MatchVid of the Day: Nakanishi vs Yamazaki93 (CvS2)

To keep the Capcom vs SNK 2 spotlight shining a little longer, here’s an old match featuring Nakanishi’s beastly Guile going all-out ninja on K-CBS.

players: Nakanishi (C-Ken/Guile/Sagat-2) vs Yamazaki93 (K-Cammy/Blanka/Sagat)

One of the coolest things i’ve ever seen happens at around 3:15. In CvS2, the canceling blockstun part of Alpha Counters is represented by your character flickering black and white a few times. Supers in SNK grooves black out the background. At 3:18, Guile does an Alpha Counter at the exact time Sagat cancels c.MK into lvl3 low FB super, and Guile completely disappears. Who says blue camouflage doesn’t work on a green/orange background?

game: Capcom vs SNK 2 (Console)

venue: Casual Match

recorded in 2008 (?)

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6 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: Nakanishi vs Yamazaki93 (CvS2)

  1. Maj says:

    I can’t tell when or where this match took place. I know it’s console because the win counter doesn’t appear as soon as Sagat dies, which means it was probably a replay capture. Plus the size of the hitsparks/superfreezes looks like the PS2 version.

    There’s also another Nakanishi vs Yamazaki93 match uploaded to the same channel on the same date which simply says “Casual” in the description, so i’m guessing that’s what this is too. I don’t remember Nakanishi ever traveling to Europe though.

    • chicobo329 says:

      Speaking of that second video you linked to, why does the left Cammy fly back all the way across the screen on the hit trade about 14 seconds in? I don’t know too much about CvS2 but that looks pretty funky if I don’t say so myself.

    • Maj says:

      It looks like both do s.HK, but 2P Cammy is cornered so her pushback gets transfered to 1P Cammy, which adds up to double hard attack pushback for her. Haha i’ve used that in a Guile combo before (at 0:30 vs Todo).

  2. Tarnish says:

    In related CVS2 news, I declare Steve Harrison the greatest Theory Fighter to grace CVS2:

    I wanted to save it for the article, but I think no one but the admins would be looking at this one.

  3. Tarnish says:

    Steve jumped at Combofiend and Combofiend jumps in for an air throw but gets jump RH instead. He tells Steve “I tried to air throw you” and Steve counters with “I tried to air grab YOU” in typical Steve H style. Which leads to Combofiend explaining how a mechanic properly works to Steve mid match, and Steve presses the advantage he gets from the confusion in typical Steve H fashion.

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