Fighting Game News and Speculation 2010
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Who knows how it will play in 2012, when it's scheduled to be released (and tvsf even later than that).
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
I just realized all the Street Fighter 2010 jokes are going to turn into Psychic Force 2012 jokes soon.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
We wouln't even be able to play SF x tekken.We'll be dead by then lol.Damn apocalypse...
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Looks like Akira to me.....Dark_Chaotix wrote:
I just dont get that....Akira from VF looks like ryu but I dont see anyone playing that game. ... #more-6426

The Devil of SH < > < >
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
heh... fuck Tekken! Now it's time to make combos IN REAL LIFE!!
Looks so damn choppy!
Looks so damn choppy!

Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation

Alex confirmed in SSFIV arcade.

Alex confirmed in SSFIV arcade.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Man you had me for a second.
Tineye says it's a photoshop of Deejay ... 3ba241f70/
Tineye says it's a photoshop of Deejay ... 3ba241f70/
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
yeah... sucks it is fake.
I got rickroll'd too.

I got rickroll'd too.

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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
But in the news SRK put up for like 1 sec it said there there has been seen footage of Rolento and Alex.Hope Hugo and Dudley make the cut.And i mean th REAL Dudley, not this excuse of a character we got.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
His hair just makes me think about MJ.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Those shoes...Xenozip. wrote:
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Spider-man and Wesker are in. Do we have a list of confirmed MvC3 characters thus far? Some one mentioned X-23, so I think I sort of lost track.
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Now i know the true meaning of happiness. After 7 years of waiting... finally it's gonna be done:
TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2!! ... ailer.html
TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2!! ... ailer.html
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Arthur and MODOK look hella fun, I love it, Spencer seems really lame tho
MODOK is a good choice, can't imagine what his normals will be with his short limbs, all mindblasts?
I wasn't expecting this many characters, tvc only had 22. Mvc is already at 26 ... -capcom-3/
MODOK is a good choice, can't imagine what his normals will be with his short limbs, all mindblasts?
I wasn't expecting this many characters, tvc only had 22. Mvc is already at 26 ... -capcom-3/
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Didn't they state that the roster would be in the mid-30s or something like that?
I like spencer, he seems to have a lot of grabs you can combo out of. And that's all I need <3 I liked the new Bionic Commando game as well.
I like spencer, he seems to have a lot of grabs you can combo out of. And that's all I need <3 I liked the new Bionic Commando game as well.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
I bought Bionic Commando for my younger brother. he loved it and now he's Super Hype about his addition on MvC3. And yes, I'm still wondering about the variety of Characters, cause I feel there should be at least 35. I mean, SSF4 alone has 35, so you know. . .
Making no profit since 1987...
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
I hate Wesker and Modok and X23 being in.Wesker is way too generic and bland, x23 si already in the game (wolverine lol) and modok looks really bad, and retarded)I am super hype for Magneto though, lol.
Also, i'm guessing ken wouln't appear in the game, or any other sf character except ryu and chun li, right?
Also, i'm guessing ken wouln't appear in the game, or any other sf character except ryu and chun li, right?
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
naw M.O.D.O.K is retarded, and awesome. Ken seems unlikely, but I would expect a sf4 character, I'm still holding out hope for Sagat or Blanka, they need to be in a vs game.
seriously tho M.O.D.O.K is awesome, read this if you can't understand why
seriously tho M.O.D.O.K is awesome, read this if you can't understand why
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
I just want Seth, he would fit so much better in a VS game.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Yes!!! Seth would do great! And maybe even Ibuki/viper. Superjumps would fit in greatly.
Making no profit since 1987...
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Maggy noob team GOO!!
I remember once seeing a list with the characters, and it said there are 36 of them, but....but... it has no sentinel wtf?No carnage, but has Venom (yes!).I thought MAHHHVVEEELL was about crazyass weird ass characters, but regular human beings arent that weird.Only Dormammu and hulk being exceptions?Hell no, we NEED that sentinel.But oh, wait, that list didn't have amaterasu so forget that.Still hype though.
Do you guys remember how much i said i hate MVC earlier on the thread and that it's meaningless to release it?Yeah, screw that, i am all like MAAHHVVEEELLL now.
I call my team now: Spiderman, magneto and iron man(the infinite needs to be in)
Still searching for somebody on psn to fool..ugh...politely ask to give me a save file of mvc2 so i can play it without actually buying the game lol.
Also, am i the only one to find a complete and utter lie the fact that Seth Killian said that there will be no infinites?I mean, how the big F word do you keep infinites out of a game designed like MVC2/3 ?Damn it, even SF4 has infinites, with all of it's "everything must be -500 on hit and nothing must combo into nothing" policy.I find it very hard to belive that in a game where [normal move] ~ dash ~ [normal move] LINKS and characters have fullscreen OTG moves (x23), there are no infinites.
I remember once seeing a list with the characters, and it said there are 36 of them, but....but... it has no sentinel wtf?No carnage, but has Venom (yes!).I thought MAHHHVVEEELL was about crazyass weird ass characters, but regular human beings arent that weird.Only Dormammu and hulk being exceptions?Hell no, we NEED that sentinel.But oh, wait, that list didn't have amaterasu so forget that.Still hype though.
Do you guys remember how much i said i hate MVC earlier on the thread and that it's meaningless to release it?Yeah, screw that, i am all like MAAHHVVEEELLL now.
I call my team now: Spiderman, magneto and iron man(the infinite needs to be in)
Still searching for somebody on psn to fool..ugh...politely ask to give me a save file of mvc2 so i can play it without actually buying the game lol.
Also, am i the only one to find a complete and utter lie the fact that Seth Killian said that there will be no infinites?I mean, how the big F word do you keep infinites out of a game designed like MVC2/3 ?Damn it, even SF4 has infinites, with all of it's "everything must be -500 on hit and nothing must combo into nothing" policy.I find it very hard to belive that in a game where [normal move] ~ dash ~ [normal move] LINKS and characters have fullscreen OTG moves (x23), there are no infinites.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Didn't they say that it would have hit stun decay like blazblue?
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Yes, they did; I still bet infinites will be possible by breaking this somehow...just not in the traditional relaunch/y-boost type of thing.Doopliss wrote:Didn't they say that it would have hit stun decay like blazblue?
Smileymike: You didn't play the VS. series before, even with Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Magneto? Granted, that team is really only possible in MvC2, but that's 9 years ago! Get with it, man
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
Well, I think there's a few infinites in BlazBlue, because they gave some moves un-decay properties for some reason.
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
How many infinites where in TVC UAS? beacuse that has the same hit stun scaleing. The answer is none, but there are some combos that will do 100% damage vs any of the non giants
Expect combos like this
large enough damage that it doesn't matter if it's infinite or not
Expect combos like this
large enough damage that it doesn't matter if it's infinite or not
Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
the latest installment of homo-genius
Looks like Jolly Ranchers & Baskin's Sherbet.
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Re: Fighting Game News and Speculation
How does hit stun decay work like though?