TTT2 Multi-Character CMV: Pride Hurts by Kerberos

The first team video from Kerberos begins with a CMV based off of the deadliest of the seven sins: PRIDE. The combos and ideas presented were mainly constructed to reflect damage.

Highlights: Triple kicks to Dragon Stance stun on BTed Opponent @ 0:47, Double Ki Charge attack @ 1:20, CH While Rising Kick to Dragon Stance stun @ 3:18, Wang Lightning Item Attack starter with collision @ 4:05.

Combos by SuperOgreKiller and sithlord
Edited by SuperOgreKiller
Soundtrack: Daeva (Composed by SuperOgreKiller)

Additional Notes:
~The song is inspired from Guilty Gear’s OST.
~The recording process was less than two weeks for both parties.
~Wang’s Item attack hits up to 5 times normally on a standing or prone opponent. In my combo, I got 6 hits. 7 hits also possible but is rare.
~More sin based Concept CMVs may be released.
~The last combo was redone at the last minute.
~The Heihachi/Lei combo was designed to have the distance perfect for a Tag Crash Counter.
~Wang’s Item Move, when hit out of at the last frame, will still have energy pass through the opponent but do NO damage.

Published on November 21st, 2012

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