INVITATION! Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tournament

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Don Vecta
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INVITATION! Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tournament

Post by Don Vecta »

Some time ago, Maiden Masher from Ultracombos got the idea to revive the good old days when combo makers would be pitting their creativity with each other in a combo video. After a while, we finally got together some of the well known people of the remaining KOF communities (or at least the ones dedicated to combo videos) to get together and finally opening a multi-community tournament of SNK combos.

So hereby the invitation to every combo maker to participate in our ULTRACOMBOS, KOF Union and Cyberfanatix Tournament.

Ultracombos Tournament Preview - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

Ultracombos Tournament Preview

Video Editor: CyberXkXdashX

Director: Maiden Masher

Judges: Richter, iCebounD_ING, Siedler Pompiani, Elixir, Vice Vecta

Entry rules: (described inside the video)

* Only SNK games are available. So, if you feel like sending combos from Fatal Fury Special to KOF XIII all of them are more than welcome.
* The participant who obtains the highest score from the judges might be declared the champion. Judges will consider game version, set-up, creative use of bugs or situational combos and originality.
* Task Overs and Bugs are allowed if it happens inside the combo. If a certain bug it's necessary to trigger a conditional combo it's always welcome. Needless to say, we won't allow hacked versions of the game or cheats.
* Infinite stock bar is not allowed, however, infinite time is allowed. We give preference to combos done in arcade mode if possible. If it's necessary a combo to be used in training mode, please make sure to use the default or the maximum number of stocks allowed inside a normal game.
* If the combo includes a text file with the transcription and explanation of the combo it would rack more points to the contestant. This is certainly something I'd personally encourage to all the participants to do. Judges have the right to discard a combo that looks shady (i.e., suspected to use hack or cheats) and doesn't bring a proper transcription to validate his combo as legit. We also encourage the contestants to record their full set-up if possible to let know the judges the procedure of the combo. This way we can understand better what's going on and give us a clear judgment of the received works.
* The participants can send as many combos as they want, however, only one will enter in the tournament, the judges will choose the best of the pack.
* Only accepted combos will get a direct feedback from the judges. The judges have the responsibility to watch each and every combo submitted to the tournament, but the ones that qualify will have a displayed scoring, comment and details in the qualification combo video. All judges decisions are final and not open to appeal.
* Combos using boss characters are not allowed.
* Combos can be send by rec input files (if you are using winkawaks) or in video captures. It's not necessary to send raw files or high quality captures yet, as long the combo can be displayed clearly and completely (this is mostly to make easier for the participants and the judges to upload/download the files). In case the combo gets selected to appear in the qualification video, we will request a high quality capture (raw files if possible) with the BGM off and in native resolution. If you are sending YouTube links, please make sure to set the video in private view (you don't want to burn out your entry combo, do you?), but then again, if selected we will request the original capture for the video.

The reception deadline is set on February 6th, 2011. It won't be an extension period of reception.
Please, send your works to

So, if any of you wanna try stuff in SNK games, please feel free to join us.

Maj, is it cool if we post this on
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Re: *INVITATION!* Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tourname

Post by Maj »

No problem sir. It's ready to go.

Good luck!
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Re: INVITATION! Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tournament

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

* Infinite stock bar is not allowed, however, infinite time is allowed.We give preference to combos done in arcade mode if possible. If it's necessary a combo to be used in training mode, please make sure to use the default or the maximum number of stocks allowed inside a normal game.
Hmm, the joe combo had infinite stocks (even tho it followed normal constraints) but the K' combo (even tho very good) shouldn't of been allowed cos it not possible in game. You will never be able to get maxmode activation AND have 5 bars at the same time. That combo shouldn't of been allowed....

Not sure if you guys check your won rules.

Also, its stuff like this that make it hard for someone (handskill) to compete with hex or scripted stuff.

Take it as constructive criticism
Maiden Masher
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Re: INVITATION! Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tournament

Post by Maiden Masher »

Yes, after a long time, this video is finally done.

UC, KU and CX Tournament:

Youtube link:

UC link:

CX link: Later

KU link: Later

Sorry for this long time.
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Re: INVITATION! Ultracombos, KOF Union & CX Combo Tournament

Post by Raine »

Oh, I didn't realise this was on, I have a bunch of KoF clips lying around that I could have submitted. :(

Nice vid though, my favourite was the '97 Kyo combo, but the '98 Saisyu combo was really cool as well.
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