Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

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Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by CPS2 »

A combo video that a mate (Isorropia) and I just finished. He found the glitch where if you're blocking VJ's bomb as it hits the opponent, it can get rid of or decrease the combo counter (have a look at what happens after 100 hits). There was another video i'm aware of with this glitch, but it only has like 250 views so people might not know about it.

Also a weird thing, the bomb resets damage scaling, but depending on what assists you've used and whether or not you've air tagged in a certain direction, it may or may not reset damage scaling. We might make a video to explain the specifics of it, but it could even go into an srk thread or something...

Anyway the description is coming soon, Iso's going to write it since he did all the combos, I just edited it.

I'll list some highlights...
1m - combo counter goes from 100 hits to 55 hits, this combo also uses the DHC glitch twice, and it uses the same assist twice.
1m14s - lots of medium attacks
2m - 7 voomerangs in one combo
2m40s - combo counter reset by blocking a bomb
3m - bomb hold glitch giving VJ a kill combo on Captain America for free (after 1 meter used for the glitch)
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Rufus »

Nice. I suppose it's a matter of taste, but I like that, unlike the vid that was featured on SRK, this one has lots of Joe screen time.
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Snoooootch »

Although I dislike the game in general, I really liked this combo video. So far my favorite for the style, and for using Viewtiful Joe. He's great! I liked the use of the bombs too!
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Raging Hawk
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Raging Hawk »

yeah, it was definitely worth watching, even if i don't like this part of the MvC series so much.
it's a good game, but that's it.

btw, good track selection, CPS2. 8)
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Maj »

So ... I don't understand, are these combos or resets? It looks like those bomb hits are just dropped/broken combos.
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by CPS2 »

Maj wrote:So ... I don't understand, are these combos or resets? It looks like those bomb hits are just dropped/broken combos.
There's a glitch where if Joe's bomb hits the opponent, and Joe (or someone else on his team) also blocks the bomb, Joe's hits are removed from the combo counter. It's still a legit combo and can't be blocked.

So in that first combo, it uses all 3 characters, and once Joe throws a bomb out, Spencer blocks it, and the combo counter goes from 100 to 55.

It does look like a reset when the combo counter disappears completely, but it's definitely still a combo, just a weird glitch.
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Maj »

Okay cool, i posted it on ComboVid but i think it would be a good idea to repost all of that over there.
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by CPS2 »

No worries =] thanks for posting it on combovid!
Tigre III
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Tigre III »

Wow, i havent watched it yet, great work! The CMV has a couple of new stuff, specially the first combo. Joe is not really a burned char, but for sure that after that vid, more Joe clips will come... The reset with the bomb is a discover from your friend? I have never seen it before... It seems like this reset stun could be a headhache for Capcom... I guess that is possible to make a BNB combo with xfactor involved that easy takes 1.000.000... mmmmmm...
And the edition is simply but great. Nice music selection!
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by CPS2 »

Thanks man =]

Yeah Iso found the "blocked bomb" glitch that removes his hits and damage from the combo. He went looking around to see if anyone else had found it and posted videos, and it turns out someone had...
I guess it's one of those cases of 2 (or more) people finding the same thing around the same time. The only thing is, in the video by TenKaiGear he said it doesn't reset damage or hitstun scaling, but it can actually do that, unless certain assists have been used in the round, or if a wallbounce or groundbounce or airtag has occured. So when testing different setups, I guess you have to assume that all these things may affect the combo (any combo for the rest of the round). Very strange. The DHC glitch has similar requirements that don't really make sense.
Tigre III
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Tigre III »

Well, after the new "video phone" combo wave, its so difficult to post any "new" stuff on Youtube, dailymotion etc etc so... I usually dont watch any guetto vid, because there too many, and because i consider that a casual discover recorded with a phone and posted quicky in youtube seem to only goal is to be first, everything else aside. I like the combomakers that make me a good time watching a video, you learn something and values ​​the work that is behind this video.Trying to "compete" with the guetto videos is impossible, because they always have an advantage ... I remember when i just started to play MvsC3 (the second day) i accidentally found the Akuma tatsu infinity. i connected around 7 or 8 tatsus and i thought: "man, this game is so broken" and I kept looking for new things to make a nice combo video. And then, one day the great Desk post his akuma vid (this guy has no life? hahahaha) . If, just the second day, i had post a guetto vid with 8 tatsus, im sure that the Desk vid would have the same views, because my guetto vid would not be for nothing... Maybe only for "win" a special thanks in some combomaker vid...
Ops, I have already spent writing again... Sorry, totally off topic :oops:
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Re: Simply Viewtiful - MvC3 combovid

Post by Doopliss »

Huh, didn't know Magneto still had his afterimage hand-spin stance in MvC3.
Maybe Doopliss isn't kicking ass, but he's taking names.
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