Search found 26 matches

by ikusat
Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:53 am
Forum: Resources and Guides
Topic: Ghetto Obsolete Terminology
Replies: 9
Views: 2511

Re: Ghetto Obsolete Terminology Depository

Ghetto Obsolete Terminology and no one has mentioned:


Come on!
by ikusat
Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:42 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Re: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion Yeah you can do a lot worse, but taunting after every combo, and then actually failing to taunt some of the time really took the cake for me. Taunting after each combo is a novice video mistake, but then failing to execute the taunt and leaving it in... it'...
by ikusat
Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:07 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Re: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion

No new ghetto videos posted in 3 months is a fucking crime.

Too much goodness in the video to list it all. Beware if you are prone to epileptic seizures.
by ikusat
Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:58 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Vintage Video Preservation
Replies: 12
Views: 2598

I'm not sure if its youtube not wanting people leaving their space(I'm sure they don't mind this side effect), but I was more under the impression it was because of all those "hey i like your video check out my naked pix" comments. You could always do what any o...
by ikusat
Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:07 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Vintage Video Preservation
Replies: 12
Views: 2598

It's impossible. It's a new technology that is here to stay regardless of whether you like it or not. Just look at the RIAA and P2P technology. Instead of leveraging it as a sales tool, they are just trying to fight it, and it's really a futile fight. Trying to prevent everything you make from getti...
by ikusat
Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:37 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: After Effects, What the FAQ
Replies: 6
Views: 4185

Sweet, thanks for the info and links!
by ikusat
Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:20 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: After Effects, What the FAQ
Replies: 6
Views: 4185

After Effects, What the FAQ

Can anyone post some neat effects they do? There's just too many options to play around with, and they all seem to do nothing. That question would make a pretty good thread. I don't remember the names of the ones which impressed me, but if you start the thread i'll post them up when i have a chance...
by ikusat
Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:11 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Editing Q&A
Replies: 101
Views: 19681

I am so lost with AE. I opened it up and like flailed around for 3 hours and managed to get something that would have taken me 10 minutes in premiere. I thought it was supposed to be the ohter way around! Can anyone post some neat effects they do? There's just too many options to play around with, a...
by ikusat
Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:49 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: What do you like about the games and characters you like?
Replies: 18
Views: 2879

Regarding liking characters, it's kind of the whole package. Backstory, appearance, and play style. For Capcom games, I grew up with Street Fighter, so naturally I like Ken/Ryu(I like Ken more) in basically any game, and as much as I'll try to deviate from it, any character I like from any game will...
by ikusat
Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:04 am
Forum: News and Community Events
Topic: Request Japanese translations here!
Replies: 251
Views: 46616

There's one more sentence after that, but I'm really not sure about the pivotal word in that sentence, so I'm not going to try to translate it until I'm sure.
Last line seems like an incredibly cryptic way to say "It makes me think I should do more too."
by ikusat
Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:02 pm
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Christ man, how do you find this stuff.
by ikusat
Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:00 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Maj wrote:This thing is awesome. I don't even know what it's called cuz it's all in Japanese but it is 100% crazy. Still ghetto though.
That wasn't ghetto at all!
by ikusat
Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:21 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Edit: not the link, sad pants :( ... =41&jid=21

It might be somewhere else on the site, so feel free to search...
by ikusat
Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:06 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

Wow, it was up since July 12 too. Bad timing I suppose. It was... lemme find the quote from Xeno: <Xenozip> invalid combos, sub-par combos, sub-par setups, retarded loops, filters out the fucking ass, random character art that has nothing to do with the characters on screen, ayumi's evolution comple...
by ikusat
Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:39 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

F U to Xeno for linking this to me.

My head hurts a lot. This is only part one.
by ikusat
Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:11 am
Forum: News and Community Events
Topic: Request Japanese translations here!
Replies: 251
Views: 46616

Got some help with the last line(next to the credits screenshot). It's something more like:

"Well, he has to introduce us after all(lol)"

The colloquial ending kind of threw me off too.
by ikusat
Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:14 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Combo/Tutorial idea?
Replies: 3
Views: 1456

Right now all I've got is either something like a tug of war with the middle being recovery, everything to the right is red and thats disadvantage, and everything to the left is green and thats to your advantage, and each frame move the bar around on that. This idea wouldn't need a green and red me...
by ikusat
Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:07 am
Forum: News and Community Events
Topic: Interesting Threads on Other Forums
Replies: 171
Views: 27296

On a scale of 1 to weird, those are like a 3.
by ikusat
Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:05 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: Ghetto Combo Video Discussion
Replies: 206
Views: 36007

The cammy thing by sealhunta on is wayy too basic even for a basics video. Ugh, + the camera was wrong the whole time. asdfhjkl; and it was the same reset over and over. Its one of those videos that feel like they're 9min of CvS2 Let's go through the positives first: + He ...
by ikusat
Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:26 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Combo Video Length, SNR Ratio
Replies: 2
Views: 3179

Combo Video Length, SNR Ratio

Just wondering what you guys think is a good range for the length of a combo video, and what the ideal signal to noise ratio is(combo to filler ratio). For me, I prefer the length to stay between 4 to 6 minutes. Any shorter and it's too short to have enough stuff to satisfy me, and any longer and it...
by ikusat
Mon May 28, 2007 10:36 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Editing Software Tiers
Replies: 5
Views: 3829

My videos are also done with premier and then virtual dub, so I have no hands on experience with After Effects. I did some look into it a little bit because I was considering getting it. From my understanding, you'd want to have both. I believe AE can even be integrated into Premier. It lets you do ...
by ikusat
Mon May 21, 2007 3:54 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Transitions between clips
Replies: 10
Views: 4064

Having random transitions is a nice bandaid when doing a group combo video since some people don't always provide buffer space before and after videos since you can usually hide things like the "Fight" text on the screen, or the training mode option screen popping up. But I guess the moral...
by ikusat
Fri May 18, 2007 2:39 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Transitions between clips
Replies: 10
Views: 4064

Wow that video's editing is absolutely nutrageous, although a little over the top in some places since it does interfere with seeing the combo. It definitely gives me something to shoot for though. For tutorial videos, I do like cutting straight to another clip because it makes it feel more segmente...
by ikusat
Thu May 17, 2007 6:00 am
Forum: Multimedia Projects
Topic: New Monster
Replies: 4
Views: 2041

If only I had discovered the magic that is Okusenman(gomu ver)...

Next video is definitely going to use all three songs, and it will be absolutley magical.

Now if I can only find a very melon mp3...
by ikusat
Thu May 17, 2007 5:57 am
Forum: Film Editing Room
Topic: Transitions between clips
Replies: 10
Views: 4064

Transitions between clips

Wondering if you guys had any advice for transitioning between clips. I'm having a hard time getting a good system to use for transitions. I am partial to the typical cross-dissolve between clips, but it seems redundant to just use it for every single transition. Lately I've just been plugging in ra...