Pinnochio’s Greatest Hits Volume One

Listen up kids, time for a history lesson! This video was released through nearly ten years ago. X-Men vs Street Fighter combovids have evolved beyond recognition since that time, but it’s always cool to take a look back at where we started.

XSF Zangief/Cammy Variable Combination followup at 0:32, six-hit Wolverine/Storm Variable Combination at 0:46, and Dhalsim ground throw at 1:04

combos by Pinnochio

edited by tragic

soundtrack: Lock ‘N Load – Blow Ya Mind

originally released on January 20th, 2001

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11 Responses to Pinnochio’s Greatest Hits Volume One

  1. Maj says:

    Alright, i just spent the last two hours trying to figure out when this video was released and i got nothing. According to it was sometime between 12.06.2000 and 03.01.2001. That’s a three-month range!

  2. darcontek says:

    If I look at the date modifed on the actual mpg file, its 1/20/2001.

  3. Maj says:

    Nice. We’ll go with that as the release date then. So you mentioned that you sent these combos on a tape to tragic for him to capture and edit it?

    I remember seeing this video posted on GCC, but i don’t know the story behind it. Back in those days, combovids were released less than once a month and nobody had capture cards. In fact i didn’t even know what a capture card was!

  4. darcontek says:

    Yup, I sent it to tragic. He never released part 2 of my vid because he said he lost the tape when he was moving to another place. :/

  5. Maj says:

    How did you even meet him though? IRC? How old were you guys back then? It’s funny because i keep hearing these stories of people trading TZW tape bootlegs by mail back in the day, but it’s hard for me to imagine that actually happening.

  6. darcontek says:

    I’ve never met tragic in person. But he sent me his address through irc. I was about 13 at the time I made the video. I think he was about 24.

    For me I had a 56k connection, and back then I used to trade cds of family guy real player files for street fighter matches taped in Japan. That was true gold.

  7. darcontek says:

    Personally, I’m not a big fan of easy access to anything because it diminishes the appreciation of what you’re getting.

    I think with 56k people were more appreciative of what they were getting because a simple combo vid would take almost a day to download and this would be at the cost of using someone’s phone line.

    In fact, this is talked about in the tekken podcast at (around 10 mins)

    where myk discusses if the internet is some kind of disadvantage
    and also filthyrich talks about how if you beat a high status player and you didn’t shake their hand, you’d get jumped. Why? Since people are so poor in the phillipines, tekken is all they have so they put so much emotional investment into the game, whereas in the states its not uncommon to have people just buy a copy of sf play it a couple of times and then forget about it.

  8. Maj says:

    Ah yeah, you must have known him way before i did. Your video was one of the first things i ever saw on GCC. It’s still crazy to me that you sent a tape to some random dude to capture and post on his website.

    My memory’s a little fuzzy but i think i met tragic at SHGL in summer 2001, though i’d known him from GCC longer than that. We ended up collaborating on a couple of CvS2 combovids. Before that, it hadn’t even occurred to me that “regular” people could make combo videos. I must have assumed that you had to be a professional film editor or something.

    I don’t remember any of the pre-2000 GCC layouts though. The first time i saw GCC was the same way it looked when it died out.

  9. darcontek says:

    Hah. I could tell you about my shgl experience. I first went to SHGl because I asked a random stranger I met at another arcade to take me there. His handle was Godden. I remember meeting Mrwiz, some guy named jimmy, eddo, scott (snorlax).

    I was desperate for tokens that I even went into the infamous pool when the manager was out…

  10. darcontek says:

    So if you thought sending a tape to a random stranger was odd… well.. arcade games were like crack to me when I was younger that I had to ask random strangers to take me so I could get my fix. :p

  11. Maj says:

    Haha yeah it’s kinda messed up how some of the regulars made people jump in the mini-golf pools for tokens. That water didn’t look clean at all. Not to mention it was freezing cold at night. I’m glad i never went through that crazy ritual.

    And i never even knew SHGL existed until after i had a car, so i never had to ask for rides either. Although i’ve driven almost every regular home at least once.

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