FBA bug reports

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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by error1 »

yah that doesn't work, that's what maj is saying
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Buttermaker »

No. When you select "keyboard" and then make that the default, it makes the keyboard preset the default and that contains 3P/K. When you make a custom preset without 3P/K, it works.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Maj »

Buttermaker wrote:Set your keys up and remove 3P/K. Select "Player 1", click "Save preset" and exit "Map Game Inputs". Open it again and select "Player 1" and the preset you just saved (middle drop-down box). Click "Make default."
Okay that did the trick, thanks. I left the middle box blank and it automatically saved it as cps (with the config file as cps.ini) and that worked.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Maj »

Something else got messed up in the process. Now when i open a Lua Script Window, then click on the game window again, it ignores all my game inputs. It still listens to other inputs though (pause, turbo, etc.) and clicking on the menu or pressing Alt fixes it. But i have to do this every time i click on the Lua window, even without clicking any buttons. It wasn't like this before. Restoring default settings by deleting fba.ini eliminates this problem. Wth?
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Dammit »

I put up with that one for months till mz told me you can just enable misc > options > Always process keyboard input. You have to disable auto pause at least temporarily to ungrey it.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Maj »

Aw, is that the only solution? I don't want FBA doing all sorts of crazy stuff when a combo doesn't work and i decide to write a forum post about it.

Besides, the most efficient configuration is Auto pause disabled and Turbo Speed enabled, so you can increment numbers in the script and Alt+Tab back and forth between the emulator and notepad. That way the emulator is running constantly and you can monitor the result out of the corner of your eye while you're altering your script.

I mean i just want to be able to do this quickly with Turbo Speed activated:


... and so on until i notice it working and backtrack to whatever number it was. I don't want to have to stare at the emulator screen while my script resolves or push additional keys to regain control when i'd like to move around freely.

It's kind of impossible to edit the text file when the emulator is set to Always monitor keyboard input because that affects gameplay.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Dammit »

Hmm. Try this:

http://macrolua.googlecode.com/svn-hist ... /macro.lua

Change: Loop mode (activated with ###) rereads the script when it gets to the end instead of repeating the first read. This way you can edit the script and see the results without having to alt tab back and press ; again.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Maj »

Sweet, it works. I'll give you some feedback once i get more used to it, but it's pretty great so far.

Where's the best place to put the ### btw? At the beginning of the script on its own line? Before or after the &1 load state command?

edit: It does some weird things if you put it next to a wait command, even if you separate it with a comma.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Dammit »

It's a glorified comment marker. The rest of the stuff on its line gets ignored. I usually have a basic comment at the top of my scripts, and I just change the # to a ###. I wanted to add an extra function without reserving another special character or adding another hotkey, so I coopted an existing special character. I'll probably do something similar for the incremental waits with W.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Maj »

Yeah i can't remember if we ever discussed a specific implementation for that, but whatever works for you is fine.

I think crowbait had a stable(?) working prototype which he showed me at Evo three years ago, but i can't remember any details. He may have had the current wait count showing in the Command Prompt window. We used it to test a minor glitch in ST which we'd just seen in a TZW video, but it was right in the middle of some tournament finals so i was only half paying attention. I hella don't remember the actual script codes he used.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by wolverine-master »

Didnt know where else to ask this question.
From the day I downloaded fba-rr, I downloaded crimson editor to use as my text editor of choice. Simply because of the amount of tabs I can have up.
Anyways, I have never had a problem with it until lately. On random when saving, it will shut down, and when I check my macro folder, it'll rewrite my my file (storm combo.mis) into (storm combo.mis.tmp-previous-version).
I changed the name a couple times back to storm combo.mis and it worked without problem, but it usually does it again.

So I decided to follow cps2's lead and use notepad. That works fine so far but when I press a corresponding key on notepad, it reacts on the emulator, which is annoying.
In other words, if I type lp in notepad, she does lp on the emulator, hitting the opponent. It didnt do that with crimson editor.

If I'm going to switch my editor, can someone help me do it in a way that if I type something, the emulator doesn't react?

Here are my setups:
Emulator -------- Macro modules
Up- up arrow -------- U
Down- down arrow -------- D
Left- left arrow -------- L
Right- right arrow -------- R
Lp- A -------- Q
Mp- S -------- W
Hp- D -------- E
Lk- Z -------- Z
Mk- X -------- X
Hk- C -------- C
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by error1 »

can't you just pause the emulator?
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by wolverine-master »

I can but thats mad annoying. Is that what you do?
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by error1 »

that or restore a save state when I get back, try running notepad as an administrator. When you do that, non administrator programs can't see it.
Last edited by error1 on Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by Dammit »

You can disable misc > options > Always process keyboard input so it won't catch keystrokes from other apps. But then you have to click on the menubar to send keys to FBA again, and that's even more annoying that pausing every time. I'd try that administrator trick first. It's kind of strange how notepad is sending keystrokes in the background but the other editor isn't.

Personally I use notepad++ for the tabs and syntax highlighting.
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Re: FBA bug reports

Post by wolverine-master »

Thank you guys.
Error1's advice to run note pad as an administrator worked. I guess the other app I had was doing it automatically.
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