
- In 2nd Impact, there is actual feature in service mode (Configuration>Game>Screen Mode) that enables a wide screen version of the game where corners are stretched, so it actually changes gameplay. For example, if I use Ryu's EX Joudan Geri and try Tatsumaki juggle, it will miss. Here's comparison when Ken hits the wall on normal and wide screen mode. I don't know how it looks on actual arcade machine, probably not as natural as on emulator.

- In all 3 SFIII games, in attract mode, the damage is reduced like CPU is connecting all his moves.
- You can parry Gill's throw (throwing in NG is done like in SF2). Weird thing is that you don't really parry any particular move, as seen on screenshot. After this parry, Gill's attack will come out (depending what throw button he used) if you wait for it. To parry Gill's throw, simply press forward or down when he tries to throw you.

- Gill's air parry animation looks weird. After parrying in air, he doesn't change that sprite frame until he lands on ground or gets hit. It's because CPU Gill was never meant to parry in air.
- Another weird thing with Gill is when he tries to throw himself in mirror match. It was never meant for Gill to do that, so that animations were never done correctly.
Punch throw http://i.imgur.com/0Cygq6d.gif
Kick throw http://i.imgur.com/BFAkSDS.gif
- Very weird thing happens when you try to finish Oro with Elena's SA1. If 3rd wave of kicks is about to hit Oro when he has 1 health left, he'll recover from hit stun and be able to parry.
- Elena can link normal attack after HP Mallet Smash on Yun/Yang, but not on other characters. He simply recovers slower from that move. There is similar thing with Alex, he can link multiple MP Slash on Elena, but not on other characters.
- When Alex's c.HP hits airborne opponent, he can't use SA1 for about 1 second. You can't do anything with it anyway.
- If you juggle Gill when his health bar is drained and he has full super bar for Resurrection, "Time Over" won't happen until he actually resurrects. This allows you to juggle him infinitely. When "Time Over" happens, Gill's health bar is barely filled, and that's what will count against your own health bar. So even though Gill's health will be full after "Time Over", you still win. And because it's full, he won't perform time over losing animation even though he lost.
- Ken has mustache? I don't know what's the decision behind that black coloring, but it looks weird. It's removed in 3rd Strike.

- In New Generation and 2nd Impact, When Yun/Yang throws a character with F+MP/HP while near corner or from corner, it looks weird. It's like Yun is out of screen for 1 frame and game takes 2 frames to readjust him. This especially looks weird on Oro because distance between Yun and him is greater than when throwing other characters. In 3rd Strike, Yun and Yang get new better animation for this throw.
New Generation http://i.imgur.com/IvMaDHU.png
2nd Impact http://i.imgur.com/noMBvRR.png
Pretty much same thing from frame to frame.
- In sfiiin version (Asia version), Yang's Genei Jin activation voice is same voice of him being K.O.-ed.
Cheats stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In all 3 games, K.O. Gill and then give him infinite health. When he resurrects, he will go upwards very slowly and he won't stop. Eventually, he will re-appear from bottom of the screen, but then he becomes invincible and cannot be hit. Gill just repeats this upward animation forever. Time over cannot affect game until Gill resurrects.
- When you use infinite super cheat you need to whiff or hit with any move to fill super meter. In Ibuki's introduction animation, when she spars with another ninja and hits the punching pad, she gets super before match starts. Same thing happens when Sean's basketball hits you before round starts.
- If you use cheat to select Gill, his rival (2nd to last opponent) will be Hugo (I guess, there's no sprite in match). If you get into match without the game crashing, bunch of glitches will happen at once and game cannot continue or it crashes. I managed to beat the game with Gill and he has Hugo's ending which is interesting because he's in it.

Why does diagonal sprite of Akuma's name even exist?

- In 2nd Impact, if you use "Drain All Energy Now" cheat to reduce health to minimum, and you watch CPU playing in attract mode, CPU will win, but next round doesn't begin. After that, score screen starts when it should. After that, there's second attract mode and when CPU wins there, and score screen is shown almost right away.
- 2nd Impact has weirder glitch with this cheat. In intro, there are 3 short fights: Ryu vs Urien, Alex vs Hugo, Yun vs Yang. Whoever gets hit can be K.O.-ed, and winning character starts doing win pose. If you K.O. Hugo in intro, and turn off this cheat before Yun vs Yang fight, Yang will fall out of right side of screen and appear on left side of screen. Then, he gets up, does EX Slash Mantis and disappears into left corner.
If you use stun cheat to stun Yang in intro, the flying birds around his head will last almost until title screen, but dizzy sound lasts until character select screen, unless you insert coin.
If you use cheat to select Shin Akuma, Ryu will have Denjin instead of Shin Shoryuken in that intro.
- After air tech throw against Chun-Li, Ibuki, and Oro, Makoto is the only character that can follow up with attack before landing on the ground. Makoto's air HK works anywhere while air HP deals more stun but only works if Makoto or opponent is in corner. She can't do air special move. Makoto's opponent can't parry after air tech throw, so Makoto's attack is guaranteed to land.
- In 2I and 3S, if you whiff a move with Gill (except Super and fireball/iceball) and then do air tech throw, the opponent will be hit in air with the move you whiffed even though Gill does his air tech throw animation. So, if I press HP and air tech Chun-Li's throw, she will be hit with Gill's HP. If Gill whiffs a throw (3s only) and then does air tech throw, opponent will be stunned as if hit (no hit spark though) and take no damage from it. Depending on what side of screen you do air tech throw, you will get fire or ice effect to your attacks like you normally do.

Btw, air tech throw animations are same as air parry animations. Some characters descent from air like they did air parry, some have air reset animation. In New Generation, you can't perform air tech throw. Doing Ibuki's and Oro's air throw at same time results in their attacks coming out.
- The game (emulator) crashes when Urien's SA2 reflects from Aegis Reflector and hits him at about same time. The distance between Urien and Aegis Reflector must be very specific for this to work. I think it happens when projectile hits Urien at same time it's supposed to reflect from Aegis Reflector. Game crashes on 7th frame after Urien is hit, which is same frame at which his projectile advances towards him again, so maybe that causes crash.
- Akuma's SA1 has 6 hits, Ryu's SA1 has 5 hits. Why do they both disappear after first hit when they run into Urien's SA2 which has 5 hits? Sean's SA1 counts 1 hit when it lands on someone, but it's actually 2 hit fireball against other projectiles and even SUV in bonus stage.
- If time runs out when Ibuki performs EX Slide grab move, she will stop doing it even if she didn't finish 3 attacks.
- When Necro does standing HK, his kick crosses his arm like it's not there.
- In 2nd Impact, there is actual feature in service mode (Configuration>Game>Screen Mode) that enables a wide screen version of the game where corners are stretched, so it actually changes gameplay. For example, if I use Ryu's EX Joudan Geri and try Tatsumaki juggle, it will miss. Here's comparison when Ken hits the wall on normal and wide screen mode. I don't know how it looks on actual arcade machine, probably not as natural as on emulator.

- In all 3 SFIII games, in attract mode, the damage is reduced like CPU is connecting all his moves.
- You can parry Gill's throw (throwing in NG is done like in SF2). Weird thing is that you don't really parry any particular move, as seen on screenshot. After this parry, Gill's attack will come out (depending what throw button he used) if you wait for it. To parry Gill's throw, simply press forward or down when he tries to throw you.

- Gill's air parry animation looks weird. After parrying in air, he doesn't change that sprite frame until he lands on ground or gets hit. It's because CPU Gill was never meant to parry in air.
- Another weird thing with Gill is when he tries to throw himself in mirror match. It was never meant for Gill to do that, so that animations were never done correctly.
Punch throw http://i.imgur.com/0Cygq6d.gif
Kick throw http://i.imgur.com/BFAkSDS.gif
- Very weird thing happens when you try to finish Oro with Elena's SA1. If 3rd wave of kicks is about to hit Oro when he has 1 health left, he'll recover from hit stun and be able to parry.
- Elena can link normal attack after HP Mallet Smash on Yun/Yang, but not on other characters. He simply recovers slower from that move. There is similar thing with Alex, he can link multiple MP Slash on Elena, but not on other characters.
- When Alex's c.HP hits airborne opponent, he can't use SA1 for about 1 second. You can't do anything with it anyway.
- If you juggle Gill when his health bar is drained and he has full super bar for Resurrection, "Time Over" won't happen until he actually resurrects. This allows you to juggle him infinitely. When "Time Over" happens, Gill's health bar is barely filled, and that's what will count against your own health bar. So even though Gill's health will be full after "Time Over", you still win. And because it's full, he won't perform time over losing animation even though he lost.
- Ken has mustache? I don't know what's the decision behind that black coloring, but it looks weird. It's removed in 3rd Strike.

- In New Generation and 2nd Impact, When Yun/Yang throws a character with F+MP/HP while near corner or from corner, it looks weird. It's like Yun is out of screen for 1 frame and game takes 2 frames to readjust him. This especially looks weird on Oro because distance between Yun and him is greater than when throwing other characters. In 3rd Strike, Yun and Yang get new better animation for this throw.
New Generation http://i.imgur.com/IvMaDHU.png
2nd Impact http://i.imgur.com/noMBvRR.png
Pretty much same thing from frame to frame.
- In sfiiin version (Asia version), Yang's Genei Jin activation voice is same voice of him being K.O.-ed.
Cheats stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In all 3 games, K.O. Gill and then give him infinite health. When he resurrects, he will go upwards very slowly and he won't stop. Eventually, he will re-appear from bottom of the screen, but then he becomes invincible and cannot be hit. Gill just repeats this upward animation forever. Time over cannot affect game until Gill resurrects.
- When you use infinite super cheat you need to whiff or hit with any move to fill super meter. In Ibuki's introduction animation, when she spars with another ninja and hits the punching pad, she gets super before match starts. Same thing happens when Sean's basketball hits you before round starts.
- If you use cheat to select Gill, his rival (2nd to last opponent) will be Hugo (I guess, there's no sprite in match). If you get into match without the game crashing, bunch of glitches will happen at once and game cannot continue or it crashes. I managed to beat the game with Gill and he has Hugo's ending which is interesting because he's in it.

Why does diagonal sprite of Akuma's name even exist?

- In 2nd Impact, if you use "Drain All Energy Now" cheat to reduce health to minimum, and you watch CPU playing in attract mode, CPU will win, but next round doesn't begin. After that, score screen starts when it should. After that, there's second attract mode and when CPU wins there, and score screen is shown almost right away.
- 2nd Impact has weirder glitch with this cheat. In intro, there are 3 short fights: Ryu vs Urien, Alex vs Hugo, Yun vs Yang. Whoever gets hit can be K.O.-ed, and winning character starts doing win pose. If you K.O. Hugo in intro, and turn off this cheat before Yun vs Yang fight, Yang will fall out of right side of screen and appear on left side of screen. Then, he gets up, does EX Slash Mantis and disappears into left corner.
If you use stun cheat to stun Yang in intro, the flying birds around his head will last almost until title screen, but dizzy sound lasts until character select screen, unless you insert coin.
If you use cheat to select Shin Akuma, Ryu will have Denjin instead of Shin Shoryuken in that intro.
Last edited by Ryukenden on Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Wow, these are some cool findings.
Are there any interesting applications to that "stored" Gill move that gets released during air throw tech? Or is it basically the same as if the defendant was hit out of the air?
The widescreen mode is really cool. It would work very well for certain characters, would be interesting to see how tiers and gameplay in general is affected. Maybe it's time for a 2I widescreen-only tournament
Good to know about Alex's infinite MP slashes on Elena - I saw that in combo videos but didn't know why I couldn't do it; I wasn't using Elena as the dummy.
Are there any interesting applications to that "stored" Gill move that gets released during air throw tech? Or is it basically the same as if the defendant was hit out of the air?
The widescreen mode is really cool. It would work very well for certain characters, would be interesting to see how tiers and gameplay in general is affected. Maybe it's time for a 2I widescreen-only tournament

Good to know about Alex's infinite MP slashes on Elena - I saw that in combo videos but didn't know why I couldn't do it; I wasn't using Elena as the dummy.
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Whoa, thanks for sharing all that info. That's some pretty amazing stuff.
I'd love to see a widescreen SF3 combo video or tool-assisted match. I bet it would turn a lot of heads. I wonder if there's anything totally unique you can do with it. I mean, you probably do some cool stuff with knocking opponents backward into fireballs with Joudan Geri, right? Can you knock someone into EX fireball that way?
I'd love to see a widescreen SF3 combo video or tool-assisted match. I bet it would turn a lot of heads. I wonder if there's anything totally unique you can do with it. I mean, you probably do some cool stuff with knocking opponents backward into fireballs with Joudan Geri, right? Can you knock someone into EX fireball that way?
- Posts: 238
- Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:22 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
On a 16:9 monitor, it would look like this.Ryukenden wrote:I don't know how it looks on actual arcade machine

Re: Random Obscure Findings
From full, widescreen away, hugo's LK Ultra Throw doesn't even wallbounce. The character just sadly hits the ground
From full, widescreen away, hugo's LK Ultra Throw doesn't even wallbounce. The character just sadly hits the ground
Re: Random Obscure Findings
It's same. But since Gill's air HP and HK knock down opponent, he could start juggles after that tech throw.onReload wrote:Wow, these are some cool findings.
Are there any interesting applications to that "stored" Gill move that gets released during air throw tech? Or is it basically the same as if the defendant was hit out of the air?
You can do it with ordinary Hadouken and Denjin, but you can't follow with anything after that. You actually did that combo in your Ryu Exhibition video http://youtu.be/3lBYMq8BNS0?t=2m51sMaj wrote:I'd love to see a widescreen SF3 combo video or tool-assisted match. I bet it would turn a lot of heads. I wonder if there's anything totally unique you can do with it. I mean, you probably do some cool stuff with knocking opponents backward into fireballs with Joudan Geri, right? Can you knock someone into EX fireball that way?
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Hmm, it's hard to believe that changing something so fundamental as screen dimensions wouldn't create any new combo opportunities. But if you say nothing interesting comes out of it, then i'll take your word for it. I'm still entertained by the thought that widescreen 2I exists.
Re: Random Obscure Findings
mvc3 also has widescreen differences, they haven't been well explored, but i know for instance that on 4:3 if morrigan walks backward fullscreen away from dormammu and dormammu does H pillar, it makes her block, but on 16:9 evo monitors it will whiff
Re: Random Obscure Findings
A while back someone demonstrated to me that in SFIICE, Ryu's LP DP can hit low. I tried it in HSFIIA and confirmed that all CPS1 versions of Ken/Ryu can do it, at least against any version of Chun Li. The timing and spacing is such that it will hit after she blocks a close range fireball.
Should have tested the other DPs as well...
Should have tested the other DPs as well...
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
I guess I will just post it in this thread.
Years ago I got so many "funny" comments that I did this third strike troll riddle video just to make fun of some, probably one or two here might enjoy it:
Years ago I got so many "funny" comments that I did this third strike troll riddle video just to make fun of some, probably one or two here might enjoy it:
- Posts: 136
- Joined: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:42 pm
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Nope, what's happening here is parallax error (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax). If you measure from the ground he is standing it is fine. 3S backgrounds are going for the 3D effect. So because the centre of the stage and where our view has changed, we see Ken has 'moved' with respect to the background, when in fact he hasn'this1nightmare wrote:I guess I will just post it in this thread.
Years ago I got so many "funny" comments that I did this third strike troll riddle video just to make fun of some, probably one or two here might enjoy it:
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Like I didn't know.HarlequinRogue wrote:Nope, what's happening here is parallax error (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax). If you measure from the ground he is standing it is fine. 3S backgrounds are going for the 3D effect. So because the centre of the stage and where our view has changed, we see Ken has 'moved' with respect to the background, when in fact he hasn'this1nightmare wrote:I guess I will just post it in this thread.
Years ago I got so many "funny" comments that I did this third strike troll riddle video just to make fun of some, probably one or two here might enjoy it:
- Posts: 136
- Joined: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:42 pm
Re: Random Obscure Findings
Oh I didn't read the comments. I rarely do on youtube
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
3s yun combo http://www84.zippyshare.com/v/0pnTbiQl/file.html
(stream available)
(stream available)
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 am
Re: Random Obscure Findings
3s yang combo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIgGzvRQgOI
cool Remy cross-up yo
cool Remy cross-up yo
Re: Random Obscure Findings
I found this back in 2009 as well, but since that was before I knew much about the game I never explored it further, nor do I know if it was common knowledge, but: in unpatched Vanilla SFIV, you cannot combo into throws from a focus crumple unless it's the first hit of the combo. I forgot to verify if it also goes for lv.3 FA -> lv.2 FA though.
Another funny thing I noticed (and the reason I was playing Vanilla) was that, in SSFIV, if you do Seth's U1 so that you restand them behind you in the corner (As (IIRC) error showed before this can be achieved with Rose's EX DP), the opponent will teleport outside the boundaries of the stage and you'll end up right next to each other in the corner afterwards. Seth can act before they land, but nothing seems to juggle. I figured I'd try it in Vanilla and see if it's something they fixed later, like trading out of Honda's U1, but to my dismay the opponent doesn't OoB in Vanilla, it just pushes you back into normal corner range.
Another funny thing I noticed (and the reason I was playing Vanilla) was that, in SSFIV, if you do Seth's U1 so that you restand them behind you in the corner (As (IIRC) error showed before this can be achieved with Rose's EX DP), the opponent will teleport outside the boundaries of the stage and you'll end up right next to each other in the corner afterwards. Seth can act before they land, but nothing seems to juggle. I figured I'd try it in Vanilla and see if it's something they fixed later, like trading out of Honda's U1, but to my dismay the opponent doesn't OoB in Vanilla, it just pushes you back into normal corner range.