Awesome Comments

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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Smileymike101 »

Not with SF4's stupid one fireball at a time restriction.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by error1 »

Smileymike101 wrote:Not with SF4's stupid one fireball at a time restriction.
there is no one fireball at a time restriction, it's just that you can use most projectiles if there another one on the screen.
It would make sense that if it left the screen you could do another one
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by jamheald »

Fireballs still exist but lose their hitbox when they go offscreen so you can throw another.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by AquaTeamV3 »

Saw this one on SRK's frontpage for Error1's "Denjins for Damage" combo:
Nybb said:
Discussing how combos in a video like this are impractical for real matches is the same as discussing how professional BMXer’s tricks are impractical for your daily bike ride to work.
That may be the best analogy I've heard yet.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by onReload »

hahahaha yeah that's perfect
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by CPS2 »

It's also kinda like complaining that you don't find action movies very educational.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Snoooootch »

Conversation between Juiceboxabel, Knives_Country(A moderator at a well known stream), and me:
Juiceboxabel: need juri's theme to wake up in the morning!!
Mod Cv_snoooootch: I just listen to Desk's music
» in the mornings
» gets me ready to perfectly execute my day
Tspuma: clever
Mod Knives_country: that's pretty clever snootch.
Tspuma: velly clever
Mod Knives_country: ha
Mod Cv_snoooootch: Just thought of it like, as i typed.
Trifedotlifexl: snootch listens to DMX when he wakes up
Juiceboxabel: are there any good Chris MvC3 combo videos?
Mod Cv_snoooootch: hahaha, DMX?!
» I actually have no idea, Juicebox
Juiceboxabel: chris seems very team-dependant for any decent damage, without busting out hp fist xx level 3.
» but i want to play him SO BAD
Mod Cv_snoooootch: haha, Yes, Chris seems incredibly bland
Juiceboxabel: once ultimate comes out imma turtle.
Mod Cv_snoooootch: Then again, I do not play MvC3, so I'm no one to really express ideals.
» I just like to play with Dan.
» dan... <3
Juiceboxabel: best dan ever, incoming
» close HK to close MP? really??
Mod Cv_snoooootch: lol, dude, try jump in hk, close standing mp, to close standing hk, to cr. mp.
» with Dan
» then EX gadoken
» it'll link to U1 or U2 on any crouching character.
Juiceboxabel: that's on counter hit, right? the first two?
Mod Cv_snoooootch: especially bison and chun
» no, not at all!
Juiceboxabel: i thought close MP just barely linked with shoryu? or did they buff that in AE?
Mod Cv_snoooootch: well, with the hit stun animation of a crouching opponent, you are easily left with mid combo meaty set ups
Juiceboxabel: koryu, excuse me.
Mod Knives_country: Snootch, name providence?
» Jay and Silent Bob?
Mod Cv_snoooootch: yeah
Mod Knives_country: Snootchy Bootches?
Mod Cv_snoooootch: you got it knives
Mod Knives_country: oh rly?
» gdlk.
Mod Cv_snoooootch: originally, I wanted to call myself "Snoogans"
» lol
» thanks Knives Chau
Juiceboxabel: ugh, mid-combo meaties are not my thing. though i did try to practice the abel infinite back in vanilla for days on end.
Mod Knives_country: Respect +420
» I say "bunnnnnnng" all the time
Mod Cv_snoooootch: oh, haha, that Abel infinite is killer
» I only landed 4 reps
» Totally made my wednesday
IDK, it was just pretty cool to finally be able to talk to him. He's always been one of my most favorite players. Great sportsmanship, great attitude, and such a positive role-model!
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Smileymike101 »

Haha I play a good Chris.Tell him i'll teach him how to play lol.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Snoooootch »

Wednesday night fights stream chat after premiering Smileymike and me's combo video:

12:21 Kingofsarus: DESK!!!
12:21 Wecantgetaway: Combos and Cheez-Its
12:21 Arcanajustice: LOL
12:21 Bigtymers1211: WTF?
12:21 Urmuzafazzzuu: WTF
12:21 Mrvictorfont: lol wat
12:21 Z3nl1k3: Wtf
12:21 Flashy_capcomunity: Waht??
12:21 Obanye: *** YES AE mutherfuckers.
12:21 Wecantgetaway: DRUM N BASSSSSS
12:21 Oujo3: CCOODDY!!
12:22 Yes06kin: lol
12:22 Berserkfury8533: lol what was that
12:22 Itzmahvelbabeh: Cody just full screen Ultra'd4
12:22 Scottieyosh: WAT
12:22 Weikaweika: whoa, what
12:22 Highonpcp: wtt
12:22 M_kagan: LOL SNOOTH
12:22 Worthittv: lol awesome
12:22 Bigtymers1211: so does AE, its still broken
12:22 Mrvictorfont: WAT
12:22 Mrvictorfont: DAT COMBO
12:22 Krusiv: waat
12:22 Highonpcp: SICK
12:22 Rikuzephyr: LOL
12:22 M_kagan: cv SNOOOOTCH
12:22 Vzombie2: Haha,haha -Cody
12:22 Tehrebound: wow, you can *** from overhead into c.lp
12:22 Z3nl1k3: This is desk level right there
12:22 Berserkfury8533: lol this is pretty good
12:22 Crond1zzle: dem useless combos
12:22 Itzmahvelbabeh: Street Figter lookin like MArvel right now
12:22 Yoshai: comboing off of stun is real business
12:22 Zephiroth: Start dat SSFIV:AE!
12:22 B00zy: check out these AE combos that will never work ever
12:22 Sj_hero: GODLIKE ABEL
12:22 Wecantgetaway: D-D-D-D-D
12:22 Mavfan619: Snoooooooootch!
12:22 Flashy_capcomunity: Wish my Ryu was that awesome....
12:22 Arcanajustice: What are you guys complaining about? That's actually how AE plays like
12:22 Parawka: they breaking the game hard
12:22 Mtbd500: i can do that ryu combo
12:22 Vzombie2: I thought that Ryu was Dan for a moment there.
12:22 Ralegar: ┻━┻︵¯_(ツ)_/¯︵ ┻━┻
12:23 Tnigs238: how are these combos even real
12:23 Scottieyosh: TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE
12:23 Vzombie2: Also Sagat > Adon
12:23 Rikuzephyr: TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE!
12:23 Itzmahvelbabeh: Must be PC version
12:23 Sj_hero: SHORYUKEN
12:23 M_kagan: dudley lmao
12:23 Highonpcp: someone say again AE sucks hahah
12:23 Sodium_bromide: That's not really classy dudley...
12:23 Yoshai: KEEP IT CLASSY
12:23 Wecantgetaway: 2 much Drums in ur Bass
12:23 Mtbd500: go to 240 p
12:23 Innercitygriot: combos are cool but AE still stinks
12:23 Weaponsleft: That was *** godlike.
12:23 Animeotaku2k: this isn't online combos... anyone can do these in training mode
12:23 Proautisticgamer: *** combos get hype
12:23 Mod Kayoto: BEST
12:23 Satolicious: ibukiiiiii
12:23 Mrvictorfont: HAD HAD HAD HAD HAD HADOUKEN
12:23 Bigtymers1211: LOL
12:23 Arcanajustice: wow Hyper Fighting-
12:24 Berserkfury8533: oooooooooooo sick
12:24 Vzombie2: English is Swag
12:24 Weaponsleft: Sick....
12:24 Slackaholicus: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
12:24 Highonpcp: SO NICE OMG
12:24 Mufkndoughboi: lol
12:24 Z3nl1k3: Lololl
12:24 Dontkillmebro: ROOFL WTF
12:24 Tehrebound: HAHAH WAT
12:24 Itzmahvelbabeh: WTF THIS IS AE ROFL
12:24 Worthittv: LOL
12:24 Gonzaburou: Amazing
12:24 Joker10101: godlike, even with the lag
12:24 Tetracortica: whoa that was cool
12:24 Mrvictorfont: wat lol
12:24 Weikaweika: hahaha
12:24 Tkudemarcus: wtf was that
12:24 Akae47: this is some ***
12:24 Jonfreaknhaney: wat
12:24 Spankitup: GONE
12:24 Scottieyosh: LOL
12:24 Weaponsleft: Whaaaaat.
12:24 Majinswen: LOL WTF
12:24 Highonpcp: hahahahaahah
12:24 Arcanajustice: look a glitch guys. Does that mean AE is an incomplete game?
12:24 Jonfreaknhaney: OVER HERE
12:24 Sthawk: LOL
12:24 Itzmahvelbabeh: Who said Yang wasn't broken
12:24 Bbhoodfan: lol
12:24 Weaponsleft: Whaaaaaaat.
12:24 Swagdaddy: the yang glitch is back
12:24 Jonfreaknhaney: lawl
12:24 Happysack: cool
12:24 Berserkfury8533: LOL
12:24 Dboi0422: lag or not, what the hell!!!
12:24 Tatsumakii: over here
12:24 Timmytukey: wut
12:24 Tommyfnwilliams: DERP
12:24 Tnigs238: hahahah
12:24 Weikaweika: OVER HERE
12:24 Satolicious: LOL wat
12:24 Griff_o: DESK WHO?
12:24 Yungstunna221: da hell??
12:24 Mod Zlasher: sei enbu glitch, ook it up by desk
12:24 Mrlomito: o.o
12:24 Tehrebound: God it's fun to break games.
12:24 Highonpcp: WHAAZTTTTTTTT
12:24 Apostian: the hell?
12:24 Nostalgiarocks: Godlike.
12:24 Mod Souperfx: that *** was sick
12:24 Hexez: 3rd Strike *** YA!
12:24 Shinros: lol
12:24 Vzombie2: Oh look! Yang and Yang. -_-
12:24 I_got_tiger_blood: wat
12:24 Sixfortyfive: hahaha holy ***
12:24 Goukenrespek: wtf?
12:24 Richdavis: OVER THERE
12:24 Axekick: skills
12:24 Mazzles: That summed up AE pretty well.
12:24 B00zy: ok that was pretty sick
12:24 Darkadmiral: lol, wut
12:24 Bunkerbump: wat vid is this???
12:24 Weaponsleft: Desk is so ridiculous.
12:24 Mrvictorfont: LOL
12:24 Sthawk: lol fireball
12:24 Sj_hero: dude i NEVER see yangs
12:24 Itzmahvelbabeh: THIS IS WHY ONI IS BANNED
12:24 Yoshai: LOL
12:24 Ddpvsrko: NOOO WAY
12:24 Tehrebound: ONIIIIIII
12:24 Alpharanma: SEIZURE
12:24 Chairfiller: apparently not Desk for once
12:24 Itzmahvelbabeh: THE INFINITE
12:24 Berserkfury8533: OMG
12:24 Iluvaznchix: YO IS THIS DESK ZOMG
12:24 Vzombie2: Ken undercover as Ryu?
12:24 Darkadmiral: ONI IS BANNED!
12:24 D_sledge: It's SSF4 Rainbow Edition
12:24 Sodium_bromide: It's a DSP combo video
12:24 Berserkfury8533: that was sick son
12:24 Tetracortica: hahaha
12:24 Lllmatic: this is error1 right
12:24 Timmytukey: is this a collection of everything desk has ever done?
12:24 Darkadmiral: This is why oni is banned
12:25 Sj_hero: yo a real oni
12:25 Weaponsleft: Not only having the godlike execution. But also just finding the dumbest ***.
12:25 Krusiv: SF is anime in the first place
12:25 Suikosuppi: pandora mode
12:25 Drb00: wow that Oni combo lol
12:25 C_irons: that super of oni's is awesome haha
12:25 Berserkfury8533: makin desk combos look like ***
12:25 Tnigs238: this video should be banned
12:25 Ryu334: is this street fighter vs street fighter?
12:25 Airtola: this music is godlike
12:25 Darkadmiral: lol, great minds
12:25 Nostalgiarocks: I want this song. Kay thanks.
12:25 Yungstunna221: wow
12:25 Itzmahvelbabeh: Nwhy isn't Yun banned
12:25 Animeotaku2k: I have to admit, Oni does have the coolest looking ultras
12:25 Super_riku: jab into ultra?
12:25 Rikuzephyr: Desk can make anything banned
12:25 Tommyfnwilliams: MAI POWAH...MOVES WURLDS.
12:25 Derpage: dat guitar
12:25 Drilldrill: OH MAN THAT YUN IS GDLK
12:25 Tetracortica: jab XX ultra wtf?
12:25 Tehrebound: OH *** DAN
12:25 Bunkerbump: oh ***
12:25 Satolicious: oni's scaring the *** out of those kids
12:25 Wecantgetaway: R-R-R-REE MIX
12:25 Iluvaznchix: DEEJAU!
12:25 Weaponsleft: Honestly I'd rather be able to do this than win tournaments.
12:25 Nopederp: KKK
12:25 Ddpvsrko: DAN!~
12:25 Smiffl: 3 hours
12:25 Skillustrate Jensen dance!
12:25 Thetwilightstorm: DAN THE *** MAN!
12:25 A_warm_poptart: holy ***
12:25 Manalama: dem feets
12:25 Proautisticgamer: we dont see enough yun combos
12:25 Nopederp: KO
12:25 Highonpcp: oh my goodness
12:25 Mrvictorfont: wow
12:25 Mod Zlasher: deejay got COMBOS
12:25 Bunkerbump: WTF???
12:25 Mufkndoughboi: *** deejay looked like anderson silva right there
12:25 Alpharanma: K-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-KO
12:25 Worthittv: wtf did DJ just do, lol
12:25 Strangenautics: anyone have a linkto this video?
12:25 Nopederp: KAAAYYY OOHHHHHH
12:25 Weaponsleft: There's no way Capcom shouldn't employ this dude.
12:25 Emp_tougeki: WTFFFFF
12:25 88thestreammonster: Desk confirmed for KKK?
12:25 Mrvictorfont: WTF WOW
12:25 Iluvaznchix: first time seeing deejay in any combo video/10
12:25 Bunkerbump: how the ***???
12:25 Sodium_bromide: Yo DSP sure leveled up
12:25 Itzmahvelbabeh: Shoutouts to Marvel combos in AE
12:25 Nostalgiarocks: I really want this song, kay thanks.
12:25 Highonpcp: WHATTTTT
12:25 Drilldrill: oh man thats so cool
12:25 Trysephiroth007: If its lagging upgrade your connection
12:25 Sj_hero: he'd be bottom tier
12:25 Kingofsarus: DAT SFZ2!!!
12:25 Weaponsleft: his *** isn't tool assisted.
12:26 Wallachgaf: bison best combo
12:26 Siderealtime: Who is Desk anyways? Does he work for Capcom? Japanese?
12:26 Akae47: *** Yun
12:26 Xfrankiestein: KOOOOGY!!!
12:26 Nopederp: show me your moves
12:26 Iluvaznchix: is that full metal?
12:26 Bunkerbump: jesus christ
12:26 Nooshy1: Tap dancin' on his chest.
12:26 Ddpvsrko: WTF WAS THAT
12:26 Younghorton: sick
12:26 Mufkndoughboi: very nice snoooootch
12:26 Liver_shot: wtf
12:26 Cv_snoooootch: Thanks guys
12:26 Cv_snoooootch: It'll be up on
12:26 A_warm_poptart: shoutouts to snootch
12:26 Berserkfury8533: Desk aint got nuthin on these combo vids
12:26 Reminiscent: snoooootch good *** bro
12:27 Jokeracex: ultra david is not impressed
12:27 Bigtymers1211: hey sn0000tch, GOOD *** on the video
12:27 Gracefulchicken: Snootch is the man
12:27 Gracefulchicken: gg snootch
12:27 Baconleader: What did I miss?

Smileymike will release the video when he gets home from class. :)
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by error1 »

this has to be the weirdest comments, I seriously have no idea, I think it might be a rouge spam bot
Street fighter 2 CPS1 glitch Red hadouken
It's Fake Hadouken
bi8811 1 day ago
@bi8811 he didn't have that until a2
error00001 1 day ago
It've Made First Appearance in Street Fighter II - The World Warrior.
bi8811 3 hours ago
That Move is Called Hadou Kamae.
bi8811 3 hours ago
@bi8811 he can't do Hadou no Kamae in WW qcf+start
error00001 2 hours ago
That's Street Fighter II - The World Warrior kingj200000.
bi8811 20 minutes ago
Ryu Does Hadou Kamae In Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams,Street Fighter Alpha 2,Street Fighter Zero II,Street Fighter Zero Upper,Street Fighter Zero 2 & Hyper Street Fighter Alpha.

bi8811 13 minutes ago
@bi8811 he can't do it in sfa:wd, just a2,a3, and hdr
error00001 1 sec ago
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by error1 »

seriously, I don't know what to think. Idk if I'm trolling him, or he is trolling me
@bi8811 he can't do it in sfa:wd, just a2,a3, and hdr
error00001 1 sec ago
Yes Ryu Does
bi8811 14 hours ago
@bi8811 how do you do it?
error00001 8 hours ago
If The Opponent Comes Close,Ryu Will Do Hadou Kamae
bi8811 6 hours ago
@bi8811 dude, the move you are thinking of is Shakunetsu Hadouken not Hadou no Kamae
error00001 5 hours ago
I Wasn't Thinking of it I've Thinked Ryu did Hadou Kamae on Rose.
bi8811 4 hours ago
@bi8811 Hadou Kamae is a fake fireball that does no damage, Shakunetsu Hadouken is the red fireball that catches the opponent on fire
error00001 4 hours ago
No It's Real
bi8811 4 hours ago
You'll Know Evil Ryu Has Purple Hadouken
bi8811 4 hours ago
Hey That's Ryu & Ken's Move
bi8811 33 minutes ago
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by onReload »

he may be developmentally handicapped in some way...but if someone is wrong about street fighter, then by god, they are wrong

brb going to hell or something
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Raine »

Not exactly FG related but I had a bit of a laugh at this one -> (the comment by AdelheidStark of MvC3 combo fame).
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by error1 »

Can you hack Akuma/Gouki by adding a Messatsu Gou Hadou, and perform a faster Ashura Senkuu and inflict slightly more damage?
How about this please?
For the next hack video, we can have Ryu with Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku, Hadouken in the air, perform up to five Hadouken Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 style, do the Denjin Hadouken and a Shin Shoryuken, as well as a quicker Metsu Hadouken?

For Balrog, he can do Gigaton Blow from Street Fighter Alpha 3, and other moves?

With "Shin" Akuma, you can do two Zankuu Hadouken, faster Ashura Senkuu, more damaging Raging Demon, and able to do Kongou Kokuretsuzan from Street Fighter 3 and do Messatsu Gou Hadou and Tenma Gou Zankuu?
So I get pms like this every once in awhile, I was going to answer him saying I'm not planing on doing shotos anytime soon, but I decided to give him as nice an answer as possible and responded "Thanks for the input"
So in the last two days I've gotten four pms from him.
There is more to give. Like Ryu can fire a beam version of his Shinkuu Hadouken, inflict more hits and damage (450) as an Ultra Combo, while the Super Combo fireball version remains exactly the same? When Ryu does the Metsu Shouryuuken, he should say "The answers lies in the heart of battle" after doing the move.

For Akuma, he should be able to do the Messatsu Gou Shouryuu as well? His Gou Hadouken can inflict more damage in close range, and when he does his Satsui no Hadou taunt like in Street Fighter 3, most of his attacks inflict more damage?
Your name is Isaac Wehmanen?
Where do your parents come from?
More stuff
Let's make Balrog more like Dudley and the Hadou masters. Have him do a quicker Metsu Shouryuuken Ryu's Ultra Combo) as a Super Combo or Ultra Combo, Makoto's Hayate, Turn Punch does more damage and faster the longer you hold the three punches, Cross Counter, and movement speed increases. Balrog can also do Tiger Shot as his projectile and Haou Gadouken as his EX version with full range like a Shinkuu Hadouken. I hope this helps. Oh and the Gigaton Blow, if you forgot.
One more for now
Balrog should also have Deejay's Climax Beat.
not sure how to handle it, think I should tell him that he should try making these changes himself, but I think that would just make me have to talk to him more
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by CPS2 »

"hope this helps" lol
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Doopliss »

error1 wrote:Your name is Isaac Wehmanen?
Where do your parents come from?
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by onReload »

I think you should just do exactly what he says.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Snoooootch »

^ Hahaha

Idk, Error, I get stuff like, "Can you make a compilation video of my matches?" like 3 times a month. I always respond with, "Sure, but it may take a while. I'm currently working on a lot of stuff outside of my comfort zone, so I wont really have time till around maybe a month from now. By then SFxT will be out, so I don't know if it'll even be worth it. But whether or not it is, I'd love to help you.

They usually say "Okay, cool. let me know!"

....I never let them know. (I'm a horrible person)
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Doopliss »

Yesterday I helped a dude testing out some SCV combos based on an idea he had. It was fun.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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Re: Awesome Comments

Post by Buttermaker »

From "The Best of Daigo Umehara in Street Fighter IV by AbirZenith" on SRK:
this videos is pure combos hits daigo attacks very well training much more training good memory for daigo umahara
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