Made in 6hrs. Used 2P Pstick for perfect inputs, Hauppauge HD PVR for capture 720p60, AVIdemux to convert M2TS files to jpegs and game maker pro 8 to make a game.
Instructions are in the opening screen, but basically press keypad 2 to begin, see if the opponent is attacking or not and then press keypad 1. (Think of 1 as being LK and 2 as being RK. You can press uf as well if you want to, but it adds nothing).
Timing should be accurate. Please let me know how many frames per second you are able to achieve, and on what system (CPU, ram, OS is about all I'd consider.)
Finally, you can press F9 to take screenshots. If people want to claim that this is hitconfirmable, then they can prove it as well.
Hit confirmable move trainer
Re: Hit confirmable move trainer
I'm having a bit of trouble downloading this. It dls at about 1KBps and times out... might just try again later.