Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

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Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

I recently finished the Volume 18 of my "A2 CC Vids", this time introducing Gen as a combo subject.
As some people may know, this videos do not pretend to show some very "Flashy" or Unpractical combos, the main goal of the whole project is to show the standard CC's for all the characters and some interesting set-ups or variations and some glitches as well.
So, i will post all the links to the Basics Custom Combos videos here, and i will update this post whit some of other extra stuff too.
I Hope you like it, any suggestion or critic is more than welcome:
For Combo Transcript/Glitchs Explanations:

- SFA2 Custom Combo Videos By Characters:

- Adon アドン:

- Akuma 豪鬼: (New)

- Birdie バーディー:

- Cammy キャミィ:

- Charlie ナッシュ:

- Chun-Li チュンリー:

- Dan 火引 弾:

- Dhalsim ダルシム:

- Gen 元: (New)

- Guy ガイ:

- Ken ケン・マスターズ:

- M.Bison ベガ:

- Rolento ロレント:

- Rose ローズ:

- Ryu リュウ:

- Sagat サガット:

- Sakura 春日野 さくら:

- Sodom ソドム:

- Zangief ザンギエフ:

- Extra Stuff:

- SFA2: VS Dhalsim Corner Infinite Glitch:
- SFA2: VS Dhalsim Special Juggle Combos Glitch:
- SFA2 Gold (PSX): Cammy Basics (Bnb's, Links):

Sorry for the quality of the first videos, it was my first time on video editing so i did it the best i could.
Last edited by Keiko on Thu May 06, 2010 2:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by CPS2 »

Just saw your new Gen combos, very nice!

Man, even your forum posts are so well presented :lol:
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Thank you CPS2!, yeah i'm kinda perfectionist whit all this kind of stuff.
i know that is just a forum post and i dont have to put so much "effort" on making it looking good but, i like the things this way.
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Tigre III
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Tigre III »

Wow, the Gen vid is crazy! Nice work Keiko.

LOL, your post has more work inside than some of our vids, hehehehe!
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Thank you TigreIII.
The Gen video is still "incomplete" to me, i wanted to add some Shin Ten Shu super setups, but i thought it wouldn't be relevant in the cc vid.
Thanks for your comment, i really appreciate it!
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Maj »

Thanks for starting a thread about this series, and going through the trouble of listing every episode. Some of Gen's combos were a little hard to tell apart, but overall i liked it a lot - especially your usage of his air super during CC and that one air super interrupt setup you showed with Rose's friends.

Why do Gen's hands CCs do so much less damage than Chun's legs CCs? I guess he makes up for it with ridiculous upkick finisher damage, but it's kinda hard to do that move consistently. Seriously though, absurd damage! It's always crazy to watch when the opponent has like 30% life remaining after Gen's CC runs out and then one upkick destroys it.

(Btw minor note, but you have the same typo in a whole bunch of places - should be "with" instead of "whit.")
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by error1 »

good to see someone here has played cfc2, lol at the combo counter at the end weird how it lies about the score
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Maj wrote:Thanks for starting a thread about this series, and going through the trouble of listing every episode. Some of Gen's combos were a little hard to tell apart, but overall i liked it a lot - especially your usage of his air super during CC and that one air super interrupt setup you showed with Rose's friends.

Why do Gen's hands CCs do so much less damage than Chun's legs CCs? I guess he makes up for it with ridiculous upkick finisher damage, but it's kinda hard to do that move consistently. Seriously though, absurd damage! It's always crazy to watch when the opponent has like 30% life remaining after Gen's CC runs out and then one upkick destroys it.

(Btw minor note, but you have the same typo in a whole bunch of places - should be "with" instead of "whit.")
Well let me tell you, in Z2A/Gold the Hands CC Combo is even worst yet (less damage, less hits), and his upkicks combo has been seriusly nerfed too in that version.
Some of the Gen combos, like you said, are a little hard to tell apart, because some of them are just minor variations, i keeped that in mind in the whole process of the video, Gen has a stupid "Glitch" when you're in CC Mode, that you cant switch positions inmediatly, for example if you're in Mantis Mode and want to switch to Crane in the middle of the CC, that delay between one position and another make the things a little bit harder sometimes.
I have a lot of mistakes like that on my english, i need to pay more attention when i write, but feel free to point it out, that really helps me a lot.
@error01: hahaha, yeah its fun to see how the combo counter resets and displays that ridiculous 99999999999 points score.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Raine »

Mmm very nice work, glad to see you are continuing your project, it has been an enjoyable experience watch the episodes as they arrive.

I'm curious as to whether you have discovered any useful dummy properties during your research? At the moment I'm making some Sagat combos and so far Dhalsim looks like the most useful dummy (easy to setup meaties with teleport, teleport recovery glitch allows extended combos, far s.LK etc. allows him to trade with things from behind) but maybe other characters have some properties that could be useful. I heard something about Sodom having a fat crouching hitbox, but I'm not sure if that was just for SFA1.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

The most usefull "combo dummies" for SFA2 are: Rolento (Biggest Hitboxes in the game) and Dhalsim.
Other character that are usefull are: Sodom, M.Bison, Sagat and Birdie, Old Chun-Li have some strange juggle properties too.
Sodom in SFA1 is HUGE, he have some ridiculous hitboxes, but in A2, exept from his tengu walk glitch (for some strange juggles, works similar to Sim's Glitch), nothing weird or remarcable about him.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Raine »

Made some progress on those combos, it's hard deciding what's good to keep and what's boring. I keep on learning new things that make earlier combos redundant T_T. Anyways here's what I have so far:

2fbhk - cancel s.HK(2) into dp+HK to get closer (it whiffs because rolento is leaning back)

3fbtaunt - shows c.HP with the bounce effect canceled into taunt. only the last 3 hits on dp+HP hit because the fireballs have used up the juggle potential already.

3speedfb - hmm don't have anything to say about this, other than I wanted to show K.O with fierce TU because I love the slowdown effect haha

4fbnocombo - attacks hitting on the same frame count as one hit for the combo counter

4fb2hit - combo to show this, mp dp at the end for variety :|

5fb - another pattern. again shows how rolento reels back (watch how fireballs 3 & 4 hit)

backwardsdp - dhalsim uses s.LK, reversal teleport glitch. sagat uses s.MP whiff cancel to taunt to stay backturned for as long as possible

mpdpqcfkkk - dhalsim uses s.LK to cause backturned c.HP allowing more links. qcf+kkk connects using teleport glitch (qcb+kkk only works after lp dp).

shktaunt - taunt cancel variation of 2fbhk

Info I have found that I'm not sure is known or not? At the end of CC state, you enter a mode where all normals will float the opponent much like a c.HK at any point in the CC. After that however, there is a short period where normals have their normal startup/recovery properties (not the sped up versions in CC mode) but can still be canceled. This allows characters to cancel normals that are normally unable to be canceled e.g. Sagat HP or HK. You can see the float effect in "3fbtaunt" and the cancel effect in "2fbhk". Also I have noticed a lot of random elements in the engine when CC's come into play. Starting on a different frame can influence the damage moves will do in a combo, but also whether certain CC cancels will even work at all (for example a lot of those multi fireball volleys with Sagat only work when started on a certain frame, otherwise you will get random specials or normals coming out). I have the speed set to normal rather than turbo 2 (some stuff won't work otherwise) so I don't think it's be related to that.

I have a few other things I want to do before I'm finished with this char. Trading Tiger Cannon, juggling lvl 3 tiger raid with teleport glitch and regular CC combos.

Does anyone want to use these combos in an upcoming video project? Hopefully the makers find their way to this thread. :lol: I can remake things on different stages or with adjustments to your taste. I am welcome to any suggestions for improvements or new setups.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by CPS2 »

Remxi: I'll have to wait until Saturday before I can download, but looking forward to it ey. I keep mentioning that OHN combovid and asking you to show me some alpha stuff, so a pre-emptive "yes," on wanting to include these in a compilation haha. But yeah I'll give some actual feedback on Saturday.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

I just recently saw your post Remxi, i'm downloading the combos right now.
Let me tell you Remxi that, when i'm done whit all this Basics CC's Videos, i'm planning to do some short exhibitions for A2, so if you want we can make something together if you like (and anyone interested in this, may participate if desired).
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

I loved the FBx2, S.Roundhouse, Taunt, TK, Tiger Uppercut Combo, taking advantage of the FB hit animation just for looking cool, priceless.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by CPS2 »

Keiko wrote:i'm planning to do some short exhibitions for A2, so if you want we can make something together if you like (and anyone interested in this, may participate if desired).
btw Keiko, I'm not sure if you noticed this thread but I'm looking to put together a combovid due towards the end of the year. It'd be awesome if you can help out man, I really like your stuff and something from you would add a lot to the video. Just thought I'd point it out as I probably won't bump that thread until after the EVO videos are complete.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

CPS2 wrote:
Keiko wrote:i'm planning to do some short exhibitions for A2, so if you want we can make something together if you like (and anyone interested in this, may participate if desired).
btw Keiko, I'm not sure if you noticed this thread but I'm looking to put together a combovid due towards the end of the year. It'd be awesome if you can help out man, I really like your stuff and something from you would add a lot to the video. Just thought I'd point it out as I probably won't bump that thread until after the EVO videos are complete.
Oh sure!, i can contribute whit some SF Alpha 1/2/3 Stuff.
Thanks for pointing me out about this.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by CPS2 »

Haha Remxi those Sagat combos are sweet! The first 3 I saw were the ones with 3 FBs, the taunt and TU at the end, then 4 FBs (weird how these count as 2 hit), TK and TU, then the 5FBs, I think seeing those exact 3 combos back to back in a combovid would look awesome. I kinda like how they just sit there in a pattern, it draws your attention and is easy understand what is going on.

The ones with the backwards attacks are cool, but for some reason I feel like backwards attacks don't stand out as much at the start of a combo? And the others with different variations on FB speed didn't really impress as much after seeing the others, but I did like the one with 2FBs, taunt, then the really long distance TK. I guess that's a bit of a challenge, to figure out how far back you can stand and have a move connect in a juggle, it's interesting to see.

If you want to add some of these to the OHN video, I think it'd look cool to have sfa2sagat3fbtaunt, sfa2sagat4fb2hit, sfa2sagat5fb in that order. The only thing I'd suggest changing maybe, it sounds like you didn't like the ending to sfa2sagat4fb2hit, and I thought the long distance tiger knee at the end of sfa2sagatshktaunt was cool, so maybe sub in that ending if possible? Let me know what you think.
Raging Hawk
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Raging Hawk »

Saw your Sagat Combos, Remxi! Man, I loved the one with 2xFB, HK, Taunt into Tiger Knee and Uppercut that was an pretty sweet one. And I also liked the one with 3 Tiger and 2 ground Tiger Shots. Nice stuff Remxi!!! :)

Btw, Keiko your blog is awesome. I check it from time to time for new upcoming Videos, and I like it that you give so much effort and your best to transcript everything clearly in every little detail. I learned some new things out of your blog, for example how to do several glitches, had no clue before how to do them, even if some of them are known. Thanks for that!!! :D
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Thanks Raging Hawk, i'm very glad that you find my blog and videos usefull.
I'm working on the last CC Video for Gouki right now, i expect to finish it soon.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

So, here it is, the last Basic CC's Video for Akuma:

Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Akuma Custom Combos - ストリートファイター ZERO 2 :
Transcript ... ombos.html

I think this will be my last "long" video for a while... i have some things to take care about (fucking University), maybe some short clips in the future, i dont know yet really =/
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by onReload »

Wow...I loved the CC with all the rolls (Zenpo Tenshin?), and EVERYTHING with Shin Akuma was awesome, I loved the kattobi air Tatsus!

really good job! now do Alpha 3 Upper V-ISM :D

only kidding. also i'm glad you used the isuka soundtrack, nobody likes that game except me...and leopaldon is nowhere to be found in any other game :|
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Not a combo/glitch video this time.
Some Alpha Counter Reversals Examples and Random stupidity: ... rsals.html
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by onReload »

Really cool video, it can get really confusing at times with two Alpha counters happening, but it's entertaining as hell.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

onReload wrote:Really cool video, it can get really confusing at times with two Alpha counters happening, but it's entertaining as hell.
With deep jump ins you can Block AC attempts, and then stuff his AC with your AC.
Hahahah after reading what i wrote,this picture comes to my mind, dont know why : ... -heard.jpg
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Raine »

Yeah nice stuff. I like how you used blockstrings to set things up, it makes it much more interesting and "natural" to watch.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Remxi wrote:Yeah nice stuff. I like how you used blockstrings to set things up, it makes it much more interesting and "natural" to watch.
Yeah that was the idea, because using only single hits would make the things a lot more boring to watch.
Last edited by Keiko on Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Don Vecta
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Don Vecta »

it was certainly an entertaining video to watch. I like how it shows that no zero counters are safe at all. :)
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

Thanks for the comment Vecta.
The original sketch i had in my mind for the video was only to show basics jump-ins and normal ac reversals, but that would be very boring i think, that's why i put that "little random things" on the vid to make it at least more enternaining/fun to watch, some of them are very impractical, but believe me that i got a lot of those happening in real matches, thats were i got the ideas for them.
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Don Vecta
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Don Vecta »

Keiko wrote:Thanks for the comment Vecta.
The original sketch i had in my mind for the video was only to show basics jump-ins and normal ac reversals, but that would be very boring i think, that's why i put that "little random things" on the vid to make it at least more enternaining/fun to watch, some of them are very impractical, but believe me that i got a lot of those happening in real matches, thats were i got the ideas for them.
Well, sometimes there's stuff that far from being useful, it's mostly creative stuff or weird, fun stuff that happens and yes, when it happens in a random versus match leaves most people stranged and with a lol and a WTF on their faces. Sometimes these set ups are hard to pull effectively inside a normal versus match due of the strict timing and situational position of both characters.

Sometimes the same things might happen in KOF where everyone abuses CD block counter when they have stock. There's some amazing stuff that you can do to counter those abusers.
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Re: Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Custom Combo Videos

Post by Keiko »

I'm one of those CD Abusers hahahaha.
A little bit of sfz2 randomness:
Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Guy Bushin Gorai Kyaku "Glitch":
Not really a Glitch, but it's interesting the freeze effect of that Super.
i dont know if i posted this before here, but well:
Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Kikouken Bug:
Chun-Li's well known Kikouken Glitch.
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