Lots of oldschool love shown in this Evo2k7 production by one of our own members.
Vid of Dreams | partial u2b playlist by desk
- at 0:32, SFA2 Akuma juggles a quick CC air Hurricane Kick xx super air FB after chasing down a ground super FB
- at 1:16, SF2CE Ryu juggles a fierce DP after a c.HK sweep using Dhalsim's prejump animation as a setup
- at 1:54, ST Ryu demonstrates two cool meaty FB setups in quick succession
- at 3:19, ST Akuma gets his air Hurricane Kick to hit only twice with a huge gap inbetween, leaving room for a DP finisher
- at 4:04, SF2HF Ryu uses the float glitch to combo two jump attacks and an air Hurricane Kick, all after a low short
- at 5:33, SNES SSF2 Fei Long combos two flame kicks - one of them with the back of his foot on the way down
- at 11:13, SF2RE Bison uses two Sonic Booms to combo both hits of his Headstomp and follow up with s.HK
- at 11:37, SF2RE Vega juggles two jump attacks off Rog's hold which is followed by Ryu's j.HP xx HP DP (all against Sim of course)
- at 12:08, SF2RE Chun covers nearly half a screen's distance by walking forward during link combo gaps
- at 12:40, SFEX3 Ken/Chun perform four tags and six supers in one combo
- at 13:12, CvS2 A-S.Akuma pushes an insane number of buttons to perform a 100% damage combo containing two full CCs
Great video overall, with way more awesome stylish parts than what's mentioned here. Btw Toxy contributed a great of Rainbow Edition material and i think i contributed like two or three random clips as well. But the vast majority of the content was created by desk and of course all the credit for the exceptional editing belongs to him.
The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Wow...I saw the youtube clips, had no idea how much more there was in the other parts...
Desk if you read this, can you explain some of the 3rd Strike stuff? I know Makoto gets invincibility with SAIII, but not just standing there; love the CV3 soundtrack there, btw (yes I know I'm 2 years late with praise)...and I didn't know Gill's Seraphic Wing didn't do any damage after a certain point - or is there a glitch here?
Also that sounds like an SNES RPG during the Ryu/Dhalsim intermission...
Desk if you read this, can you explain some of the 3rd Strike stuff? I know Makoto gets invincibility with SAIII, but not just standing there; love the CV3 soundtrack there, btw (yes I know I'm 2 years late with praise)...and I didn't know Gill's Seraphic Wing didn't do any damage after a certain point - or is there a glitch here?
Also that sounds like an SNES RPG during the Ryu/Dhalsim intermission...
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Since we're on the subject, may as well get through the remaining material too.
HSFZ Basic Combo Video by desk
- at 1:04, no idea how Pink S-Ism Ken did that backwards s.MK but it's a dope way to kick off the video
- at 1:39, it's really cool how Pink S-Ism Ken ends up landing on the right side after that eggbeater
- at 1:57, not only does Green S-Ism Charlie finish the combo with s.LP xx HK Flash Kick, but he delays the j.HP chain to set it up
- at 3:23, Blue S-Ism Gen lands an entire upkick sequence facing away from his opponent
SSF2T:HDR Beta CMV by desk
- at 1:35, Ken does five Dragon Punches in one sequence; that last one is hella satisfying
- at 1:53, non-knockdown sweep combos are dope
- at 2:00, juggling DP after super is dope, especially if it involves a change of direction
- at 2:19, c.LK into c.MP is a dope link
- at 2:27, two fierce uppercuts in one combo is dope
Remix Combos One | with notes by desk
- at 0:59, Bison travels under the opponent with a fake DF+HK slide inbetween j.MP juggles
- at 1:56, Ken combos three fierce uppercuts which is like the coolest thing ever if you like fierce uppercuts
- at 2:26, Fei Long combos four roundhouse flamekicks using the most advanced corner setup ever
- at 2:32, Ken puts everything together
Remix Combos Two by desk
- at 0:23, it's really cool how Chun's second FB appears while you can still see the first FB dissipating
- at 0:33, Fei Long gets four hits out of three HK/MK/HK flamekicks midscreen; first one connects backwards
- at 0:45, that's a lot of low strongs
no challenge too hard by desk
- the whole idea for this video is stylish because every combo goes above and beyond the requirement
- at 0:38, it's dope how Guile avoids c.LP to spread out the required moves
- at 1:14, it's dope how Ryu executes damn near every c.MP followup link except the required c.MP, c.MP
Ah, who am i kidding? Every combo in that video is dope. He gives me credit for the idea but honestly he deserves all of it. My idea was only a basic technical challenge, which he turned into an advanced stylistic exhibition.
HSFZ Basic Combo Video by desk
- at 1:04, no idea how Pink S-Ism Ken did that backwards s.MK but it's a dope way to kick off the video
- at 1:39, it's really cool how Pink S-Ism Ken ends up landing on the right side after that eggbeater
- at 1:57, not only does Green S-Ism Charlie finish the combo with s.LP xx HK Flash Kick, but he delays the j.HP chain to set it up
- at 3:23, Blue S-Ism Gen lands an entire upkick sequence facing away from his opponent
SSF2T:HDR Beta CMV by desk
- at 1:35, Ken does five Dragon Punches in one sequence; that last one is hella satisfying
- at 1:53, non-knockdown sweep combos are dope
- at 2:00, juggling DP after super is dope, especially if it involves a change of direction
- at 2:19, c.LK into c.MP is a dope link
- at 2:27, two fierce uppercuts in one combo is dope
Remix Combos One | with notes by desk
- at 0:59, Bison travels under the opponent with a fake DF+HK slide inbetween j.MP juggles
- at 1:56, Ken combos three fierce uppercuts which is like the coolest thing ever if you like fierce uppercuts
- at 2:26, Fei Long combos four roundhouse flamekicks using the most advanced corner setup ever
- at 2:32, Ken puts everything together
Remix Combos Two by desk
- at 0:23, it's really cool how Chun's second FB appears while you can still see the first FB dissipating
- at 0:33, Fei Long gets four hits out of three HK/MK/HK flamekicks midscreen; first one connects backwards
- at 0:45, that's a lot of low strongs
no challenge too hard by desk
- the whole idea for this video is stylish because every combo goes above and beyond the requirement
- at 0:38, it's dope how Guile avoids c.LP to spread out the required moves
- at 1:14, it's dope how Ryu executes damn near every c.MP followup link except the required c.MP, c.MP
Ah, who am i kidding? Every combo in that video is dope. He gives me credit for the idea but honestly he deserves all of it. My idea was only a basic technical challenge, which he turned into an advanced stylistic exhibition.
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
There are a few ways to do it. The easiest is for ken to do a CC, then do a move as it ends and have zangief suck him in with a CC.- at 1:04, no idea how Pink S-Ism Ken did that backwards s.MK but it's a dope way to kick off the video
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Pink S-Ism has no meter so it was probably something super basic like having Gief jump over Ken, but i just like how clean it looks when that clip appears. Kinda weird for me to say that because normally i like having the setups shown, but in this case i like the overall presentation too much.
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
A pair of 3rd Strike combovids by another forum member focuses on two of the scariest characters in the game.
Makoto Combo Video - I Did it for Daddy! by Goryus
- at 1:20, Makoto juggles with three standing fierces by canceling the first two into dashpunch feints
- at 1:48, Makoto combos six jump fierces; third one looks particularly cool
- at 2:19, Makoto performs two sets of side-switching jab juggles, changing directions a total of six times
- at 2:55, Makoto kicks Akuma in the head really hard
- at 3:21, Makoto links her Taunt into a bunch of stuff by putting SA3 activation in the middle
- at 3:35, Makoto kicks Twelve in the head really really hard
- at 3:42, Makoto does the dopest Makoto combo ever and Urien dies happy
Gill Combo Video - Perfect Being by Goryus
- at 0:53, Gill carries Necro all the way across the stage (and halfway back) with clotheslines
- at 1:43, Gill whiffs not one but two headbutts in a row in the middle of a juggle combo; plus he posterizes rainbows for us
- at 1:56, it's cool how the upward ground FB hits Akuma at the same time as the falling super FBs
- at 3:57, hella fireballs plus it's dope how Makoto dies from the last hits of Seraphic Wing so the wings retact all slowmo
- at 4:14, Gill is literally doing whatever the hell he wants at this point
What i like most about the Makoto video is how she seems to be trying really hard to impress us, showing off all the links in her arsenal every chance she gets. What i like most about the Gill video is how casually he laughs at every rule all the other characters have to follow, pressing seemingly random sequences of buttons and having them all juggle for massive damage.
Makoto Combo Video - I Did it for Daddy! by Goryus
- at 1:20, Makoto juggles with three standing fierces by canceling the first two into dashpunch feints
- at 1:48, Makoto combos six jump fierces; third one looks particularly cool
- at 2:19, Makoto performs two sets of side-switching jab juggles, changing directions a total of six times
- at 2:55, Makoto kicks Akuma in the head really hard
- at 3:21, Makoto links her Taunt into a bunch of stuff by putting SA3 activation in the middle
- at 3:35, Makoto kicks Twelve in the head really really hard
- at 3:42, Makoto does the dopest Makoto combo ever and Urien dies happy
Gill Combo Video - Perfect Being by Goryus
- at 0:53, Gill carries Necro all the way across the stage (and halfway back) with clotheslines
- at 1:43, Gill whiffs not one but two headbutts in a row in the middle of a juggle combo; plus he posterizes rainbows for us
- at 1:56, it's cool how the upward ground FB hits Akuma at the same time as the falling super FBs
- at 3:57, hella fireballs plus it's dope how Makoto dies from the last hits of Seraphic Wing so the wings retact all slowmo
- at 4:14, Gill is literally doing whatever the hell he wants at this point
What i like most about the Makoto video is how she seems to be trying really hard to impress us, showing off all the links in her arsenal every chance she gets. What i like most about the Gill video is how casually he laughs at every rule all the other characters have to follow, pressing seemingly random sequences of buttons and having them all juggle for massive damage.
Re: The Encyclopedia of Combo Style
Man, it is downright depressing how few of these are on legit channels.