Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

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Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

Post by wolverine-master »

Out of the game unless Maj (or any one of you) summons me for a clip or two. Game | Over
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Re: Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

Post by Maj »

If it's time to leave, that's a pretty damn impressive way of doing it. That video was awesome! Really fun to watch. Starting the two-character combos with X-23 was a clever idea, and there were a lot of cool concept combos like Sentinel/Spencer, Morrigan/Phoenix, and Dante/Virgil. I also really enjoyed Ryu's green flame fists at 6:03.

You don't want to post this on ComboVid? I can do it if you don't want to write it up yourself.
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Re: Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

Post by wolverine-master »

Thank you for putting it here. I can do the write-up. Hey Maj, thank you for letting me into this group and for your support. :D

EDIT: Not to toot my own horn, but that last Doctor Strange combo may be the most difficult UMvC3 combo I've seen yet. Do you know how the 7 Rings of Raggador works?
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Re: Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

Post by Rufus »

Thank you for your contributions, and happy trails.
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Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:32 am

Re: Game | Over - My Final Combo Video

Post by krusan »

Thanx for all the help provided and for all the entertainment we had watching your vids.
Best wishes for the future and never hesitate to come back to making CMVs!!!
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