VSAV :: NECXI by Rithli

This short video chronicles the Vampire Savior tournament held at NECXI – the same one featured in Xenozip’s N.E.C. 11 montage. The sharp editing is awesome from beginning to end.

first impressions at 0:01, ten-second hotel tour at 0:53, and dropped combo blues at 1:07

if you like this video:
Head over to Rithli’s channel and subscribe, or leave a nice comment.
Attend a major tournament this year and film an inspiring short video of your own.

recorded on December 3rd-5th, 2010 at NECXI

filmed and edited by Rithli

soundtrack: Tomosuke – What Is Love?

released today, January 3rd, 2011

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3 Responses to VSAV :: NECXI by Rithli

  1. Keiko says:

    Nice B.B Hood Dash loop there.
    By the way, there’s some match footage of the event out there?

  2. Snoooootch says:

    I love these kinds of videos!

  3. Woe Is You says:

    I have no idea how accurately the tourney is portrayed in that video but it does make it seem hype as fuck.

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