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by Mienaikage
Mon May 10, 2010 1:23 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Not really, the regular Kongoshin has its armor on the first frame anyway, plus it's a LOT easier to pull off.
by Mienaikage
Thu May 06, 2010 6:29 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Yes, you can't reversal meaty attacks with the regular version, only EX has instant armor. Looking at it frame by frame, it seems she receives armor on the very first frame, then she absorbs the 2nd hit of the fireball on the 3rd frame. Funnily enough, the regular version has 3 frames of startup. It...
by Mienaikage
Thu May 06, 2010 4:54 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Managed to get it. Regular armor into EX armor it seems, I didn't think it was possible because regular armor doesn't start up instantly, but I guess I was wrong :P
by Mienaikage
Thu May 06, 2010 3:49 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Juri armor cancels, works the same way the others did in vanilla.

Unfortunately only works with EX because the regular Kasatushi does not start up instantly.

EDIT: I've pulled off a double armor cancel twice, I have no idea how the hell I did it :/
by Mienaikage
Tue May 04, 2010 8:14 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

This is strange indeed, throw during hitstun? I managed to do Fireball FADC throw with Juri too.

Guy's hitboxes are so broken...
by Mienaikage
Tue May 04, 2010 1:05 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

First active frame of Makoto's s.MP
Makoto's yellow rectangle penis indicates how much rape the move provides.
by Mienaikage
Sun May 02, 2010 10:23 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

There's some sort of strange gap in Blanka's ground based U2. I've had times where I'm walking along the ground, and the first part will whiff completely. I can't seem to pinpoint it though.
by Mienaikage
Sat May 01, 2010 8:23 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

I'm liking Juri's j.MP and its constant float: Juri I'd love to see someone squeeze in 4, I tried against Dhalsim's j.LP but couldn't quite get it. By the way, with the whole dibs thing, I don't make combo videos personally; I usually just upload stuff I fi...
by Mienaikage
Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:26 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

CPS2 wrote:lol kara shades, so high level :lol:

can you kara shades with focus attack? MP+MK~2HP+HK? oh god I hope so...
Unfortunately not :(
by Mienaikage
Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:14 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Guile has the 2 greatest techniques ever:

Flash kick FADC Autocorrect Shades (he turns his back to put the shades on :P) and Kara shades (2+HK~HP)
by Mienaikage
Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:18 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

I believe that does work, but when I play Gief I just end up with Gouken because I just destroy everything. :P

On a side note, Juri has an odd kara that increases the range of normal moves.
by Mienaikage
Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:12 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Smileymike101 wrote:What's up with shin akuma?He seems to throw 2 air fireballs NON EX, and walks faster.How do you fight him?
With great difficulty. I have yet to work out his weakness, he's the only AI I haven't beaten on Hardest :(
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:46 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Yeah I meant on AA sorry
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:59 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Looking at the frame data for guy close mp, run, stop run, crouching jap should work, might even be able to link into another close mp. with counter hit, run stop, is sure to work. Anyone want to try it out? If you're going with the Prima data, some of it is incorrect, but I'll give it ...
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:27 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Doopliss wrote:The only ones it DOES apply to from what I've seen is Ryu and Sagat.

True, but apart from trading FADC would have been a requirement for them, whereas other characters who can still trade -> Ultra wouldn't have had to use meter anyway, unless I'm forgetting someone.
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:41 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

It seems they didn't remove all trade ultra combos. Guile can do it with U2 because Flash Kick is considered grounded after trade ^_^
by Mienaikage
Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:32 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

With Abare Tosanami you can alter the direction she goes by holding a specific button before reaching the wall. LK is the shortest and HK is the farthest.
by Mienaikage
Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:46 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

This is strange, I've been messing around with Abare Tosanami, and it seems only the HK version can cause float :/
by Mienaikage
Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:13 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Doopliss wrote:Apparently s.HP xx HK Rekkukyaku repeat with Fei Long is an infinite on Juri... GJ capcom, if you're gonna restore the move to it's old self, at least try it on all the characters...
Yup, confirmed. I'm guessing it's because of the way her leg sticks out. It's hitbox you can pretty much sit inside.
by Mienaikage
Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:38 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: Fighting Game AI
Replies: 8
Views: 2068

Re: Fighting Game AI

In SSFIV Abel uses falling sky the instant you leave the ground

And if you throw fireballs at Dhalsim, he'll jump in, and the very instant you go for the anti air he'll teleport ;_;
by Mienaikage
Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:14 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Tons of stuff for Makoto I need to add: f+LK and j.HP (all directions) have juggle potential of 1 If you AA with U2 the opponent goes into float EX Oroshi has juggle potential of 1 Regular Hayate has JP of 1, EX has 2 (or more, but probably not) Tsurugi has...
by Mienaikage
Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:43 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Guile's DF+HK now initiates free juggle state <3
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:39 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Small addition, I took a look through T.Hawk's trials.

EX Tomahawk has juggle potential, in the corner you can cancel into EX Spire, then link into EX Tomahawk, then follow up with EX dive.

Don't have the exact numbers but the damage looked nasty.

Also when aimed correctly the dive can crossup.
by Mienaikage
Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:38 am
Forum: News and Community Events
Topic: Random Cool Stuff 2010
Replies: 293
Views: 37909

Re: Yo check this out yo

Nah, he definitely pushes her.

Personally I'd like to see the 4th seismo connect if possible, then SJ, Burning Kick, Ultra :P
by Mienaikage
Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:00 am
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 527
Views: 60995

Re: SF4 Combo Engine Investigation

You mean like this? :P

I don't mind at all, you can use whatever you like from my channel :)
by Mienaikage
Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:30 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

I don't know how these things fly right over my head, I think I need more sleep :/ I don't even know how I missed it I remember watching the one about Guy's hitbox and Sagat <3 cornflakes one...
by Mienaikage
Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:47 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

Akuma/Gouki can Normal xx Teleport xx Ultra, Kind of like Dan's Super Taunt cancel but with a strict timing:

Would like to see it thrown into this if it's still possible:
by Mienaikage
Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:20 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

You do get up to 25% reduction in vanilla though, the only difference is that it doesn't jump back up to 100% at 0HP in the training mode anymore.
by Mienaikage
Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:44 pm
Forum: News and Community Events
Topic: Random Cool Stuff 2010
Replies: 293
Views: 37909

Re: Yo check this out yo

I just love it when people use i-frames to nullify entire ultras

Not as impressive, but relevant:
by Mienaikage
Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:26 pm
Forum: Game Engine Analysis
Topic: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation
Replies: 482
Views: 47189

Re: SSF4 Combo Engine Investigation

I'm hoping I can do more at the next event. The last one was fun, but their TVs were by far the worst TVs to demonstrate a fighting game on. You could see the lag, and I confirmed it for myself by moving my stick back and forth. Before we switched all the consoles to 720p it was at least something b...