Dem Shades by ModInside

This SSF4 video was making the rounds yesterday and it got mentioned here too, so i figured it deserves to be posted. If you’ve got a minute to kill, this will certainly get the job done.

SSF4 Guile removes Shades of Glory mid-combo at 0:30, Guile 25-hit fake dizzy combo at 0:38

combos and editing by MoDInside

originally released on September 3rd, 2010

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5 Responses to Dem Shades by ModInside

  1. Maj says:

    Credit to Tizoc for the tip.

    Is it just me, or does Guile’s SSF4 alternate costume come with different sunglasses?

  2. Tizoc says:

    ^I hadn’t noticed that myself, I’ll prob. see if they are when I play the game later.

  3. Snoooootch says:

    Man, the whole Cancelling to ultra is still hard for me. But yup, this video is so kick ass.

  4. onreload says:

    Ahhhh I was waiting to see shades mid combo, very cool. And yeah, the glasses are different with his other costume.

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