Combo Penny Tray

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Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

You ever come up with combos that look kinda neat, except they aren't quite good enough or difficult enough to put in a video? I find lots of those and from now on i'm gonna post them here. Contribute anything you want and use anything you like. Take a penny, leave a penny.

Maybe someone will be get bored one day and do this stuff. Or maybe these things can be useful as filler for another video. Or maybe some of these ideas can be developed into something more substantial, but most of them are fairly self-contained (as in, they use up too much meter or require an inflexible setup).

CvS2 C-Ken vs Chun Li
setup: midscreen
combo: crossup j.MK, c.LK, c.LK, c.LK xx lvl2 punch super (all hits) xx QCB+LP roll (right after the 6th super hit, before Ken leaves the ground), c.HK xx lvl1 kick super
comments: the sweep won't juggle against most characters; Chun Li works; not easy

CvS2 C-Rugal vs Chun Li
setup: with Rugal in corner facing Chun Li, dash forward twice for spacing and walk back into crossup range
combo: crossup j.MK, c.LK, c.LK, c.LK xx lvl2 kick super (all hits) xx HP FB (right after the 6th super hit, before Rugal leaves the ground), dash forward, lvl1 kick super
comments: the FB won't juggle against most characters; Chun Li works

CvS2 C-G.Rugal vs anyone
setup: midscreen, no setup
combo: HCB+K dash grab thing, dash forward, lvl2 kick super (2 hits) xx QCB+P wall slam
comments: it's only cool cuz of the dash mid-combo; can't combo kick super afterwards since wall slam grabs out of the air

CvS2 K-Rugal vs A-Dhalsim
setup: midscreen
combo: j.HK, s.HP xx HP wall slam, delayed lvl3 kick super (all hits)
comments: might not work on all characters but it worked on Dhalsim; the further the wall slam needs to travel, the further away Rugal winds up from the corner, so this combo needs to be done from less than half stage distance from the corner; 11 hits, 12897 damage

CvS2 Vega vs anyone
setup: anywhere against jumping opponent
combo: charge DB, s.HK xx HK flipkick
comments: cool lookin' combo that most Vega players probably already know about; it's not very good because you have to connect with the s.HK early, which means you have to wait until your opponent is low enough to stuff the move, but maybe using s.LP or c.LP instead of the s.HK will make the combo useful in mixups against K-Groove or P-Groove

CvS2 C-Dhalsim vs anyone
setup: midscreen
combo: meaty lvl2 ground flame super (3 hits) xx lvl1 ground flame super
comments: the fourth hit of the lvl2 ground flame super knocks down which makes the lvl1 ground flame super whiff; the lvl2 ground flame super can't be canceled into another fire attack until it dissipates, which usually only happens after the fourth hit; by making it meaty, you can time it so that the flame dissipates right after the third hit, allowing you to cancel into lvl1 ground flame super without the lvl2 ground flame super knocking down the opponent; not crazy exciting or anything, just kinda cool to see it happen

CvS2 C-Sagat vs anyone
setup: midscreen
combo: meaty c.HP, c.HK xx lvl2 hotfoot xx LP uppercut, lvl1 hotfoot
comments: looks cool with whole thing done midscreen, especially when you land all 13 hits against Guile

CvS2 C-Kyo vs anyone
setup: midscreen about 1/2 screen from corner so that after the crossup, there's a lot of space to do the combo without getting near the other corner (because midscreen combos look nicer)
combo: crossup j.LK, c.LK, c.LK, c.LK xx LK launcher kicks, lvl2 Orochinagi xx DP+HK
comments: lvl2 Orochinagi hits once after LK launcher kicks then hits one more time after the cancel, which causes the first kick of the DP+HK to miss but the other two hits juggle; it's possible to use more impressive links in this combo but it's kind of cool the way it is because people will see it and realize that it's actually practical and useful for real matches despite the tough lvl2 Orochinagi timing
Last edited by Maj on Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maj »

CvS1 Cammy vs anyone
setup: midscreen knockdown sweep or something
combo: meaty s.HP, c.HK xx lvl3 cannon drill/spike super
comments: need meaty because s.HP didn't stun as long in CvS; the cannon drill part whiffs, but the cannon spike part juggles

CvS1 S-Ryo vs Kim
setup: Ryo's back almot touching corner, Kim almost touching Ryo, Ryo's health down to flashing and his meter one pixel away from full
combo: Ryo does lvl1 super FB and Kim does lvl1 rush super and the spacing makes them trade but the second hit of Ryo's lvl1 super FB whiffs, then Ryo does far s.HK xx lvl3 super FB or lvl3 rush super
comments: if the spacing is correct, Kim pushes Ryo back into the corner before getting hit, which causes the second hit of the super FB to just barely whiff so Kim doesn't get knocked down, and Ryo recovers first so he has time to combo after the trade with s.HK (which is super-cancelable); Kim hitting Ryo after the lvl1 causes Ryo's S-Groove meter to hit max

The above combo is gonna look kind of like the S-Ryo vs Iori combo in my Reversal Combos vid, except that Ryo is interrupted by Kim and not by a projectile, so he recovers way faster.
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Post by Goryus »

SF3 Ken vs Chun li
setup: Chun in corner
combo: Jump, EX hurricane, juggle with jab dp, juggle with low forward xx shoryu reppa
comments: Looks pretty cool, and the ending is pretty unexpected. Not that hard though, and sorta short. Also, midscreen, EX hurricane -> kara jab dp -> low roundhouse works.

SF3 Yang vs Chun Li
setup: Chun Li in corner
combo: jump fierce, low forward xx ex roll kick, juggle with cr. short xx SAII
comments: again, the ending is pretty cool and fairly unexpected. Gave up on it because SAII only hits once for some reason. A variation that might even be useful is close, juggle with low forward xx SAII. The whole SAII hits, as a reset, and the damage off of it is surprisingly good.

SF3 Yang vs Elena
setup: Elena in corner
combo: palm strike, juggle with jab slash x 2, juggle with strong slash x 2, juggle with SAI.
comments: All of SAI connects if you do 1 strong slash instead of 2.

SF3 Yun vs Hugo
setup: hugo crouching mid-screen.
combo: jump jab,toward+fp chain, land close mp, fp chain, link stand short xx jab rush punch.
comments: The link stand short might work on some other fat characters, but it does not work on Ryu.

SF3 Yun vs Hugo
setup: hugo crouching mid-screen.
combo: jump whatever, land close mp, link far mp, hp chain, link Sourai Rengeki.
comments: mp, fp link SAII works on most of the cast, as long as they're crouching.

SF3 Yun vs Akuma
setup: akuma midscreen
combo: neutral throw, juggle with SAI, juggle with immediate roundhouse upkicks, juggle with cr.strong xx lk upkicks.
comments: This is cool primarily because it IS a midscreen combo. Damage sucks though.

SF3 Yun vs Urien
setup: Urien in corner, Yun standing immediately next to him. Have Urien throw a jab reflector, which pushes Yun through it to the other side, and then jump.
combo: As Urien is coming down activate the first stock of SAII. It will hit, and trade with the reflector. As he comes down again, activate the second stock of SAII - same thing happens. One last time to get the third stock to connect. Reflector disappears at this point, so you can juggle normally.
comments: damage is pretty pathetic, but connecting all 3 stocks of Sourai Rengeki in one combo is pretty cool.

SF3 Yun vs Urien
setup: At the beginning of the match, Urien throws lp reflector, then dashes forward four times. Yun dashes backwards as he throws the reflector, and lets urien push him the remainer for proper spacing.
combo: jab, jab, short, strong xx shoulder tackle xx SAII (4th hit hits reflector), link xx SAII.
comments: This is the only way I can find to follow up on Sourai Rengeki, and it only works if the 4th hit is the one that hits the reflector. Also, it leaves him with a stock of Sourai Rengeki, so you can make the combo longer and flashier by turning on stun and following up with some other super combo.

SF3 Yun vs Anyone
setup: works anywhere on the screen, but best w/Yun in the corner
combo: zenpou tenshin, land, activate genei jin, stand strong, toward+fierce, juggle as normal.
comments: this is a pretty interesting way to launch into Genei Jin that I've never seen used before...if anyone has a particularly interesting Genei Jin combo, this might be a good way to start it.

SF3 Elena vs Ryu-or-wider
setup: Ryu in corner
combo: cr.strong xx ex spin scythe, juggle with mk spin scythe, juggle with cr.strong xx mk scratch wheel xx brave dance (whiffs), juggle with cr.strong xx mk scratch wheel
comments: the whiffed brave dance lets you recover faster, and moves you forward, so the second part can connect. The hardest part of the combo is getting the mk spin scythe to connect.
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Post by Magnetro »

Goryus wrote: SF3 Yun vs Akuma
setup: akuma midscreen
combo: neutral throw, juggle with SAI, juggle with immediate roundhouse upkicks, juggle with cr.strong xx lk upkicks.
comments: This is cool primarily because it IS a midscreen combo. Damage sucks though.
I was bored one night.
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Post by Goryus »

Wow Magnetro, talk about raising the bar for the penny-tray! ^_^;

Thanks for posting that. I was way too lazy to make clips. O_o
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Post by felineki »

Here's a strange little 6-hitter I just came up with for Akuma is ST.

From just a *tiny* bit closer than the distance two characters start apart at the beginning of the round...

Jump forward, LP air Hadoken timed so that it goes over the opponent's head, missing them. Timing on it is tricky, do it too late, and the projectile will be too far behind the opponent for this to work. Land, c.MP, link cs.HP (this is why it's important that you start just a *little* closer than beginning of round distance... otherwise you'll get the standard s.HP, which is uncancellable), xx HK Hurricane. The cs.HP will knock the opponent back into the Hadoken, and while they're in hitpause you'll be sailing forward with the Hurricane and catch them with the last two hits. Follow up with an SRK for the last hit.

This was all done frame-by-frame, so no l33t skillz were involved. :P

Kawaks Replay (SSF2XJ)

EDIT: From start-of-round distance, you can substitute a s.HK for the cs.HP, and the combo should theoretically work, but it seems the s.HK is more likely to dizzy the opponent before you can pull the whole thing off.
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Post by Maj »

Stumbled upon this setup while looking for O.Rugal combos.

KoF95 anyone vs Omega Rugal (sample)
setup: make your (cornered) character invincible by dodging or getting knocked down or whatever, then have O.Rugal do HCB+P to end up occupying the same space
combo: creates a lot of interesting backwards attack opportunities but i'll leave that to whoever wants to make a KoF95 video
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Post by fullmetalross »

Terry Double Powerdunk combo....
Kind of misleading name I know... but you'll notice both Powerdunks connected outside of cc mode... haha.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

CvS2 C-Kim vs Maki
setup: corner, performed against Maki's Counter Attack recovery
combo: j.HP, s.HP (one hit) xx D,D+HK xx lvl2 rush super xx D,D+HK (Maki falls down) xx D,D+HK infinite
comments: an alternative infinte setup that doesn't require Kim's lvl2 launcher kick super, but there's nothing new to see after the infinite; unfortunately the D+HK follow-up to Kim's flash kick doesn't generate meter, so you can't use lvl2 cancel glitch state to set up flash kick xx whiff follow-up, flash kick xx follow-up
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by ShinjiGohan » very tricky combo that depends on spacing in order to get the last ex-prominence to connect.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Dark_Chaotix »

Im not CvS2 savvy so im posting a combo to see if it considered "easy" or not. ... einfo.html

password :abc

If so, id like to see how i can make it better, or even CMV worthy. This is my first time playing with CvS2.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

At this point it's very difficult to find/create anything that qualifies as a technical innovation in CvS2. If you're just now getting into the game, there's a TON of existing material you need to watch and understand before you can build on it. It's still possible of course, but new CvS2 videos are so rare nowadays that i've basically stopped anticipating them. Whenever i find one it's always a pleasant surprise but i never expect it anymore.

That said, there's a lot of room for stylish combos in CvS2, especially if you get a little creative with A-Groove Custom Combos. I don't know if Dan/Rolento are the best answer cuz those OTG throw combos have been done to death, but you can do a lot of cool juggles that change sides midscreen, juggle combos against Chun Li with a lot of sweeps/slides, kara-cancel tricks to move you forward, and so on.

Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask if you run into any questions about CvS2.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

SSF2 Balrog has a lot of dope unused links. ST Rog probably has a lot of the same stuff. How come nobody ever uses any of it in videos? Some examples:

vertical j.HP, c.MK, far s.MP
close s.MK, far s.MK
c.MK, c.HP
c.MP, close s.MP
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

CvS2 EX-C-Sagat vs Zangief
setup: Sagat in corner
combo: crossup j.LK, s.LK -> s.MK -> s.HK xx LK Tiger Knee xx lvl2 Tiger Genocide xx LK Tiger Knee xx lvl1 Tiger Genocide
comments: Each attack hits only once, making this an all-knee thematic combo. Sagat's F+HK throw is helluva knees too, so maybe do that as the opponent gets up since most of the lvl1 Tiger Genocide is gonna whiff, so Sagat will recover at roughly the same time as the opponent. Probably a good idea to use B+HK to pull the opponent out of the corner; it'll look cooler that way. Btw it's impossible to dizzy with this combo since the entire thing counts as one uninterrupted sequence off an EX-Groove chain, so the whole thing inflicts eight points of stun damage.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Jinrai »

SSF2T:HDR Honda vs Zangief (Excuse me if this is old and/or works for regular ST.)

Wakeup Reversal OniMusou vs Zangief's crossup jumping Short (trade), Reversal Strong Hundred Hand Slap to juggle. Worthy of Ode to the 2-Hit Combo.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by fullmetalross »

Im pretty positive that wouldn't work in regular. Pretty hot combo for sure.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Smileymike101 »

Guys, i need help with a combo.It is impossible for me by hand, i don't know if somebody in the world has the patience to try it by hand till it works lol.Can some with a ppad please try it?
The combo is like this.Dudley vs Dhalsim, Dudley with U1.In the corner:
Counter hit J.Hp ~ cr.HP ~ st.HK xx EX MGB ~ lk duck upper ( 1 hit) FADC back ~ lk duck straight ~ lp MGB (dhalsim is now stunned) jump to change sides- LVL3 FA ~ dash ~ f.HP ~ Rolling Thunder.
I know it sounds weird, and the last part sounds impossible, but there is a timing for the f.HP after a lvl3 FA where it hits last frame meaty, but i don't know exactly when is that timing.I think it is as early as possible after the dash, but can't get it consistently.I got it to work twice just the LVL3 FA ~ f.Hp ~ rolling thunder bit, but with the stun combo before, which has a one frame link and 3 difficult juggles, no way.
If anyone can help me with it i'd much apreciate. :oops:
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Snoooootch »

I just landed 3 of Fei's 5 hits off of his U1 after an ex fire kick in the corner on guile. I think it's the only character you can do it to. in ssf4 btw. With Fei long. using a counter Hp. it's simple, but took forever to actually land it.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Rufus »

Smileymike101 wrote:Guys, i need help with a combo.It is impossible for me by hand, i don't know if somebody in the world has the patience to try it by hand till it works lol.Can some with a ppad please try it?...
The spacing on the Forward + Fierce -> Ultra is quite specific. It seems like it would be easier to set that up without crossing sides. It might be possible to push 'sim into the right position before dizzy expires, but Dudley seems to close when he jumps over otherwise. I've got the rest programmed, I'll tinker with that part to see if I can make it work.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Smileymike101 »

A very kind man, Desk, with his great kindness, helped me out with this, but thanks for trying this also.To not let the program go to waste, you could come up with something interesting after the meaty f.fierce other than ultra;something like after f.fierce to do ~ insane links xx OMGWTFBBQ.
You could do it on Dan, because it also hits meaty on him, just not last frame meaty.Still offers alot of possibilities.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Snoooootch »

Did it actually connect, mike?
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Smileymike101 »

Yes, i'm gonna save that for the last combo lol.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by error1 »

I just accidentally did something that surprised me
With Rufas I chained far lp, close lp, far lp, far lp vs chun
chun must have walked forward during the 5 frame start-up of far lp into close lp range
anyway I figure there's a combo in there somewhere
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by GetTheFruit »

I love this thread, interesting stuff so far.
I thought about making a Dan combo video for SSFIV, but I canceled the idea once I found most of my comboes already done in some combo videos. There are some things I stumbled upon while messing around in training mode, Idk if anybody knows this already but here goes:-

Dan combo on crouching vega ( mid-screen ): > xx Lk.Danku. The Lk.Danku will crossup causing a juggle, you can follow up with EX KRK FADC U2 or just go straight for U2.
Dan combo on crouching seth ( corner ): > xx gadoken FADC > > xx gadoken FADC > > xx Lk.danku > U2 ( Lk.danku hits meaty.

Also, there is something my friend who mains rufus surprised me with. He said that after focus crumble, rufus can hit Meaty > st.hp. I didn't believe him until he showed me a replay of him doing it in a real match against guile. He said it works on the whole cast, but it needs timing.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by spookydonkey »

GetTheFruit wrote:Also, there is something my friend who mains rufus surprised me with. He said that after focus crumble, rufus can hit Meaty > st.hp. I didn't believe him until he showed me a replay of him doing it in a real match against guile. He said it works on the whole cast, but it needs timing.
hah i didnt know you could get a meaty off a crumple... only level3 or does level2 work also?

tho i was doin ch c.strong, s.fierce in vanilla... i even made a really shitty example video back in march 09. plz dont hate me & my inputs :oops:
(it gets downright painful w/my attempts to land ch c.strong, s.fierce xx fierce galactic xx spectacle romance lol)
ewige blumenkraft!
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Maj »

Regarding that original batch of CvS2 combos, all the ones that i had recorded as test clips are now in CvS2 Leftovers '04 - which is about half of them. They weren't getting any younger and i got tired of having them laying around aimlessly. The rest are still up for grabs though.

GetTheFruit wrote:He said that after focus crumble, rufus can hit Meaty > st.hp. I didn't believe him until he showed me a replay of him doing it in a real match against guile. He said it works on the whole cast, but it needs timing.
I've done some weird stuff against Focus crumple too, with Abel and Sakura along with a few others. Not a lot of people know this, but the crumple animation from crouching is very different from standing crumple. For example that Sakura crossup only works against crouching Akuma.

Also characters crumpling from crouching tend to push off against the corner a lot more. For instance Chun Li can do lvl2 Focus Attack xx dash forward, LK Hazanshu against standing Abel in the corner, but she always goes over crouching Abel. (That was a rather frustrating discovery.)

On the plus side, it's easier for Balrog to do double lvl2 Focus Attack combos against crouching characters because they crumple farther forward. And of course it gives you another hitbox to test meaties against.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by GetTheFruit »

Wow I never knew!!! And it is true I just tested it.
I think I gotta re-watch all of your TACV videos again, it's been a while since I re-watched them, lol.

Off-Topic: Although I never played cvs2, well I guess I did since I have it on my dreamcast but didn't play it that much, I think sakura's voice is the BEST in CvS2. I just love the way she screams when she does her special move , Haha :D .
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Snoooootch »

yeah, like if you're in the corner and you are facing Dhalsim or Dan, and you do lvl 2 or 3 FA and follow with a fast lk tatsu, ryu will hit them towards the corner, and you're left with the ability to do shinku hadoken. I haven't tried playing with it too much yet, but it's kinda fun to play with the animations in the game.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by GetTheFruit »

Wow snoooootch that's right, just tried it. Amazing!! :shock:
It got my hopes up and I instantly thought of a combo for ken, LV3 FA > lk.tatsu crossup > > something. But I totally forgot about ken's knee attack before the tatsu comes out, Hahahaha!
By the way, I just landed > with ken on crouching vega. It seems like vega's crouching hitbox moves upward and downward. Do you think I should include it in my video, or is it not worth it :lol: ?

Nvm, It works on too and I can get a meaty EX hadoken after the :D.
Am probably gonna include it in my next video :D.
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Re: Combo Penny Tray

Post by Snoooootch »

GetTheFruit wrote: By the way, I just landed > with ken on crouching vega. It seems like vega's crouching hitbox moves upward and downward. Do you think I should include it in my video, or is it not worth it :lol: ?

Nvm, It works on too and I can get a meaty EX hadoken after the :D.
Am probably gonna include it in my next video :D.
Hell yeah you should. Well, I totally landed 2 chicken wings on dhalsim in the air. like I juggled him with one, then did another one. the timing and position is tough, but I got it! For Ken, that knee hit before the tatsu threw me off too. lol.

As far as combos go, you can probably try hitting Seth's hp with a lk tatsu followed by an air tatsu. Or mabybe with dhalsim's jmp lp. it just looks coool. Perhaps there's a way to do an air ex tatsu that doesn't hit all 4 times so you can follow with an ex srk fadc Ultra 1. idk, sound like a tough combo with 100s of tried, but I do think it's possible.
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