Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

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Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

You've seen the new Combo Challenges forum ...
You've noticed all the combo contests being unveiled ...

This time ... the fake points are for real!
This year ... the combo challenges are personal!
The Guile Mask ... is waiting!!

The person who scores the most number of points this year will win a prize package containing all sorts of random Street Fighter merchandise i've collected over the years. We're talking comics, figures, promotional materials, you name it. The centerpiece: None other than The Guile Mask!!

Rise to the top, kick down your address, and you'll receive a whole bunch of cool stuff that i really need to get rid of but don't have the heart to throw in the garbage! I'll take care of shipping costs even if you live millions of miles away!

Second place will receive a runner-up package of assorted almost-as-cool prizes containing less stuff quantity-wise but hey at least it's better than what third place is getting aka third place will cost me zero to ship aka third place gets nothing.

Deadline for submissions is midnight PST, December 31st 2008.
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Re: Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

As mentioned above, only points earned in 2008 will count towards this contest. For reference, here are the final 2007 numbers:
Standings as of Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:44 pm wrote:Xenozip: 5 3/4 points! (1 for making the first Monster thread, 4 3/4 for 19 Character Select Screens)

NKI: 4 1/2 points! (4 1/2 for 9 pages of Japanese translations)

Mike Z: 4 points! (2 from Challenge 01, 2 from Challenge 02)

ZenFire: 3 1/2 points! (1 for making the forum's 1000th post, 1/2 from Challenge 03, 2 for 4 pages of video capture advice)

Magnetro: 3 1/6 points! (1 1/6 from Challenge 01, 2 from Challenge 03)

Vega Omega: 3 points! (2 from Challenge 01, 1 from Challenge 02)

laugh: 2 1/2 points! (2 from work internet block, 1/2 from Challenge 03)

ToXY: 2 points! (2 from Challenge 01)

ShinjiGohan: 1 3/4 points! (1 for making the first SFEX3 thread, 1/2 from Challenge 03, 1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)

Robyrt: 1 point! (1 for making the first OMF2097 thread)

Dj-B13: 1 point! (1 for making the forum's 100th thread)

desk: 1 point! (1 from Challenge 02)

BB Hood: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 01)

jchensor: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

omni: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

Hail And Kill: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

fullmetalross: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

Preppy: 1/4 point! (1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)
Up to date results are kept in The Score thread. The rest is simple subtraction.
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Re: Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

Looks like we have our final totals. Based on the results below, here are our top five finalists for 2008:

1st Place: Magnetro with 6 1/2 points
2nd Place: Mike Z with 5 points
3rd Place: jchensor with 4 1/2 points
4th Place: desk with 3 points
5th Place: fullmetalross with 2 3/4 points

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who participated! If you're in first or second place, let me know how you want me to get your prizes to you. I'm down to mail it in your general direction if you PM me your address.
Standings as of Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:20 pm wrote:Magnetro: 9 2/3 points! (1 1/6 from Challenge 01, 2 from Challenge 03, 1 from Challenge 07, 3 from Challenge 08, 1 1/2 from Challenge 13, 1 for helping FSD thread)

Mike Z: 9 points! (2 from Challenge 01, 2 from Challenge 02, 2 from Challenge 08, 2 from Challenge 13, 1 for helping FSD thread)

Xenozip: 7 points! (1 for making the first Monster thread, 1 for making the first IaMP thread, 5 for 20+ Character Select Screens)

NKI: 7 points! (5 for 10 pages of Japanese translations, 2 for making FSD thread)

jchensor: 5 points! (1/2 from Challenge 03, 2 1/2 from Trivia Quiz 01, 2 from Trivia Quiz 02)

ToXY: 4 points! (2 from Challenge 01, 2 from Challenge 04)

desk: 4 points! (1 from Challenge 02, 2 from Challenge 09, 1 from Trivia Quiz 02)

ZenFire: 3 1/2 points! (1 for making the forum's 1000th post, 1/2 from Challenge 03, 2 for 4 pages of video capture advice)

Vega Omega: 3 1/4 points! (2 from Challenge 01, 1 from Challenge 02, 1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)

fullmetalross: 3 1/4 points! (1/2 from Challenge 03, 1 1/2 from Challenge 07, 1 from Challenge 08, 1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)

laugh: 3 points! (2 from work internet block, 1/2 from Challenge 03, 1/2 from Trivia Quiz 01)

ShinjiGohan: 2 3/4 points! (1 for making the first SFEX3 thread, 1/2 from Challenge 03, 1 from Challenge 04, 1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)

eKiN: 2 1/2 points! (2 1/2 from Trivia Quiz 01)

buktooth: 2 points! (2 from Trivia Quiz 01)

Robyrt: 1 point! (1 for making the first OMF2097 thread)

Dj-B13: 1 point! (1 for making the forum's 100th thread)

Don Vecta: 1 point ! (1 from Trivia Quiz 02)

BB Hood: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 01)

omni: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

Hail And Kill: 1/2 point! (1/2 from Challenge 03)

Neophos: 1/2 point ! (1/2 from Trivia Quiz 02)

Preppy: 1/4 point! (1/4 for 1 Character Select Screen)
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Re: Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

Hey Mike, i still haven't heard from you but you don't seem that interested. Let me know so i can send the stuff to someone else.
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Re: Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

So i sent the prizes out to the winners but i've got motivational photos for everyone else. Here's what Magnetro got for winning first:


Each of those booklets with "Capcom" written on the front is an upcoming product catalog given out every year at E3. That candy came with the SF 15th Anniversary figures and they're at least two years old so eating them is attempted suicide. Magnetro got the legendary Guile mask, but he seemed to be the only person who wanted it. Last year i sent Xenozip some stuff too, since he ended up with the most points at the end of the year. He specifically told me not to send him that mask. I'll try to come up with some more OG Guile merchandise for this year.
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Re: Sonic Hurricane Combo Olympics 2008

Post by Maj »

And here's what Mike Z got for accruing the second place total:


Death candy once again, along with the PC version of Street Fighter (one) and a Capcom Illustrations art book. There's kind of a shady story behind that actually. Since it was the very first Capcom art book, those things used to sell for $150+ on ebay and they were hard to find. Then one day a bunch of 'em started showing up and selling for $50, which is when i bought mine. Considering the drastic price drop, it must have been a second printing or some kinda bootleg reproduction. Anyway it's got dope Predator pictures from the Capcom side-scroller game.
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