SSF4 Superfreeze: Sobat Carnival by Snoooootch

It’s been exactly three months since the last Super Street Fighter IV superfreeze demo i posted here, and they’ve come a long way in terms of editing and presentation. This montage reconstructs Dee Jay’s Sobat Carnival super in slow motion.

SSF4 superfreeze generally takes up one frame of game time, but stretches it over a full second. This allows you to observe the opponent animating from one frame to the next in slow motion, displaying animations which normally don’t exist.

if you like this video:
Head over to Snoooootch’s channel and subscribe for more SSF4 superfreeze videos.

gameplay and editing by Snoooootch

MikeyG1221 – Deejay’s Remix

released today, May 6th, 2011

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3 Responses to SSF4 Superfreeze: Sobat Carnival by Snoooootch

  1. Snoooootch says:

    Maj, I think your wording of the technical idea behind the animation has also come a long way. lol, :)

    Yeah, Makoto’s Super dishcarge it the longest one in the game coming in at approx. 1.3 secs, compared to the others who are at an average of one second. Thanks for the spotlight!

    -Much love (“^v^)/

  2. Maj says:

    Haha actually i think i just copy/pasted that text from an earlier post. Regarding the presentation, i was referring to the intro with the post-KO superfreeze and the random costume/stage changes. That stuff made the whole thing a lot more enjoyable.

    Last part of the video is ghetto though, haha. And you definitely need to start putting Makoto in the corner!

  3. Snoooootch says:

    Yeah… Corner. I forgot about that. And… I didn’t have my equipment so I just did pictures at the end, and finished it all out within 10 minutes after I received the music from mikey. :)

    I’ll make sure to do a better job next time. :)

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