MvC2 Variable Atmosphere by InventiveFlow

The main idea behind this Marvel vs Capcom 2 exhibition was to show outrageously elaborate situations that might come up if both players had the execution of programmable controllers.

MvC2 Sentinel counteracting Gambit glitch at 1:02, Bison getting shot at 1:34, meatiest j.HK’s ever at 2:26, Ryu/Dan taking out Storm/Juggernaut at 3:59, double Sentinel combo at 8:21, and Magneto/Tron/War Machine triple-character combo at 9:13

gameplay by Magnetro, Vega Omega, and Dj-B13 (collectively InventiveFlow)

edited by Magnetro

custom 3D animation by Digital Gypsy

soundtrack: Hellion Sounds – 術戦車バトル from Romancing SaGa3 (djchensor-magnetro edit)

transcript, explanations, and download site:

originally debuted on August 26th, 2007 at Evo2k7

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2 Responses to MvC2 Variable Atmosphere by InventiveFlow

  1. SofaKingAC says:

    Would I be a hypocrite if I said I hate how broken this game is, but that I love watching it?

    I love how the a bunch of the clips in this vid are color-coordinated.

    My favorites: Cammy jabbing in time with the music at 0:49, invincible Captain Commando at 2:40, Dynasty Warriors Mega Man at 2:50, Mech Zangief save at 5:02 (is it wrong that I kinda wanted Mech ‘Gief in SSF4 to be a separate character?) and color-changing Dhalsim at 6:49 (yeah, I know it’s fake).

  2. Maj says:

    Haha yeah, i like that color-changing Dhalsim teleport edit too. The other two clips i really like are Ryu 100% damage combo off a throw at 5:16 and all the Juggernaut Headcrush clips (0:49, 4:43, 5:04, 7:56, and especially 6:19).

    Surprise Sonic Boom at 5:22 was funny too, although maybe that’s just me not knowing how to pay attention to assists at all times.

    And Doctor Doom killing everything at 8:05 was sweet.

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