Default Speed Settings

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Default Speed Settings

Post by Maj »

Usually people like to see combo videos recorded at the conventional speed setting used in tournaments. Sometimes it's necessary to go down to lowest speed setting in order to make a combo work. Personally i've always viewed that option as a last resort. People are always going to be less impressed by slowed down combos. I thought it would be useful to have a list of games and their most widely accepted speed setting.

SF2 series
SSF2T: Free Select Turbo 3
HSF2: Free Select Turbo 3

Alpha series
SFA: Turbo On
SFA2: Turbo 2
SFZ2A: Turbo 2 (Free Select 2, Turbo On)
SFA3: Turbo 2

Marvel series
X-Men COTA: Turbo
MSH: Turbo
XSF: Turbo 2
MSF: Turbo 1 (Free Select, Turbo)
MvC: Turbo 1 (Free Select 1, Turbo)

Games without Speed Select
SF3 series
SFEX series

Please discuss and post any games that i'm missing so that i can add them to this list. If you spot any errors, let me know.

Thanks to ShinjiGohan for SFEX info and NKI for ST info.
Last edited by Maj on Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShinjiGohan »

none of the EX games have a speed setting.
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Post by NKI »

Super Turbo is usually Free Select Turbo 3, but quite honestly, unless you use something totally different, like Turbo 0, I doubt anyone would notice.
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Post by Maj »

Cool, thanks. I'll add those.

The weird thing about ST is that there are usuall 4 options in the options/config menu: Turbo 0, 1, 2, and 3. But when you set it to Free Select, it only gives you three options: Turbo 1, 2, and 3. It's unclear whether Free Select Turbo 1/2/3 correspond to the option/config menu Turbo 1/2/3 or Turbo 0/1/2 or some other combination.

For my Guile video i used config menu Turbo 3 for all the arcade ST clips. I might include a couple of clips from the PS1 console version, for which i'll be using Free Select Turbo 3. If they're different, then i'm not gonna let it bother me cuz i really can't see the difference either.
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Post by Maj »

Chances are that i won't be able to get to it, but if i have time to do SFA3 combos for my Guile vid, what settings should i use in SF Alpha Anthology? How do i get as close as possible to the authentic arcade A3 engine while still being able to pick Guile, who was a console character?
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Post by Xenozip. »

Unlock arranged mode by beating SFA3.

Select arranged mode by highlighting SFA3 in the options menu, then hold [select] and push a button to enter arranged mode (Guile and the other console chars are selectable by default).

Enter "Options" menu. Hold R2 and push a button over "Game Options". Highlight 00/11/20ver and push a button to auto-configure the stars.

Highlight "Customize" and push a button to manually edit the stars.

1-15: Unlit. (Build meter from whiffed throws)
1-16: Unlit. (Crouch cancelling enabled)
2-01: Unlit. (Extended knockdowns from R.Mika and Juni disabled)
And 2-10: Unlit (T.Hawk's Raging Typhoon range)

(Basically: hollow stars for the last two stars in the first row. Hollow for the first star in the second row. Hollow for the last two in the second row.)

This will act a lot like the latest arcade version (98/09/04ver) or SFA3, but with a few minor details absent (such as Cody's invincible Bad Spray).

Everything else default (turbo2, two stars dmg).
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Post by Maj »

Selecting 00/11/20ver makes 1-12 and 2-6 unlit. Should those be lit?

Is this correct? SFAA SFA3U Secret Option settings
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Post by Xenozip. »

Yes, that's correct for SFA3U.

What that does is put it as close to the arcade-perfect version of SFA3 as possible, but it's still missing some minor things. I went ahead and checked all the stuff that's "missing" from SFA3U from the arcade-perfect SFA3.

What this means is that SFA3 when the dipswitches are adjusted is Arcade-Perfect, and that these options are supposed to be active/enabled in order to have an arcade-perfect SFA3 but they are nonexistent options in Upper, meaning they are inactive/disabled and shouldn't be.

1-07: Sodom's Tengu Walking invulnerability active when performed while invulnerable.
1-10: Saikyo mode 0 damage = 127 damage
2-04: Juli and Juni's CPU-only specials and supers active when teamed in Dramatic Battle.
2-07: Dan's Taunt-super is unblockable
2-09: Cody's Bad Spray invulnerability active when performed while invulnerable.
2-12: Akuma's airthrow is glitched when performed at certain heights.
2-14: E.Honda's roll (ground recovery) is glitched.
3-02: Specific characters become invulnerable until landing after air VC activation.
3-04: Birdie's standing kick(?) can be airblocked
3-09: Second half of Cammy's Spin Drive Smasher is airblockable.
3-10: Cammy's Cannon Drill/Spiral Arrow is not air blockable.
3-11: Chun's Spinning Bird Kick can not be crouch blocked.
3-12: E.Honda's Lv.2 Oni Musou can be air blocked.

Though, as you can see, all of these are character specific changes except for the Saikyo mode one which is irrelevant. Therefor these only affect actual gameplay for these characters. The most important ones being Sodom and Cody's invulnerable tech-moves, Cammy's qcf+k, and the character-specific invulnerability post air-vc activation.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Default Speed Settings

Post by Maj »

Perhaps this was already known, but CvSPro's Game Option menu allows you specify Turbo speed. It's at two bars by default, but that option is grayed out because Free Select is enabled by default. Strangely enough, it turns out that 2-bar Turbo is faster than Free Select Turbo. And evidently Free Select Turbo is equivalent to 1-bar Turbo. Wtf Capcom?

Anyway this only applies to Capcom vs SNK Pro, because CvS Amateur doesn't have customizable Turbo speed settings. And i've verified that Free Select Turbo is equivalent to Turbo selected from the options menu in CvS1. Therefore ...

CvS Free Select Turbo = CvS Game Option Turbo = CvSPro Free Select Turbo = CvSPro Game Option 1-bar Turbo

The test was simple. I just put Ryu in the corner with Kyo at point blank range, had Ryu walk forward for 200 frames, and compared where the background scrolling stopped. Of course it's not super precise, but 200 frames is enough to spot any difference easily.
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